England is
13 years ago
at a music store, picking out a new guitar to purchase.
latest #136
Tristan is
13 years ago
lurking about the music store with a great interest- his eyes wide with interest at all the different instruments. He really should pick
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up another instrument beside the drums. Oh well- he needs a new bongo. That first, new instrument later.
13 years ago
keeps his gaze up at the guitars hanging on the walls, and accidentally bumps into Tristan. "Ah-- excuse me, I'm sorry."
Tristan was
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gazing at the guitars just a tad bit wistfully, when all of a sudden he feels another body bumping against his. He looks up to see a rather
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familiar looking man has ran into him. Although he can't quite place why he looks so familiar- surely he would remember someone with such
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monstrous eyebrows. "Ah no, I should be the one to apologize. I shouldn't have zoned out like that." And he has the grace to look sheepish.
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His brown eyes study the man even further, "Although... have we met before? You look awfully familiar." Those eyes. They remind him of Ann's
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blinks, regarding the man before him. He looks familiar, but... England can't really place a finger on it. "No, I don't believe we have. My
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name is Arthur Kirkland; it's a pleasure to meet you."
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he does a double take at the last name. "Kirkland you said?" Yes, Tristan believes he's on the right track. Ever since he's made the
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comparison to Ann's eyes, he can definitely see the similarity. If Ann was a boy, she would most certainly look like this. Although where
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the eyebrows came from was quite the mysterious. But that's not possible is it? "Tristan. Tristan Benoit. A pleasure to meet you. You remind
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me of someone I know actually... in fact you have the same last name as her and everything. Like your almost her long lost brother."
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But of course that wasn't possible. Ann had no brothers- only sisters.
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offers a polite smile. "Yes, Kirkland. Well, I don't have any sisters, so... perhaps it's just a coincidence? I've only brothers in my
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family, I'm afraid."
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Perhaps it is a coincidence, but Tristan has a feeling it's not. Something is tugging at him that there is more than meets the eye here.
13 years ago
Things have been strange on the magical sorts of things- the fish have all been a flutter about something but are surprisingly quite tight
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lipped about it. "And she only has sisters in hers. So it can't be that. Although... you two really could be twins."
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blinks, confused. "Well... I'm certain that I don't have a twin, or any relatives that match your description... what is her name?"
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replies, "Ann Kirkland." Really, the whole suggestion is just odd.
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pauses, immediately thinking back of his counterpart back home. Carefully, he looks at Tristan and asks, "How do you know her?"
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flushes a bit. Mon dieu! That was a really difficult question to answer! "Um... well it's complicated. But I suppose you could say she was
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my caretaker for quite a few years." Try 167, thinks Tristan to himself.
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frowns a bit, looking around before lowering his voice a notch. "You were a colony of the British Empire, then. Am I wrong?"
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freezes completely at the question. How on earth would he know something like that? That was top secret information! "... Wi, I was."_
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He answers quietly. "And how would you know something like that Monsieur Kirkland?" he glances at the other suspiciously.
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straightens his back, regarding Tristan with a controlled expression. "-I- was the British Empire," he responds. "Though, I don't believe_
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a music store would be the best place to explain this."
13 years ago
"Impossible! You're obviously not-" but he cuts himself off. But a terse expression has come across the usually sunny and carefree boy, "Wi,
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I must agree to that. A music store isn't the proper place to have this sort of conversation. Do you have somewhere in mind..?"
13 years ago
only glances at the guitars one more time before motioning for Tristan to follow. He leads the way out of the store and to a park, where_
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he begins a leisurely walk. "I don't suppose you're aware of the existence of multiple dimensions. Are you?"
13 years ago
can't help but sigh. He'll replace his bongo at some later time. This was more important. He follows this Arthur Kirkland quite closely.
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"Wi, I am aware of this fact. What about it?" After all, Tristan was a very superstitious being. Being raised by Ann didn't help at all.
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replies, "I don't know how exactly this came to be, but in short, the nations of your dimension have transferred over to this... -my-_
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dimension. The only notable difference, though, is that the genders are switched."
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blinks. Well that was certainly unexpected. "So that's the fish were going on about then," is his answer, "They were disturbed by something.
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" He studies Arthur now, "Well, I suppose that explains why you look so similar to Ann then." A pause, "Although... she lacks your eyebrows
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" And wait? "Does that mean i'm a woman in your world?" his eyes widen. That was a disturbing thought.
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twitches, just slightly irritated by the mentioning of his eyebrows. "She's pointed that out, already," he grumbles, displeased. "In any_
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case, yes, you're a woman in this world. And from your speak about fish, I'm going to assume that you are Seychelles."
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raises an eyebrow. "The two of you have met then?" He can't help but smirk a tiny bit, "Well they *are* quite noticeable~" Tristan is
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clearly pleased that his counterpart talks about fish as much as him. He really hopes he meets her soon! "Wi, you are correct. I am the
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Republic of Seychelles." He bows mockingly a bit, "At your service."
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rolls his eyes a bit, not at all liking his eyebrows being pointed out. "And I am England, commonly the representative of the United_
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Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It's a pleasure."
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can't help but deepen the smirk at the eye rolling. "That it is," he answers. "Well, this is an odd situation. I wonder why the dimensions
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have decided to merge together." And he looks quite thoughtful, "Although... obviously there hasn't been any catastrophe... yet."
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frowns a bit. "And hopefully, there won't be any in the future. So far, there doesn't seem to be any discernible disaster, which is good.."
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nods his head in agreement. "Agreed. The world is hardly peaceful as it is... but we don't need any major disasters."
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replies, "Indeed... though, as long as our counterparts don't cause too much outside confusion, things should be fine."
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shrugs, "Exactly. The only thing that could happen is confusion." He looks up with a thoughtful look, "I wonder how the bosses will handle
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England thinks
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. "Well... I don't know about the others, but I've kept Ann a secret from the prime minister. It... seems easier, this way."
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frowns a bit. "So I suppose it's our world that's collided with yours, non?" How very, very strange. "But I suppose it's easier that way...
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the whole situation does sound rather mad." He shrugs, "Not everyone is superstitious as I am."
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nods. "Have you met your counterpart, yet? And do you have a place to stay?"
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shakes head. "Non, I haven't. Unfortunately. I'm looking forward to meeting her. I wonder where she is?" He pauses a moment, "I suppose
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it would be rude to stay at my own house... because technically it's not my house." He frowns in thought at this dilemma.
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frowns slightly at the French, but lets it go. "I haven't seen her around lately either, but I'm sure she'll be more than glad to let you_
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stay with her. She's... courteous, if anything."
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notes that frown. Of course it's England. Ann never appreciates it when he starts slipping in French. "I would hope so... You need courtesy
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in order to thrive in tourism. And I'm afraid that's well we have to offer in Seychelles," he laughs, "But nonetheless I'll be sure to leave
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her a pleasant surprise!" He frowns, "I do hope she's alright..."
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replies, "So I've heard. I'm sure she'll be... more or less thrilled." A pause, "She's fine. You've really no reason to be worried."
Tristan says
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, "Well I'm certainly very excited to meet her!" He looks over at the other, "How about you? How are you getting on with Ann?"
England thinks
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. "...We're getting along fine. She's very pleasant company."
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nods his head. "Well that's good! I suppose it makes sense that the two of you would get along..." He laughs, "I bet there lots of tea
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drinking!" He pauses, a memory coming to him at the mention of the drink. "Were you like Ann and rather set on my counterpart fetching you
13 years ago
13 years ago
tries not to think about how much they argue. "Yes. She was a colony, after all; she might as well been put to -some- use."
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snorts and places his hands behind his head in a lazily fashion. "Spoken like the former British Empire indeed. The woman had a manservant
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complex like you wouldn't believe." There's another snort.
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pauses, face growing red from the first thought that pops into mind. "You--" he splutters, "She-- did you two-- does that-- b-bloody hell!"
Tristan is
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suddenly joining England on the red face front, "Wh.. wh... what! Mon dieu! You pervert! Where did you get that from?" He's clearly
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embarrassed beyond belief and is not going to answer England's question. Shocked that England even went there. "Although I shouldn't be
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surprised," he huffs testily.
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almost gapes - but doesn't, because gentlemen don't gape. "...So you have?"
Tristan is
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turning even more red because nope this isn't happening. "Whether we have or haven't isn't any of your business I would think!"
England is
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equally embarrassed! "So you-- blimey, I can't believe-- agh!" Because certainly, not denying it means yes, they have.
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really thinks they should change the subject. Like, right now. "I haven't told you we have you pervert! You're as bad as maman!"
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turns red, embarrassed. "W-Well, you could've just said 'no', then! You made it sound like something went on!"
Tristan is
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even more redder now, "You shouldn't have assumed anything! You're just as perverted as she is!" At this point, it's hard to tell which
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she, Tristan is actually referring to. It probably doesn't matter- they're both equally bad in his book.
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looks away, flustered. "Neither of us are perverted! You just say things in a way that suggests... unsavory things!"
Tristan is
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not looking at him either, just as flustered. "You most certainly are! I found the secret stash you know! Worse than maman's!"
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Another huff. "Besides, who makes their colonies wear collars anyways?"
13 years ago
, if possible, turned darker. "Secret st-- I-I don't know what you're talking about, you little prat! I have no secret stash!" A scowl. "And
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it's only because she-- you, both of you, were so disobedient!"
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retorted, "Well maybe not you, but Ann does. So I just assume you have one too since you're a pervert." Oh that got a *huge* huff from the
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Seychellois boy. "You never collared Hong Kong, now did you and we played all sorts of pranks on you... Ann... whatever!"
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frowns, unable to think of a counter to that. "Well, Hong Kong was a child! And he had... good intentions, for the most part, not to mention
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that he was quiet! You-- her, on the other hand, she was too loud!"
Tristan thinks
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England's just have a thing for collaring the opposite gender that's what. "I think that's a lousy excuse, just because we didn't
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put up with your controlling nature, doesn't mean we should take part in some secret sex fantasy or whatever!"
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splutters indignantly. "Sex fantasy?! What-- n-no! Bloody hell, no! I-- we'd never! Don't shove -your- sexual fantasies onto us!"
Tristan is
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just as indignant. "Excuse me! *My* sexual fantasies!? Why would I even want such a thing! I'm... we're the victim here!" Have a big fat
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glare England.
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scowls in return. "Yes, yours! Ann is a refined lady, and I am a gentleman; we'd never even -dream- of something like that, especially with
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a former colony!"
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hisses, "A lady and a gentleman? Ha! You're both pirates to your very core- the both of you!" He raises an eyebrow when England says he
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would never do such a thing with a former colony. "And oh? What about your 'special relationship' with America?" he inquires slyly.
England is
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about to retort, but feels his words die on his lips. He blushes, immediately saying, "That's-- The Special Relationship is a political_
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term! It's... just an alliance, not some... some illicit love affair!"
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smirks. The tables have turned! "Really... I heard some minister of yours compared it to a marriage. If that isn't a metaphor... I don't
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know what is."
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shakes his head vehemently. "No! Err... Thatcher and Reagan were seen as political soulmates, but-- that's... something else...!" He_
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scowls, looking up at Tristan with a flustered expression. "You're making something out of nothing!"
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smirks deepen even more. "Funny how that works, non?"
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glares. "Drop it; just because you're independent doesn't mean you've the right to be a cheeky little prat."
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grins at the glare. Annoying England was always fun- no matter the gender. "Whatever Eyebrows~" And somehow that nickname came way too
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easily to him. Perhaps he was channeling his female counterpart's personality despite the fact they hadn't met yet.
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twitches in mild irritation at the nickname. "Don't call me that."
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raises eyebrow, "How about old man?" He calls Ann Old Maid all the time.
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isn't pleased with that, either. "Arthur," he grinds out, crossing his arms. "Or England."
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could easily supply that with Artie and Iggy. He already calls Ann, Annie, so why not Artie for Arthur? But he figures that he's had enough
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fun with the other. "Fine," he pouts, "So boring."
England feels
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a slight headache on the edges of his mind, and decides that Tristan is just as unbearable as his counterpart. "That's what she says, too."
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really can't wait to meet his counterpart now! It would be like having a long lost twin! "Glad to know my counterpart likes to have as much
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fun as I do," he grins cheekily at the other.
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rolls his eyes. "Just don't cause too much trouble. I don't want to get blamed for it, directly or indirectly."
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huffs. "Why would *you* get blamed? You're not exactly responsible for either of us anymore." Unless they set him up or something.
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replies, "Because you were once mine. Thus, I expect you to behave like a proper gentleman."
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crosses his arms, "I act like a proper gentleman when it matters!" Excuse him for not acting like a stuffy old man.
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looks unimpressed. "Of course you do."
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crossing his arms tighter. "I do! I hold the door for ladies and remove my hat indoors if I'm wearing one... I'm not completely helpless!"
England will
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never admit that Tristan pointing those things out is slightly endearing. "...And?"
Tristan thinks
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that England is having too much fun with this. "And I never spit, nor do I use toothpicks... and I try not to swear *too* much!"
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smiles a bit, though it's rather smug. "And who taught you those manners?"
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decides to wipe off that rather smug-look on his face. It's irritating. "Marianne."
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frowns! "Beg pardon?" A pause; well, she wasn't as bad as France... "...I suppose I could see that. So long as it's not Francis..."
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grins evilly at the other. There's a mock thoughtful look, "And maybe perhaps Ann." In truth, he views both as great influences in his life
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Although he really mostly takes after Marianne- it's her language he's mangled, I mean, made awesomer. He raises an eyebrow at the mention
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of Francis. "Francis? The male France then? Not met him yet. Your the first."
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rolls his eyes. "You say Ann as if I ought to be offended. She's a respectable woman, and you'd best respect her, lad."
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