lizbdavis says
16 years ago
looking for present ideas for my husband. He is so hard to buy for.
latest #17
mhobkirk says
16 years ago
Good Luck
McTeach says
16 years ago
What does he like to do?
mindelei says
16 years ago
Is there an event you could get him tickets or a gift certificate for (concert, golfing, etc.)?
16 years ago
Mine too. He's the ultimate "I don't need anything" guy. Has no hobbies, friends, vices, interests, time. Works so much we never see him.
mindelei says
16 years ago
kmulford - Coupons for "date night?"
16 years ago
How about a weekend away doing something *he* likes?
KarinB says
16 years ago
lizbdavis, does he need tires like my hubby did? (woot)
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
He is a software engineer, just finished out basement and love sci fi books and TV.
lizbdavis says
16 years ago
We just decided we are going to do stockings only for each other. We really don't need anything. Only getting presents for the kids.
16 years ago
Mine will not go away without kids. We have many unused gift certificates for restaurants and movie theaters, b/c he never has time.
lfeld52 says
16 years ago
I bought mine the boxed set of The Office. Last year it was 24!
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
I ordered a couple of things off of this list:
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
I was having a hard time this year too!
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
This is also a fun and cool site that I ordered presents
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
16 years ago
I get my dad cologne, razors, really good shaving cream, a new brush for hair, that type of thing that he'd have to buy himself
mindelei says
16 years ago
There are some interesting things in that second site honeyelf! Check out this giant gummy bear!
✿honeymic says
16 years ago
too funny!! My students would probably break down in tears of happiness if they saw that much sugar on a stick.
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