@Kent is
13 years ago
40 Seconds for the profile settings dialog to appear is just rediculous
latest #11
13 years ago
thats definitely an issue. Taking a look into it
13 years ago
it loads for me in like one second (unsure)
13 years ago
Can you double-check with mtr or other traceroute where is the biggest network delay?
@Kent says
13 years ago
You're probably a) getting a cached response B-) much *much* closer than me, but 40 seconds? Wtf?
@Kent says
13 years ago
mtr is only 200ms average away, to
@Kent says
13 years ago
plurking a response can take 5-10 seconds
@Kent says
13 years ago
https://gist.github.com/... # Headers, POST, Firebug time-breakdown data, of a 10second request
@Kent says
13 years ago
If you want a sure-fire way to get slow requests, open "edit profile", set your country to "new Zealand"
@Kent says
13 years ago
and then iterate through every available region. 1 in 4 will take ~10 seconds
@Kent says
13 years ago
and the other 3 will take ~600 ms to return *2 characters* , '[]'
13 years ago
Probably that's indeed because of these two IPs you've figured out
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