a bit lost, she had a box in her arms, she was trying to find him.
paused when he saw a familiar face in the distance. Was that Chiara? Why was she out here? He watched her, wondering what she was doing.
looks around, she cursed to herself, she was damn cold! The long box slipped slightly she gasped trying to catch it managing to sleep on_
ice, she let out a loud colourful curse as she sat there for a moment peaking in the box making sure everything was fine.
giggled a little. She was suprisingly cute. He walked over and kneeled down behind her before speaking. "Are you alright? That was a
nasty fall,da? Do you need help?"
jumps and she stared at him. "W-where the hell did you come from?!" She flushed brightly feeling a bit dumb because she had been seen._
"I-I'm fine dammit..!" She tucked some hair behind her ears, she was wearing the hair pins from him.
noticed the hair pins and smiled happily. "You are wearing them~! That means you like,da? I am so glad <3 " Russia then helped her stand up,
still really happy she liked them.
flushes and looks away as she stood. "Mhmm.. They are damn cute." She held the box close still. "Where the hell is your house?" She was_
extremely nervous of being alone with the Russian, but it was the only way the flowers and treats wouldn't die.
's eyes widened in surprise. "My house?....It is this way....I will lead you then,da?" he said, turning and walking a few steps before
glancing back. He was curious about what she wanted but figured it was at least important to her if she was willing to come to his house.
From what he had gathered she was one of the ones who leaned more towards outright hating him instead of just the normal fearing, on
e of the reasons he had given her a present. it was always good to be nice to others.
pretty much hates everyone, she wouldn't leave her house if she could, but she believed in reciprocity. "O-Okay.. C-can we hurry dammit?"_
she was cold, she didn't realize it would be much colder in Russia then it was in her home, and she was only wearing a light jacket.
heard the quivering in her voice and stopped for a moment. He quickly took off his coat and turned, wrapping it around her. Russia
in a crimson long sleeved turtleneck sweater so he would be fine. After he turned without a word and started walking agian, heading towards
gasps slightly as he turned, she shut her eyes, she had learned to fear Russia but was a bit shocked when she felt the warmth on her_
shoulders she looked at him. "G-grazie.." She was shocked but would not turn this away. "H-how the hell aren't you c-cold?!
chuckled, glad they were almost there. Even with his coat on her she would still be getting cold again. "I am Russia....I have been plagued
with cold ever since my birth. One gets used to such things after so long,da? Even if we do not wish to...." his voice having taken a far
away and sad tone to it. he honestly hated the cold, but he could never escape it.
pities him, she stayed close to him trying not to fall but not close enough to touch him. "I d-don't think I c-could get used to th-this._
D-Dio it sucks..!" She heard the tone in his voice, she was starting to think maybe he wasn't as bad as he used to be..
did have a few rough spots, times where his sanity was barely there if there at all. But alot of nations had those, it came with living such
a long and hard life. Ivan's history was just a little more messed up and bloody than a few others, along with the fact he was constantly
tormented by General Winter.But the nation tried to stay positive, he had even gotten to visit people recently and they hadn't run away on
sight, that was a major improvement. He smiled back at her as they got to the house's gate. "Anyone can get used to something if they
have to. I am sure even you would be able to eventually,da? And we are here. Come inside and warm up. I will make you some cocoa if you
(pfftt. *is in a long ass reply mood* =w=~ Can you tell? 8U)
nods to him slightly, she stepped into his house before replying to him, she was freezing cold, she shook her head rapidly. "Hell no..!_
I don't think I could..! I'm too used to my fucking climate!" She was thinking she was insane for coming here, though she took off her_
shoes she kept the coat around her, she looked around the front hall. "Your house is big." She shifted the box in her arms.
giggled, walking down the hall towards the living room and kitchen, beckoning her to follow. "You could say that. But it can be nice
sometimes,da? Make yourself at home while I get something to help you warm up." Russia called before vanishing into the kitchen.
follows him nodding a bit, she walked into the living room after he disappeared, she put the box on the table before sitting on the large_
couch curling her feet under her and pulling the huge coat around her.
pulled out some chocolate from the cabinet along with a few spices before grabbing some milk. Heating up a few cups of it then adding
the chocolate slowly along with some cinnamon, peppermint, and a little nutmeg. after it was a dark brow color he poured it into two mugs,
being careful of the steaming contents as he carried them back into the other room. he had barely remembered to put whip cream on top before
leaving the kitchen. If Russia had one thing he was good at. It was hot cocoa.
(pfftt. you have never had MY hot chocolate then,da? *makes it like that* Cept sometimes i have to do without the pinch of nutmeg. )
(its best with Godiva chocolate or Dove chocolate. =w=~)
waits for him to come back, she hummed to herself trying to make sure she stayed calm, she was nervous as she heard him coming, she let out_
a small squeak, she was sure he couldn't hear her do that though. "T-that was fast.." She bit her lip slightly.
heard the squeak, thinking it was adorable. "It does not take long~ Here." he handed a red mug to her, it was still steaming a bit from
under the whip cream. "Be careful. It is hot,da? Now....what was it that made you want to see me? From what I can tell you are terrified
just being near me. Let alone being near me on your own."
takes the mug. "G-gra-grazie." She let out a breath telling herself to calm down over and over in her head. "W-well... Ah.. Dammit..." _
She brought the mug to her lips taking a small sip. Her eyes widened slightly, she was impressed with the taste it was really good. She_
made a small squeak-esque noise as he spoke again, because he was right. "I.. I wanted to th-than-k," She cleared her throat. "Thank you._
F-for the damn pins.." She was trying to not shake, but it was hard because her body wanted to shiver.
watched her, amazed by her apparent bravery. "It was nothing. I just happened to see them and I knew you liked tomatoes. So I got them.
Such a thing doesn't really deserve thanks. Besides....you are terrified,da? You do not have to force yourself to thank me..." he said,
voice soft. He was a little sad knowing he was so hated and disliked. But as before stated he had grown used to it, like he grew
shakes her head again. "N-no. I have to dammit..!" She flushed. "You're supposed to thank people that are nice to you..!" she moved_
putting her mug on the table and grabbing the box. "H-here. I wasn't sure what I should get to tha-ank you.." She frowned a bit. "I-I'm_
not fucking terrified..." She bit her lip, it was a learned fear actually. "A-and.. Our damn countries are f-friends a-anyway.."
blinked and stared in a bit of shock. The Russian hadnt expected that. He took the box carefully, thanking her. "Thank you. I...I do not
often get gifts from people...I am sure I will like it regardless of what it is,da?" he said sincerely while opening the box to look inside.
flushes a bit to that, she was glad she could give him a gift, she had bought him real sunflowers and a few real looking fake ones so_
then he could have sun flowers year round, as well as a sun flower scented candle, some home made Italian sweets and a bottle of sweet_
smiled big and actually hugged the flowers, smelling them and petting the petals, of both the fake and real ones. He felt so happy. It was a
great gift. He looked up at her and smiled sincerely. "Thank you so much...I love it~"
(*NOT a Russia fan AT ALL* >.> pff)
watches him, she brought a hand up and smiled behind her hand. "Good. I thought you would like it.." She was happy that he did like it.
(DD8.....*goes to cry in corner, is hated even by rl people* TT^TT)
contintued petting the flowers for a minute more before carefully setting the fakes aside and getting up to go get the living ones a vase.
(That was sarcasm. I bloody love Russia. xD He is on of my most loved character in Hetalia, I even cosplay him.)
watches him, she could tell how much he liked the gift, she let out a sigh as he left the room. "Dio.. He likes it.."
came back not long after with a dark blue stain glass vase. It had been something he bought specifically for flowers and was very old.
set it on the table and put the sunflowers in it, arranging them while smiling to himself.
shifts a bit in her seat, maybe.. just MAYBE this Russian wasn't that bad. "U-uh.. I have sunflower fields in my home.. You could come_
visit them when they grow.." She looked away. "If you want to dammit."
stared at her before blurting out. "I WANT TO!...*cough* I mean...I would like that,da?" he fixed himself, embarressed by his lack of
self control....but he just loved sunflowers.
actually lets out a small laugh at his out burs. She composed herself almost scowling. "Okay, I'll tell you when they bloom."
clapped his hands happily. "Thank you~" he wanted to hug her, but knew it would just frighten her so controlled himself. "After you are done
with your cocoa I can walk you to where you need to go if you want....or I can lend you my coat? It is still cold outside." he offered,
pretty certain she still felt awkward in his company and wanted to run.
actually didn't want to run anymore, like this he was okay, the old Russia scared the hell out of her. She nodded to him picking up her_
cocoa again and taking a drink of the now cooler liquid. "C-could I borrow the damn coat?"
nodded, not minding. He honestly had a few of them so lending one wouldnt bother him too much. "Da~ It is nice and warm if you button it up~
nods to him. "I doubt I'll have a fucking problem staying warm." She pretty much swam in the large coat.
smiled sheepishly. "Well....I am sorry for being so big...I would be smaller if I could~"
shakes her head. "Nothing anyone can do, si?" She still had his coat on.
nodded, knowing this to be true. "Well at least my big size can be useful for you~"
nods to him. "Si.." She pulled his jacket closer. "How fucking tall are you anyways?"
chuckled. "Tall enough~ I am the largest nation after all~"
nods her head slightly. "That's true.."
(*listening to dog whine and yelp in sleep* )
smiled at her, relizing this was his first time to ever really talk to this Italy. Even more so since she was the female counterpart.
(its cute....*kicks dog* Wake up lardface. 8I ....there it stopped. =w=~)
would assume that is because the other was probably not as stupid as she was.
watched her for a moment. curious. "I noticed that both you and the other Italian have a curl....I was wondering why that was."
(=w= *does it all the time* I spoil them...they can get over it.)
flushes at the mention of the curl. "C-che..!? I-I d-don't f-f-fu-fucking kn-know!" She knew what it did, not why she had it.
frowned. "How could you both have it and not know why? There has to be a reason,da?" he inquired further, curious about her reaction. Just
did NOT want to tell him with it was. "I-I don't fucking know! All I know is Grandma

Rome had two and now both Italy's have one!
(LOL* fuck you smile... )
thought that was quite interesting. "So did Grandma rome split?"
frowns a bit and looks away. "She just fucking disappeared.."
tilted his head. "Are you sad?"
nods slightly. "W-well.. She ignored me for my fucking sister.. Everyone did."
watches her, thinking he could kind of relate. It wasnt that people ignored him over his siters....more like they were to scared to want to
pay attention to him. "Well...I like you,da?"
looks at him. "H-huh? Really..?" She was sure he wasn't as scary anymore.
nods. "Da...there are few people I do not like actually....although there are also few that I truly like...I truly like you though~"
couldn't help but flush. "W-why is that?" She wasn't even that friendly, why would he like her?
paused, wondering how to put this.
"You are cute...and there is a nice part of you. It is hidden under your tough outside but it is there nonetheless,da?" ^J^
makes a face. "How come every fucking one of you says I'm cute?! I'm not cute dammit..!"
giggles. "It is how you act...it makes you cute. Like a kitten."
huffs. "I'm not cute..! Don't compare me to a kitten god dammit!"
smiled, she was cute. ^J^
frowns, she wasn't cute. >BT
REALLY thinks she isn't. Dammit.
(think we are now crack. xD)