England is
13 years ago
at the pub, drinking.
latest #54
13 years ago
enters the pub and takes a seat at the bar and orders a martini. That's when she takes a good look at the person setting next to her.
13 years ago
"... England?" she inquires, as she waits for her drink to be ready.
13 years ago
blinks, looking up from his absinthe and taking a moment to recognize the woman beside him. "Monaco," he replies, not yet drunk enough to
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forget his manners. He straightens his back and places the glass down, forcing himself to smile politely. (It's always been a habit - when
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drinking to forget, he always prefers the stronger alcohol.) "It's a surprise, seeing you here."
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smiles at the other as she waits patiently for her drink to arrive. How strange to run into England! This certainly was unexpected. She
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chuckled when he mentioned that it was a surprise to see her. "And why is that?" she asks. Knowing perfectly well she doesn't give off the
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impression of being the one to hit up a pub. She seemed the type to go somewhere trendy, somewhere elegant. Truth be told Monaco just
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loved to drink. And since this wasn't a casino, she was in no danger of losing her money while under the influence.
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hums, picking up his glass and swirling the absinthe in it a bit. "No one reason in particular. I just thought I'd have a greater chance of
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running into you at a nice cafe, rather than a pub."
13 years ago
looks delighted when the bartender finally brings out her drink. She brings the glass to her lips, elegantly sipping on it before putting
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it down. Oh that was good and hit the spot. "Ah well, I do like cafes as well- order a cup of tea and curl up with a book. But I like a good
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'ole English pub too." She pauses as she lightly chuckles, "Better on my wallet too- can't drink and gamble at the same time."
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drinks, feeling the strong alcoholic beverage burn down his throat. "Is that so...? Well, that certainly is a surprise."
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nods her head. "We have a couple at my place you know. I go there often- it can be relaxing." She takes another sip of her drink. "And
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how do you fare this evening?" she asks politely.
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nods. "Ah." That shouldn't be surprising. "I'm... alright, I suppose. And you?"
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looks thoughtful. "Feeling rather anxious to tell you the truth... worried about Egypt. Bad situation there." There goes another sip, this
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one a little bit longer than the others. Monaco needed some way to release the anxiety that tended to build up in her.
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understands where she's coming from. "Yes, that's causing quite a bit of trouble these days... I hope things settle down quickly," he says,
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downing his cup and ordering another.
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couldn't agree. "As do I, England, as do I. It's just nerve-wrecking. I hope things will be alright in the end." And there was just so many
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other things to worry about too! But Egypt was definitely prevalent. She notes that England has finished his drink and frowns at her slow
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pace. So, there goes another long sip.
13 years ago
thanks the bartender when he receives his drink, and heaves a long sigh. "I shouldn't have cleaned my house."
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finally finishes the martini and orders another one. She glances at the other, "And why is that? Cleaning is a good thing, non?"
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shakes his head, miserable all over again as he drinks some more. "No," he grumbles, voice just barely slurred. "Some things just should be
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thrown away... why didn't I throw it away?"
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raises an eyebrow, was that a slur? He was already drunk? Mon dieu! And she thought she was a light weight. Although she's definitely
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starting to feel light headed. Already the cares of the world seemed to be melting away under the haze. "I'm not sure England... why didn't
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you?" she inquires, trying to be sympathetic.
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grumbles, downing more of his absinthe. "It was... th'first thing he gave me. Bloody prat...!"
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thanks the bartender as she gets her second drink. "Who?" she asks as she's downing the martini.
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shakes his head. "Nothing. Sorry. 'Ow are you today, M'naco?"
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leans her head against the bar, her normally impeccable posture starting to release itself as more alcohol entered her system. "If you say
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so..." she trails off, "But you know it's really for the best if you get it all out." She's giggling a bit. "But for myself... I'm feeling
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better now. Thinking is so... so.. tiresome!" she says, stumbling with trying to find a word. "Worrying about everything is such
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hardwork. It's exhausting. And I get well... tired of it you know?" Oh boy, she's rambling. At least clothes aren't coming off. Or dancing.
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mutters something in response, though it's lost as he knocks back another glass. "...'Could do without it, sometimes.
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And..." He turns to the bartender, "Hey! More!"
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"Oui, one could do without it! Who needs the laborious task of thinking?" she cries dramatically as she continues to chug the martini.
13 years ago
"Ooo.. England more does sound good~ How about shots? Those are always fun~"
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agrees! "No one! Fuck that, m'not... M'better than that! I'm Arthur Fucking Kirkland! I was the great British Empire, damnit!"
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poses grandly with her drink. "Oui we are! I'm the Principality of Monaco and my royal family has been in power for over 900 years!"
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She looks forlorn. "Even if Francis stole most of my land.." She frowns and looks at the other, "What is world domination like?"
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smirks, raising his glass and drinking it. "Bah! Forget that frog, he's useless! Depend on him to stand up to the kraut during World War II
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and all he does is surrender!" His smirk grows as he leans in, hooking one finger under Monaco's chin, "But, world domination?
13 years ago
I can show you, doll."
Monaco feels
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like she should sort of defend the man who's raised her, even if he can be a thorn in her side. "Not completely useless... although World
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War II was quite unpleasant." She shivers at the memories. She had been taken over by Italy and then Germany. Her poor children. Her poor,
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poor children. As the other takes her chin, she can't help but return the smirk. "Oh? Is that so monsieur?" she purrs.
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chuckles, leaning in even more until his breath was ghosting on her lips. "If you ask nicely, I might," he says, drawing away to drink
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some more absinthe. He releases her chin, instead content to just watch her from his seat.
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