13 years ago
had been feeling a little strange lately. Everything seemed to make him upset or he would suddenly black out for a moment and when he came
latest #235
13 years ago
to something would be broken. The last time he had been like this had been back when the last royal family had been killed. It worried the
13 years ago
Astrid thinks
13 years ago
that the Russian should go lock himself in his basement if things were getting this bad again. BT
13 years ago
paced the floor. There had been a world meeting the other day and he had almost gotten up to attack America and France. The two had had an
13 years ago
argument *again* and the Russian had suddenly been filled with the intent to hurt...nyet...KILL. It was starting to really worry the tall
13 years ago
nation. If his sanity was slipping again then who knows what he might do....or to whom it would be done.
Astrid was
13 years ago
about ready to kill her boss, he honestly was making her try and strengthen their relations with Russia? Odin this was going to end up_
13 years ago
almost as bad as her and Denmark. She knocked on his door unwillingly cursing to herself in Swedish.
13 years ago
jumped a bit. He had been doing paperwork and blacked out again. The knock on the door waking him. He went to go awnser it, not noticing
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the blood dripping from his fist where it had gotten cut on the mirror he punched.
13 years ago
stands there waiting, as soon as he opened the door she could smell the irony smell of the blood and she looked down. "'S th's a bad t'me?"
13 years ago
blinked and followed her gaze till he noticed the blood. He gasped and ran to the sink. "How did that happen?!" he wondered aloud.
13 years ago
Now he was pretty certain he was reverting to his past self. Sometimes nations did that but his past mentality was a VERY dangerous one.
13 years ago
stands at the door. Clearly not impressed by this visit, she looked even more unamused then normal.
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called out for her to come in from the kitchen. Kinda busy with pulling the mirror shards out and treating the wound. He wondered how
13 years ago
he hadnt noticed the pain before.
13 years ago
steps in and shuts the do -great. She stepped in blood, ugh- or, she took off her coat. "Our b'sses w'nt us to.." She rolled her eyes. "Get_
13 years ago
'long bett'r.." She didn't take off her shoes, though she was clearly annoyed as she walked to the kitchen. "Wh't did y' do?"
13 years ago
smiled his normal mask smile. "I just had a little accident. I didn't realize it hurt me~ How silly,da?" he replied, trying to hide the
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shards of mirror from her view. He dint want anyone to know he was having mental problems again.
13 years ago
knew he was, she could tell by his eyes. "Ag'in, hm?" She wasn't going to be a bitch, she would be at a disadvantage if he snapped, so she_
13 years ago
walked over to him and lifted his hand pulled out a shard of glass, not sure what it would take to make him snap.
13 years ago
winced, growling a bit at her as his eyes flashed. The sudden pain making a spark of anger burn. He clenched his other fist and imagined
13 years ago
how it would feel to smack it against her face.
13 years ago
notices his eyes and curses to herself "C'lm down, 'm not doin th's on p'rpose." She stated and frowned a bit pulling another piece_
13 years ago
from his hand. Curse her 'maternal instincts'.
13 years ago
bit his lip and turned his head away, forcing himself to stay still. It was taking all of his will power not to just smash the woman's head
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into the nearby counter-top. The tall nation, shivered, imagining what her blood would look and feel like. NYET! He shook his head, trying
13 years ago
to rid himself of the bloodlust and violent urges he was feeling.
13 years ago
doesn't have a clue what the large nation is thinking, though his thoughts would probably worry her. She took his hand and ran it under_
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warm water, she couldn't see with the blood. "Th're's still m're.." She could have groaned in annoyance, but pulled his hand from the water_
13 years ago
pulling out a larger jagged piece cringing a bit looking at it.
13 years ago
gasped before jerking his hand away, staring blankly at the wound for a moment before looking up at her. Ivan's eyes had changed and his
13 years ago
normal smile now seemed a bit more manic and sinister. He growled while swinging the still injured fist at her, hoping to hear the
13 years ago
satisfying crunch of breaking bone.
13 years ago
pulls her hand back as he pulled, she looked at him, she didn't have time to say anything let alone move before his large fist hit her_
13 years ago
, she fell to the floor, her glasses skittering across the room, she cursed and shook her head, the room spun for a moment, but she_
13 years ago
forced herself up, looks like she would have to fight blind.
13 years ago
giggled. How fun this was~ He couldnt remember the last time he could let loose and beat the hell out of someone to get out stress~
13 years ago
then walked toward her, enjoying the slight pain in his fist from the punch before swinging another at her, aiming for the gut.
13 years ago
doubles over coughing for air and spitting out a bit of blood, she growled slightly, doing the only thing she could in this situation, she_
13 years ago
kneed him in the groin to give her some time to hopefully reach her glasses.
13 years ago
gasped and fell to his knees, not having expected that. He giggled while weezing a bit. "That was dirty~" he said with a smile, recovering
13 years ago
13 years ago
pulls away from him, taking those few seconds to get air in her lungs and try to find the dark metal on the floor, scanning it but not_
13 years ago
turning herself from him. "S-sh't up R'ssia."
13 years ago
stood after a moment, jumping a bit to make sure he was alright before advancing on her again, although he was more gaurded. "They are by
13 years ago
your left foot~~~" he sang, thinking i was more fun to crush them if they fought back
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks at him strangely before looking down quickly bending and grabbing them and putting them on. "Wh' did y' tell me wh're th'y were?"
13 years ago
grinned, although it was the grin that made even the most seasoned psychopath cower in fear. "Its only fun when they fight back~" he chirped
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right before launching himself at her. He planned on breaking her to bits~<3
13 years ago
gasps as he jumped at her, she side stepped him, knocking his table over, she cursed before punching the side of his head.
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pulled away, going the oppsite direction from the impact to negate the damage. He grinned more before ducking down and shooting
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a boot out towards her shin.
13 years ago
jumps so his foot missed, she stood a foot on either side of his leg, she punched him in the stomach hard.
13 years ago
coughed before growling,grabbing her wrist and twisting, hoping the force would break it, he wasnt holding back.
Astrid feels
13 years ago
pain in her wrist, she turned with him the best she could, kicking him in the upper thigh.
13 years ago
winced, but just giggled and pulled a small knife from his pocket, one he normally used for envelopes and things. He sliced it in the air
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towards her, eyes gleaming,
13 years ago
13 years ago
pulls away from him holding her wrist, her face paled slightly as she noticed the knife, this was so unfair.. Odin she would kill her boss_
13 years ago
for this later.
13 years ago
moved fast, aiming the blade for her shoulder, enjoying the rush of fighting.
13 years ago
didn't expect him to move so fast and feels the blade dig into her shoulder, she let out a curse kneeing his groin again.
13 years ago
had luckily anticipated this and moved his arm down to block, although it still made him wince in pain. He pulled the blade back and jumped
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away, slowly licking the blood off and purring at the taste.
13 years ago
brings her hand to her shoulder cursing, she was thankful that she hadn't broken anything yet as she felt blood run down her chest and_
13 years ago
stomach, her vision momentarily blurring, she blinked a few times trying to focus.
13 years ago
looked at her then the knife after licking it clean. "You look pretty covered in red~" he giggled, suddenly tossing the knife at her leg.
13 years ago
doesn't see the knife, she felt the metal dig into her leg, she bit her lip and growled in pain, it had been a while since she had taken_
13 years ago
a beating like this. "R-R'ss.. Iv'n. St'p it." She growled out through the pain as her pants stained with the colour of blood as she_
13 years ago
pulled the knife out and held onto it, at least she had a weapon, now, just concentrate on seeing.
13 years ago
reached into his coat, slowly pulling out a long familiar looking piece of metal. It had a few new stains on it. Russia licked his lips, all
13 years ago
that blood was making him hungry for more.
13 years ago
gets her vision back she saw the pipe and her blood ran cold she took a step back her leg almost giving out on her. "I-Iv'n.."
13 years ago
wondered if a nation would die after having their head smashed in. There was only one way to see~
13 years ago
wouldn't want to learn that, she glared at him, her head still rung from that first hit.
13 years ago
walked towards her slowly. He could easily out manuver her and end it quickly...but it was more fun playing with her mind. The Russian
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licked his lips. Part of him screamed for him to stop. But it was a small part that couldnt be heard very well. The rest of him wanted to be
13 years ago
bathed in blood and to feel someones pulse dying under his fingers, it had been a while since he had felt that.
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curses to herself taking another step back, she held onto a still standing chair, this wasn't good, this wasn't good at all.
Russia was
13 years ago
getting closer. He was thinking on what to do with her after the beating. He smiled...a picture of blood would be nice.
13 years ago
tightens her grip on the chair before lifting it and swinging it at him, she knew she could at least slow him down like that.
Russia was
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shocked by this but it only fueled his bloodlust. He knocked it away with one arm, nly wincing a little before continuing at her, pipe
13 years ago
raised and ready to make her go beddy-bye.
13 years ago
13 years ago
(PFF What does Russia plan to do with her after she blacks out?)
13 years ago
( PROBABALY dont wanna know)
13 years ago
(*noticed your getting beat up in two plurks* xDD )
13 years ago
(Yes I am ^^ Cause Denmark and I love making the two fight~ *is each others Sweden and Denmark on two other plurks*)
13 years ago
13 years ago
watches the pipe as the chair was knocked from her hands, she cursed again. "Iv'n." She said a bit sharply she was trying to get to the_
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more 'sane' part of him, she wasn't sure how deeply that was buried.
13 years ago
(And yes I want to know pff)
13 years ago
13 years ago
froze for a second, his eyes flickering while his body trembled. The pause didnt last long thought before he grinned again and swung the
13 years ago
pipe down at her.
13 years ago
notices the pause, she thought she was safe, then she noticed the crazy part came back, she brought both arms up and blocked the pipe_
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growling in pain.
13 years ago
cackled joyasly before bringing the pipe down a few more times, hard. He wasnt holding back at all.
13 years ago
tries to keep her arms up the best she could cursing over and over in Swedish, it was the only thing she could do.
13 years ago
suddenly stopped hitting with the pipe, using the chance to kick out and catch her in the stomach with his boot.
13 years ago
stares at the pipe before doubling over coughing out a bit more blood, she dropped hard to her kness.
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiled innocently before bringing the pipe down on the back of her head*
13 years ago
13 years ago
gasps feeling the pain flair in the back of her head before her vision going black and her body going limp.
13 years ago
twirled the pipe and set it aside. He bent down and picked up her limp body, carrying her bridal style towards the basement. A room he
13 years ago
hadnt used in years.
13 years ago
stays in his arms, she was completely unaware of what was happening.
13 years ago
sets her down on a table and straps her wrists and ankles down. It wouldnt do for her to wake up halfway through and try to get away~
13 years ago
groans a bit, she felt the cold metal, her body shivered slightly as her eyes moved under her lids.
13 years ago
went over to a cabinet and pulled out some knives, humming to himself.
13 years ago
opens her eyes a bit, everything was blurred. "W-wh't..?"
13 years ago
giggled, carrying the assorted instruments over to a medical tray next to the table she was one. "Oh~ Awake already? Well that just makes it
13 years ago
all the more fun~" he said with a smile, as if this was just a pleasant family night game.
13 years ago
tries to sit up, she struggled against the bonds. "R'ssia.. Let me up." She growled slightly.
13 years ago
shook his head, giggling more. "Nyet~ The fun hasnt even started~~~" Russia grinned at her, holding up a scapel before preceeding to cut off
13 years ago
the clothing around her belly. Even when crazy he couldnt completly undress a woman. So he settled for her stomach and thighs.
13 years ago
struggles more feeling the cold air on her stomach and thighs, she cursed quietly struggling still. "W-wh'y are y' doin?!"
13 years ago
looked at the smooth skin that was now exposed. "Playing doctor~" he chuckled. Ivan pressed the scapels blade to her skin, making a long
13 years ago
slow cut across her stomach
13 years ago
13 years ago
gasps loudly feeling the metal slice her skin. "W-Wh'..!" She wanted to struggle as she felt the blood run.
13 years ago
ran his fingers in the blood, grazing the wound before bringing them up to his lips. He licked them a bit before sucking the appendages
13 years ago
clean, loving the taste.
13 years ago
bites her lip hissing in pain, she watched him. "S-st'p th't..! I-Iv'n!" She jerked away from his touch.
13 years ago
giggles, ignoring her as he leans down to lick the cut, purring at the taste. It was delicious. "You taste good~" he teased.
13 years ago
shivers and growls a bit, she didn't like that feeling. "S-st'p." She jerked hard against all of the bonds.
13 years ago
purred and dug his tongue into the wound, lapping up the blood.
13 years ago
's breath hitches in her throat her let out a choked sound she tried to stay in place and not move trying to cause herself less pain.
13 years ago
licked along the whole wound before sitting back up. He grabbed another blade, instead of just cutting though he stabbed it in her thigh,
13 years ago
digging it in deep with a dark smile.
13 years ago
's eyes go wide at that pain, her back arching sharply as pain, her mouth opened with an almost silent scream.
13 years ago
leans his head back, enjoying the sound like an artist enjoys an instrument. "Such a pretty voice you have~ I want to hear more~" he
13 years ago
giggled, digging the blade in her leg around while making a few more cuts on her belly.
13 years ago
pants slightly giving a small yelp from the pain, she shook her head. "N-nej..! St'p! Now!"
13 years ago
didnt stop. He ended up writing his name on her stomach with the scapel, her skin now covered in blood even if the cuts werent all too deep.
13 years ago
purred, going down to lick the wounds again, loving the taste right now.
13 years ago
hisses in pain, she couldn't stop him, she felt hopeless, she raised her shoulders struggling and thrashing against the table refusing_
13 years ago
to make a single sound.
13 years ago
dug his tongue and fingers into several of the cuts, widening them and licking up the blood with kittenish licks.
13 years ago
hisses out a breath she was trying to not make a sound, she growled out biting her lip.
13 years ago
eyes darken and he bites onto the skin of one cut, pulling it back with a satisfying ripping sound.
13 years ago
screams in pain, her back arched again, she shut her eyes tightly her breath coming out in short jagged burst.
13 years ago
let the skin go and licked more at her blood. "Your voice is so pretty it makes me want to rip out your throat~"
13 years ago
makes a small noise as he said that. "N-nej, y' w'nt." She shuttered as he licked at the blood. "I-Iv'n.. Y'er not l'ke th's 'nymore.._
13 years ago
S-st'p it."
13 years ago
paused again, his eyes wavering. Ivan pulled away and grabbed his head, groaning softly. His head was hurting, both sides of himself
13 years ago
13 years ago
watches him, she was glad he had stopped, she let out another shaky breath. "Ple'se.."
13 years ago
groaned again before looking at her face, his eyes still a little cloudy. "Astrid..?"
13 years ago
relaxes hearing his voice. "I-Iv'n.." She shuttered a bit in pain, she was clearly cold as well.
13 years ago
eyes widened as he relized what he had done. "Astrid!" he gasped, jumping up to run and get a first aide kit. What had he done?
13 years ago
jumps slightly when he moved so quickly, she would have rather he unchained her first, she laid there staring at the ceiling as her head_
13 years ago
spun from the blood loss.
13 years ago
got back fairly quickly and began to treat her, wanting to stop the bloodloss as soon as possible. He pet her hair a few times while sewing
13 years ago
her up, trying to get her to relax a bit. He left her leg wound for the last, not wanting to pull the knife out just yet. Not till her
13 years ago
stomach was taken care of.
13 years ago
hissed in pain, she shut her eyes tight feeling the needle in her, she shuttered more as the shock was starting to set in."G-gl'd y'er b'ck"
13 years ago
frowned as he finished with her stomach, fighting to keep his emotions in until she was treated. He finally moved to her leg, tugging out
13 years ago
the blade and swiftly treating the bleeding wound.
13 years ago
gasps loudly her back arching, She fell back on the table still shuttering in pain as she felt more blood run as the blade came out.
13 years ago
finished fizing her wound before cleaning her up, getting all the blood and stuff off. Then he finally released her from the binds. After
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he carefully picked her up and carried her back up into the house.
13 years ago
lets him carry her, she leaned on him, she didn't say a word she just rubbed her wrists, she didn't blame him actually.
13 years ago
felt terrible. He carried her to his room and laid her on the bed carefully. "O am so sorry....I will call your boss and have someone pick
13 years ago
you up imedietly...I..I didnt mean...Im sorry for what I did,da?"
13 years ago
holds her shoulder frowning still. "Nej.. M' car is outs'de.. I can dr've h'me.." She was a bit hard headed, even with the pain. "Hm.. Ja.._
13 years ago
I d'n't bl'me y'." She shifted slightly.
13 years ago
frowned too.
13 years ago
"Nyet....I did this and are not driving...not in this condition."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Y' sn'pped ag'in. Wh't h'ppened th's time to br'ng it on? 'Nd.. I can dr've.." She didn't know how she would explain_
13 years ago
the cuts and lack of parts of her clothing. "Uh.." She looked at her stomach. "'S th't y'er n'me.."
13 years ago
looked down at the carving and actually groaned, putting his head in his hands. "Im so sorry. I dont know why I snapped...I have been......
13 years ago
unstable lately...and I do not know why,da?" he mumbled through his fingers. He got up to go get her a shirt, apologizing again.
Astrid wishes
13 years ago
he would stop apologizing, she only hoped it wouldn't scar like that, she reached out and put a hand on his head, -why was she being nice-_
13 years ago
she sighed a bit. "Y' h've to be c'reful.."
13 years ago
nodded, handing her the shirt. "O-okay...I...I hope it heals should get looked at by a doctor after you get back...just to be
13 years ago
13 years ago
shakes her head taking the shirt. "Nej." She didn't want anyone seeing the name on her stomach. She looked at the shirt in her hand_
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before discarding the one she was wearing and putting this one on hissing in pain. "Y'er l'cky y' did th's to me, wh't if y'd sn'pped on_
13 years ago
13 years ago
froze, his eyes going wide before he stumbled back to fall in a chair. He stared ahead in shock. What if he HAD done it to Ukraine? Hell
13 years ago
even Belarus? Either of his siters?....Ivan couldnt stop the pounding in his head and chest at the thought. If he ever did that..
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would kill himself...he would have to kill himself.
13 years ago
sits up a bit more putting an arm out, crap that was a bad thing to say, please let the other stay calm. "I-Iv'n." She said with a calm_
13 years ago
tone. "Y' d'dn't h'rt th'm.. C'lm d'wn, th're f'ne."
13 years ago
didnt relize how hard he was breathing, only hearing this loud ringing in his ears as his mind plagued him with horribal mental images.
13 years ago
felt sick.
13 years ago
forces herself up she walked over to him, no matter how dizzy she was, she wrapped her arms around him, she was hoping the other would stay_
13 years ago
half sane here, she hand a hand through his hair, normally she would never touch either Russian.
13 years ago
froze completly, his whole body stiff before he started to calm down to the feeling of being hugged and a soft hand on his hair. "..........
13 years ago
13 years ago
stands there for a moment. "Ja?" She looked at him, he seemed calm enough now. "Wh't?"
13 years ago
took a shaky breath. "T-thanks...I almost lost it again..."
13 years ago
nods a bit to him. "I c'uld tell. So I tri'd to st'p th't..." She looked away, she felt like that was her fault.
13 years ago
sighed in relief before standing. "I...I should go somehwwhere just in case...when the car gets here you can leave...that way I dont
13 years ago
snap and hurt you again.
13 years ago
shakes her head, she was sure she could keep him calm. "If y' go s'mewh're I w'nt get too far.." She sighed a bit, her leg and stomach_
13 years ago
throbbed just standing there, her leg threatened to give out on her.
13 years ago
noticed her pale face before helping her to lay down again. "Just rest...I..I didnt go easy on you."
13 years ago
lays back nodding a bit. "I kn'w y' d'dn't.." She didn't tell him how much pain she was actually in. "Th'nk y' th'ugh.. Y d'dn't h've to_
13 years ago
h'lp me aft'r."
13 years ago
shook his head. "I did....I am the one who hurt you so of course I should help."
13 years ago
smiles a bit and shakes her head. "Nej.. Th't's not how th't w'rks... n'rmally y' le've th't pers'n to die."
13 years ago
frowned, not liking that he had done that in the past. "B..but...I couldnt do that to you..."
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "'Nd wh's th't? 'S not l'ke w're th't cl'se, ja?"
13 years ago
shook his head. "I...I hate fighting...and hirting others...specially woman and i try to help whenever i can...."
13 years ago
nods slightly. "Ah." She never considered herself much of a woman. "W'll.. Th'nk y' v'ry m'ch th'n."
13 years ago
nods before sitting, hoping the car got here soon. He didnt want to snap and hurt her again.
13 years ago
can't help but wonder when the other called a car for her...
13 years ago
had called it in while getting the first aide kit.
13 years ago
lays there silently, her eyes shut, she may have just passed out again.
13 years ago
hears a car and goes to let the people in to get her.
13 years ago
stays silent, she made small noises every now and again though.
13 years ago
helped them carry her gently to the car before sending them off, hoping she recovered.
13 years ago
hisses a bit in pain as she was moved, clearly not happy with being moved from the bed.
13 years ago
felt really bad about hurtig her.
Astrid is
13 years ago
used to being hurt, though she would need to come back later for her coat...
13 years ago
would have to get her an apology present.
13 years ago
wouldn't feel right accepting it.
13 years ago
wouldnt feel right if she didnt take it.
13 years ago
(i passed out ><;-)
13 years ago
(I know , that's okay ;w;-) would feel right taking it still.
13 years ago
13 years ago
would want her to take it because he feels awful.
13 years ago
Doesn't think that he should feel awful, she would be fine, it wasn't like this would kill her.
13 years ago
could have killed her. Thats why he was so upset.
13 years ago
didn't die, so he shouldn't be upset about that.
13 years ago
could really argue this point
13 years ago
doesn't think he could.
Russia thinks
13 years ago
he can. WILL get her an apology present.
13 years ago
doesn't want one, she would just like her coat and car back.
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