13 years ago
sits on a park bench, watching Kumapamo frolic through the snow.
latest #107
13 years ago
sighs, exhausted after skating at the lake. She sits down by the bench to relieve herself from her exhaustion.
13 years ago
notices someone not to far away and can't help but wonder if she sees him.
13 years ago
jumps when she realizes the bench was covered with snow. She was that tired. She moved to a different bench with her will power and sits on
13 years ago
a warmer bench.
13 years ago
blinks in surprise when she sits on him, inwardly groaning. "Ah, umm, e-excuse me, miss?"
13 years ago
sighs tiredly, hearing herself sighing more than anything in her surrounding.
13 years ago
turns red and tries to wiggle out from under her.
Anya wonders
13 years ago
if she is hallucinating and felt the bench move. Perhaps it was just her tiredness making her think such thing.
13 years ago
tries to speak louder. "E-excuse me?"
13 years ago
blinks and thinks she heard something. She looks around to see... "Ah! How cute! There is a little bear here!"
Matthew hopes
13 years ago
that Kumdimo would help him out. Kumajiro sits down and tilts his head at Anya, talking. "Who?"
13 years ago
gaps, jumping in surprise a bit against her seat when she heard the bear talk. She smiles widely at the bear. "Privyet, lapushka!"
13 years ago
winces as she jumps. He was going to feel that in the morning... The bear keeps staring at her. "Hello."
13 years ago
stares back with a happy smile on her face. "Why are you all alone, lapushka?"
13 years ago
Kuma tilts his head and glances behind her. "I'm not alone."
13 years ago
blinks at this with slight confusion. "Ah! because I am here, da? So you are not alone?" She squirms a bit at her seat.
13 years ago
whimpers. "Maple..." Kuma shakes his head. "There's someone else."
13 years ago
hums and tilts her head sideways. "There is someone else? ... another bear?"
13 years ago
smiles and waves to the bear, hoping he'd remember him. Kuma shook his head. "You're sitting on someone."
13 years ago
blinks and turns to peer over her shoulder and sees... "Ah!!" She jumps up and fumbles a bit. "Ah! Prosti menya!" She flushes a bit. She was
13 years ago
sitting on a man.
13 years ago
blushes and gets up, rubbing his back. "I-it's fine... I'm used to it..."
13 years ago
blinks again at his words. "You are fine women sitting on you and you are used to it?"
13 years ago
nods a little. "Men too..."
13 years ago
giggles a bit as she bows her head slightly, still saying her apologize. "Why do you let men sit on you?"
13 years ago
blushes and looks away. "Ah, I don't let them..."
13 years ago
blinks and giggles a little bit more, feeling sorry for the man. "Well at least a woman sat on you this time, da? That is better?"
13 years ago
nods a bit. "Yeah, I guess..."
13 years ago
looks at him for a moment. He somehow looks familiar but she cannot grasp at all as to who he reminds her of.
13 years ago
can't help but wonder why she's looking him over.
Anya wonders
13 years ago
why she cannot remember the name. She scratches her head in slight annoyance.
13 years ago
fidgets nervously.
13 years ago
pouts a bit as she turns to look at the bear. She smiles a little. "Is he your pet?"
13 years ago
nods. "Yeah, that's Kudatiro." Kuma shook his head slightly.
13 years ago
giggles a bit when she saw the bear shook its head. "It seems like he is disagreeing with you though umm.... Your name?"
13 years ago
blinks. "My name? Matthew or Canada, which ever you prefer."
13 years ago
gasps. "Ah! That is who you remind me of! Madeline!"
13 years ago
stares at her before realizing that is his counterparts name. "Oh, yeah... She's the girl version of me..."
13 years ago
nods slowly, her lilac eyes staring at him more now. "So you are male Canada then... da?... Matthew? Ah Matvey."
13 years ago
blinks at her curiously. "Are you the the female Russia?"
13 years ago
smiles and nods at this. "Da, I am Mother Russia, or Anya if you wish to call me by my name."
13 years ago
nods. "It's nice to meet you." So this was the girl who was seeing his newfound sister....
13 years ago
smiles sweetly at him and bows her head. "Da, it is nice to meet you as well, Matvey. Even in the parallel universe, you still look like_
13 years ago
your brother, da? Amerika?"
13 years ago
blushes and nods. "But we are very different..."
13 years ago
giggles. "Da, I know that. I do not mistaken Madeline for Alicia."
13 years ago
would hope not. "I met Alicia the other day."
13 years ago
blinks and smiles. "Oh! You have?" She giggles. "So you now know you have a sister, da?"
13 years ago
nods. "Yeah, she seems really nice, too."
13 years ago
smiles. "Da, a sweetheart. Sloppy at times though." She giggles. "Is that the same with Amerika?"
13 years ago
smiles a little and scratches the back of his head. "I think so. They do act a lot alike."
13 years ago
giggles. "I have not seen him for quite a while now though. That upsets me sadly. Well but at least I meet you, da?"
13 years ago
frowns a little. "I haven't seen him either. But it was nice to meet you."
13 years ago
smiles at him. "So Matvey, what are you doing out here?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "Just taking Kamaro out for a walk."
13 years ago
blinks a bit. She was certain he said a different name before. "... I thought you said his name was Kudatiro..."
13 years ago
tilts his head. "No... I'm pretty sure I said Kumaro then, too. That is his name after all."
13 years ago
blinks a bit more. She knows what she heard. "And I am certain you said Kamaro, not Kumaro."
13 years ago
frowns. He wonders why so many people seem to have a hard time with this. "His name is Kimimo."
Anya wonders
13 years ago
if he realizes he keeps saying different names now. She turns to the bear, knowing that the little furry one knows his name the most. "What_
Anya is
13 years ago
your name, lapushka?"
13 years ago
Kuma looks up at her. "Kumajiro, bitch." Matthew yelps and turns red. "Heheh... someone's been watching too much tv..."
13 years ago
blinks in surprise but smiles widely. "Ah such foul mouth you have, little one~ How cute~ Nyet, I am not a bitch."She turns around. "And_
13 years ago
what kind of shows do you let the furry one watch, Matvey?"
13 years ago
frowns and fidgets. "He watches whatever he wants to... he forgets I'm there too..."
Anya wonders
13 years ago
if this is the time they say one should hug someone out of comfort. She might as well. She pulls the Canadian into a hug and pats his back.
13 years ago
starts at the hug, surprised. Why was she hugging him? This was so confusing. He slowly, nervously hugs her back.
13 years ago
continues to hug him and smiles. She thought it was the good thing to do, especially when his own pet forgets he was there.
13 years ago
blushes, slightly embarrassed but honestly enjoying the hug. It was nice to have people notice him.
13 years ago
smiles and before she pulls away, she kisses his cheek. "I really am sorry for sitting on you. I was just exhausted."
13 years ago
shrugs and looks away. "It's okay, I understand."
13 years ago
giggles and pinches his cheek. "It is not polite to not look at someone in the eye when speaking, da?"
13 years ago
winces slightly and looks back at her. "I-I'm sorry."
13 years ago
smiles and pats his cheek. "There, better now, da?"
13 years ago
nods a little, still red. Why did all of these girls have to be so affectionate?
13 years ago
|Because they are different from their male counterparts! ^ J^ "So you are just letting Kumajiro play around in the snow?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I was taking a walk, too."
13 years ago
hums and nods. "Ah, a nice stroll in the snowy park, da? That sounds fun~"
13 years ago
nods. "It is and I can tell Kotamo likes it too."
13 years ago
giggles for a moment when he said a new name besides the bear's true name. "Well it is in his nature to like snow, da? He is after all a_
13 years ago
polar bear."
13 years ago
laughs a little. "Yeah but he likes going to the beach, too."
Anya is
13 years ago
a little bit surprised by this information. "He likes the beach too? Does he not get hot with all the fur?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I don't know, but he really loves it. Almost as much as he loves snow."
13 years ago
smiles and shrugs also. "Well whatever makes the little furry one happy, da? How about you? Do you like the beach too?"
13 years ago
nods and smiles. "I love the beach. I mean, snow is nice every once in a while, but it gets old quickly."
13 years ago
sighs exasperatedly and nods greatly at his words. "I cannot agree with you more, Matvey."
13 years ago
laughs. "Maybe Alicia, you and I should all go soon to get away from the cold."
13 years ago
blinks owlishly at him. "You are inviting me also?" A small smile appears on her lips. "Da, that would be lovely..." She laughs however._
13 years ago
"Now you are being mean, da? You completely forgot about your own counterpart!" She teases him.
13 years ago
blinks and blushes, a look of remorse crossing his face. "I haven't met her yet."
Anya thinks
13 years ago
that blush was a nice look on him. "I did not mean to hurt your feelings. I was just kidding! I must feel guilty as well for I have not_
13 years ago
spoken with Madeline for quite a while now."
13 years ago
looks at her. "What is she like? My counterpart, I mean."
13 years ago
would like to tell him exactly how she is... but she forgot. She looks around nervously, perhaps looking at Kumajiro. "A-ah well she also_
Anya has
13 years ago
a polar bear." ((Lol I haven't rped with her, so I'm not show how she rps her XD;; ))
13 years ago
nods. "Alicia told me. I wonder if they would get along...."
13 years ago
hums and shrugs. "Perhaps? They are of the same species too~"
13 years ago
glances at his bear. "But he doesn't act like a polar bear sometimes..."
13 years ago
looks over to Kumajiro as well and possibly having to agree with him. The bear was making a tiny snowbear right now. "Da..."
13 years ago
smiles a little. "But he's so cute..."
13 years ago
giggles at this and nods. "Da, he is very cute and adorable... Is he still a cub?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, I've had him for a long time. He's just small. I'm glad he is, though."
13 years ago
blinks and ponders about this. "He never grew? Now that is interesting~"
13 years ago
nods. "I think it's like how no matter how old we get, we don't age too much."
13 years ago
hums at this. "Oh... so the General started off being as an old man? Interesting."
13 years ago
shrugs. "I don't know for sure, but it's possible."
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