13 years ago
sighs as he dismisses another interviewee and waits for the next one to enter.
latest #57
13 years ago
knocks hesitantly at the door, feeling flustered and nervous but shows it by yawning.
13 years ago
crushes a CV and throws it in the trash. "Come in."
13 years ago
comes in, wearing his best suit and tries to look more professional than he really is. 'Good morning,'
13 years ago
glances up from his papers. "Good morning. Please, have a seat." He hoped this interview would be much better than the other ones.
13 years ago
notices a crushed CV in the bin, and feels even more nervous. He sits down, limbs pressed tightly inwards with his inability to relax.
13 years ago
glances up from his clipboard. "Heracles Karpusi? Are you Greek?"
13 years ago
glances back to the door. Mr Adnan was the name on it. Turkish. He clears his throat and looks back to him. 'Yes, Greek. I hope that's not
13 years ago
going to be a problem.' He mentally slaps himself. Be polite! You need this job.
13 years ago
had been lectured by his boss to not discrimnate against Greeks. "No, not at all. Anyway, let's begin the interview. Why are you interested
13 years ago
in this position?"
13 years ago
bites his tongue so as to not say 'Because it pays well and I need money desperately.' He thinks it though and says slowly 'It is an area I
13 years ago
already possess skills for so I feel I will be good at the job, but also it will teach me new qualities other places can't.'
13 years ago
nods but doesn't reveal anything of what he's thinking or feeling. "Have you ever had problems with a past co-worker and if so how did you
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handle the situation?"
13 years ago
gulps. Was this guy prompted or something? He wondered if the Turk would appreciate a good interview answer (a lie) or the truth. He didn't
13 years ago
want to mess up this interview, but if it came out later... 'A co-worker once had a personal issue with me. A-and I went out of my way to
13 years ago
fix the problem, but I was then forced to accept that although I should always strive to be helpful, you can't please everyone.' Okay, it
Greece was
13 years ago
partly true.
13 years ago
throws away another CV he had been looking at. He really hated interviews and quite frankly this guy didn't seem to bad. "You're hired."
13 years ago
blinks. 'Wha-? Really?' He looks dumbfounded.
13 years ago
quirks a brow. "You seem surprised. Did I make the wrong choice?"
13 years ago
shakes his head and extends his hand, eager to shake and make it official. 'Not at all. I will work hard for you.'
13 years ago
takes the hand and shakes it firmly. "Good, I wouldn't want anything less."
13 years ago
looks to his currently empty briefcase. 'So when do I start?'
13 years ago
glances at his watch. "Now if you want."
13 years ago
, again, is surprised but acts like it is nothing. 'Of course, where do you want me?' He tries to look ready, despite feeling far from it.
13 years ago
grabs a pile of papers and dumps it on Heracles lap. "Your office is two doors down to the left and I'll come check up on you in ten
13 years ago
minues. Fill out these spread sheets with the spendings on the recits stapled on the top of each paper."
13 years ago
nods and picks up the papers. He sort of knows what he has to do. 'Right, right away Mr Adnan.' He rushes to leave. He didn't like being_
13 years ago
13 years ago
could get used to someone obeying his every order. He'll wait those ten minutes before heading over to check on him.
Greece has
13 years ago
a sheet of paper stapled to his hair but otherwise the work is almost done. He doesn't notice his new boss checking him.
13 years ago
picks up his phone and calls the Greek.
13 years ago
jumps in surprise at his phone. He wonders if he should answer it, and then remembers it is his phone so yeah. 'Hello, how may I help you?'
13 years ago
frowns on the other line. "Paper stabled to your hair? Really?"
13 years ago
stares at the receiver, confused. 'How did you-?' He looks around and then notices Sadiq. 'Oh, well, it was getting in the way of work.'
13 years ago
quirks a brow. "How was it getting in the way of work." He leans his arm on his desk as he waits for an answer.
13 years ago
straightens up the papers in a professional manner and places them neatly on the desk. 'It didn't seem to have a place and it was littering
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the desk.'
13 years ago
doesn't understand that logic. "I'm going to come over and check on your progress." He says before hanging the phone up.
13 years ago
takes a deep breath. He hopes he can do this. He wasn't sure his appearence after just ten minutes was that impressive. He removes the
13 years ago
paper from his hair and finishes up. He presses redial and calls Sadiq up again.
13 years ago
wasn't about to leave his office when his phone rings. He goes over to pick it up. "Hello?"
13 years ago
'I've finished, what do I do now?' He wonders if this company has a nap time.
13 years ago
looks over the work. It was indeed done and well too. "You can take a break."
13 years ago
grins and lies back in his chair. 'My first job well done.' He says, proud.
Turkey thinks
13 years ago
it was an easy job and any doorknob could do it.
13 years ago
isn't too concerned. Fact is, he passed his first task. And that was calling for a celebration. He decides to take a nap, not caring if
13 years ago
Sadiq was still there.
13 years ago
just stares....Allah...work would no longer be the same again. He just turns and leaves not really being able to do anything. It was the
13 years ago
Greeks break after all.
Greece is
13 years ago
relying on his boss to tell him when break is over. Otherwise he *will* sleep all day.
Turkey will
13 years ago
be back in ten minutes.
13 years ago
smacks him again frowning. "Karpusi! Wake up!"
13 years ago
sleeps soundly, tie going askew.
13 years ago
comes back and hits him with a rolled up newspaper.
13 years ago
groans, and rolls over.
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