what would you like to know?
I'm pretty happy with the site as a whole. Only had a few minor problems and they were quickly addressed
well.....are u happy with the views and sales?is it easy to be there?
it easy for sellers to find you?
i find it very easy to be there in terms of site admin and functionality, ive never sold on Etsy
ive had 200 sales in 22 months which im happy with but like all online venues it takes promo work
much better than etsy, my sellers find me fine and I am quite happy with my views
i use my RSS feed to auto post to twitter & facebook etc
views could be better but thats because ive been ill and havent been able to promote as much as i would have liked
my sales always come a lot from a well known fiber artists links
i had openned a shop there sometime during 2009 but nothing happened..of course I m not really well with social networking
i use twitterfeed but am soon going to switch to Ping so it will do some autoposting for me.
and I was even worse during 2009...I had lost my father a few months before opening the shop there and
i like the arrangement of AF but as i said, ive never sold online elsewhere as i dont like the final fees
social networking was like chinese to me...
Victoria and Diane , thank you for all the info!
I am thinking of ginving another shot with Artfire since I m not doing well at etsy either...
well you do have to work at it, list a lot of items, make sure your seo is optimized, etc
so many open a shop, put two things in it and then ask why it isnt working
Diane, I had listed quite a few..but ofcourse they werent enough...and I know I didnt do enough..but I also know I m not
ng enough on etsy..so....this is why I decided to take it all more seriously
is your AF still "open" - what the link?
I haven't sold any jewellery so far, but some supplies, and when you have a few sales it's cheaper than Etsy, since it's a fixed cost
you don't need to relist at all, there is no per sale or per item cost
it needs a revamp desperately..
yes, but do you relist?how can the buyers find you if u dont relist?
i dont really 'sell' on etsy, i have stuff in a shop there, but i dont do anything with it
and surprise surprise i dont sell
much there
, but i dont expect to either, simply because it's not a store i promote
my artfire stores i work...and i have decent sells there *of course i would love for them to be more but i do well enough for it to be a
'real' job and i'm satisfied with that
i also have a niche that i market too, which is rather nice
well, I ve decided that this might be the last year, year and a half that I m going to be making and selling jewelry..that is, if things
dont go as well as they have to cos, I wont be able to pay for supplies out of my month's check..SO, I will do everything
I possible can this year to promote my shop-or shops and see how it goes.....
I really do hope that I will do the right things to get my shops moving, cos I will be heartbroken if things dont turn out as they need to
anyway, thank you all for the info u provided
I really appreciate it
You don't need to relist, because the search actually works
exactly lotta, and the relist mentality is totally etsy so that they can make money on the relisting fees also
it's not like Etsy. AF has some great features, but I do miss the clean look that Etsy has.