England is
13 years ago
escaping the rain by drinking tea in a cafe.
latest #77
13 years ago
dashed into the cafe, white shirt tied under her breasts and clinging to her. She's drenched and her shirt is see through. She plops down in
13 years ago
a chair near England, pouting. >3<
13 years ago
looks up, almost choking on his tea. Almost immediately, he stands up, shrugging off his jacket and more or less throwing it on her. "It's
13 years ago
raining! Why don't you have an umbrella?!"
13 years ago
blinks at him and dodges the coat, letting it flap uselessly past her. "What?! I forgot it, is all! I didn't realize it was gonna be rainy!"
13 years ago
frowns, standing up and picking up the jacket and holding it out to her. "Don't you check the weather reports? And put this on!"
13 years ago
huffs and stands up, shrugging. "It's not that big of a deal. It's just a little rain." She runs a hand through her tangled wet hair. "Why
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put on that coat?"
13 years ago
holds the jacket closer to her but looks away, embarrassed. "You're wearing white, you idiot! And you're wet! People are staring!"
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "THey're only staring cause you're throwing things and making a fuss! 'Sides! What's wrong with the color white!"
13 years ago
reddens slightly, trying to drape the coat over her shoulders. "I-It's transparent, you git...!"
13 years ago
frowns and crosses her legs under her breasts. "... So? Why should that matter? Stop calling me a git!"
13 years ago
just throws the coat on her and looks away. "What do you -mean- why should that matter?! You might as well be wearing no shirt at all!"
13 years ago
arches a brow. "Well if that's the case!" She tosses the coat on the ground and strips her wet shirt off, throwing it on the ground too. She
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cheekily blows him a kiss, proudly showing off her start spangled bra. (( i182.photobucket.com/alb... ))
13 years ago
splutters, eyes wide and face red as he grabs the coat and covers her with it again, this time not letting go as he holds it against her
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shoulders. "Are you mad?!" he cries, looking at anywhere but at her. "We're in public! What do you think you're doing?!"
13 years ago
rolls her eyes and struggles to get out of his hold. "IF I were in a bikini they'd see the same amount of skin!!! It's not that big of a
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deal! Lemme go!" >A<
13 years ago
doesn't let go. "But you're -not- in your bikini! And shut up, you're causing a ruckus! Just put on the bloody coat!"
13 years ago
kicks him roughly in the shin. "You're such a jerk. I don't want your stinky British coat!"
13 years ago
/so mature.
13 years ago
grimaces, pulling back to rub at his leg. "That -hurt-, you little prat! Can't you be a bit more grateful and modest?! Cover yourself up!"
13 years ago
glares up at him. "You've given me absolutely nothing to be grateful for you jerk! I'm sure you're the only person that doesn't appreciate
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the view." D<
13 years ago
glares back, though he does take a moment to step in front of her and shield her from the cafe's other patrons. "You're not some bloody
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prostitute! Why would I enjoy it? If you have a shred of dignity, you'll put on the coat!"
13 years ago
smacks him across the face. "As if I look like a prostitute! Clearly if you're the one thinking about sex when you look at me then you're
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the one without a shred of dignity!" She turns and grabs her shirt, glaring at him angrily as she turns to haughtily leave the establishment
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with her wet white shirt on her arm but still proudly in her bra. "Jerkface."
13 years ago
just stares, unable to believe that he was actually hit, before grabbing her wrist and pulling her back. With a scowl, he forces the coat
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on again, saying, "I'm -not- thinking about sex! You're the one walking around barely clothed!"
13 years ago
gets so angry that he's still trying to put the coat on her she rips it near in half to get it off of her. "You're the one calling me a
13 years ago
fucking prostitute!" She looks angry, but very much angry if a girl way, as if she doesn't know if she wants to cry or break his nose.
13 years ago
sighs exasperatedly. "I'm not calling you a prostitute! I'm saying you... might as well be one, if you're going to go around shirtless!"
13 years ago
huff at him and punches him hard in the arm. "I don't look like one at all. YOu're the one that's saying that!" She is trying to get out of
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the cafe still, shrugging the now torn coat off again.
13 years ago
bites back a cry of pain - Christ, she punches hard! - as he takes hold of both her wrists. "Then wear -something- on top of your lingerie!"
13 years ago
glares murderously up at him. "I'm not walking around in a corset or a teddy you pervert. It's a bra and it's there to support my breasts
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not to be sexy. So if you could get your paws off of me, I won't have to scream rape until someone calls the damn cops on your ass." D<
13 years ago
groans, frustrated, and lets her go in favor of rubbing his temples. "It's -improper-, Alicia. You're being objectified by a good lot of the
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men that stare at you. So -please-," he grinds that out with difficulty, "Wear the coat."
13 years ago
glares at him. "It's my fault that **they're** objectifying me?!? Fuck that. If they're doing that they'd do it no matter what I was wearing
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so it's not like it matters. I don't want your awful coat."
13 years ago
looks at her, exasperated. "Watch your language, first of all. And you're only encouraging them with your behavior. If you don't want the
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coat, at least wear my shirt - anything, just cover yourself up!"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "No! You're just as bad as they are! I'm not encouraging anything. I'm not putting -anything- on. I'm celebrating my
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feminine form and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it." D<
13 years ago
frowns. "I'm trying to help you become a refined young woman! Really, don't you have any shame? Stop being so stubborn!"
13 years ago
arches a brow. "I'm perfect the way I am, thanks, and just because you were born with a penis doesn't mean you get to tell me what kind of
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woman I should be."
England wishes
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he had an Advil. "My anatomy has nothing to do with this. This is for -you- to become a more respectable woman! There are limits, Alicia."
13 years ago
shakes her head and head for the door again, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm perfectly respectable as it is, ya big jerk."
13 years ago
quickly pays for his tea and follows her, pulling her back. "You are -not- leaving like that! It's raining, you'll get sick!"
13 years ago
jerks her arm away from him. "Don't touch me you perv. I almost never get sick. I'm not going to die cause I was out in the rain!"
13 years ago
glares. "I'm -not- a pervert! You're the one walking around half-naked, you bloody twat! And I never said that you'd die, only that you'd
13 years ago
catch a cold!"
13 years ago
glares back at him. "I have all the important bits covered you jerk. Leave me alone. I won't catch cold either." >3< She's reaching for her
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phone. Maybe Anya would come pick her up if she texted her nicely enough.
Anya was
13 years ago
walking in the rain with an umbrella when she felt her phone vibrate on her pocket. "Hmm? From Alicia?" She texts back saying she was_
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actually nearby and she can come to her.
13 years ago
frowns, crossing his arms. "Just having them covered isn't -enough-, you little prat! And don't text when someone's talking to you!"
13 years ago
arches a brow at him. "I'd rather be talking to her though. You're just saying the same old stuff over and over." She entreats Anya to come
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get her >~<
13 years ago
gets the message and starts walking towards the said cafe, wondering why she wanted her to come over.
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sighs. "Fine, then; go. I'd much rather be focusing my attention on someone less likely to give me a migraine, anyway."
13 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Sorry that you're a douche~" she coos sarcastically. "You started shit with me so don't blame me when you get a headache.
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purses his lips and holds back a retort. "Very cute, Alicia," he snaps, moving to sit back down. "Just charming."
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flips him off and and rolls her eyes again. "Oh yes. Much more charming than you." She orders two hot cocoas to go, waiting now for Anya to
13 years ago
13 years ago
arrives at the cafe on cue, looking around to see where Alicia was and all she sees was her soaking wet and men staring at her. She throws
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them one icy glare, which made then look away. "Alicia! What happened?"
Amelia is
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paying when Anya comes in and sighs, jerking a thumb in the Brit's direction. "He was determined to cause a scene, is all."
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takes out her coat and bundles her into it. "Who?" She looks at the direction to see an Englishman. "Who is that?"
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accepts this coat much more graciously-- it wasn't thrown at her-- and shrugs. "Male England. He's a fuddy duddy too." She kisses Anya's
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cheek gently and hands her a cocoa. "Here hun."
13 years ago
smiles at the kiss but stops her from handing the cocoa for now. She turns to stare down at Ann's counterpart.
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