Russia is
13 years ago
in America having been at a meeting. He was now sight seeing although in truth he had gotten a little lost. The ways of Americans confused
latest #381
13 years ago
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recognizes that long coat and that pink scarf anywhere. What's Russia doing in his land? "Yo Russia!"
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blinks in suprise before turning to look at the other nation. "Amerika?" he asked, although he already knew the awnser. America was one of
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the only ones who called out to him so freely like that.
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nods and grins happily at him. "The one and only! Hey big guy! What's up? Watcha doin down here? You're not spying, aren't you?" He gives
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him a good punch in the arm, clearly forgetting his own strength however.
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winces a bit and stumbles back at the punch, not really understanding why he did it and is tempted to hit him back.
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"I am not spying. There is nyet point in spying in such a place,da? I was just having a trading meeting. After I went for a walk and...I
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seem to have lost my way.
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did that just for a greeting. Like fist bump, yeah? If the Russian did hit him back, then that might cause another war then. "Ohhh I see!_
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Hah! Well of course you'll get lost here in the city! I'm positive you don't even have a map on with you, right?"
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shook his head no, smiling his childish mask of a smile. "Nyet I am afraid not."
America is
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not at all worried about that smile and smiles back brightly at him. "Well now, if you want, I'll be your tour guide then!"
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doesnt know if this is good or bad now but slowly nods, knowing he probably cant get out of it anyway, and he WAS lost. "
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me then,da?"
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smiles and slaps him lightly on the back this time. "Good! Come then! I'll take you to some good places here in New York!"
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winces again and barely holds in a growl. He doesnt want another war so is keeping himself in check but wants to hurt Amerika for doing
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that. " Alright..lead the way,da?" he said, able to keep his childish mask on because of practice.
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nods as he starts off. "Just follow the hero, kay? Now! I'll take you to Times Square then! Lots of stuff going on there and many tourists
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too! So don't get lost now, okay? ...You know what? Here." He hooks his arm onto the Russian. "Let's walk!"
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blushes at the sudden contact, pulling away. "Ah!.....J..just lead and I will follow,da?" he said, trying to hide his blushing face and
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embarrassment, he wasnt used to being touched by others first so it always threw him.
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blinks when he pulled away. Curious blue eyes now stares up at the Russian giant. "You okay there, big guy?"
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flushed and turned away, not wanting to be taken in by the American. He knew the boy was just touchy feely but it still took him by suprise.
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The tall nations ears were red as he replied. "D-da...L..let us just go site-seeing.... it sounds nice,da?"
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huffs and chuckles. "Alright then, if you say so." He turns around and smiles however, "A flushed look looks nice on you. Alright! To Times
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Square we go! Then we can even head off to Madison Square Garden and watch a game!"
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turns beet red and sputters. Did Amerika just? Did he really?! The tall Russian didnt know how to handle the American sometimes and was
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caught up in the other's pace. "I...I...f-fine,da?" he got out, still really flustered.
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laughs a bit. Unfortunately he didn't get to see the Russian's flustered look. His mind was now just set in being a good tour guide for the
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big guy. "Oh! By the way, if you haven't eaten yet, we'll pass many restaurants or food carts here. Just tell me, okay?"
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(dang enter button *kills*)
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replied with a "Da I will, thank you for your kindness."
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nods back at him as he takes him to the bright city lights, filled with many billboards of advertisements and Broadway shows and different
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stores. They stood just right adjacent to the Renaissance New York Times Square Hotel. "I hope you're fine with crowds, Russia."
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just smiled, his mask back on. "Da. I am fine with crowds~ It is just crowds that are not fine with me. " he replied truthfully.
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And when they started walking it was apparent he told the truth because an obvious path opened up for them in the crowd, people weary of the
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tall Russian.
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looks around and sees an opening path around Russia. He laughs at this and quickly comes towards the guy while smiling at the tourist. _
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"Don't mind him, folks! He may be creepy, but he's cute." He waves at them happily.
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bristled at the creepy bit before the second part of that sentence struck home, making the nation freeze and slowly turn red again. "C-cute?
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" he sputtered, before going off on a mental Russian tangent over how a man shouldnt be cute and how Amerika was SOMETHING and
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the Russian couldn't handle it.
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hears him stutter the word and his eyes now glued onto the giant, smiling at how he was turning red. Heh~ cute. He chuckles while pulling
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the frozen man away from the crowd. "Oh! We should definitely go inside Toys'r'Us and play with the toys there!"
Russia is
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shocked out of his embarressment at the word toy. "Toys? small dolls and things? I haven't ever played with those..." he admitted,
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a little excited. He had been under harsh conditions ever since he had first appeared and never got the chance to play with toys. Other than
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chess or other board games of strategy that is.
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nods, also sharing his excitement with him. "Yeah! And they have some video games in there too! And they have a ferris wheel inside too!_
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I like this store the most cuz they have varieties of toys to play with!" He admits that he plays with the toys he finds in there.
Russia was
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now in awe, wondering what kinds of toys the other was talking about. He got excited despite himself, his normal fake smile slipping into a
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real big excited one.
America is
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still a kid at heart and he always loves going to the store. He does notice that smile he just made and was a bit surprised at that. He_
America wonders
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if he can make him smile like that more. "Alright! Let's go in then!" Swiftly, he brings the other inside to the magical world of toys! *A*
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stares at all of the boxes and figurines around him. Amazed by how huge the store was and by how many toys there were. He had never been in
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toy store before and it felt so exciting. He glanced at all the sections, awed by the variety. Toys had evolved while he wasnt looking.
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peers to look at the Russian's reaction and smiles, nudging him with his elbow. "Awesome, right? Don't you feel like a kid just being in_
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here, right?" He takes one of the fliers and scans through the pages, seeing if there is any toys that he can buy for his darling states.
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looked around, wondering what alot of these wierd looking toys were. It was then that he noticed the stuffed animal aisle. He gasped
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as he spotted a cat with a sunflower. Russia didn't hesitate before running over to it.
America was
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surprised to see the Russian bolting towards the aisle and laughs. He can tell the guy was excited.He was too! He should definitely_
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Marvel vs. Capcom 3! But not right now, during his free time. He quickly follows right after the Russian and peers over by his side. "Oh_
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hey that's pretty cute!"
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picked it up and hugged it. It was soft. "Its so fluffy~" he giggled, smiling like a child on Christmas.
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(-shot for reference-)
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( Pfff nice xD )
America is
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rather taken back at the sight, a bit surprised to see this side from the big guy. "Aww well I'm glad your having fun!" He looks at the_
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price tag of the toy and hums. "Hmm, not so bad. A pretty decent price for that."
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looks at the tag as well. He briefly calculated the costs he still had and the money he could use. ".....It should be alright....I should
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be able to fit this in my budget. I will just have to take a few less luxury's on my trip..."he muttered, really just thinking aloud.
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laughs and pats him on the shoulder, flashing his usual happy grin. "Don't worry about it, big guy~ I got it covered." He snatches the toy_
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from him and heads towards the cashier, paying for the toy.
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didnt have time to react before the American had gone to buy it. The taller nation ran after him and tried to convince him he didnt have to
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but it wasnt any use. The American was stubborn. Ivan finally gave up and watched Alfred buy the toy, feeling strange about it. Not many
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people bought him things.
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also bought some candies by the cashier counter. Some skittles, m&ms, snickers, starbursts... He wasn't sure what the Russian liked, so_
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might as well buy a bunch! If he doesn't like it, well he'll keep the rest! He heads back off to Russia, holding the purchased good towards_
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him. "Here you go! Merry Christmas!"
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takes the toy and candy, confused by the Christmas thing though becuase hadnt Christmas passed? Ivan held the toy close though, blushing.
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"T....thank you Amerika....I..I really like it." he bowed a little, blushing more, his voice soft and small sounding.
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chuckles while popping some m&m's in his mouth. "Not a problem, Russia. Well duh~ I know you like it. You had a really nice smile while_
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holding the toy, so yeah! You want some?" He offers some of his candy to him.
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blushes a whole lot more. Damn he had been letting his mask slip just because of a toy. was only it was alright,da?
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Ivan reached out and took some of the candy, placing a few in his mouth. His eyes widened when he bit down and tasted chocolate. It was
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delicious. "What are these?....They are good,da?" he asked after swallowing, licking his lips slowly to memorize the taste and clean off any
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left over bits.
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grins when the Russian approved of his chocolate. "You like it? It's M&M's! They're sugar coated chocolate. I got you some too in your bag._
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I knew you would like it! Who doesn't love chocolate!?" He laughs.
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looks in his bag, surprised about the M&Ms but also by the other candy. He didn't recognize any of it honestly. "What are all of these
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strange things?" he asked, looking up at the other curiously, partly trying to hide his happiness over getting a present but it was probably
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apparent in his eyes and smile, along with the small blush still on his face that spread over his nose and cheeks.
America gives
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him a lopsided smile, happy to see that the other was enjoying his time. And oh! There's that smile again! He thinks that smile suits him,_
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along with that light pink blush on his cheeks. "Hey, they're not strange! They're candies!" He looks down inside the bag and points what_
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each candies were. He can go into so much details about describing it all, but he knew that the Russian might get bored from his speech. He
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just gave him a general description of each.
Russia was
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once again surprised by the variety of candy. It seemed like he had been seeing many new things with America. He grinned at the other. "I s
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eem to be having alot of fun with Amerika,da? I never knew....what should we do next?" he asked, curious about where the loud mouth hero
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would take him next, although he was excited about it.
America is
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really happy to hear that! He's doing a good job as a tour guide for the Russian then! "Well of course! Fun and adventure always follows_
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the hero!" He does think however about his question. "Hmm... well. Oh! You wanna try this dance game then? At the lower level of the_
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store, they have this dance game from Japan. It's called Dance Dance Revolution.. or DDR for short. You wanna try it?" He was excited again.
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(oh gosh....metal image...)
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tilted his head innocently. "Game? I like games...lets play~" Russia had no idea what he was getting into.
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( Hahahahaha =u= )
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"Alright! Then let's head on down the escalator to the video gaming section!" He quickly tugs the Russian by the hand and heads down.
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felt his hair bristle, similar to how a cat puffs up, when his hand was grabbed, his ears going red. Besides his sisters he had never held
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hands with someone and Russia didn't know how to handle it. He was caught in the American's pace once again.
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swerves around the crowd of tourist, making sure not to let go of his hand. "Aha! Here we are!" They now stood in front of the arcade game_
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with two guys playing. Their feet moving so quickly in tune to the song playing. "You up for this, Russia?"
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stared, amazed a normal human could move that quickly. "U-up for what?....What are they doing?"
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waits for their turn. "Just watch. They're dancing. You have to follow the arrows and you have to stomp on the arrow keys." He points down
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by their feet.
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turned to observe the players. He could pick up on things pretty fast but this....he wasnt sure.
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grins up at him. "You got it? Yes! Our turn!" He quickly gets up to the dance platform, already picking a song."
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(dont mind that " there at the end)
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got up and awkwardly stood on the playing stage, looking at the bar behind and the game in front in complete bewilderment. He gulped, not
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sure what was about to happen.
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smiles at him. "Don't worry, I'll put it in beginner mode, so you can get the gist of the game." He presses the button for both players.
Russia was
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confused but trusted Amerika....he just hoped that trust didn't get him into some strange trouble.
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watches the screen as the song started. "You see that bar with the four arrows above the screen? Once the arrows, that are floating up, _
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teaches that bar, you step on the specific arrow. Got it? And just try to keep in beat with the song, yeah?"
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nods although he only partially understood, taking a few hesitant steps to follow the arrows, jumping when the machine suddenly shouted
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"GREAT" at him.
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laughs. "You're getting it! Keep it up!" He was stepping on the arrows with ease.
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put on a small poutish frown of concentration as he followed the arrows, having trouble not tripping over is own feet. He was graceful in
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many things but DDR did not seem to be one of them.
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|They both finished the set easily with good points. "Hey! For someone who did this the first time, you did pretty well!"
Russia was
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staring at the machine, still not certain of what he had just done. "I...I suppose is just a game though,da?" he offered, although
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he thought it was a very strange one. The Russian noticed a clock on the wall and gasped. "Is the time!?" he asked. "I missed my plane home
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gasps and feels guilty for keeping the Russian occupied. He just had too much fun with the guy. Strange to say, he did enjoy his company._
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"O-oh shit! Sorry! I didn't know!" He looks around, trying to think of something to do. "U-uuhh... Lemme see if there's any flight that
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you can take sooner then!" He takes out his iphone and starts looking up flights from New York to Moscow.
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frowned, already knowing that the next one wasnt until the next day. He wondered if he had enough money to stay at a hotel. Although he
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could also probably get some wired to him. "It is alright Amerika. I probably would have been too lost to find the airport on my own anyway.
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It was an accident,da?" ^J^
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A pang of guilt ran through him and he pouts. He looked at Russia while scratching the back of his neck. "Man I screwed up then... Sorry,_
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big guy." He did chuckle at the image of Russia getting lost again. "Ah, so do you have a place to stay? Did you come here with any_
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Russian officials?"
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shook his head. "Nyet. This time was on my own...but I think I might have enough to tay at a cheap hotel." he replied, athough uncertain if
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he could have the money wired to him fast enough. He had only had enough for the plane ticket. That was maybe enough for one night at a
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cheap place but that left him broke afterwards....he could go without eating for a bit. He had before...oh there were those candies from
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America. He would have to thank the loud nation again.
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"Ah! Then stay at my condominium then! I have a spare room to lend you!" This is the only way he can help him. "I insist!"
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doubted he could refuse...and he WAS close to being broke. The nation nodded, accepting the offer. "Thank you Amerika...I will gladly stay~
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" Ivan wondered what the Amercans place was like.
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sighs with relief and smiles at him. "Okay then! Umm well if you're tired now, we can head on off there. I'm sure jet lag is a bitch right_
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now, yeah? You wanna rest?"
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wasnt so much tired as he was curious to see the other's home. "Da. Resting sounds good."
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nods. "Okay, get your sunflower toy and let's head on out now, kay?" He starts heading out of the store.
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uickly grabbed his bag and ran after America, sticking close to him so he wouldnt get lost again.
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quickly calls for a cab with a loud whistle and with his arms waving around. "We'll just take a cab there. It's too far to walk to."
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nodded while getting into the cab with the other nation. "This is it really alright I stay?" he asked, just to make sure.
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nods as well and grins, hopping inside the cab and directing the taxi driver which street and avenue to head off to. "Yeah! 's cool with me"
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leaned back and pulled the toy from the bag, petting its soft fur with a small smile, it really was cute.
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chuckles while watching the Russian play with the toy. He really does like it. "Hmm oh yeah you have a thing for sunflowers, right?"
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looked up from the toy and nods.
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" is always so cold and lonely in my country....but sunflowers are always so nice and warm."
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sighs and nods. "Yeah I know! That's just a bummer! Winter's such a bitch sometimes. Maaannn~ I can't be kept in the cold for so long! I
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like the sun! The warmth of it! Aahhh now I want Summer to come quickly~ I might as well just visit my other sunny states. Cali would be
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good to visit, or Florida~ Just to get away from the cold..." He didn't realize how he just became a chatter box again. "But yeah!
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Sunflowers are nice! Have a nice HUGE fields of them in Nebraska! Love visiting there! Hey! Why not I take you there sometimes? I'm sure
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you'd love it! So how about it big guy?" He nudges him again while grinning. "Wanna go?"
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listened to the other, not bothered by his non-stop talking. He honestly liked it, as long as it wasnt some stupid idea to better the world
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like a giant hero to defend the earth or something. At the mention of a sunflower field he perked up, eyes widening. He grabbed America's
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hand and held it between both of his own, practically trembling with excitement. "I want to go! I would love to go,da? Sunflowers...I love
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sunflowers." he explaimed, completly excited. Russia then relized what he was doing and blushed hard, dropping the other's hand. He had held
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hands with America again and it made him embarressed.
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actually did not expect such an excitement reaction from him that he'd hold his hand for it. He could have flushed a little bit from it,_
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but he really thinks the Russian looks nice when he's happy and blushing, and not just being plain creepy. "Sure! It's a date then!
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Well I know you can't go this time cuz you *were* suppose to return to your Winter Wonderland. But just call me! I'll take you there!"
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almost fell out of his seat. "D-d-date?" Russia stared, now red from his ears to his neck, he had never been on a date before, even just a
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joke one. The nation was confused by how he felt a surge of happiness at the word.
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didn't realize that the Russian almost fell out of his seat as he was directing the driver to stop at the corner. "That spot, sir!" He_
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quickly got his wallet out and payed the taxi fare. "Keep the change. Alright, big guy~ get out. We're here!"
Russia was
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still a bit flustered and confused but he followed the other out of the car and looked at the house. So this is where America lived. Russia
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hugged the stuffed cat to his chest, feeling a bit nervous since he had never been to many nations homes before, let alone America's.
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heads off first to look at his mailbox. "Junk junk bills junk... urgh. No one writes to me." He pouts but shrugs. "Oh well. Hey! Come on and
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stop standing there! It's freezing out!" He opens his door and lets his guest of honor in first. "Ah I cleaned up, but it's still a little
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bit messy inside, I hope you don't mind..."
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walked in looking around, curious about how the other lived. "It is fine. My visit is a suprise so it is understandable,da?" Russia giggled,
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smiling reasuringly at the shorter nation.
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turns on the lights inside. Now the Russian has a view of his very modern lifestyle. He had lots of the latest gadget in store. His living
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room had an American flag pinned up in the wall above the couch. His other walls ornate with contemporary paintings and framed pictures.
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It was surprisingly clean, but with a few exceptions of empty bags of chips and of empty soda cans lying on he floor. He quickly picks them
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up and throws it in the trash. "Make yourself at home, Russia! You want anything to drink?"
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looked around at the pictures, amazed that the American had such....well NORMAL things in his home. "Hmm? Oh...da please. Anything is fine."
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he replied before sitting on the couch, it was comfy.
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looks at the reaction the Russian made and probably had to laugh about it. "You thought I live in a pig sty, didn't you? ... Well sometimes
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I do, but I clean up good! I have to make sure my place is clean here in NY. Alright, you okay with coke, then? Sorry buddy, I don't have
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vodka." He gets a can in the fridge and throws it at the Russian's direction. "Catch!"
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easily caught the can before looking at it, he glanced up at America. "I...I havent ever tasted this it good?"
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(skjfskjf dogs getting in the way of my typinggggg. GET OUT OF MY LAPPPPP)
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( XDD Awww doggie likes you =u= )
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stares as he gasped so loud and was just completely stunned by this. "WHAT!? YOU'VE NEVER TRIED COKE!? YOU POOR DEPRIVED CHILD YOU!"
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jumped, shocked by the other's reaction. " that bad?" he asked while trying to open the can.
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somehow feels like he just failed at everything. He was so sure that Coca Cola got to Russia! How has Russia never tasted it before!? "Do_
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you really just drink vodka as a fuel??" He quickly comes by the couch and sit next to the man, helping him out in opening the can.
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's face flushed, his mouth going down into what he would deny forever as a pout. The American was so mean to think he was deprived as well
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as thinking he only drank vodka. He liked other things too. "I...I have just never tried it is all. Nyet reason to be like that,da? I drink
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things but normally just what I need..."
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looks at the man. Was he pouting? Aww! That's pretty cute of him! He calms down a bit as he passes the soda back to him. "...O-oh.. I see_
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T-that just took me by surprise.... sorry..." Now he kinda felt a little foolish and embarrassed with his own reaction. "W-well
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you gotta try this too! Kay?"
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nodded, still pouting a bit. He took the can and put it to his lips, tasting the dark liquid. Ivan's eyes went wide as it hit his tastebuds.
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" watery syrup..." he gasped then, winkling his nose as the fizzyness hit him too. " makes my nose and tongue feel
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13 years ago
grins happily. "Yeah! Good, right?" With that, he opens up his own can and gulps down the soda. "I love this stuff! I also like the other_
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too, like Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta, Dr. Pepper.. but nothing beats Coca Cola!"
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ends up giggling as he keeps drinking the soda, the tickling sensation in his nose stronger now. "It is...different. I havent ever had
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anything like it." Ivan turned to America. "Thank you...for everything today. I...I had fun,da?" he said shyly, not used to this kinda stuff
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chuckles as he crushes his can and throws it to the trash bin like a basketball. "Well good then! If you want more, feel free to get some in
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my fridge!" He does turn to the other when he spoke softly. He smiles warmly at him, happy and relief that he enjoyed his time. He pats his
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arm lightly and nods. "Not a problem, Russia. I had fun too. Good thing I saw you, right? Wouldn't want you lost in the city."
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nods. "Da...I wouldnt want to get would not have been good." He hugged the plush toy against him while leaning back on the couch,
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smiling at America. "Thank you again,da?" he said softly, having really enjoyed the other nation's company. Ivan leaned over a bit so he was
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leaning against Alfred a little.
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laughs. "Yeah, I wouldn't want you going to the shady parts of the city. Even though I know you can handle yourself from thugs and shit, I_
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wouldn't want anything bad to happen." He was a bit surprised though that he did lean a bit close to him, but he doesn't pull away.
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He even comes closer and lets him lean on him fully. He thought the Russian was tired so yeah...
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felt really comfortable, nuzzling against America while hugging his stuffed toy. It was nice and he liked it. Ivan never thought he could
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get along so well with Alfred, not after the Cold War at least. He sighed in contentment, enjoying the body warmth coming from the nation he
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leaned on. "Amerika feels good..." he mumbled, his english got worse when he didnt concentrate.
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watches him at the corner of his eyes and chuckles lightly at the words he said. "I feel good?" He asked, while letting the other nuzzle
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against him. He guesses he got the Russian tired from their little tour that he's like this.
Russia was
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more just warm and comfortable than tired. He nuzzled more and closed his eyes, part of him not wanting to leave the next day. "Da...Amerika
Russia feels
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really good...I like it,da?" he replied, not really thinking before speaking right now as he snuggled the kitty toy in his arms.
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wouldn't know that. Usually when others hang out with him, they get tired of how hyperactive he is and pass out quickly.He laughs sheepishly
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however at his words now, feeling a little embarrassed and flustered by it. "...well I'm glad then." He saw him close his eyes and wonders._
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He leans by his ears and whispers softly, not wanting to startle the guy. "... you tired, Russia?"
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shivers and makes a meep noise, having felt Alfred's breath against his sensetive neck. "Ah! N-nyet...just comfortable..." he stuttered out,
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ears turning red like his face. He couldnt believe he had just made that noise. Ivan really hated how sensetive his neck was, one of the
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reasons he never told anyone about the secret of his neck.
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jumps a little hearing that meep sound. He smiles and laughs a bit. "Oh! Oops, sorry! I thought you were feeling sleepy." He really does
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think the blush suits the man though. He holds an arm around him and lets him settle back in, not wanting to say anything about that cute_
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sound he made. "Alrighty then, get comfy again, okay?"
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shivered again, although this time it was because of the arm around him. He liked it...but it was foreign to him. Ivan couldnt fight his
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blush down from before as he settled down again against America. He tried to get the thought of how just the man's breath had felt on his
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neck. (*ships Russia's neck being his ero zone*0
13 years ago
13 years ago
( Ahh I see xD )
13 years ago
finds it a little funny that he and Russia are getting along fine right now. He's even letting him settle on him like that. Oh well, time
America has
13 years ago
change, he supposes. It's cool though. He slowly reaches for his remote as he turns on the tv, making sure the volume was a bit lower than
13 years ago
13 years ago
closed his eyes and just sat, ejoying the warmth from another's body. He tried to sleep but it didnt seem to want to come. After a while
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Ivan shyly wrapped his arms around Alfred, although he still kept the stuffed toy in his lap.
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This time, he tenses a little bit, completely surprised at the arms wrapping around him. The tenseness slowly disappeared though when he_
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notices that the Russian was just trying to sleep. He chuckles and lets him, patting him lightly on the back as he focuses on his show._
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"I'll be your pillow, I guess..."
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smiles softly, completly at ease. It was never like this at home. It was cold and lonely, he never had visitors or guests. Ivan would
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treasure this feeling of being against the American even long after he gets home.
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hums softly while watching, glancing down at the Russian from time to time, wondering if he was fully asleep now. He would have to get the_
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guy into bed if so. He wouldn't want him to sleep like this. He just listens quietly to his breathing to check.
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wasnt asleep, not like he would let himself sleep anyway. Not when he was trying to enjoy this feeling of hugging himself against another.
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Ivan nuzzled against Alfred's chest, letting out a contented sigh.
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laughs a bit, still not realizing that the man was just really hugging him. He can be oblivious like that. He does gets tickled
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lightly a bit from the nuzzle. "Aww... how cute."
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stiffened and turned red,making a small noise at being called cute. How was a grown man cute?....and why did he like being called that by
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the other nation? Ivan didnt know and it frther confused him.
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America was
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stretching and yawning a little bit when he felt the other stiffen. "Oh! Sorry... did I wake you up?" The way the other was peacefully_
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'sleeping' on him kinda got him relaxed a bit.
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pulled away, still blushing. " I..I wasnt sleeping..I just...c-cute?" he asked, his mind still kinda thrown. He couldnt
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seem to form proper sentences at the moment.
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blinks a little wearily at him as he pulled away. He adjust Texas on his nose as he smiles when he saw him blushing again though. "Aww the
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big guy's blushing because I called you cute? Aww how cute!"
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shakes his head while shaking, eyes closed while he denied it. Ivan resembled a frightened puppy or kitten, still bright red. "N-nyet!...I
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..I am not..c-cute...being called shouldnt make me happy." he stammered out, the last bit said softer than the rest.
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smiles but pauses, seeing how he was uncomfortably reacting to his little teasing. He gulps. Did he go overboard? He gently rubs the other's
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shoulder and arm, trying to calm him down a bit. He listens to him before blinking. "... Oh? It makes you happy?" He says this rather calmly
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but still curiously.
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shivered, not liking being confused by his own feelings. He nodded. " that bad?"
America thinks
13 years ago
about it while still trying to calm him down. He shakes his head. "Well... I don't think it's bad at all. Artie used to call me cute when
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I was his little colony before... But now he just calls me an idiot though." He laughs.
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looks up at him, frowning. "You arnt an idiot...not really,da? You are just different and follow your own pace..."
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turns to him and flushes a little. Somehow those words made him really happy. He is trying to prove himself that he is a good hero, and
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not just all fun and games. "O-oh.. Thanks Russia..." He says with a small smile.
13 years ago
liked the blush on Alfred and smiled back, before doing something he didnt even think about. Ivan leaned forward and lightly kissed
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the man on the cheek. He handt planned it and when his brain caught up he pulled back with a loud gasp, eyes wide in shock.
America is
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rather fine with kisses on the cheek. It's almost like a universal greeting here in America. But he was still caught off guard and didn't_
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ever think that the Russian would do something like that to him, making him flush a little bit more. His eyes did caught the shocked look
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from the Russian and smiles at him.
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"Ah it's alright! Don't be so shocked!"
Russia was
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bright red. "B..but..but..I have..I just..I do not know what came over me to..." he seemed to have lost the ability to form full sentences
13 years ago
13 years ago
laughs a bit while rubbing his nose. "It's fine! Don't worry! You're just probably so tired now, yeah?" He can never get tired of that
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blushing face the Russian kept on making though.
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looked down. he couldnt blame what he did on being tired. "N..nyet...not really...dont want to be away from Amerika..." he mumbled, a hand
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moving up to grasp at the other;s sleeve.
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blinks and watches the hand holding onto his sleeves. He chuckles a bit and smiles. "Aww shucks... come here, big guy." He pulls him close
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and gives him a hug. It was cute that he was acting like this.
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's gasp of suprise was muffled by the hug as he felt like his whole body was blushing. The big nation shyly hugged back, enjoying the warm
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feeling the hug brought.
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pat his back repeatedly in a soothing way. He smiled when his hug was returned. He laughs as he murmurs something inaudible for ears to
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hear softly before pulling away. "Ah did you eat yet? I forgot to ask."
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nodded. "Da...I ate at the meeting..." he replied, feeling a strange urge again. but this one made him red as a cherry from just the thought
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and Ivan felt his brain wanting to overheat.
America has
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noticed how the Russian was just turning beet red so much that now it got him worried a bit. He presses his hand on his forehead. "Are you
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okay? You're not having a fever, aren't you? You seem a little hot right now."
13 years ago
actually flailed at that, falling over and pulling Alfred with him. Russia gasped as he landed with a thump onto the ground. The other
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nation landing on top of him. Ivan groaned, feeling like his face wanted to spontaneouesly combust. "I...I am fine...nyet fever....I..I just
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had a...bad thought.. Im sorry." he admitted, although their position hadnt registered in his head yet.
13 years ago
gets pulled down with the Russian and lands right on top of him. He grumbles a bit as he tries to pull himself up. He looks down to see the
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Russian and gasps. "Oh! Sorry! Ah! Oh god, wait gonna get up now! You okay though? Did you hit your head?"
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hid his eyes with his bangs while wrapping arms around Alfred. " head is fine...C-Can we..stay like this...just for a moment?" he
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asked shyly, not wanting the American to move. He wanted to try something. But he knew if either of them moved he would lose the courage to.
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blinks a bit and nods, laughing a little. "W-well I can't really go anywhere with you hugging me like this now, right? Sure.. I guess..." He
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just rest his head by the Russian's chest. He was like a big warm bed. That was pretty cool!
Russia was
13 years ago
taking a few breaths to steady himself. He had no idea why he was going to do this. Finally he got Alfreds attention by saying his name.
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When the other nation looked up he took the chance to lean in and steal a small fast kiss before pulling back and waiting for the reaction.
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He hoped America wouldnt kick him out....or beat the crap out of him.
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stares down at the Russian, registering what just happened. First. He called him by his human name. That surprised him. Second. He looked up
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looked down* to him. Third. The Russian leaped his head up and steals a quick kiss from him. Fourth. He was just staring at the Russian now.
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Fifth. He feels his blood just gushing up to his face and making him blush really hard. Sixth. He is just mumbling out
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unintelligible noises out at him. W-what just happened?!
Russia was
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as red as the nation on top of him. He had done what he felt the urge to do. And it made him unbelievably happy, so happy he felt giddy and
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fluffy inside. But now he didnt know how to read the others reaction. He had expected anger or denial or something, hell even a light
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beating. Not the confused blushing look coupled with strange noises.
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now finally registered what just happened and flailed around the Russian's arms, pulling away from him. Instead he just fall on his side
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with a loud thump. He was still stuttering his speech while shouting at him. "W-what was that for, your jerkface!?!" He punches him by the
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arm as he pulls himself up.
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winced from the shouting and then again from the punch. He had forgotten how hard the guy could hit, hurt like a bitch. Ivan got up,
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looking at the angry American before turning away. He stuttered out an apology before running down the hall to the nearest room, shutting
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the door behind him. Once inside he took a few steps before sitting on the floor, hugging his knees. What had he done? It seems like the
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American had finally liked him. Wasnt afraid and didnt dislike just being near him. But what did Ivan do? He went and ruined it. Alfred
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hated him now. The Russian felt tears prickle the corner of his eyes. He was an idiot.....a idiot who was alone again.
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wasn't really too angry about the kiss. He was just definitely surprised about it though! He has been kissed in the lips before. He really
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just was taken over by emotion at this. He's not really sure what he's feeling right now truthfully. It all did disappear however when he
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saw how quickly the man apologized to him and ran away. Oh shit, did he overreact again? He slammed his palm on his forehead as he stands up
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and follows the Russian quickly. He knocks at the door he went to. "H-hey Russia. Yo, umm. s-sorry I overreacted there.. umm I ..." He
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wasn't so sure what to say at the moment. He just needed to make sure the other was fine.
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's eyes widened and he felt his blood go cold. He finally got control of his breathing enough to awnser, trying to hide to fact that he was
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actually fighting off tears. "I am sorry Amerika...I did something terrible...Please accept my apology and my promise to leave you alone now
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....I will s-stay in here for the night and primise to be gone as soon as it is morning. I wont trouble you f-futher..." he got out finally,
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amazed he was able to keep his voice at all steady. He felt numb, having actually gotten his hopes up about having America as a friend. But
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he normally drove people away some way or it was probably best he had done it sooner rather than later.
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leans his ears by the door and listens to the man speak. Was he sobbing? "Yo dude! You didn't do anything terrible! You just c-caught_
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me by surprised! Umm it's... been a while since someone kissed me, so I kinda overreacted. Sorry big guy..." He gently turns the knob of
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the door and peers inside, seeing the Russian sitting on the floor. "Aww Russia...." He walks to him and kneels down, hugging him. "Don't
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cry, big guy... Sorry, okay? Did I punch you too hard? S-sorry.. I can't control my strength sometimes..." He hushes him.
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shook, breaking into a sob as the other hugged him. "B-but y-you hate me now,da? I did something awful without asking...i am terrible
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like everyone says,da?" he choked out, feeling now that it probably would have been better if he HAD gotten lost instead of meeting Afred
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that day, even if he had been really happy til now.
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blinks at him a bit shocked. "Huh? What? Hate you? Why??" o3o He thinks about this while scratching his head. ".. cuz of the kiss? Why would
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I hate you for that? I've been kissed before, dude.... I just got surprised by you, you know? And I tend to hit people if they kissed me
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in surprised because of Francis, you see? .. Ah... I don't hate you, Russia. Well before, yeah, but that's because of the Cold War.. but
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we're cool now, right? We're friends?" He asks while patting his back.
13 years ago
hiccuped and tried to stop the tears, finding it hard. He hand cried in forever, and not like this. "I...I..I am still sorry...that..I dont
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know what came over me. suddenly do that...I am terrible,da? was even my first...H..How can you still want to be friends with
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me?" he asked, feeling like he should be hated instead. If it was pity that made America act like this then he didnt want it. It wasnt real
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if it was out of pity.
13 years ago
huffs a bit at how the Russian continues to think he should hate him. 8I He just tugs the Russian by the collar and pulls him into a lip
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smacking kiss. Once he pulls him away, he says, "There.. I don't know what came over me too... I feel terrible... So we're even now, yeah?
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Friends again? Right?" He asks.
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face was trying to compete with a tomato...and probably winning. He meeped and stared, wide eyes while trying to form words..he was failing.
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stares back at him, watching his mouth try to form words. He uses his fingers and moves the Russian's mouth around while trying to to mimic
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the man's accent. "Da... we are friends... again," He smiles. 'Good"!
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stared before starting to giggle, even though a few tears were still falling. " are always so strange...Amerika." Ivan gripped the
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fabric of Afreds shirt tightly. He was so glad the nation didnt hate him
13 years ago
13 years ago
grins at him and laughs. "Yeah, people tend to tell me that all the time~ oh well" He sighs a bit, glad to see the Russian giggling now. It
America was
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pretty cute, how he giggles. "So we're good now, yeah?"
13 years ago
nods. "Da...I am sorry about before...I never knew the first time I would kiss someone would be so confusing....I should probably not
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try it seems I am bad at it,da?" he blushed, smiling though.
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blinks at this and a bit shocked and perhaps a little bit flustered. "... Wait.. I'm the first one you've kissed? and confused? Why?" o3o
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relized what he let slip and goes into embarremsnet blush mode again. "I..I..I have never had a lover..or anything like that....
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just now...when I kissed you I do not know why I did it...I was just suddenly filled with the urge to kiss you...even I am confused by it...
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" he awnsered truthfullly, fidgetting and wishing he could crawl in a hole.
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listens to him and still had his hand behind his neck. He didn't expect a really honest from the Russian and he now shares the same flushed
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look that he had. "...O-oh.. I see.... umm.... t-thank you then?" He is confused about it too, but the way the other was fidgeting was
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pretty cute. He just chuckles and hugs him loosely. "Well just know that I didn't hate you for the kiss, kay big guy?"
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meeps and freezes before shyly hugging back. He nods. "O-ok...thank you Alfred...I am sorry for the t-trouble."
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now can't help but tease him at how he makes that cute noise every time he hugs him. "Do you do that when people hug you? You make that
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really cute noise? Sounding like a meep or something?"
13 years ago
made it again before shaking his head. "I...I never g-get hugged....and there is nyet n-noise!" he tried to argue, although it was a very
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weak argument. He knew he made a strange sound.
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blinks at this and frowns a little. He never gets hugged before!? Aww! "Well don't worry! I love giving out hugs! So I'll give you lots of
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hugs then, yeah??" He smiles at him
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