Turkey has
13 years ago
something special for Greece's birthday.
latest #123
13 years ago
pretends he isn't desperate to know what it is, but he isn't fooling anyone.
13 years ago
(( Dammmmittt...now I forgot what I was going to get you. xD ))
13 years ago
won't tell him.
13 years ago
((You know it doesn't take much to please Greece if it's from you ;-) Give him a frog or something lol))
13 years ago
(( Pfffffffffff, I'll come up with something. xD ))
13 years ago
((Give him yourself, wrapped in a nice red bow ;D *shot*))
Greece will
13 years ago
stand in front of him, no matter which way he turns, until he is told.
13 years ago
((Lol the wrapping wouldn't be on for long..))
13 years ago
((that's the point~ *doubleshot*__
13 years ago
(( Naked? xD ))
13 years ago
((just the bow~ gotta give him something to unwrap =u= ))
13 years ago
(( I know where the bow would go. ;-) ))
13 years ago
((now you get it =u= ))
13 years ago
((*grabby hands*))
13 years ago
tries to find a way around him but can't seem to escape. "Is that a cat?" He points in a random direction.
Greece has
13 years ago
to look. 'Wher-Turkey!' he turns back after making sure there was indeed no cat.
13 years ago
had managed to slip by creepying away slowly...
13 years ago
goes to chase, then stops. It takes a lot of self control, but he forces himself to refuse chasing after him. Zeus, this is hard...
13 years ago
smiles at him. "I'll be right back with it."
13 years ago
nods, but squeezes his hands nervously.
13 years ago
comes back with something behind his back. "Took me a while to find this but I think you'll be able to appreciate it. Ready?"
13 years ago
nods, wondering if it's a rock. He tends to like those, although they are pretty easy to find... 'Ready, what is it?'
13 years ago
pulls out a very old looking book from behind his back. "It's The Twelve Labours of Hercules by Peisander." He explains as he offers it to
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the Greek. "I thought it was appropriate." He chuckles lightly.
13 years ago
takes it silently. This was one, if not *the*, best books in existance to him. 'You got this for me?' He asks in a small, amazed tone.
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nods. "Is your name Heracles Karpusi or am I mistaken?" He rolls his eyes.
13 years ago
" Of course it's for you."
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looks up at him and a touched smile forms on his face. 'Thank you.' He says sincerely, and wraps his arms around him. 'I love it.' The
13 years ago
sentimental value was priceless.
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wraps his arms around him and hugs him back. "I was hoping you would like it."
13 years ago
'Like it? I love it. Where did you manage to find it?' He tucks himself into Turkey's hold and carefully opens the book, gazing over the
13 years ago
Turkey was
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sure Greece didn't need to hear such a long story...it was long...."You know...at a bookstore." This copy at a bookstore...rightt. "It's
13 years ago
beautiful though. I knew I had to get it when I saw it."
Greece thinks
13 years ago
if that were true, he must have searched several hundred bookstores but he doesn't mention it. He still appreciates it though. 'It certainly
Greece is
13 years ago
beautiful. I now wish I had something for you but...' He feels bad. He should have known he'd get something so great from him, why wasn't
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he prepared?
13 years ago
pinches the Greeks nose. "Stupid, it's your birthday not mine. I don't need anything. Just enjoy it okay."
13 years ago
nods. Still... 'I am enjoying it very much. I'll treasure it forever.' He smiles and kisses his nose.
13 years ago
smiles. "Then that's present enough for me."
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laughs. 'You're easily pleased. I'll make it up to you soon.' He smiles at a picture of a horse and can't wait to reread the book after
13 years ago
such a long time.
13 years ago
leans down chuckling. "You mean easily pleased for now...and you will be making it up to me." He winks before giving the Greek some space to
13 years ago
13 years ago
pulls Turkey down to the ground and settles between his legs. He leans back into him and opens the book at the first page. 'You go to
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sleep, I'll wake you up later.' He says with a kiss.
13 years ago
can't believe he's being used as a chair but leans back agains the wall so that he's more comfortable. "Are you reading out loud?"
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smiles. 'I can if you'd like me to. Wouldn't I be disturbing you?'
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wraps his arms loosely around Greece. "No, please do."
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smiles and goes on to tell the tale of Hercules being driven mad by Goddess Hera. It was depressing but somehow fun to read.
13 years ago
listened attentively captivated by the story. He had always liked Greek mythology although he always found some of the stuff ridiculous. "So
Turkey is
13 years ago
this why your mother called you Heracles?"
13 years ago
tilts his head to the side. 'I like to think so. He went through so much and did what others conceived as impossible.' He smiles, 'Maybe she
13 years ago
wanted me to test that theory?'
13 years ago
hums. "And do you think you've tested that theory?"
13 years ago
's smile falters a little and his fingers roam over the pages. 'Sometimes I feel I have. Other times...well, not as much.'
13 years ago
can sense the others uncertainty. "You may not have done it the same ways as the myth but you've done a lot of exceptional things
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that..." He plants a kiss to the back of the Greeks head. "Make you ten times better then the guy you were named after."
Greece feels
13 years ago
a tug at his throat and he shuffles into him further. 'Why are you so nice to me?' He asks with a smile. 'For someone I used to feel
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intimidated of, you have the ability to say the most perfect things to make me feel strong again.'
13 years ago
chuckles lightly. "Well, I figured I was mean enough to you. One nice thing a month won't inflate your ego too much." He keeps firm hold a
13 years ago
around him. "But I also don't say this just to be nice either."
13 years ago
'I know.' He says quietly, but contently. 'You surprise me, though. I messed up a lot, and you still don't mind me hanging around.'
13 years ago
"You're not the only one who messed up." He admits. "I think we both fucked up in some way or form."
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turns in his lap and presses a kiss on his lips. 'In some ways, that's a good thing. We have a history, and yet here we are.'
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smiles at the kiss. "Yes, it also means we can probably take anything coming our way since we've nearly done everything mean imaginable to
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each other. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be surprised anymore."
13 years ago
laughs. 'You know, in human television programmes, people say that and then something terrible happens. Or they have a baby.' He sideglances
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to him playfully. 'And you don't look pregnant.'
Turkey gives
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him a disgusted look. "Me pregnant! If anything you would be...but thank Allah that's not possible." He didn't even want to imagine a world
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were men are able to give birth.
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laughs loudly at his reaction. 'Don't be silly, and you'd make a great mum.' He prods the other nation's firm, toned stomach. 'I hope you
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weren't going to suggest that *I* would be the pregnant one?'
13 years ago
scowls and slaps that prodding hand away. "I would not be the mother and yes I did suggest that!"
Greece is
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still being amused by his reaction. 'And why is that? I'm just as manly as you. I deserve to be the father.'
13 years ago
does not agree. "No you would be the moth-...why are we even having this conversation!?"
13 years ago
shrugs. 'Because it amuses me and you look cute when you're flustered?'
13 years ago
frowns. "Cute? I'm never cute."
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rolls his eyes. 'Sure you aren't...I forgot.' His voice is full of sarcasm.
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can hear the sarcasm clearly and pokes his forehead. "Don't forget."
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winces. 'Not cute at all. Can't we just agree to disagree?'
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shrugs. "Sure, why not."
13 years ago
offers his hand to shake. Any excuse to touch him.
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stares at the hand before taking it and shaking it.
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smirks and lies back against him again. 'Just saying...but you just shook hands on a topic about you're cuteness. Aren't you manly...'
13 years ago
frowns, fuck. "I am...okay." He almost pouts...almost.
13 years ago
kisses his almost-pout. 'I'm teasing you because I love you.' He says in order to get that frown off his pretty face.
13 years ago
's expression lightens once again as he slinks his arms around the Greek and places a kiss on the tip of his nose. "I guess I can forgive
13 years ago
13 years ago
'You guess? Shame, you could have made me make it up to you. Missed opportunity.' He laughs gently, but he's enjoying the hold Turkey has
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around him too much to be too teasing.
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chuckles. "Who said I missed my oppurtunity. Maybe I have you exactly where I want you." He grins.
13 years ago
glances up at him and chuckles. 'Oh I see. Between your legs?' He rubs his hands up and down Turkey's thighs.
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laughs. "Yes, between my legs and now you can't escape."
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squeezes him slowly. 'Who says I want to escape? Maybe I'm a willing trapee?'
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glances down at the hands on his thighs amused. "Oh? Well then I should count myself lucky in that case."
13 years ago
nods. 'Unless you want a struggle.' He bends back and gently bites Turkey's bottom lip.
13 years ago
grins as he grabs the Greeks chin to keep him in place as he kisses him. "Hmmm, but I'm quite enjoying this."
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glows and pushes himself further back to deepen the kiss. 'Good, so we don't need to stop anytime soon,' He loved the taste of him, it was
13 years ago
like nectar to him.
13 years ago
let's his hand run down the Greeks chest. "No, definitely not." He murmurs against Greece's lips.
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moans slowly, taking in a deep breath as he enjoys his touch. He chuckles lightly. 'We're so dedicated, aren't we?'
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chuckles. "Are we?" He sneaks his hand under the Greeks shirt letting his hand roam over Greece's tight stomach.
Greece feels
13 years ago
amazingly light-headed and he smiles into him. His hands have dipped between his thighs and his thumbs were massaging closer and closer to
13 years ago
his crotch. 'Of course. Dedicated to each other. Just look at us now.'
13 years ago
inhales as he tries to squeeze his thighs together. "This seems to happen often I noticed." He laughs as he pushes the shirt up completely
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and runs both his thumbs over their respective nipple.
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tenses and arches his back. Zeus, those thumbs... 'I don't hear...either of us complaining.' He says, making sure to push his hips back.
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smirks. "There's nothing to complain about." He says as he pushes his thumbs tight against the nipples before rotating them. He lets his
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lips run down the side of the Greeks face planting kisses the further down he gets. He stops at the neck letting his tongue run over the
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taught skin before gently biting down and then sucking on it lightly.
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cries out a little at the sensual torture he was receiving. His fingers dig into his legs and automatically begins rhythmic movements
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backwards, as if they were naked already. 'We like...to tease. Some would...complain about that. Not...me.'
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gasps at the movement Greece was making against him as he stops playing with the Greek's nipples and grabs his waist pulling him back into
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him roughly as he can't help but buck his hips forward catching onto the rythym. "They don't understand..." He pants against Greece's
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ear. "I just want to make you mine right now." He growls as he keeps thrusting against the others clothed form.
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'I-I'm always yours...' He starts, 'But I love it when you prove it.' He reaches between them and hastily undoes Turkey's trousers so he can
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reach in and excite him more. Part of him would still say he could never be dominated but his on-fire body was telling a different story. He
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would never resist a Turkish *invasion*.
13 years ago
freezes at the feel of the Greeks hands on him. He moans as he pushes himself more into the invading hand. While Greece is working on him he
Turkey is
13 years ago
quick to do the same for the Greek as he pushes the now unbuttoned and unzipped trousers down.
13 years ago
(( Private plurk this sucker? ))
13 years ago
((Let's do it-!))
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