15 years ago
All the Chris Brogan/Kmart chitter chatter this past weekend got me riled up on how people are acting -
latest #12
15 years ago
great post, SG. I agree. Chris is a good guy and I don't feel his intentions were at all dishonest. I'm tired of the mob mentality, too.
15 years ago
Great post. That's part of what turns me off of Twitter. But I think with people like Chris, there are always those
15 years ago
Who will pounce on the tiniest perceived opening. (valid or not)
15 years ago
the issue i take most with making money is that not every one CAN do it, and I think some people are being deceptive if they tell people
15 years ago
they can in the same manner.
15 years ago
rockinprgirl - thanks and yes, if you've ever talked to the guy - you can sense his genuine personality and intentions from the get go.
15 years ago
Tara - yeah, there's always that difference between Twitter n other networks and the snarkyness that comes out there. Chris n others have...
15 years ago
helped make huge headway for the positive factors and the good that we all can benefit from.
15 years ago
Jane - lol love the drumroll, I'll be sure to reply to your comment but yes - it's funny how ppl seem to miss the OBVIOUS disclaimer.
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