13 years ago
groaned softly before slamming his fist into a nearby tree. The wood actually splintered. It felt like his head was going to explode. Past
latest #258
13 years ago
memories, bad things he wanted to forget forever, kept flashing before his eyes. The sound of screaming and the scent of blood assualted
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his senses. What was happening to him? Ivan was scared, but the fear was being replaced by anger and a calm giddyness that only the truelly
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insane possessed. His last thought before he reverted to his past self was a hope that he didnt meet ANYONE while like this. He didnt
13 years ago
think he could stop himself from killing them.
Søren was
13 years ago
sick of being indoors. Even though her legs were still barely able to hold herself, she stubbornly went for a walk. Screw these injuries.
13 years ago
She's had worse.
Russia was
13 years ago
leaning against the tree now, a hand runs through his hair as he laughs. He felt so GOOD! He had seen a rabbit and literally ripped it to
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shreds with his bare hands. The blood having splattered on his coat. Ivan licked his fingers, eyes and teeth flashing. He hadnt been able to
13 years ago
love the taste of blood in so long. To feel something die in his hands. He giggled. What a rush. The tall Russian looked around at the white
13 years ago
snow. How pretty it became when painted in warm crimson. He licked his lips, wanting something bigger than a rabbit to paint with.
13 years ago
could smell the slight scent of blood, and being the curious idiot she is, slowly made her way towards the smell. Her legs ached paingfully.
Russia was
13 years ago
humming to himself as he looked his pipe over, planning on going to find bigger prey. A stick snapping made him freeze then instinctivly
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duck down and roll into a bush. He couldnt help smiling from ear to ear. A chesire smile. There was some prey nearby.
13 years ago
heard something move and put her guard up. She turned a bit and saw... what she thought was a rabbit. At one point.
13 years ago
This was curious... though, kinda pretty.
13 years ago
peeked through the leaves and caught sight of the Dane. He licked his lips, recognizing her. It was his pretty little fox from before.
13 years ago
loved how she had fought back. He also loved the color and taste of her blood. Yes, she would do nicely. He slowly sneaked around closer. He
13 years ago
wanted to make a beautiful painting with her.
13 years ago
hums quietly as she tried to crouch to examin the blood more, but stopped before she almost fell over.
13 years ago
used that chance to leap from the bush and swing his pipe down at her, aiming for her shoulder. He let out a crazed laugh as he felt it hit.
13 years ago
13 years ago
hisses and falls into the snow, holding her shoulder. She pushed herself up a bit and glared back at the attacker. Oh great. Him again.
13 years ago
giggled, pointing to where the rabbit had been painted on the ground. "Pretty isnt it? It has been so long since I have been able to create
13 years ago
such art.~ is not as beautiful as I want it....there is...something missing....and I believe you could fit into it beautifully my
13 years ago
little fox~" cooed, reaching a hand down to pat her hair gently. His gentleness could be seen as mocking, even if he was dead serious.
13 years ago
growls a bit and smacks his hand away, awkwardly getting up. "Get away from me, ye freak!"
13 years ago
pouted. "Can you not see the art?....And calling me a freak is not very is rather mean. Being mean means you are bad. Bad children
13 years ago
need to be punished,da?" his eyes had turned darker while he spoke, narrowing as he stroked his pipe, advancing on her.
13 years ago
took a few steps back, almost falling. This snow and her legs made getting away a real problem. She pulled out a knife from
13 years ago
inside her coat again. She wouldn't go down as easy this time.
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow, admiring her fighting spirit. "My cute little fox. Are you being fiesty again? Naughty children need to accept punishment
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,da? Now....I will make a beautiful painting with you." the last sentence was the only warning that he gave before lunging at her. Although
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his pipe swung at her head his other hand came from inside his coat and held a curved blade to counter her own.
13 years ago
wasn't expecting that. She holds up an arm to block the pipe and her other hand goes to defend against the blade.
13 years ago
hummed, enjoying the loud clang the blades made, but LOVING the crack her arm made. He jumped back and twirled, pivoting on his foot to gain
13 years ago
extra momentum as he swung the pipe and blade together at her side.
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
hisses and narrows her eyes at him, watching his movements. She jumped back just in time for the other to miss, and instantly drove
13 years ago
her blade into his wrist.
13 years ago
(xDD privet Amerika. and Soraya asked for it.)
13 years ago
((Well, I didn't *ask* for it per say... I just said I was bored. -w-))
13 years ago
winced and dropped his own blade before jumping back to gain distance. He inspected the wound. It didnt look to bad, no arteries or viens
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had been cut. At least not any serious ones. He looked up at her, grinning a chesire smile while holding the injured wrist to his lips,
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lapping at the blood. "Impressive~"
13 years ago
(What would you say if I was bored~?)
13 years ago
( want me to beat the shit out of you AGAIN latvia? xD)
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, inspecting the blade before licking the blood off. "I know how to defend myself, even from a monster like ye."
13 years ago
(I'm bored too/shot)
13 years ago
((... Ye'd be DEAD if ye were attacked again, Sve. XD ))
13 years ago
(Naaah, the wounds from the first one are healing now.)
13 years ago
(what about the second one?)
13 years ago
pouted. "Calling me names again~? So mean. Naughty naughty~" he giggled, lips stained red with his own blood. Ivan twirled around once
13 years ago
before suddenly bowing. "It is a pleasure to fight you. But I want to see some of YOUR blood little fox." His voice not so childish, a dark
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smooth tone to it that only a few have ever heard, and even fewer of them had lived after. When he stood a small blade flicked out from his
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hand, burrying itself in her gut. ^J^
13 years ago
gasps quietly and instantly tries to get it out. It was right near the previous wound, and made it sting terribly.
13 years ago
She held her knife tighter, glaring back at him. "That was cheap."
13 years ago
giggles, shifting from foot to foot. "Life is filled with unfair things. When someone fights seriously NOTHING is cheap. Not if it involves
13 years ago
trying to stay alive~" Russia replied seriously, watching her with a cool gaze. Ivan was hardly ever seen like this, his stance and voice,
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even his childish face, it all changed. He wasnt even trying to play innocent. He knew he was a blood-thirsty killer, and proudly displayed
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that fact with his whole being. Russia raised his pipe and walked towards her, eyeing the blood showing on her belly.
13 years ago
growls loudly and watched his every move, finally pulling the blade away. She held it in her other hand, thankful for having two now.
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She stood her ground and after a few more steps she jumped at him, slicing one knife across his chest and the other in to his leg.
13 years ago
didnt flinch this time. He let both blades hit, even laughing as the pain set it. Lovely. Just WONDEFUL! She was so spirited. He reached up
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and grabbed her head, having waiting to get this close. He then smiled gently at her as he swung her head and slammed it into a tree with a
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loud wet crack.
13 years ago
cursed loudly, she should have expected that from him. She had dropped one of the blades but still held the other, and quickly swung her
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arm back to try and cut his arms, hoping he'd let go.
13 years ago
slammed her head against the tree again, watching the star pattern of blood spread on the trunk from her head. It was almost as beautiful as
13 years ago
blood on snow.
13 years ago
growls loudly, starting to feel dizzy. She grabbed his hand and sliced at his wrist again,
13 years ago
hoping she'd hit some kind of major vein or artery.
13 years ago
noticed what she was doing and lets go, pushing her away and holding his wrist close. Although he enjoyed blood and pain he wasnt stupid
13 years ago
enough to take a serious hit.
13 years ago
had been looking for Soraya. She knew this was one of the spot she usually takes her walk. She has seen her wanting to talk to her after_
13 years ago
her concern about what had happen with her and her counterpart. She stops her motion when she heard cries of pain and she smelled the _
13 years ago
scent of blood in the air.
Søren was
13 years ago
thankful for being let go, and barely holds her balance. She couldn't see that well out of one eye, it being covered by blood.
13 years ago
She was panting a bit, and her legs were shaking. She didn't know how long she could keep up, but she'd fight till the end.
13 years ago
tilted his head. "You look tired~ Why not rest? I can help you go to sleep,da?" he giggled out, advancing on her suddenly again, punching
13 years ago
at her this time now.
13 years ago
takes the hit, but grabs his arm and forces her blade in, pushing it as deep as it would go.
13 years ago
winces before slamming her head into the tree again. He repeated this till he knew she was out before dropping her body and looking at
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the wound. He hadnt ment to react like that but when she got him he had seen red. Attacking out of reflex to kill. He looked down at her,
13 years ago
she was still alive. It was better for painting on the snow if they were still warm. The blood spread better.
13 years ago
starts following the scent of blood and sees the trickles of blood on the white snow. A memory from the past quickly flashback in her eyes._
13 years ago
She snaps out of it when she heard a crackling of a tree bark along with the cry, growing louder. She runs towards quickly before seeing_
13 years ago
(looking down at her *hoping! she was still alive)
13 years ago
the sight of a familiar long scarf with the tan long coat. Russia! "Ivan!!"
13 years ago
((Pfft. Thanks Russia. XD ))
13 years ago
13 years ago
( Did he really hope for that? I don''t think so =w= )
13 years ago
(Oh you guys~)
13 years ago
's ears perked up and he turned to look at her. When he saw her he smiled innocently. Blood splattered across his coat, some his own but
13 years ago
most of it Soraya's and the rabbits. "Privet~ Would you like to paint with me?" he asked with a giggle. ^J^
13 years ago
stares at shock at all the blood splattered on his coat. She is even more flabbergasted that no blood was tainted on his beloved scarf._
13 years ago
"Privyet... paint, Vanya?" She looks over him to see the Dane all beaten and bloody. She gasped.Her hunch were correct. "Vanya! Stop this!"
13 years ago
blinked, his face showing innocent shock. "Why? It will be beautiful once on the snow,da? The blood feels and tastes delicious as well." he
13 years ago
then looked down at the Dane'd limp body. "Besides. I would hate for the little fox to wake and be in pain~" Ivan giggled. His eyes showing
13 years ago
that he was to far gone for simple reason to reach him. He had completly reverted back to his old self. The one that was the reason everyone
13 years ago
feared or hated him.
13 years ago
The one that had appeared after his mind had cracked.
13 years ago
knows those eyes very well. She had those before. They've changed. There was no point with petty words now. Her counterpart is bloodthirsty_
13 years ago
and he will kill Soraya. "Vanya... she is already in pain.... Horribly in pain. " She slowly walks towards him.
13 years ago
frowned. "Then I need to apologize to her. Ending it quickly should be good,da?" He then pulled the blade that was still in his arm out and
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knelt down by the limp woman, moving her so the blade was pressed against her neck. "One moment my Anya~ I will be with you in a minute,da?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
slowly walked behind the Russian and quickly grabbing the wrist that had grasped the blade. "Nyet, Vanya~ You *will not* end her life, da?"_
13 years ago
She smiled humorlessly down at him as she tilted her head to the side. "Da?"
13 years ago
pouted. "But that is nyet fun. And you said she was in pain,da? I was just going to end it." replied a bit childishly. Who was she to ruin
13 years ago
his painting? Well...asides from himself. But that should just make her want to help! Ivan's eyes flashed, the only warning to what he was
13 years ago
about to do. His free hand grabbed his pipe as he spun, catching her across the cheek and mouth with a hard *THWAK*.
13 years ago
grins as she catches the pipe with her free hand, stopping the forceful assault before it hit her face. She clicks her tongue repeatedly_
13 years ago
while grinning down upon him. Her eyes darken when it met the other's eyes. "Oh dear Vanya... do not forget who you are hurting, _
13 years ago
da? I am you, too. I *know* you."
13 years ago
had never had to fight himself before. He frowned. This might be difficult. "Da...but we are not completly the same my Anya~" he chirped,
13 years ago
smiling right back at her. RUssia took a moment to think before pulling his pipe away and jumping up to stand. He was just slighty taller
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than her. Ivan smiled down at her and purred. "So we are to play sweet Anya? You should know the rules~"
13 years ago
|He might be taller than her, but she is not intimidated by it at all. With her lilac eyes fluttering up at the other, she giggled_
13 years ago
menacingly. "Da, You know I like to play games, moy dorogoy. Davaite igrat." It has been so long since her shovel has played. This_
13 years ago
excited her.
13 years ago
felt a shiver of excitement run through him as well. He wanted to taste her blood, to feel her bones breaking and crushing under his grip.
13 years ago
THe thought of her pulse slowing and struggling to keep her alive as it died made him almost moan in inticipation. This was going to be fun
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indeed. "Then let us play~" was all he said before lunging at her, pipe posed for attack.
13 years ago
felt her eyes widen from the sudden rush of adrenaline when she saw her own counterpart lunging towards her with a bloody faucet pipe. She_
13 years ago
suddenly shivered greatly with the thirst for blood. She holds herself in a stance, gripping onto her shovel as she stops the attack with a_
13 years ago
loud clash, parring with the Russian man's strength.
13 years ago
felt his pipe shaking against her shovel. The girl was strong. He liked that. Ivan shoved his pipe up, making the pipe and shovel break
13 years ago
apart while he kicked out at her belly. Eyes gleaming with excitement.
13 years ago
stumbles back a bit as she gets kicked, but she quickly regains balance as it was her turn to make the assault, swinging her shovel directly
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at the side of his head, slamming the head of her cold metal shovel with brute force against the man's pale skin.
Russia was
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lucky enough to move in the direction of the blow to negate the damage. if he hadnt he would have been knocked cold for sure. Instead he
13 years ago
just got a nasty slice as well as an already forming bruise. Ivan growled as he tried to regain his senses. After his vision cleared he
13 years ago
lunged for her again, aiming his pipe at her shin while a fist went for her face.
13 years ago
jumped high enough when she saw the attack below, avoiding any damages that was meant for her shin that may cause her to be immobilized. In_
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midair, her eyes widen when a fist was heading towards her face. Using the handle of her shovel, she blocked off the attack,_
13 years ago
but the force was too strong that it threw her off far back onto the snowy ground with a loud thump.
13 years ago
used this chance to pounce on her, pinning her down. His hand had gone numb from the hit to the shovel though and he winced but was
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determined to hold her down firmly. Ivan grinned. "Having fun~?"
13 years ago
thrashes around when she was pinned to the ground. Her eyes darts back up to the man on top of him and perhaps smirks. "I may be~? But you_
13 years ago
know that I know your weakness, Vanya~"
13 years ago
tilts his head. "Oh~ And what is that my little Anya~?"
13 years ago
grins as she tells him to come closer so she can whisper it by his ear.
13 years ago
blinks, eyeing her warily. He had her pinned well. She shouldnt be able to do anything. Finally Ivan lowered his head so she could whisper.
13 years ago
grins as she whispers softly by his ears. "A~me~ri~ka~<3"
13 years ago
( ... pfff This I gotta see =u= )
13 years ago
(that...that was evil.......)
13 years ago
( What~ She knows your weakness~ *had to make sure that you said that on the other plurk XD -shot- )
13 years ago
13 years ago
( XDDDDDDDDDD *that's why I was responding to that along with this pfff* )
13 years ago
froze, eyes glazing for a minute before sharpening again. He jerked up, a faint blush across the bridge of his noise and a strange feeling
13 years ago
in his gut. "How is that my weakness? That little Amerika can be so annoying."
13 years ago
looks at him with a poker face, pouting as if she was surprised. "But did you not tell be before? ... That you love the man?"
13 years ago
(Sounds like someone is in denial~)
13 years ago
13 years ago
( XDD )
13 years ago
(wait...thats what you want...I WONT HURT YOU LATVIA)
13 years ago
13 years ago
(You know I was just teasing, Russia. ilu)
13 years ago
( Hey! I'm not annoying! =3= You love me! )
13 years ago
shook his head, although the faint blush got a little darker. "Nyet...i think you are mistaken. I would rather see him painted across the
13 years ago
now than l-love him." his voice faltering on the word 'love'.
13 years ago
( You might be violent, Vanya~ But Anya is more of the mind trick attacker XD )
13 years ago
(its like female and males irl then. xD)
13 years ago
cannot help but smirk a little on this as the man's eyes were slowly losing that violent spark. "Oh? Is that so, Vanya? You know you should_
13 years ago
not lie, da? Liars are bad children, and bad children needs to be punished, da?" With the Russian caught off guard, she kicks her_
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counterpart hard in between his legs and right onto his crotch. She hopes Ivan will forgive him for this dirty low blow.
13 years ago
gasps and crumbles to the side. That was a low blow indeed. But it coupled with the talk of America was making his head hurt, eyes glazing
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a bit as he truggled to regain his thoughts.
13 years ago
(will forgive her* =~=;;;-)
13 years ago
(da. i mean...she did it to stop him)
13 years ago
now uses this chance to return the Russian back to his senses... but how? She tries to think fast while holding the Russian close to her.
Russia was
13 years ago
still feeling pain but the sudden arms around him took him from suprise. Ivan shook his head to clear it and looked up at Anya confused,
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the action making him wince for obvious reasons though.
13 years ago
13 years ago
glances down when she hear him say her name and is surprised. His eyes were not dilated anymore. "Ivan? Are you alright? Are you good now?"
13 years ago
frowned. "Da...I am fine...except in some confusing pain. What happened?"
13 years ago
coughs a bit at that as she looks away, feeling a bit guilty on that part. "Well.... Vanya... It seems you just had that relapse
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you were talking about, da?"
13 years ago
's whole body froze as he looked at her in slight disbelief. "What?" But the smell of blood was starting to be noticed, it made Ivan afraid
13 years ago
to look down at himself.
13 years ago
quickly covers Russia's eyes with her hand, making sure it doesn't hit the bruise and the cut on his face. "Hush, Vanya.... "
Russia was
13 years ago
starting to tremble. The smell of blood was strong. That ment there had to be alot of it. "A-anya....what did I do?" he asked, voice small
13 years ago
13 years ago
gulps as she continues to calm the Russian down, hugging him closer. "You...just... um.. you changed."
13 years ago
's fingers clutched onto the fabric of Anya's coat. "....Anya...what did I do?"
13 years ago
gulps again. "You... turned violent... Vanya... You attacked and... almost killed someone..." She might as well be honest with it.
13 years ago
didnt move or say anything for the longest time. When he finally did speak it was obvious he was trying not to break down. "I...Are they
13 years ago
alright?...Are y-you alright?"
13 years ago
smiles down at him warily. "....They are.... not dead? And do not worry about me, Vanya... I need to help you with this relapse of yours..."
13 years ago
clings to her. "Anya...I..I am scared,da?....What if it wont stop?"
13 years ago
holds him tight. "You will be fine, Ivan... I will stop you again if I have to..."
13 years ago
forced himself to relax in her grip. Honestly he was frightended. He remember how bad he used to be and hoped he didnt hurt Anya...or
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks around and suddenly wonders.... What happened to the Dane?
13 years ago
used that chance to look down at himself. When he saw all the blood he gasped loudly. There was so much...and hardly any of it looked
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to be his.
13 years ago
((... At this point, I don't even know where I am myself. XD ))
13 years ago
(( XD I know! We just left you in the snow! ))
13 years ago
hushes the other again in a comforting way. "Do not panic... that will make it worse..."
Russia is
13 years ago
finding it hard NOT to panic. His breathing felt ragged. HOW could someone not be dead? much blood. "Oh...W..what have I done...Anya..
13 years ago
its...its like Anastasia all over again..." he gasped out, eyes going wide as he gaped at all the blood.
13 years ago
pulls him into a tighter hug. "Please do not remind me of that too, Vanya.... please...." She does not want to think of the Romanovs right_
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now... All she knows is she needs to help Ivan. She just kisses the top of his head and cradles him.
13 years ago
's whole body shuddered as he tried to control himself. Images and memories trying to assult him again. He clung to Anya, a sob making its
13 years ago
way out of his body.
13 years ago
kisses him more, feeling him shuddering. This is not good. She thinks of something to calm him down. He whispers by his ears. "Think of_
13 years ago
sunflowers, Vanya... t-th... think of Amerika..."
Russia was
13 years ago
breathing hard as he tried to settle himself. He gasped and gulped for air, trying to keep his sanity that wanted to slip away again. At her
13 years ago
words he closed his eyes and pictured those two things, and after a moment he felt calmer, although still freaked out.
13 years ago
smiles a bit and sighs. At least that calmed him down. "We should get out of here, da? Let us clean you up..."
13 years ago
burried his face in her chest. "I...I dont want to look....P-please..stay..."
13 years ago
laughs a bit weakly. The kick on her stomach was twitching in pain, but she made sure he doe not realize it. "Da... okay Ivan... Just calm_
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down, da? I am here..."
13 years ago
took a few minutes to calm down. He suddenly felt so very tired. His hands clutched onto Anya as if she was his lifeline, which in a way
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she was. "Anya...I..I think I am okay now..." mayebe, he thought.
13 years ago
smiles a bit, also tired. "Are you sure, Vanya?" She asks before trying to stand them both up.
13 years ago
nods and gets shakily to his feet, keeping a hand clutched onto Anya's coat. He tried not to look around, but failed miserably.
13 years ago
much blood.
13 years ago
tries to hold Russia's head up instead of looking around on the bloody ground and his own coat. She holds him tighter.
13 years ago
used her as a shield so he didnt look more. It wasnt good for him to keep looking at the blood. He could feel himself waver and get close t
13 years ago
o snapping again. He tugged on her coat. "Anya...we need to go..I cant..."
13 years ago
nods as she quickly gets him out of the scene, supporting him as they walked away.
13 years ago
kept a tight grip on her even after they had gotten away. He felt sick to his stomach. "Anya....I really didnt kill anyone..did I?
13 years ago
" he asked timidly, honestly not wanting an awnser.
13 years ago
shakes her head and smiles faintly at him. "... If I did not come.... y-you... probably would.... I have to keep a watchful eye on you."
13 years ago
started trembling, but didnt say anything else as they made their way back to the house.
13 years ago
takes him inside the house and sits him by the living room. "Let me get your coat and clean it up, da? And I will be back to clean up your_
13 years ago
would, Vanya."
13 years ago
nods numbly, still not speaking. He slowly pulled of the coat, it made a wet tearing sound as he pulled it off his wounds, before holding it
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up to Anya.
13 years ago
lol wound**
13 years ago
takes the blood covered coat and hides it from him, not wanting to scare him with the sight. "Vanya.... you must speak, da? I need to know_
13 years ago
what is going on inside your mind. Do not keep anything from me, da? Trust me... I am you after all..."
Russia was
13 years ago
silent for a few minutes more before finally speaking. "I..I do not know what is wrong with me..I fear that maybe I am cracking for good..."
13 years ago
frowns sadly and shakes her head. "Nyet Vanya... be not lose yourself, da? I will try to help you keep you sane with the best of
13 years ago
my capability... I do not want to lose my counterpart, da?"
Russia gives
13 years ago
Anya a thankful smile. "Thank you Anya...I will try not to lose it,da?"
13 years ago
kisses his forehead and smiles. "Good..." She heads off to put his coat on the laundry, cleaning up the blood off.
13 years ago
sits on the couch and tries to think. Why would he be snapping so much lately?
13 years ago
returns back to his side with a blanket and wraps it around him, holding him close.
13 years ago
leans against her. " have never had these problems have you?"
Anya was
13 years ago
taken back by that question and stays in silence for a few moments. "... If you have these problems... so do I..."
13 years ago
closes his eyes and sighs. "That is not an havent have these problems...not like this..."
Anya thinks
13 years ago
about it. "... well.. I suppose you can say that I found a way to control these urges, da?"
13 years ago
sits up and looks at her in shock. "H-how!?"
13 years ago
kisses his forehead. "Love, moy dorogoy. Just love, da?"
13 years ago
blushes. "L-love? How is that...?....But I love Amerika,da? So...shouldnt I be better?"?
13 years ago
hums while thinking. "... Have you said that you 'love' the Amerikan?"
13 years ago
frowns. "I do not you mean confess? If so then nyet...I havent had the chance yet.
13 years ago
13 years ago
sighs lightly and stares at him. "Perhaps say it soon, da?"
13 years ago
nods, looking away. "Da...I plan to. I have just been afraid of his awnser. What if he does not like me back and such,da?"
13 years ago
giggles a bit. "And what if he does? Just go and confess, da?"
13 years ago
giggles too. "Alright. I promise that I will confess soon. Wish me luck. I will be needing it,da?" ^J^
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