Russia was
13 years ago
out on a walk. His sanity had been wavering again and even though he knew it was dangerous to be out, he needed to fresh air to think. Ivan
latest #106
13 years ago
hoped he wouldnt regret it.
Latvia wonders
13 years ago
why Russia is out on the street with that creepy look on his face. Now would probably be a good time to turn around before being noticed.
Russia was
13 years ago
feeling strange. When he caught sight of Latvia it was like the world froze, his vision narrowing. Why was Latvia running away at just the
13 years ago
sight of him? It made him angry. Latvia should be punished. Yeah....a good punishment.
13 years ago
pauses when he notices that he has been seen. There was no use running now. He turns to Russia, shaking in fear. "Oh... H-Hi R-R-Russia.
13 years ago
F-Fancy s-s-seeing you here."
13 years ago
smiled down at the boy. Aww cute. He thought that being nice now would get him out of punishment. "Privet Latvia...i noticed you seemed to
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suddenly have business elsewhere as soon as you saw me. Why is that?"
13 years ago
really needs to come up with an excuse. Quick. "Well.. Umm.. S-Seeing you r-r-reminded m-me that I n-needed t-to m-make b-borsche for
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d-dinner t-tonight, s-so I was g-going to g-go b-buy the ingredients w-while I c-c-could."
13 years ago
tilted his head. It would have been a good excuse if Russia hadnt been able to see the lie in the little one's eyes. "Hmmm...I think I want
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something ELSE for dinner~ Maybe...blood sausage...with a side of screaming punishment? Ne~ Latvia~ What do you think?" he asked with a
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giggle, voice childishly innocent sounding.
13 years ago
does his best to hide the frightened flinch that came from Russia's suggestion. He should have known that lying was useless. "Umm...
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N-Neither s-s-sound t-too g-good t-t-t-to m-me..."
13 years ago
pouted. "Aww but I think it sounds wonderfully delicious. How about we go and make it happen,da?" he smiled then before grabbing Latvia's
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arm. The tall nation then started dragging the smaller towards the house.
13 years ago
stumbled after Russia, tripping over himself the entire way, scraping up his knees. "R-R-Russia? W-Why are you d-d-doing th-this?"
13 years ago
giggled. "Why? Well to punish naughty children of course~~ It isnt good to lie to someone. Specially if they know you are laying,da?" ^J^
13 years ago
dragged him to the home and opened the door, before preceeding to throw him inside on the floor.
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rolls as he falls to the floor, making his way to the wall. It didn't give him anywhere to run to, but the false sense of security was
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at least comforting.
13 years ago
closed and locked the door behind him before stepping up to Latvia. He tilted his head. How to start~? Finally Ivan settled on a few
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well placed kicks.
13 years ago
yelps with each kick, doubling over in pain. He was still in pain from being banged against the walls by Ann the previous night.
13 years ago
smiled, punishment shouldnt be this fun. He kicked at Latvia's head, thinking of what to do next.
13 years ago
brought his arms up in an attempt to guard his head. In the end he got both a bruised face and bruised hands. "I'm s-s-sorry!"
13 years ago
purred, crouching down to pet him softly. "Sorry is good. But you still need to be punished."
13 years ago
looked up at Russia, teary-eyed and whimpering. He'd been through this drill before. "Y-Yes I-I-Ivan." he chokes out.
13 years ago
kissed his forehead. "Good boy~ Now I want you to go down to the basement. I will be right behind you. Do not run. I would not want a repeat
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of last time,da?" ^J^
13 years ago
nodded miserably, dragging himself into a sitting position before finally standing and stumbling down the hall and to the basement
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door. He took a deep breath, as if trying to reassure himself, before he opened the door and began the slow descent into the darkness.
13 years ago
went to the kitchen. He just needed some more peroxide. Although downstairs had a well stocked first aide cuboard it was out of the stuff.
13 years ago
He then followed Lavtia down to the room. A room that smelled of cleaning chemicals and the faintest traces of blood.
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shivered harshly as he finally reached the bottom and made his way to the middle of the room. He wasn't quite sure what Russia wanted him to
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do at this point. It was different depending on the larger one's mood for the most part.
13 years ago
walked into the room and shut the door, motioning for Lavtia to go sit against the wall.
13 years ago
(latvia...I am about to do something i havent done before. 8D)
13 years ago
(Awesome! 8D)
13 years ago
then headed over to a cabinet, rummaging around in the drawer looking for something.
13 years ago
stumbled over to the far wall, using it for support while he slid down it to a sitting position. He was shaking so hard right now, it felt
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almost like he would shake himself to pieces.
13 years ago
made a happy sound as he found it. His hand pulled out a long rawhide black whip. He had bought it forever ago when he first went insane
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but hadnt ever gotten around to using it. His normal self wouldnt want to use it on someone buuut~ right now it sounded great.
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stared at the whip in absolute horror. Oh God, this was going to hurt. A lot. "P-P-Please!" He begged, "I'm s-s-s-sorry!"
13 years ago
just smiled. Latvia could be so cute. "Take of your shirt and turn around. I suggest leaning on the wall for suppourt~" ^J^
13 years ago
shakily removed his shirt, wincing as he had to move already bruised muscle. Once that task was complete, he let the shirt fall to the
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ground as he turned and leaned on the wall for support. Not that it would help. He guessed that his legs would give out after the first
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or maybe even second strike.
13 years ago
unrolled the whip and cracked it a few times to test it. "Alright. Time for punishment. Try not to pass out like last time." he said.
13 years ago
The only warning Latvia got was the whistle of the whip in the air before it struck across his back, a long red welp immiedietly forming.
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squeaked loudly with the first strike, knees giving out as predicted. He tried curling in on himself as a sort of defense mechanism. It was
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the only thing he could think of doing at the moment.
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clicked his tongue before cracking the whip against his back a few more times. He raised an eyebrow when it broke skin. So it took 4 hits
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to get to the center of the Latvia.
13 years ago
13 years ago
(How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Latvipop? Lets find out!)
13 years ago
(xDD i couldnt help it)
13 years ago
squeaked louder with each hit until the fourth hit, where he was literally giving out a short scream. He wasn't sure if that was blood
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he felt running down his back. After all, it could have just been his nerves playing tricks on him thanks to the pain.
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looked at the marks on Latvia's back, wondering if he could make a picture. "Lets try~" he said to himself, craching the whip harder on the
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little nation's skin.
Latvia was
13 years ago
now sobbing, along with the original screaming. Yep. That was definitely blood running down his back. In fact, he was begging to feel
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a little light-headed.
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hit a few more times bafore stopping. He glanced from the whip to latvia then back. He was going to have to clean it. Oh well~ He thought,
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setting the whipe aside before walking over to LAtvia. "Have you learned your lesson little one?"
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took a moment to get his wits about him and give Russia a nod. He was too busy sobbing to give his tormentor a real audible reply.
13 years ago
smiled and pet latvia lightly before picking him up and carrying him to a
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nearby table. He sat him down gently on his stomach and went to get the first aide kit.
Latvia was
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simply laying on the table, trying his best to slow his sobbing through deep breathing. Needless to say, it wasn't going too well.
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came back and started dabbing up the blood. "You are such a good boy Latvia." his voice soft and gentle. He kissed the lad's head while
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continuing to clean him.
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simply nodded, "Th-Th-Thank y-you." he whimpered out now that his sobbing was under relative control.
13 years ago
kept kissing his head softly as he continued to treat the smaller nation. Ivan now began putting peeroxide on the wounds.
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quickly breathed in at the peroxide hit his wounds, making a sort of hissing sound at the pain.
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nuzzles his hair, rubbing the peroxcide in to cleanse the wounds before bandaging them.
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whimpers quietly during the procedure, hands forming fists in an effort to not squirm. Squirming would just make it worse.
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finally finishes up with the main bits and helps latvia sit up so he can wrap the bandages around him.
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holds on to Russia's arm as he is hoisted to a sitting position. He was still dizzy from blood loss.
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wraps the bandages and finishes tying them up. Then lifts latvia up carefully and heads back upstairs with him.
13 years ago
rests his head on Russia's shoulder, smiling internally. Of course, it wasn't showing on his face or even in his eyes.
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pet the small one while getting upstairs. He went over to the couch and helped sit the boy down in a cushion cacoon so there wasnt much
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pressure on his back. "Now. How abou I get a good little one some cocoa?" ^J^
13 years ago
shakes his head. "N-N-No th-thank you."
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kissed his cheek. "Is there anything you want then? You shouldnt move in this condition."
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shakes his head again. "I'm f-f-fine. Th-Thank y-y-you, th-though." The bst part about these beatings? The gentleness that follows.
13 years ago
pouted. "Are you sure? Well alright. But just tell me anything you need and I will get it."
13 years ago
weakly reaches a hand to take hold of Russia's sleeve. "C-C-Can I a-ask you s-something?"
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paused before looking down at him in shock. "Why of course little one. Ask away."
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blushes and looks away, embarassed. "D-Do you r-really l-love him? A-America, th-that is."
13 years ago
froze, eyes going wide. His face seemd to erupt in a blush as he stuttered. "I..I..I mean that is..I..w-well...Amerika.." only getting out
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13 years ago
nods. That was enough of an answer. "Oh.. O-Okay. I h-hope you t-t-two are... A-Are h-happy t-t-together..."
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's face fell. "I would like that...but I am certain he wouldnt want...someone like me,da?"
13 years ago
gently gives Russia a pat on the arm. "I d-d-don't th-think you're th-that b-b-bad..."
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sat down and lightly hugged the other. "You should know how bad I am..."
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winces at the effort of hugging back. "B-B-Believe m-me, I k-know."
13 years ago
smiled a bit and just sat back on the couch, petting him. It was always calm to pet Latvia.
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enjoyed the petting. Usually, he didn't like people touching his head. This wasn't so bad, though. It was relaxing.
13 years ago
looked at latvia's back, it would take a while to heal, even with how fast the nations healed.
Latvia is
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definitely going to have scars from this.
Russia thinks
13 years ago
he has scars from other times already.
13 years ago
definitely does have scars. Lots of them, actually. He doesn't go swimming very often for a reason.
13 years ago
snuggles the smaller, liking the feeling of his warm body. It was like a teddy bear.
13 years ago
winces, trying not to whimper. He back didn't like being moved for anything.
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