England is
13 years ago
latest #338
America is
13 years ago
horrified. Save the children!!
England is
13 years ago
good at cooking! And he expects America to eat everything.
13 years ago
(Hide yo kids hide yo wife, and hide yo husbands~/shot)
13 years ago
( XDDD /shields you from the shot )
13 years ago
begs to differ. He'll eat his horrid food so no one needs to be sent to the nearest hospital then.
England is
13 years ago
making some Bedfordshire clanger. It smells great already, and if America isn't at the table in five seconds, he's going to get an earful.
13 years ago
still wants to hear beautiful music so he quickly dashes to the table!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
twitches, setting down the dish a little harder than usual on the table. "Bedforshire clanger. I just... made more than I intended to, so_
13 years ago
you can eat the extra."
13 years ago
stares at the 'food'. "Why did you made more? I know already you don't eat so much like I do. I don't even think you eat
13 years ago
at all! You're so twiggy, ol' man!" He laughs.
13 years ago
frowns, sitting down with a cup of tea. "I've already eaten, idiot. And don't ask questions, just say thank you and eat!"
13 years ago
stares at him. "... So you made more..." He smirks. "Just for me? Aww~ does Artie miss me?"
13 years ago
reddens slightly. "N-No! Who the bloody hell would miss you?! I told you, it was just a coincidence!"
13 years ago
chuckles and plays with his spoon... too afraid to try the food. "Well I miss you too, even though I know you won't admit that you miss me."
13 years ago
huffs, hiding both his embarrassment and the smallest of smiles as he drinks his tea. "Just... shut up and eat."
13 years ago
sticks his tongue out at him and starts to eat. Good thing his tongue was really immune to the horrors of England's cooking. "St'll th' s'me
13 years ago
as 'lways.." He swallows. "Your cooking hasn't changed at all!"
13 years ago
grimaces a bit. "Don't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting," he says, reaching over with a napkin to briefly wipe the other's mouth.
13 years ago
"And what do you mean it hasn't changed at all? I've gotten better!"
13 years ago
winces and flails a bit when he reaches over to wipe his mouth. "Argh, Artie! Stop that!" He pulls away and stares. "Naah. I know your
13 years ago
cooking awfully well. And I think it didn't change at all!"
13 years ago
huffs, pushing the napkin towards the other before picking up his tea. "Watch how you eat, and maybe I wouldn't have to wipe your mouth for
13 years ago
you. And stop being so ungrateful, you prat! I've practiced hard, there's no way that I haven't improved!"
13 years ago
cleans up his mouth and huffs back. "I have table manners too, Artie! I just prefer not showing it to you cuz I know you'll be watching my
13 years ago
moves and pester me that I'm doing it wrong. 'Oh that's not the right spoon to use for the soup blah blah blah!' And I didn't say anything
13 years ago
bad about it! I just said it didn't change!" He huffs again.
13 years ago
frowns, sipping his tea. "First of all, it's Arthur, not Artie. Second of all, you knew which utensil to use for what dish when you were
13 years ago
younger. Third of all, you'll only improve through constant practice. And fourth of all, I -did- improve!" A pause, and he hesitantly asks,
13 years ago
"It's good, right? The Bedforshire clanger, I mean."
13 years ago
nods unconsciously. "I know your name, Artie. Geez, I'm not forgetful as you, you know? I still remember what utensils. You just don't see_
13 years ago
me eating burgers with a fork and a knife now though, right?" He blocks some of the Brit's rantings before nodding. "Well it's good... I_
13 years ago
guess... what's in it?" He asks as he takes another bite.
England is
13 years ago
pleased, and hides his smile behind his cup. "Meat on one end, and jam on the other. It's a main course and a dessert in one."
13 years ago
tries to chew on his food more to taste it better. "Hmm... It's good. Yeah. But still, I still think your cooking hasn't changed."
13 years ago
pauses, just slightly surprised. "...Are you saying that my cooking's always been good?"
America thinks
13 years ago
about his own words now. Did he think of it as good since before? "Uhhh...."
13 years ago
waits expectantly. "...Well?" A pause, "Not that your opinion matters, of course! I'd just like to hear you admit the truth, for once!"
13 years ago
looks at him and shrugs. "Well I can't really say so much though. And you just said my opinion doesn't matter. So why should I even say it_
13 years ago
now?" He crosses his arms and puffs his cheek.
13 years ago
frowns, idly tracing the patterns on his cup. "...You used to say it freely, when you were young," he grumbles, obviously having looked
13 years ago
forward to hearing the compliments.
13 years ago
looks at him and leans by the table. "So does that mean my opinion matters then?"
13 years ago
pauses. Damnit. "I..." He looks away, frowning a bit as he mutters, "I suppose so..."
13 years ago
slowly works a grin out on his face and reaches over to poke the Brit on his cheek. "Aww~ Tell that to me without looking away~ Didn't you
13 years ago
say that *that* was bad manners?"
13 years ago
blushes, swatting the other's hand away with a scowl. "Don't push it, you prat! Just tell me what you think about my cooking!"
13 years ago
laughs and sits back on his chair, relaxing. "Well, it's good, I guess. I'm not sure if the others will agree with me though."
13 years ago
looks away, trying to obscure his face and the obvious delight present on it. "...That's fine. Thank you."
13 years ago
grins and smirks. "Now your turn~ Tell me what you think of McDonalds. I know you~ I've seen you eat some before~"
13 years ago
pauses, a bit of a frown tugging on his lips as he glances back. "...It's a shipload of oil and fat, that's what."
13 years ago
(shipload indeed~)
13 years ago
[ LMAO and suddenly Russia ]
13 years ago
(^J^ *is always here~* <3)
13 years ago
( Pffff )
13 years ago
purses his lips at that and frowns. He was leaning down though to peer by his trash bin. "...So... then why do I see a Mickey D's bag_
13 years ago
there?" He points, knowing at the back of his mind what the bag looks like.
13 years ago
frowns, immediately standing up to step into the other's view. "It was for Peter. He came over earlier, and complained until I bought that_
13 years ago
for him." A lie.
13 years ago
grins widely. "Peter's with the other little boy. Latvia, was it? Yeah.. They're playing with those Gundam robots that Kiku gave them."
13 years ago
scowls slightly, cursing himself for being so careless. "I-I was hungry, and McDonalds just happened to be nearby! That's all!"
13 years ago
grins victoriously. "Soooo... that's what you ate before I came here then? That's why you said you were full, right?" He narrows his eyes
13 years ago
while smiling.
13 years ago
crosses his arms, looking unamused. "Just drop it, it's unimportant! It was just... convenient, that's all!"
13 years ago
shakes his head, being stubborn as usual. "So what did you order then? Filet-O-Fish? Well you do like fish and chips yeah? That must be it."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Don't just jump to conclusions! I don't -always- eat fish. For your information, I got a salad."
13 years ago
laughs. "Oh! My bad! And just a salad? Geez, Artie! Try to liven up! Why not try the burgers?"
13 years ago
frowns. "Because they're disgusting," he lies, "And I'm reminded of you when I eat them." A pause, "I-It kills my appetite to remember_
13 years ago
how much you eat!"
13 years ago
gasps and now gives him a pained look. "Now wait a minute, Artie! Stop fucking dissing my food!! And are you telling me I'm fat!? Because_
13 years ago
of how much I eat!? I AM NOT FAT, OKAY!? You call my food disgusting when I even praised that your cooking was okay?" He huffs angrily. DB<
England is
13 years ago
torn between being amused and feeling slightly guilty. "I-- watch your mouth, wanker! I never said you were -fat-, I just said you eat_
13 years ago
grotesque amounts of food! Stop putting words in my mouth!"
13 years ago
grumbles even louder. "Then what do you mean about it kills your appetite when you remember how much I eat!? I'm a growing nation, okay!?_
13 years ago
And I don't eat Mickey'Ds all the time too, *you wanker*" He annoyingly imitates his British accent. "I eat other kinds of food too! After_
13 years ago
all, America is a melting pot! I have many immigrants coming and bringing their culture with them!" Once you rile him up like this, he _
13 years ago
won't stop. "Then stop shoving your food in my mouth then!!" DB<
13 years ago
sighs, looking mildly irritated from all the yelling. "First and foremost, stop yelling! I'm right here! Second of all, I wasn't being_
13 years ago
completely serious! I don't..." He frowns, staring down at his tea, "I don't... always lose my appetite, when I think of you. I just..._
13 years ago
Think that you ought to cut back on the burgers, sometimes. And third of all, if you don't want to eat my food, just say so!" He scowls,_
13 years ago
turning around and crossing his arms. "It isn't as if I make anything specifically for you...!"
13 years ago
tries to calm himself down, but he was still fuming a bit. He is extremely sensitive when it comes to weight topic. "You.. you weren't_
13 years ago
serious? Then stop fucking saying things like that then! That's just mean!" Again he tries to calm down. "Well I am trying! I've been _
13 years ago
exercising a lot too! I don't want to be called an obese nation, you know?" He does pout sadly from that last piece of information. "... so_
13 years ago
you would have called anyone then? ... Then why did you call me?"
England feels
13 years ago
just a bit bad, now. "You're just going off and assuming things, you git! I've -never- called you fat, I just said you eat a lot! You're_
13 years ago
not obese!" A huff, then a pause, during which he refuses to look back. "...I-- ...well... It was just... convenient, to call you. And..._
13 years ago
you're not terrible company. I suppose."
13 years ago
slouches back on his chair while crossing his arms against his chest with a huge pout. "Well you can't blame me! You do have the tendency_
13 years ago
of nit-picking my actions! Always calling me an idiot... Well like I said! I'm a growing nation! I have 50 states to feed!" His eyes
13 years ago
still continues to stare at him. "So just for your convenience? And here I thought maybe you did miss me."
13 years ago
frowns. "It's so you can improve and become a better person overall! Then you wouldn't have anyone pick on you for ludicrous reasons._
13 years ago
Excuse me for trying -help- you." A huff, "And I've no reason to miss you; it's no secret that you come here out of pity, Alfred."
13 years ago
huffs. "I can deal with how they treat me! I won't let them affect me with their words. I'm my own independent self! I'm a hero!" And that_
13 years ago
just killed it for him. "... Is that so? You think I came here to get your pity, Arthur? Well to let you know. I came here because
13 years ago
I did miss you and it's been a while since we've hang out... Bahh.. whatever." He shakes his head and stands up.
13 years ago
turns around, frowning even more. "Well, my apologies for -worrying-," he snaps, before pausing, all irritation dropping as soon as_
13 years ago
America stands up. "Where are you going?"
13 years ago
sighs and growls lowly. "I appreciate the worry, but you worry too much, Artie... You know I'm not the same colony from before anymore,_
13 years ago
right?" He shrugs and scratches his head unknowingly. "I dunno... head home now?"
13 years ago
pauses, looking away. He's known that, but being reminded of it hurt all the same. "...I know," he mutters, tightening his hold on the_
13 years ago
teacup. "But it's raining heavily outside, and you don't have an umbrella. Stay for a little longer, at least until the rain eases."
13 years ago
looks outside and does see it was raining hard. He hates the rain sometimes. It would just remind him of the past. "Your place is always so_
13 years ago
dreary, Artie...Do you ever get any sun here? Geez... " He chuckles quietly, trying to lift the tension between them. "... Fine.
13 years ago
Just when it eases. I'll stay."
13 years ago
frowns, never willing to admit that the rain, despite its frequency, depressed him often. "...It isn't as if I enjoy it either. I never_
13 years ago
asked for this weather." He does lighten up somewhat, though, at the last bit, though he tries to hide it. "Do you want t-- coffee?"
13 years ago
nods, thinking he does have a good point there. "Well... you know you can visit me back in the states too." He says this with a shrug. He_
13 years ago
does get surprised by that and chuckles a bit more while arching an eyebrow up. "You have coffee?"
13 years ago
considers that. "There isn't anything for me to do there. I don't want to fly all the way to Florida, just to enjoy a few hours of sun_
13 years ago
before flying back." He sets his cup down on the table and makes his way to the kitchen, saying, "Of course I do. I just don't like to_
13 years ago
drink it often. You'll have to put in the sugar and cream yourself, though."
13 years ago
( pfff of course you want to visit Florida /shot )
13 years ago
laughs a bit. "So you want a week vacation in Florida? You can do that. I can take you to Universal Studio or in Disney World!" He really_
America is
13 years ago
surprised that he does have coffee. "Ahh, well it's fine. I drink my coffee black sometimes." He follows right after him to the kitchen.
13 years ago
blinks, almost surprised by the offer. "...Don't force yourself to act as my tour guide, I can wander around by myself just fine, if I_
13 years ago
really wanted to." He begins making the coffee, reaching up towards the higher cabinets to get a nice cup. "Grab that one on the way left_
13 years ago
for me, would you?"
13 years ago
huff. "You know, you Brits really do like to go and travel out alone. I met this British girl too in New York. A tourist too. I dunno why_
13 years ago
you guys don't want any company. And Disney World is much more fun to go to if you have someone with you." He nods and reaches up for the_
13 years ago
cup with ease, being that he was taller than the Englishman.
13 years ago
takes the cup, murmuring a 'thank you' before turning his attention back to the slowly boiling water. "We enjoy company," he replies,_
13 years ago
holding his chilled hands just a bit above the kettle. "That's why you're here."
13 years ago
blinks suddenly at that and starts smiling back again while rubbing the back of his neck, looking a little bit flustered. "Heh~ Ah careful.
13 years ago
You wouldn't want the steam to hit your hand. It hurts like hell!"
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, though he's admittedly touched by the bit of concern. "It hurts only when you actually touch the kettle, Alfred. I'm just_
13 years ago
warming my hands up."
13 years ago
"Oh... your hands are cold?" He feels his own hands. It was kinda chilly, but with his metabolism, he gets warm quickly. "Artie, gimme_
13 years ago
your hand then. I'll warm it up!"
13 years ago
's eyes widen as he splutters, "W-What?! No, it's fine, I-- I-I'm already warming them up!"
13 years ago
huffs and decides to impersonate his British accent very well. "Oh Pish posh! Stop it with this foolish chatter. Hand it over, you twat!"_
13 years ago
He takes his hand and sandwiches the Brit's hand on his own, rubbing it a bit to pass on the warmth.
13 years ago
reddens, eyes impossibly wide as he stares first at their hands, and then up at the American. "I-- I said it was fine! It's not that cold!"
13 years ago
sticks his tongue out at him and laughs. "It's freakin chilled to the bone! what are you talking about!?"
13 years ago
looks away, thoroughly embarrassed. "Th-That's... just because my house is cold! I'll turn on the heater after making your coffee. Why_
13 years ago
aren't you cold?"
13 years ago
blinks at this, also wondering why he's not so cold. He usually whines when it's cold out. He shrugs at his question. "I dunno!"
13 years ago
frowns. "You don't have a fever, do you? I've told you to dress warmly whenever you come here, haven't I? It's easy to get sick!"
13 years ago
laughs and waves his hand at him. "Nah! I don't have a fever, Artie! Stop your worryin' and yappin'! And I'm dress perfectly warm right now"
13 years ago
regards him for a moment before huffing, turning to turn the stove off and pour the water into the cup. "I wasn't worrying. I just..._
13 years ago
didn't want to catch a cold from you or anything, that's all."
13 years ago
"Awww, then I'd take care of you if you get a cold!" He grins.
13 years ago
mixes the coffee, careful not to spill. "Do you even know how to properly take care of a sick person, Alfred?"
13 years ago
laughs and scoots him over to the side, handling the coffee making. "Do you even know how make proper coffee, Artie?"
13 years ago
huffs, shooting him a light glare. "Of course I do! It's not like tea, where there's a certain process. You just add water, for coffee!"
13 years ago
looks at him and grins. "How about brewing coffee?"
13 years ago
fetches his cup, and begins to make more tea for himself. "...Well, you don't know how to make proper tea, so we're even."
13 years ago
grins wider. "Oh but I do~ You just don't know it. And not the teabag kind."
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Make me a cup, then," he says, stepping back. "Low fat milk, very little sugar."
13 years ago
playfully salutes at him. "You got it, chief!" He knew how to make proper tea because of his immigrant citizens again, teaching him a few
13 years ago
things of their culture to him. "What tea leaves do you want, Artie?"
England is
13 years ago
actually looking forward to trying this. "Assam, please; it's in the tea cupboard to your left."
13 years ago
looks up at the cupboard and finds the tea leaves. Now he starts going to the procedure of making tea. He did felt a little bit nervous,_
13 years ago
because he did have the tea freak watching him while making it. But he'll prove him wrong! America is capable of many things! He cautiously_
13 years ago
makes the tea for Artie.
13 years ago
watches, admittedly a bit surprised. He raises an eyebrow, hovering close to America. "Hm. I'm impressed, Alfred. Do you make tea at home?"
13 years ago
jumps a bit when he saw Artie come close. Did he just do something wrong!? ...Oh. He complimented him! Yay! He shook his head. "Not at home,
13 years ago
no... but I help make tea for the elderly in the nursing home I visit."
13 years ago
doesn't know whether he ought to be genuinely happy, or genuinely upset. His smile is wry as he says, "...I suppose I really don't know
13 years ago
you anymore after all. You've grown."
13 years ago
blinks at him. Knowing Artie for such a long time now, he can tell what his smiles truly says. "...F-fine... I sometimes drink tea at home_
13 years ago
too..." He admits. "... Only when I have no coffee!" He looks away, a little flustered. "Well duh I have to grow! But that's why I paid you
13 years ago
a visit, right? So we can catch up with what we've been doing!" He smiles at him.
England says
13 years ago
Blinks, surprised. It was ridiculous, how much those words cheered him up. "...Then perhaps I'll visit Florida after all, when I have time."
13 years ago
"Oh awesome!!! Come visit then!! we'll have fun!" He shouts with happiness. He was finally done with the tea, taking one of Artie's fancy
13 years ago
trays and puts the teapot and the teacups and saucer on it as he heads towards the table. "I hope you'll like it!"
13 years ago
Follows, helping set the teacups down before sitting. He takes a cup, taking in the scent of the tea before taking a sip. He_
13 years ago
Blinks, genuinely surprised. "It's... It's good. Colour me impressed, Alfred. I've underestimated you." A pause, "May... I visit_
13 years ago
Tomorrow, then? Unless you're busy, of course."
13 years ago
pumps his fist in the air and shakes it proudly. Fuck yeah! Over 9000 points for the Hero!!! "Ha! I told you! Got a good practice on it cuz
13 years ago
of the sweet old ladies from the nursing home!" He does looks at him and thinks. "Hmm, I don't think I'm busy tomorrow.. so sure!"
13 years ago
Rolls his eyes a bit, sipping some more. "But there's still room for improvement. You added too much milk." He looks outside, feeling_
13 years ago
The cup warm his hands. "I presume that it's warmer in the States?"
13 years ago
pouts hard from his words and crosses his arms. Man~! The Brit had to ruin and rain on his parade! "Well you didn't say how much milk you
13 years ago
wanted! You only said the amount for the sugar!" >3< He nods, however. "Yeah it is.. well except in some other states though. We're having
13 years ago
such a rough winter this time. So much snowstorm happening! Urgh!"
13 years ago
Chuckles at the pout. "I suppose you're right. But yes, I've heard about that; do take care not to catch a cold... Though, if you do, I..._
13 years ago
I suppose I could make you some chicken soup..." he murmurs, looking down at his tea out of mild embarrassment and fear of rejection."
13 years ago
looks back at him and smiles. "Awww.. well I'm trying my best. Cold season is a real bitch right now too, so I'll try not to get sick."_
13 years ago
He leans a bit close to the table and stares at him. "You really do worry so much about me, Artie~ Thanks!" Hey~ he might as well say it.
13 years ago
Blushes a bit, though he tries his best to scowl and look indignant. "It's... Not just only you! I would've done the same for_
13 years ago
Anyone...!" Not really.
13 years ago
chuckles a bit as he pulls away from the table. "Really now? So if Francis got sick, would you take care of him?" He was curious.
13 years ago
Hesitates. "...No." he huffs, slightly embarrassed. "But... just... Just don't let it get to your head!"
13 years ago
grins and laughs. "Sure sure~ fine Artie~ You just love me so much~" He hums happily.
13 years ago
Reddens slightly, immediately spluttering, "No I dont! I'm just-- it's only... It'd be ungentlemanly to ignore you if you were sick!"
13 years ago
points out. "But you're ignoring the French though! That's not 'ungentlemanly' at all!" He grins.
13 years ago
Scowls, shooting America a mild glare. "No, Bonnefoy is exempt from the gentlmen's code of conduct. No one else tried to touch me_
13 years ago
To touch me improperly."
13 years ago
laughs at the glare thrown at him. "Well yeah, I guess so... He does get too touchy at times. I just punch him whenever he gropes my ass
13 years ago
though. Hmm... so how about if it were someone else? Besides the French... you would take care of them?"
13 years ago
Doesn't respond, and again sips his tea. "...Your coffee's getting cold, Alfred."
13 years ago
looks down. "Oh yeah, you're right!" He has such a huge ADD problem at times. He takes a huge gulp of his coffee.
England is
13 years ago
relieved at the change of subject. "In any case, Alfred, how have you been?" he asks, in an attempt to be cordial.
13 years ago
looks at him and thinks. "I've been good. Just the thing with Egypt is getting me stressed out. And you?"
13 years ago
frowns slightly, setting his cup down. "Ah... yes, I hope that improves sometime soon. The Middle East in general is rather chaotic, right_
13 years ago
now. But over here, there's a string of murders and murder trials, so... I'm doing what I can."
13 years ago
holds his mug with both hands and nods.
13 years ago
[ oh whoops enter fail ]
13 years ago
"Yeah... God, Egypt's boss is such a little annoying fucker... Had to get my people outta there. And oh? Gdit. Seriously... where is the
13 years ago
justice in this world now???" He grumbles, just thinking about it. "Well I wish you luck in that too, Artie. Don't get stressed so much now
13 years ago
kay? You'll get more wrinkles on your forehead."
13 years ago
scowls, unconsciously reaching to touch his forehead. "I have no scowls, you prat! No matter how many times you call me an old man, I
13 years ago
don't look like one!"
13 years ago
laughs when he saw him reach up. "Well true~ you don't look so much like one, but you pretty much act like an old man though!"
13 years ago
huffs, frowning. "I do not! I play guitar, still!" Though, most of the things he did during the 60s and 70s, he refrained from... most_
13 years ago
of the time. "What would I have to do to convince you otherwise?"
13 years ago
shrugs and grins at him. "I dunno! Surprise me then, Ol' man! And I play guitar too!" Usually air guitar though, but he knows how to.
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Guitar Hero doesn't count, Alfred. I meant a -real- six string - or 12, depending on your preference."
13 years ago
snorts a bit laughing. "H-hey! I bet that you can't even play Guitar Hero!! And I do know how to play! I do have a Les Gibson Paul at home!"
13 years ago
tsk's. "I wouldn't want to play, even if you offered to teach me. Give me your hand." He holds one hand out, waiting.
13 years ago
blinks at him and wonders what the Brit was gonna do. He hesitates on giving his hand to him. "W-what are you gonna do?"
13 years ago
rolls his eyes, turning America's hand over to look at his fingertips. "You hardly have any callouses. If you really played on a regular
13 years ago
basis, you'd have something like these." He then lightly trails his fingertips over the other's wrist to prove his point.
13 years ago
pouts at this. "Well I didn't say I play it all the time! Only in my spare time!" =3= He does feel the callouses on the others finger and
13 years ago
quickly takes his hand to look at it more closely, tracing his fingers on the rough spots. "Man, Artie!"
13 years ago
blushes slightly. "Yes, well... I just make it a point to play often. There's... rarely anything else to do."
America wonders
13 years ago
how rough his hands were so he hold his hand and runs his cheeks against the callouses. "Oh? So why not play something for me then, yeah?"
13 years ago
reddens even more, resisting the urge to caress the warm skin and hesitantly drawing his hand back. "F... Fine." He stands up, then, and
13 years ago
goes to get his guitar. He comes back not too long later with his beloved electric and sits down, thinking. "Is there anything in particular
13 years ago
I should play?"
13 years ago
pouted a little when he pulled his hand away but nods, letting him go. Once he returned, he quickly sits up and smiles. "Hmm well you can
13 years ago
play whatever you want. I'm not sure if you'd know some of my bands..."
13 years ago
hums, thinking a bit. "Try me; if it's a song worth knowing, I'll bet that I know."
America thinks
13 years ago
about it. "Umm how about a song by Paramore? or Linkin Park? Or... uhh... Just play a song, Artie!"
13 years ago
admittedly has heard of those bands, but has never listened to them. So he just starts playing, not really playing any song in particular,
13 years ago
but just making things up as he goes.
13 years ago
blinks as he quietly listens. Wow! He can actually manage that with Artie!? He does think the song was pretty catchy and taps his finger on
13 years ago
the table in tune. "Hmm~ wazzat, Artie? I don't think I've heard that song before..."
13 years ago
looks up, smiling slightly. "No song in particular; I'm making it up as I go." He does feel a bit self-conscious, though, and ends it
13 years ago
quickly, resting his guitar against the wall.
America is
13 years ago
surprised about that and actually claps from it. "Woah! You made that up? That's pretty cool, Artie! Aww guitar session is over?" He pouts.
13 years ago
chuckles, a bit pleased as he finishes his tea. "Yes, well... as I said, I've been playing for a while. I'm glad you liked it, though."
13 years ago
looks at his guitar, now feeling the urge to play too. He wants to look cool too with an electric!! "Hey Artie! Can I play something for
13 years ago
you too then??" o3o
13 years ago
blinks, almost surprised by the offer, before handing the guitar and a pick over. "Of course. Just be careful not to drop it."
13 years ago
grins as he takes the guitar and pick, testing it out for size first. "Let me surprise you then, kay?" He strums the strings and starts
13 years ago
playing a Beatles song, accompanied by him singing it.
13 years ago
listens, immediately charmed. He didn't know that Alfred could do... well, this. He stares, amazed, cheeks slightly pink and lips curled
13 years ago
into a smile.
13 years ago
continues to sing the song, somehow turning into a Beatles medley. He did have some influence in him in the music industry because of the
13 years ago
British Invasion.
England is
13 years ago
quite pleased! He finds himself humming along somewhat, having memorised each song. He leans in a bit, getting closer to Alfred, amazed.
13 years ago
grins as he hears the other humming along. "If I give my heart to you~ I must be sure from the very start, that you~ would love me more_
13 years ago
than her~" He sings out.
13 years ago
can't help but blush, though he does step closer as he sings along. "If I trust in you, oh please~ don't hurt my pride like her,
13 years ago
'cause I couldn't stand the pain..."
13 years ago
smiles when he continues the song. He finishes the lyrics of the song and finally finishing of his medley with a happy smile, sighing out
13 years ago
with a bliss. "Now that was fun! I even got you to blush a bit!" He grins.
13 years ago
blinks, his cheeks turning a darker shade of red at the notice. "...I thought you got over your Beatles phase after the 70s."
13 years ago
shakes his head as he puts the guitar back on its stand. "Naah... my people loved them too much.. They're even in iTunes now!"
13 years ago
looks a bit surprised, by that. "Are they?" he asks, chuckling. "I remember you back in the 60s and 70s. You were... interesting."
13 years ago
gets a bit flustered at that and pouts. "H-hey! Shut up, Artie! T-too much stuff was just happening around that time!"
13 years ago
smiles, sending him a teasing glance. "Of course, Alfred. I merely said you were interesting; there's no reason to get defensive."
13 years ago
grumbles and waves off that teasing glances. "W-well you said the word 'interesting' with a pause! And who knows what you mean by that!"
13 years ago
chuckles, amused. "You wound me, Alfred. I didn't say that it was bad, did I? If it taught you this," he gestures to the guitar, "I don't
13 years ago
think I'm in much of a mood to complain."
13 years ago
flushes a bit more, not wanting to admit that. He did have some influence in him playing the guitar. But the King had more though. Gotta_
13 years ago
love Elvis Presley! "... well fine... just don't complain.."
13 years ago
replies, "Why would I complain? You've done nothing wrong. Though, you ought to play more often; I'm curious to see what else
13 years ago
you've learned."
13 years ago
looks at him and blinks. "You still wanna hear me play?"
13 years ago
nods, surprised as his surprise. "Why do you look so shocked?"
13 years ago
runs his fingers through his hair. "Ah.. well... I didn't expect that you'd like it.. you usually say I sing so terribly."
England is
13 years ago
honest. "You do," he says, but adds, "Most of the time, at least. You just... weren't all that bad, this time around."
13 years ago
pouts like a child now, unamused. "W-well I'm trying to get better, okay?!" >3<
13 years ago
chuckles, unable to resist reaching up to pat his head. "I know. Keep trying, lad; you're not the absolute worst around here."
13 years ago
felt a little but relieved from that. At least he wasn't the worst. "... I am trying... " He wouldn't admit at how he was enjoying the pat.
13 years ago
hums, his hand still remaining on the other's head. "I remember when I was taller than you. It's really impossible to see you as a child,
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks at him and smiles a bit. "Haha, sorry~ I had a sudden growth spurt. Well you could have seen me grow if...." He grows quiet, not_
13 years ago
wanting to mention of the time when he was waiting for him...
England feels
13 years ago
his smile die a bit as he pulls back, looking away. "Ah... yes... I suppose I could've." He pauses, swallowing thickly. "...You've... grown
13 years ago
a lot, Alfred. And you've helped me throughout the years. I would've fallen to Germany during World War II, if you weren't there to help,
13 years ago
and..." He frowns, shaking his head. "Nevermind."
13 years ago
pouts sadly when the hand left his head. His blue eyes continues to stare at him. "Well I'm not a dick as how you think, Artie... I am still
13 years ago
thankful to you for taking care of me back then... Even if we had our own turmoils, it's what help turn me as to who I am now, right? And_
13 years ago
Germany was just a jackass then too! Like I'd let him do all that crazy Nazi shit on you guys in Europe!"
13 years ago
Tries his best to smile. "I don't think of you as... That, Alfred. You're loud, obnoxious, and... Rather tactless sometimes, but...
13 years ago
I can't bring myself to hate you, even if you hate me." Embarrassed with that, he quickly takes his teacup and makes his way to the
13 years ago
Kitchen. "...I'm getting more tea."
13 years ago
blinks in surprise at that and quickly jumps up from his seat. "I don't hate you, you jerkface! Why the hell would you think of that?"
13 years ago
pauses, surprised. "...Why wouldn't I?" he offers, boiling some more water. "You're a superpower now, Alfred. I stopped being able to remain
13 years ago
selfish after you left."
13 years ago
grumbles at this. "So? even if I'm a superpower now, that doesn't mean I should hate you!"
13 years ago
keeps his hands a few inches on top of the kettle again, his back facing the other. "You act like you do."
13 years ago
looks at him and frowns. He slopes down on his chair and murmurs quietly to himself "... Well.. I'm just trying to get your attention..."
13 years ago
finishes making his tea, though he hesitates before going back to the table. He sits down, taking a slow, careful sip before saying, "But
13 years ago
I must be a masochist, if I insist on being in your company, even knowing this."
13 years ago
grumbles miserably and stares at him with a hurt look. "...I said I don't hate you, Artie...."
13 years ago
pauses, then can't help but smile slightly. A second chance? He hoped so. "...I'm glad to hear that, then, Alfred. The feeling is mutual."
13 years ago
nods while still staring at his mug. "Yepp...."
13 years ago
sips his tea. "That... aside, how've you been? I think this is the first time we've talked earnestly in quite a while."
13 years ago
chuckles a bit and nods. "Yeah, I know right? Well right now, really I'm doing good! Just doing my daily hero action packed adventure!" >7<
13 years ago
chuckles, having expected that. "You're not getting yourself into trouble, I hope?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Hell no I'm not! I'm the one preventing the troubles to step afoot!"
13 years ago
sips his tea. "That mentality got you into trouble even the past, even when you were young, you know."
13 years ago
sticks his tongue out at him. "Nu-huhh!!!"
England is
13 years ago
mildly amused. "You did. Don't you remember how you first broke your leg?"
America thinks
13 years ago
about this. "I broke my leg????" o3o
13 years ago
nods. "When you were young, you wanted to keep a snake from eating a bird's eggs, so you climbed a tree to throw it off. Unsurprisingly,
13 years ago
you fell afterwards. You've no idea how worried I was."
America thinks
13 years ago
about this harder, squinting his eyes while at it. "Really?? I don't remember that! I did lots of stuff when I was a cute little colony!"
13 years ago
smiles a bit, reminiscing. "You did. Every time I left you to return to Europe remains some of my worst memories."
13 years ago
blinks and frowns. "...W-worst memories?????" ;;3;;
13 years ago
blinks. "A-Ah... not... the worst, but some of them. It was the hardest thing, to leave you. You used to cry and cling to my leg, begging
13 years ago
me to stay one more night." His smile grows softer, "I would've stayed forever, if I could've."
13 years ago
blinks. He remembers that. Very clearly. When he cries seeing Artie's ship sailing away to the sea while he hold his bunny. He cried all
13 years ago
night, he remembers. "Oh... yeah I remember that...." He looks down.
13 years ago
smiles a bit, reaching over to pat America, but stopping halfway and pulling his hand back. "I tried to bring you
13 years ago
gifts every time I returned, though. Do you remember that, too?"
13 years ago
looks back up to him and slowly nodded. "Yeah... I remember those gifts... those toy soldiers that you gave me.. yeah..."
13 years ago
looks down at his tea, remembering how he'd worked hard to carve them for the other. "They were one of a kind."
13 years ago
sighs and remembers when he was playing with it outside Artie's summer house in America. It was one of his precious moments that he loved.
England thinks
13 years ago
. "But, I suppose you threw those away years ago..."
13 years ago
looks back to him and grows quiet. He doesn't wanna say that it was still in his attic as of now.
13 years ago
( By the way~ America turned to Chibi America in Ann's plurk =3= )
13 years ago
[ D'AWH, haha, really? The cutest. <3 ]
13 years ago
brings himself to smile again, though it was more hesitant than before. "That aside... should I
13 years ago
prepare some scones...?"
13 years ago
|His quietness grows into a grimace look. "N-no you don't need to, Artie!"
13 years ago
blinks, already standing up. "Why not? It goes great with hot beverages."
13 years ago
shakes his head furiously. "N-no thanks, Artie! And besides! LOOK! THE RAIN HAS FINALLY DISPERSED!"
13 years ago
blinks, briefly distracted as he looks outside. "Oh, it has..." A pause, "I... guess that means you'll be leaving, then..."
13 years ago
chuckles a bit sadly. "Well I think I should... I've took too much of your time already, yeah?"
13 years ago
hesitates. "You can stay, if you'd like. I'm not busy."
13 years ago
laughs and shakes his head. "We still have time later on to hang out, yeah? You did say you'll visit me in Florida... so that's fine?"
13 years ago
opens his mouth to speak, but reconsiders his words. "...Yes, alright." He keeps an even expression as he stands. "I'll... show you to the
13 years ago
door, then."
13 years ago
laughs as he follows his former caretaker out towards the door. "It's been fun, Artie! We should do this more, yeah?"
13 years ago
blinks, looking up at him in surprise. "...Alright. Whenever you have time, then." He opens the door. "Be safe, Alfred."
13 years ago
nods and waves at him as he gets out. But~ He feels a little devious as he kisses the man on the cheek, a bit close to his lips. "You
13 years ago
too, Artie! Don't get sick with this bitch of a weather that you got here!" He grins as we walks away, waving his hand behind.
13 years ago
freezes, eyes wide and cheeks a dark shade of red as his hand automatically comes up to touch the area. "Y... Y-You bastard! Don't just do
13 years ago
that without permission...!"
13 years ago
laughs a bit obnoxiously as he walks down the street. "Bye, Artie!!!"
13 years ago
just slams the door shut, extremely flustered. It's only after a few calming seconds that he mutters, "Bye."
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