Tristan has
13 years ago
invited Thora over to his house for fish-speaking lessons!
latest #58
13 years ago
had never travelled to Seychelles, so she was really nervous… but her excitement overwhelmed any other emotion. Warm weather, talking fish,
13 years ago
and no brother! Not to mention she got to spend quality time with Tristan and share their passion for fish. She'd snuck her puffin with her,
13 years ago
though he didn't seem as excited as her at going somewhere so warm.
Tristan wishes
13 years ago
he could cook and return the favor that Thora had done for him when he visited. His house is clean though- that took several hours since he
Tristan was
13 years ago
a rather messy boy. But he really wanted to make a good impression for Thora! He's also had some catering done- fish-shaped cookies that he
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had ordered. They all look like fish native to Seychelles, and of course his beloved swordfish and tuna! He's really excited to have
13 years ago
Thora come over though! And was eagerly awaiting his arrival.
13 years ago
realized when she got off the plane that she may have been over dressed… was it always this hot? She tapped Puffy on the nose to warn her to
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be nice. She pulled off her jacket, but even in just her sweater and pants she felt hot!
Tristan is
13 years ago
off to the airport to go pick up Thora, figuring she's arrived by now. He gets there and spots Thora and waves to her. "Bonzour Thora!"
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he greets happily. "How was the flight?" He sees Puffy and smiles at her too. "And I see you brought a friend~"
13 years ago
couldn't stop herself from smiling as she saw the familiar figure. "Hei!" She greeted him, and held the small puffin to her chest. "This is
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Puffy, she's my Puffin." She grinned, leaning down to the puffin and quietly hissing, *Be nice* to him. The black puffin looked exasperated,
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but said, "Hello."
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peers over to study the puffin. He's never been officially introduced to her before but he thinks he's pretty darn cute! "And bonzour to you
13 years ago
Puffy~ She's quite the pretty lady, non?"
13 years ago
watched Puffy warily, almost daring her to say something mean or bad. 'Nice to meet you.' Puffy said stiffly, though she was obviously
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unhappy at being forced in to such cordial relations. "Good job." She smiled with relief, petting the puffin before looking back at Tristan.
13 years ago
"She isn't very friendly with strangers." She told him, though that was a bit of an understatement.
Tristan wants
13 years ago
to pet the puffin really badly! But senses that would anger her, so will resist the urge. "I can see that," he replies with a laugh,
13 years ago
"Hopefully she won't see me as a stranger for long?" Tristan sort of wishes he had an animal companion like Thora... but alas he only
Tristan has
13 years ago
his dear Cosette- his beloved fish plushie to keep him company. "Oh! We should go get your bags!"
13 years ago
nodded, trying to force her smile down; she wasn't used to smiling this much in public and it was weird! She thought having a fish plushie
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would be very nice! Puffy didn't like sleeping with her very much… She was excited to get her bags and change in to something a little bit
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more weather appropriate, but she didn't understand most of the signs in the airport so she followed him.
Tristan is
13 years ago
glad to make Thora smile- he likes making people! For the most part, he's a happy friendly boy who enjoys making others happy. He would also
13 years ago
be happy to get Thora a fish plushie. Maybe a herring since she likes those? The Seychellois boy gladly leads the other to the baggage claim
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and grabs all of Thora's bags- carrying them all for his guest. Not only was he the host in this situation, but he was a gentleman!
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After claiming all the bags, he turns to the other and leads her to his car. "You look rather hot Thora... I hope you brought some tank
13 years ago
13 years ago
"I brought… shirts that aren't long sleeved…" She said slowly. She brought the closest she could find to 'tropical' clothing… though
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unfortunately that consisted entirely of short sleeved dresses. But that should be okay… right?
13 years ago
nods. "That's perfect then!" he grins at the other, "And of course you brought your swimsuit, non? Can't go to the beach without your
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swimsuit." Tristan can't help but think Thora would look rather cute in a swim suit, especially since she always wore such warm clothes!
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nodded, though she was a little self conscious about wearing it somewhere like this. Everyone around them was tan, pretty, and looked like
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they belonged on a tropical island… She looked like she belonged on a frozen island in the north Atlantic… She'd probably blind them with
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her skin if she wore a bathing suit.
Tristan thinks
13 years ago
Thora has no reason to feel self conscious! He finds her pale white skin rather exotic looking! It was a nice change of pace from the people
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he was surrounded with everyday. He leads the other into her car and starts it up as they make their way to his house.
13 years ago
doesn't bother masking her expression as she stares out the windows in awe. She had no idea places like this really existed! She would have
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asked him about it, but she didn't want to sound like an idiot. Everything was so beautiful, and colorful, and *warm*.
13 years ago
can't help but chuckle good-naturedly at Thora's reactions. But he's also really pleased. "Enjoying the view, non?" He supposes it's a big
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difference from Iceland. And well it is, he's been there. And the two places couldn't be more different! Hard to believe the earth was so
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diverse. But Tristan hopes she likes it.
13 years ago
had hardly heard his voice as she finally saw the water. It looked like a postcard! And not the type of postcards from her country, but the
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ones that made you warm in the winter just looking at! "It's… *amazing*." For once she wasn't even going to try insulting him to cover up
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when she liked something. It was too awe-inspiring.
13 years ago
couldn't help but smile as the water came into view. Mon dieu. Seeing his ocean never got old. Of course the ocean was very beautiful in
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Iceland as well, but his ocean? Mon dieu. When he hears her finally speak, he smiles some more. "Merci, I love it as well. It takes your
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breath away, non?"
13 years ago
"It doesn't look real." She proclaims, but flushed once the words had left her mouth. That was such a stupid thing to say. Of course it
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looked real! She continued to stare at the window, silently hoping that he was either deaf, and/or wouldn't notice that she was now blushing
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over it.
13 years ago
doesn't think that's stupid at all! "I know... You should have seen Ann and Marianne's reactions when they first came here. They couldn't
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believe their eyes." He sees that blush, but doesn't say anything about it. "We're almost to my house... and then we go swim in the ocean
13 years ago
Thora was
13 years ago
still a little bit skeptical about swimming in the ocean, because in her mind ocean = freezing. But he seemed so sure of it, she would trust
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him… and it did look very warm and inviting.
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