Russia wants
13 years ago
to meet England properly so goes over to his house, knocking on the nations's door loudly. ^J^
latest #619
13 years ago
looks up from his book, not having expected a visitor. He goes to the door, opening it with a, "Yes?"
13 years ago
smiles down at the much shorter nation. "Privet~"
13 years ago
pauses, frowning momentarily before switching to a polite smile. "Hello, Russia. May I help you?"
13 years ago
nods. "Da. I wanted to talk with England~"
13 years ago
steps aside, then, opening the door widely for Russia. "Then please, do come in. Would you like a cup of tea?"
13 years ago
steps in happily, nodding at him. "Da. A cup of tea sounds very nice."
13 years ago
closes the door behind him and nods, showing Russia to the living room. "Make yourself at home, then. Is there a particular tea you'd like?"
13 years ago
shakes head. "Any is fine with me~" he replied, sitting in a comfy chair. ^J^
13 years ago
nods and prepares some tea. He comes back and sets them (and some burnt scones) in front of Russia, before sitting down as well. "What_
13 years ago
did you want to speak to me about?"
13 years ago
takes tea and sips, humming at the warm it gives. "I wanted to say Hello for one. And two to ask you about yourself. We nations
13 years ago
should learn about one another dont you think?"
13 years ago
blinks, a bit surprised as he picks up his own tea to take a sip. "I... suppose. If I may ask, what brought this on...?"
13 years ago
tilted his head a bit in thought. "I do not...get out much you could say. And I thought it woud be good to get to know my fellow nations
13 years ago
better. I decided to start with my favorites and move down." ^^
13 years ago
doesn't know how to feel about being called a 'favorite', but nods anyway. "I see. Well, I'm glad to see that you've decided on doing so."
13 years ago
smiles, sipping his tea. "Well where should we begin?" he asked.
England thinks
13 years ago
. "Well... perhaps with our hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?"
13 years ago
nods."That sounds resonable...well for me I like to read and play chess. Although finding an opponent to play with is hard,da?"
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "I enjoy those two things, too. Perhaps we ought to play one day; I've been looking for a good partner myself."
13 years ago
smales happily, not the normal fake childish smile. "Da. i would much enjoy that."
13 years ago
sips his tea. "We can even play now, if you'd like...?
13 years ago
13 years ago
perked up at the suggestion. "really?"
13 years ago
nods, standing up to retrieve the chess set. "It's been a while since I've played, but I've been wanting to for a while, now."
13 years ago
excited. "Same for me. I am looking forward to playing with you~"
13 years ago
prepares the chess board, and then the pieces. "Black or white?"
Russia thinks
13 years ago
. "black." he replied, not wanting th color of snow. He saw it too much.
13 years ago
nods, setting the pieces up and beginning the game. "Most people choose white."
13 years ago
smiles. "You will find i tend to be different than most~"
13 years ago
moves a piece, smiling a bit. "That just gets me all the more excited, Russia."
13 years ago
chuckles, dropping the childish mask he uses in front of others a bit and moves his own piece.
13 years ago
glances up at him, also moving a piece. "I feel a bit reminiscent, now. This reminds me of the Great Game." A pause, "And the World Wars."
Russia thinks
13 years ago
for a minute before moving another piece. "Oh does it? And why is that?"
13 years ago
withholds a smile, and mimics his move. "You're different," he answers. "Less like a child and more like a hawk, if I may say so."
13 years ago
watching the board. "I am going to take that as a compliment da?" he replied, moving another similar piece. "I could say the same to you.
13 years ago
Although i think a hunting cat is a better discription."
13 years ago
chuckles a bit, this time hesitating a bit before moving a piece. "Take it however you will." He glances up, a bit amused, and repeats, "A
13 years ago
hunting cat? I suppose I'll have to take that as a compliment as well, then."
13 years ago
smiles sincerly at him. "It was a compliment,da?" he said, before then moving a piece and claiming on of England's.
13 years ago
blinks, a bit surprised by the smile. "...Thank you, then." He moves his own piece, eating one of Russia's in return. "You're not bad."
13 years ago
chuckles, moving another piece. "I could say the same to you."
13 years ago
sips his tea before also making a move. "I'm honored, and more than little pleased. It's been a while since I've had a challenge."
13 years ago
decides to take a sip of his own tea as well.
13 years ago
(stupid enter button)
13 years ago
"Da. I cannot remeber the last time I got to play with someone. Let alone someone worth playing~"
13 years ago
nods. "If I may ask, who was the last person you played with? I believe I last played with France, and... the frog isn't worth my time."
13 years ago
makes a face. "Latvia. And he is so bad I felt like I was kicking a puppy. Easy and it kept asking for more,da?"
England feels
13 years ago
a bit bad for Latvia. "I suppose we're on the same page, then. It's rare to find someone with a mind as sharp as your own."
13 years ago
nods. "I agree fully~ I think it is enjoyable to be tasked with a challenge every now and then." he replied, sipping his tea while moving
13 years ago
claiming another of England's pieces.
13 years ago
(arnt we all smancy fancy pancy?)
13 years ago
[ LMAO Very :'D ]
13 years ago
also sips his tea, moving to counter Russia by claiming his piece in return. He hesitates before asking, "Did you ever play with America?"
13 years ago
freezes before doing a small facepalm. "Unfortunatly."
13 years ago
can't help but smile a bit at the reaction. "I'm supposing that he wasn't very good?"
13 years ago
winces. "I thought my mind would commit suicide. Not only is his playing atrocious his vocabulary and sense of "fun conversation" makes one
13 years ago
want to rip his own ears off,da?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "Yes, well... he tends to be like that. He used to be an intelligent child, you know... way back in the early 1700s."
13 years ago
nods. "What happened to make him i apologize but so idiotic and stupid. He never thinks and never listens. I have more than
13 years ago
once wished to pipe him in the face."
13 years ago
smiles a bit wistfully. "I don't know. He's changed a lot over the years, and sometimes, I have to wonder if I know him at all anymore."
13 years ago
looks at the other. "Are you sad?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, of course not. He's a handful, it's... not anything I'd miss."
13 years ago
tilts head, moving another piece without even looking much. "It isnt good to lie to yourself.
13 years ago
What do you see Amerika as? Or what do you wish he would be?"
13 years ago
hesitates before moving a piece as well. "...An ally. I'm not foolish enough to wish for anything more than that, anymore."
13 years ago
watching him. Takes a sip of tea while moving another piece, claiming a simple pawn. "You are lonely."
13 years ago
frowns, both at the words and at the move, and moves another piece. "I'm not. I've plenty of people to keep me company..." Not really.
13 years ago
looking at the board, hand cuped at chin. "You are lying. You are lonely do not deny it. I can see it in you. It is said we can see the
13 years ago
things that are in others easier if we have it as well." said mater-of-factly. Moves a piece.
13 years ago
moves a piece, claiming Russia's in retaliation. "I've no idea what you're talking about, Russia. We might've once lived under the same_
13 years ago
conditions of having a vast empire, and then none at all, but... I don't-- I'm not lonely."
13 years ago
just exchanges moves with him for a few minutes in silence, thinking before replying. "I would like to be your friend. Even if
13 years ago
you are not lonely. I however am. I am unable to see my elder sister and am now alone. Not only that most avoid me. I would like a companion
13 years ago
. And I was wondering if you would do me the honor?" he asked, making another move while sipping the last of his tea.
13 years ago
pauses, a bit surprised by the confession, before making a move as well. "...The honour would be mine, Russia," he says, genuinely smiling_
13 years ago
a bit. "I'd very much like to be your friend. I-- thank you."
13 years ago
smiles back at him. "Then I am delighted to call you my friend. The first words to my new friend are this..." moves a piece to the side of
13 years ago
the board. "Checkmate."
13 years ago
13 years ago
frowns, looking down at the board. How hadn't he noticed? "...Indeed," he says, quite displeased, but too gentlemanly to show it. "I'm_
13 years ago
impressed, Russia. I don't remember the last time I've lost."
13 years ago
smiling. "I will gladly play you any time. There were many moves where i thought you had outplayed me. I was fearful of losing. Something I
13 years ago
havent felt in a long while."
13 years ago
chuckles, sipping his tea. "I'm glad to hear that. I'd like to play you sometime again, too - repay the favour, you know."
13 years ago
smile is more preditory. "I would like the challenge. I say we make wager. it is always fun to bet when you have a strong opponent,da?
13 years ago
But if you decline it is fine with me."
England is
13 years ago
intrigued by this; he's always liked challenges. "Of course. What's your wager, Russia?"
Russia thinks
13 years ago
for a minute. "How about....the loser of the next game has to do whatever the winner says? How is that?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
(oh mai. privet lurker. and i actually wasnt being bad that was the first thing to pop into my head. xD)
13 years ago
hesitates; Russia burned his own capital, at one point... ah, but that was years ago. Surely, he can't be that bad... "...Alright."
13 years ago
13 years ago
(*loves you England*....but what would you make me do?)
13 years ago
smiled, clapping his hands happily. "Yay,da? I cannot wait for the next round. It is always so much more intense when there is something
13 years ago
at stake isnt there?" ^J^
13 years ago
[ :3 ]
13 years ago
[ That's for me to know and you to find out, Russia. <3 ]
13 years ago
chuckles, cleaning up the board. "I suppose so. But do keep in mind that I never lose twice."
13 years ago
(*is now scared*....)
13 years ago
watching him slyly. "We shall see,da?"
13 years ago
[ B-) ]
13 years ago
England has
13 years ago
an amused glint in his eye as he leans back into his seat. "We shall. I look forward to having a favour fulfilled by you, Russia."
13 years ago
pauses, wondering what that ment. "you already have a favour picked out?"
13 years ago
nods. "Several, but... there's one in particular that I want the most. Did you not have one in mind when you issued the challenge?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "not in perticular. But I will think on it while we play~"
England is
13 years ago
anticipating their next game. "That's fine. I'm certain that you won't find a need to think of one, anyway." He smiles, only half joking.
13 years ago
chuckles. "Oh I think it should be okay to be prepared dont you?"
13 years ago
finishes his tea. "I suppose. It's always good to be prepared - to win, and to lose."
13 years ago
nodded in agreement, smiling. "Are we going to play or chat?" he asked.
13 years ago
stands up, taking the tea cups. "We shall, after I get more tea." He goes to refill them. "Is there anything else you'd like, Russia?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Other than wining again I would say not~" he teased.
13 years ago
chuckles from the kitchen. "Well, pardon my manners as a host, but I'm afraid that's what thing I won't be giving you."
13 years ago
couldnt help smiling big. "You will not be giving it. I plan on taking it,da?"
13 years ago
smiles, though it has a bit of an edge to it as he returns with two cups of tea. "You cannot take what isn't there to take, Russia."
13 years ago
takes his cup of tea, smiling with good humor. "We shall see my friend~"
13 years ago
sets up the pieces again, and makes the first move. "That all aside, what else do you like? Not just as a hobby, but in general?"
13 years ago
smiles, taking no time to move his first peice. "I like many things. Sunflowers, warm weather, friendly people, warm hearty food,....and
13 years ago
nyet fighting. I dislike needless fighting.
13 years ago
smiles a bit at the last part, and moves a piece. "I'm surprised you've come to England first, then. My lands aren't the sunniest."
13 years ago
takes a sip of tea before moving again. "But they have a warm feel to them. And the people can be nice. And alot of the food is
13 years ago
mainly made in a way that will keep hard working class people going nyet matter what. I like that,da?" he replied.
13 years ago
chuckles, mirroring his move. "Do they?" he asks, genuinely happy to hear that. "Thank you, Russia. You're welcome any time you wish._
13 years ago
I hope to visit your lands in the future, too. It's been a while since I've been to Moscow."
Russia was
13 years ago
eyeing the board. It was only a few moves in but he could tell England was determined to win. He wasnt going to let that happen easily.
13 years ago
moved again and claimed one of Englands pieces before awnsering. "Da. But I suggest warm clothes. It wouldnt be good for you to get
13 years ago
frost bite while visiting my homeland." ^J^
13 years ago
nods, immediately moving to retaliate and claim one of Russia's pieces. "Even during the summer...?"
13 years ago
frowned, although the look resembled a pout as well. "Unfortunatly da it is. Although it is not too bad it is still colder than I would wish
13 years ago
it." he replied, moving to claim another piece.
England was
13 years ago
ready for that, and claimed another of Russia's pieces. "I'll be sure to bring several coats, then. Perhaps we can visit Spain, when you are
13 years ago
free. His lands are almost always warm."
13 years ago
paused, now looking hard at the board. The nation took a bit longer to move the next piece, feeling a bit nervous but he had a great poker
13 years ago
face and would never show his worry. He had years of practice after all. "That sounds lovely. I actually have not had the pleasure of
13 years ago
visiting Spain on a leisure trip. It has always been business before now."
13 years ago
nods, smirking slightly as he claims a piece. "Neither have I, particularly because we're had such a rocky history with one another..."
13 years ago
glaces over the board before moving again, only claiming a simple pawn. "I am curious why you two hate each other so,da?"
England is
13 years ago
unfazed, and drinks his tea before moving another piece. "Spain and I? Our relations have... improved over the years, I suppose... but_
13 years ago
in the past, we've fought each other several times - for gold, for land... you understand."
13 years ago
nodded, he did understand. The Russian moved again before sipping his own tea. The game was resonably evenly matched, but it leaned in
13 years ago
England;s favor and Russia didnt like that.
13 years ago
made a move, claiming another piece with a smug smile. "It's a bit like you and America, I suppose... though, you two have it worse."
13 years ago
made a face as he moved another piece, getting distracted from the game from the mere mention of hi and America's relationship.
13 years ago
He ended up making a bad move, although he didnt notice right away. "Ah you have nyet idea. As nations we fight and hurt each other
13 years ago
but since it is hard to kill us we normally do not worry on that. But me and Amerika have tried countless times to end the other for good.
13 years ago
-sigh- It is not something I am proud of."
13 years ago
remembers that; he'd helped America spy, after all. "Mutually Assured Destruction... those were rather dreary times."
13 years ago
agreed, moving another piece.It was then that he saw his earlier mistake and wanted to swear.
13 years ago
chuckles a bit and moves a piece, claiming Russia's again. At this rate, he'd definitely win. "I hope conversation isn't proving to be_
13 years ago
too distracting, Russia."
13 years ago
shakes his head to clear it, regaining his composer. "Oh nyet~" he said, poer face back in place as he moved again, this time claiming one
13 years ago
of England's pieces, he needed to not get distracted, he thought while sipping more tea.
England is
13 years ago
still smiling as he moves another piece forward. "If you're not too busy for the remainder of the day, would you like to stay for dinner?"
13 years ago
eyes widened a bit, totally thrown. He had honestly never been asked that before. He nodded and smiled happily, once again distracted as
13 years ago
he moved. "Da...please that sounds wonderful."
13 years ago
's smile turns a bit more genuine, even as he moves to claim a piece. "It's been a while since I've had a guest over. I... It's nice."
Russia was
13 years ago
still on cloud nine, he moved again without really thinking. "I havent really spent time with anyone. It is nice as well."
13 years ago
nods, claiming another piece. "Well, feel free to come over as often as you wish - it'll be easier than me visiting you, if weather is_
13 years ago
of any concern."
13 years ago
had to nod, agreeing. "Da it would be easier." he replied, moving another piece. Russia was now in a corner, cursing the distractions.
13 years ago
sips his tea, moving another piece.
13 years ago
victory was close. "Are you certain that conversation isn't too distracting?" He asks, amused.
13 years ago
forced himself to keep his poer face, although it was hard. "Nyet nyet. Do not worry." he said, moving to claim another of England's pieces.
13 years ago
hums, easily retaliating and claiming a piece - a pawn, but it's something. "Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner?"
Russia was
13 years ago
looking at the board, trying to think. He glanced up at England, reminded about the dinner and ended uo placing his piece in the wrong place
13 years ago
. "Oh I will take whatever~"
13 years ago
He replied, then noticing hi mistake and nearly his himself.
13 years ago
immediately moves to claim that piece. "Well, seeing as it -is- Sunday... Sunday roast should do. Have you eaten English food before?"
13 years ago
nodded, leaning close to whisper something to England. "I actually really like English food. Many say it is terrible but it is good for
13 years ago
keeping someone strong for cold weather. And it will aslo last,da?" he replied, coming from a country that sometimes had trouble in the food
13 years ago
area. It was sometimes hard to get enough in the past,although it was better now. He then looked at the board, frowning at the fact that
13 years ago
he couldnt think of a way out. he moved a piece idley. In hopes it wouldnt screw him over.
13 years ago
smiles genuinely. Finally, someone with good taste! "I'm glad you think so. Most others seem to be much too picky with their food. In that_
13 years ago
case, you might as well just stay the night. It'll be too late to go home after dark, and... you can try some authentic English breakfast."
13 years ago
smiling happily, to easily distracted by his cloud nine happiness. "Really? Iw ould love to. Thank you for your kindness England~" he
13 years ago
replied enthusiastically. So excited. He moved a piece at random, mind kinda somewhere else.
13 years ago
smiles. "The pleasure is all mine, Russia," he says, chuckling as he moves a piece. "Checkmate."
13 years ago
blinked. He stared at the board in shock for a minute before making a face. "It seems...I have lost..." he said, feeling defeat. It was then
13 years ago
he remembered the wager and gulped, looking up at England. "You win...what is it I will be doing for you?" he asked, feeling a teensy bit
13 years ago
13 years ago
chuckles, his smile pleasant as he looks up at Russia. "Indeed, you have. My favour is simple, Russia - I'd like for you to go and draw_
13 years ago
thicker eyebrows on everyone you see. With semi-permanent marker, please."
13 years ago
stares at the other for a minute before cracking up. He had been so scared but that is all England wanted from him. It was hilarious. The
13 years ago
big nation hadnt laughed this hard in front of anyone since he couldnt even remember. Russia held his sides as he continued, gasping
13 years ago
for breathe. "T-that..That is all? You had me terrified of something horrible...b-b. but that...hahahah a-alright. T-that I can d-do,da?"
13 years ago
huffs a bit, but says nothing while Russia laughs. It's actually surprising, and he finds that he can't be angry when he's being treated to_
13 years ago
such a rare sight. "Of course that's all," he says, almost offended that Russia would think he had something different planned. "What did_
13 years ago
you think I'd make you do? Grovel at America's feet and praise NASA?"
13 years ago
slowly breaks off the laugh into breatheless giggles, finally maoning as he stops. It had hurt to laugh that hard but still felt good.
13 years ago
Russia panted as he replied, still out of breath. "N-nyet. I would m..make me do something r-really embarressing or strange,da?
13 years ago
Not something so e..eas..easy." he chuckled, still a big smile on his face.
13 years ago
sips his tea, refraining from crossing his arms. "I'm not -that- cruel. And besides, it's about time people learned to appreciate eyebrows_
13 years ago
that are... slightly thicker than the norm."
13 years ago
looking at his eyebrows. "What is wrong with them really? I do not honestly thing there is anything bad about them. They make ENgland
13 years ago
England,da? I cant imagine you without them. They look good on you. I doubt another nation could pull it off,da?" ^J^
13 years ago
reddens slightly, feeling a bit self-conscious about them, now. "...Th-Thank you, I suppose," he mutters, looking away as he begins cleaning
13 years ago
up. "I'll, uh... have dinner started in a bit."
13 years ago
nods, smiling still. " Alright~ Do you need me to help?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it'll be fine; you're a guest. Please, make yourself at home, and tell me if there's anything that you need."
13 years ago
nods. "Da. Thank you England~" he said happily.
13 years ago
smiles a bit, and goes to the kitchen to prepare the food. "You're welcome. Feel free to watch the telly; I'm sure you can find something_
13 years ago
that you'd like."
13 years ago
had never watched English Tv and turned it on. It wasnt long till he was absorned in an English cartoon.
13 years ago
13 years ago
comes back out after the main preparations are done, and chuckles. "It's a rather old cartoon. Are you enjoying it?"
13 years ago
jumped and turned it off, embarressed being caught watching a kids show. "E-England!...a.ah is dinner ready?" ^J^;
13 years ago
smiles, turning it back on. "No, not yet; it'll take a while, I'm afraid." A pause, "I watch this show every now and then, too. It cheers_
13 years ago
me up."
13 years ago
blushes, still embarressed. " is good,da? I like it."
13 years ago
nods, turning his eyes to the screen. "As do I. I'm honestly still surprised that they still play it; it's been a while since I've touched_
13 years ago
the telly."
13 years ago
giggles. "I almost never watch telivision. Last time I did I believe it was in black and white."
13 years ago
blinks, surprised. "That's... quite a while back. I believe I last used it to watch the Olympics. Your figure skaters were beautiful."
13 years ago
nods. "I tend to watch the Olympics in person." He then blushed. "And..t-thank you for the compliment. We have plenty of ice to practice is
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles slightly. "I would've liked to go, but... paperwork. And even with all that, it was still an amazing sight. Do you think I'd be able_
13 years ago
to see people like them, if I visit Moscow?"
13 years ago
smiles wide. "Of course. There are many like that in my country. You just have to look.da?" he replied, wrapping an arm around England to
13 years ago
give him a friendly hug.
13 years ago
stiffens almost immediately, reddening just a bit. He doesn't remember when the last time he was hugged was. "I... I-I look forward to it."
13 years ago
hugs more,happy. "So will I~ I will have to show you around,da?" He didnt seem to notice the position they were in.
13 years ago
squirms slightly, embarrassed. "That... would be much appreciated... I'll, uh, show you around London, too."
13 years ago
squeezes him gently in the hug. "I would like that~"
13 years ago
nods, hesitantly and slowly relaxing. "It'll be my pleasure, Russia. if there's anything else I can do for you, just ask."
13 years ago
enjoying the other's warmth. "Da~ Thanks again England."
13 years ago
shifts a bit, then freezes again when the smell of burning food reaches his nose. He curses under his breath before struggling out of_
13 years ago
Russia's grasp, and runs to the kitchen. There's more curses as he frantically tries to save the food.
13 years ago
shocked when England suddenly dashes until smells the burning food. Soon hears the swearing and wonders if he is ok. "Are you alright
13 years ago
13 years ago
replies, "Uh, yes, everything's fine!", even though half the food is burnt. With a sigh, he holds the urge to pout and asks, "...Would you_
13 years ago
like to eat out for tonight, Russia?"
13 years ago
could guess what had happened and smiles before awnsering. "Da that sounds fine."
13 years ago
sighs, a bit dismayed, and just prepares some scones. He then goes back to the living room. "Well, let's go, then. I'll treat you to some_
13 years ago
authentic London cuisine."
13 years ago
stands, straightening his coat and scarf. "Lets~ I am looking forward to it~"
13 years ago
leads the way out. "Are you sure you don't have any preference? Meat, fish, etc.?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Nyet. Whatever you suggest is fine~"
13 years ago
(so basically my visit has turned into a date between us,da? xDD)
13 years ago
[ PFFT, if you wish to see it that way. ]
13 years ago
nods, thinking a bit as they walk. He points out several landmarks as they pass by. "That's the Tower of London."
13 years ago
(xD thats what it feels like. we pet. played a game. now going to dinner. xDDD)\
13 years ago
13 years ago
looked at the things he pointed out, paying close attention to what England said while admiring the scenery."It is nice and lively here,da?"
13 years ago
[ xDDD ]
13 years ago
smiles a bit. "I'm sure Moscow is the same, except a bit colder. It's usually raining here, so... you came on a good day."
13 years ago
walks next to England. "Maybe. but it is so cold it is hard to idly chit chat normally."
13 years ago
replies, "I'm sorry to hear that. What do you usually do over there, then, for fun?"
13 years ago
chuckles, looking at the clear sky. "I am not saying it is bad. There is work, reading, sewing. Things like that,da? My people are big
13 years ago
on family ties and such. It is nice,da?"
13 years ago
nods. "That does sound nice... But what of sports? I imagine that it'd be too cold for football."
13 years ago
nods. "Well ouside for the most part. There is ice skating and hockey. Swimming and other olympics. They are all enjoyable. Even I
13 years ago
have learned to skate." ^J^
13 years ago
opens the door of the restaurant for Russia. "Swimming? But it's so cold over there."
13 years ago
walks in. "Thank you. And da it is but we have heated indoor pools. Although I would not suggest going outside with wet freezes
13 years ago
very fast,da?
13 years ago
13 years ago
chuckles, grabbing a table for them and pulling out a chair for Russia before sitting down in the adjacent seat. "That sounds nice. I've_
13 years ago
honestly never learned to swim," he admits, slightly embarrassed.
13 years ago
blinks in surprise after sitting down. Smiles and leans back. "If I ever get the chance I will teach you then."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it's quite alright. I've never had the desire to learn." He then orders something for both of them.
13 years ago
(*passed out on keyboard*...oops)
13 years ago
didnt recognize what England ordered but trusted the man. He sat back and glanced around the resturaunt. "I really like this place.
13 years ago
It is nice and seems fun. Good choice England~" he said while observing, but paused and looked back at England. "England is so formal...Can
13 years ago
I call you Arthur?"
13 years ago
[ Go to sleep! ;; ]
13 years ago
smiles. "Thank you," he replies, genuinely happy that he has good company, for once. He blinks in surprise, but eventually, his smile_
13 years ago
widens just a bit as he says, "Only if I may have the pleasure of calling you Ivan."
13 years ago
blushes a little, not used to being called Ivan. "Da. I would like if you called me that actually."
13 years ago
nods, sipping his water. "It's a lovely name. Ivan."
13 years ago
blushing more. "N-nyet...not..really." sips his water too, although doing it to hide his blush. It actually made him happy to hear that.
13 years ago
finds Russia's shyness to be a bit endearing. "It is," he insists. "It rolls off the tongue nicely."
13 years ago
(you sound like a host...OH GOSH MENTAL IMAGE.)
13 years ago
blushing more, putting cup down. "N-nyet...I..I mean Arthur is a nice name as well....sounds strong."
13 years ago
[ ...FFF Hetalia Host Club YES ]
13 years ago
hums in agreement. "It was the name of one of my kings - King Alfred the Great."
13 years ago
eyes widen. "Really?...I believe that is amazing. Well there are many Ivan's in my country. One of my favorites is Ivan Pavlov. He was a
13 years ago
scientist that became one of the first psychologists.~" ^J^
13 years ago
nods. "Six members of your royalty were named Ivan, weren't they?" he asks, intrigued. "I remember Ivan the Great - that's the third one_
13 years ago
I think." A pause, then a slightly sheepish chuckle, "Sorry. I've always found your people to be interesting."
13 years ago
rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, even more embarressed. "Da...yoou are right...but I could say the same for your people. There
13 years ago
are folklores and tales from here that I love. Robin Hood, king Arthur and the Round Table. I love them all,da?"
13 years ago
chuckles, always glad to hear his culture praised. "Robin Hood, in person, was quite unbearable," he admits, vaguely remembering the man._
13 years ago
But I enjoy the tale of King Arthur myself. I'm glad that you do, too."
13 years ago
smiled."It was good...I suppose I will admit that a few of the grimms tales originated
13 years ago
in my country.and they were nyet where NEAR as pleasant as how they are protrayed"
13 years ago
nods in understanding. "Many things have changed over time," he says, pausing when their food comes. "For example, I don't think I would've_
13 years ago
ever even dreamt of spending an evening with you like this... even just 30 years ago."
Russia was
13 years ago
shocked but he nodded, agreeing. "Da. I am the same. I wouldnt either." he agreed, smiling. "We missed out,da?" ^J^
13 years ago
begins eating his food. "We have," he agrees. "It's a shame, too. I would've enjoyed having you as a friend earlier on."
13 years ago
blushes again, smiling softly as he begins eating his own food. "As would I. I like being near Arthur. It is nice....this food is good." the
13 years ago
last ppart aid in a bit of suprise.
13 years ago
(*last part said
England shares
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles a bit at that. "Thank you, Ivan. You're pleasant company as well; certainly much nicer than France."
13 years ago
( we do that? 8D *shot*)
13 years ago
[ LMAO xD <3 ]
13 years ago
chuckled. "I believe most are better company than him,da?"
13 years ago
nods in complete agreement as he eats his food, almost embarrassed to say, "And, well... hardly anyone praises English food, so..."
Russia is
13 years ago
a little shocked, he actually did like the food. "It is good. I believe the word hearty and homey are good discriptions,da?"
England is
13 years ago
glad, and genuinely pleased. "...I've never heard that, either," he admits, smiling. "Thank you, Ivan. Truly."
Russia was
13 years ago
happy to have pleased the other, finishing his food not long after the comment.
13 years ago
finishes his food a lot more slowly, and pays for the meal. "Well, since you're staying the night, allow me to give you a quick tour of
13 years ago
London. If you want, that is."
13 years ago
smiling happily while claps hands once excitedly. "I want to so~ Please"
13 years ago
nods, then leads the way out. "We'll get on the London Eye first, then, so you can have an aerial view. I hope you like ferris wheels."
13 years ago
's eyes sparkle. "A Ferris Wheel!?" he explaimed, pretty much bouncing. "I havent ever been on one but always wanted to try,da?"
13 years ago
chuckles a bit, pointing at the large ferris wheel in the distance. "The sun should be down by the time we get there. London's absolutely
13 years ago
gorgeous at night; you'll like it, I think," he says, leading the way.
13 years ago
following behind, is really excited and practically bouncing everywhere ready to burst although he tries to hide it with a simple mask
13 years ago
of a smile.
13 years ago
soon reaches the London Eye, and true to his guess, the sun is down and it's now nighttime. The city's lights are flickering on, and he can
13 years ago
feel his people buzzing with excitement. He and Russia are given the privilege to get a seat relatively quickly, and are soon inching toward
13 years ago
the top. "Wait until we reach the peak."
Russia is
13 years ago
glued to the glass, looking everywhere.
13 years ago
chuckles, leaning back into his seat. "Is this your first time riding a ferris wheel, Ivan?"
13 years ago
nods, still glued to the glass. "Da~I...I am very excited,da?"
13 years ago
can't help but smile at Russia's excitement. "I'm glad. Look." He stands up, going to the window and pointing at the distance. "That's the
13 years ago
tower that holds Big Ben."
13 years ago
looked over at the big clock. "It is pretty. It is very old,da?"
13 years ago
(*has always wanted to go see big ben irl*)
13 years ago
nods, then points to another part. "The Tower of London. And over there, the Westminster Cathedral." He's very proud of what his people have
13 years ago
made, yes.
13 years ago
looked down as they got higher and slid over to England, he secretly had a fear of heights....ever since the plane incident. He shivered but
13 years ago
couldn't stop looking at the scenery, thinking it was pretty amazing.
13 years ago
blinks, noticing the shiver. "Are you cold...?"
13 years ago
bites his lip, wondering if he should tell England. Well...they had become friends...
13 years ago
"I....I am afraid....of being so high,da?" he saif, voice small as he moved closer to the other, blushing in shame/embarrassment .
13 years ago
stares, a bit surprised by that, but ends up smiling. He liked this side of Russia - it was, dare he say, endearing. "Sit here," England
England says
13 years ago
, patting the empty spot beside him. You can still see outside from this spot. Just don't peer out the windows so closely."
13 years ago
smiles in relief, moving quickly to sit next to England, feeling better now that he felt another warm body next to his. The Russian
13 years ago
continued admiring the scenery, although he made sure to stay next to England.
13 years ago
can't resist chuckling a bit. "Have you always had acrophobia?"
13 years ago
shivers, shaking his head. "N-nyet.....I once jumped out of a plane without a parachute....I have been scared ever since,da?" he answered_.
13 years ago
blushing in more embarressment.
13 years ago
decides that yes, Russia is certainly... something else. "That does sound rather dangerous... what possessed you to do that?"
13 years ago
could not look at England, hiding his eyes under his hair while his ears turned red. "I...I am uncertain really...I guess I was just not
13 years ago
thinking right..." he mumbled, not going to ever tell him the real reason about him thinking the snow would break his fall.
13 years ago
just nods, looking back outside. "It's alright; we all have our moments of poor judgement. America has them all the time, for one."
13 years ago
giggles, feeling better. "Da. I have to agree.........Thank you England." Russia hugged the other, feeling happy that England was
13 years ago
different that he had thought the man was this whole time. He realized he really liked talking and being with the other. It was nice.
13 years ago
stiffens, again not having expected the hug. Still, he does try to reelax and say, "You're welcome. And I've told you to call me Arthur."
13 years ago
pulls away from the hug to look at something else, although he still doesn't move from England's side. "Da...thank you Arthur."
13 years ago
nods, relaxing a bit now that he's free. "It's no problem, Ivan. I'm sorry - I would've suggested another place to go, if I'd known about
13 years ago
your fear of heights."
13 years ago
shakes his head, smiling. "Nyet~ I have always wanted to ride one of these. And it is silly to let a little fear stop you from enjoying life
13 years ago
,da? I am happy we came here."
13 years ago
smiles a bit at that. "You're right. That's an admirable way to see things."
13 years ago
blushes and looks away to "admire scenery." Not wanting his face seen. "It is just something everyone should do,da? N-nothing special."
13 years ago
replies, "Perhaps. But many people don't do it, so I believe it's something noteworthy. It's nothing to be embarrassed about."
13 years ago
ears are red, not used to compliments. Screaming, fear, pointed fingers and accusations he was used to....but compliments were new and he
13 years ago
couldn't help being embarrassed. "Thanks...a-again,da?....S-so what are we going to do after this?" he asked, trying to pull the
13 years ago
conversation away so his blush would go down, it felt like his face was on fire.
13 years ago
only gives compliments when and where they're due. "Hmm... Well, if you aren't too tired, we can take a short walk around London. It's rare
13 years ago
for it not to rain here, so I'd like to enjoy the weather. It's not too cold, is it?"
13 years ago
giggled at that. "That sounds wonderful. And nyet I am takes alot for me to be cold...I am Russia,da? Cold is part of who I
13 years ago
am I'm afraid." he relied, although the last bit was said with saddened eyes.
13 years ago
pauses, noticing that look. "Well... it just makes your lands that much more welcoming during the summer. I'm not a fan of the heat."
13 years ago
paused and realized the other was trying to cheer him up. He smiled softly at the Englishman. "Thank you....Arthur is alot more kind than
13 years ago
I thought....I am glad we are friends now,da?"
13 years ago
blinks, reddening slightly at the compliment. "A-Ah-- no, I was... just being honest! But... I'm glad that we're friends as well, Ivan."
Russia feels
13 years ago
the carriage they are in suddenly stop with a jerk. Eyes go wide and looks around in a panic as it rocks. Jumps to England, wrapping arms
13 years ago
around his neck while face gets burried against his shoulder and chest, whole body shaking in fear. He didnt know it was supposed to do
13 years ago
this at the top.
13 years ago
stiffens again, lips parting in slight shock before slowly relaxing. Hesitantly, he reaches around to pat Russia on the back. "I-It's
13 years ago
alright, Ivan... we're not going to fall."
13 years ago
whimpered, gasping as he felt like he was going to fall. The only things he feared was cold, Belarus, loneliness, Belarus, and heights. But
13 years ago
he feared each of those things greatly. The large nation made a choking sound as he continued to cling to England, feeling dizzy with fear
13 years ago
while tears sprung up inhis eyes.
13 years ago
soon begins rubbing Russia's back, just briefly remembering that he'd done this for America, when the boy was young. "We're not going to
13 years ago
fall, Ivan. I promise," he soothes, hesitating briefly before stroking Russia's hair. "You'll be alright."
13 years ago
relaxes for the hair petting, slowly getting over his sudden panic attack. After a minute he sits up, sniffing while wiping the tears that
13 years ago
are still falling a bit, away. "T-thank you A-arthur...I am sorry...I dont know what came over m-me..." he apologized, now having time to
13 years ago
feel flustered over what he had done.
13 years ago
smiles reassuringly, wiping away a tear that Russia had missed. "You don't need to apologize, Ivan. I would've reacted worse if we were
13 years ago
swimming. It's fine."
13 years ago
sniffs again and forces himself to completly calm down, still feeling ashamed though. "I still apologize. I did not mean to cling to you
13 years ago
like just made me feel safe,da?" he admitted, looking out at the scenery again although he made sure to scoot close to England
13 years ago
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I've told you, it's fine. I... prefer it over having you keep yourself guarded around me." A pause, "It's nice..."
Russia was
13 years ago
surprised, he normally kept his mask on in front of others, for various reasons. But since he had been with England he had dropped it. The
13 years ago
nation wondered when he had gotten so comfortable around the other, not even his sisters knew of some parts of him. "I...I am glad...I
13 years ago
normally hide these embarrassing parts of me..."he replied truthfully, before eeping as the carriage starte moving again, making its desent.
13 years ago
He had grabbed England's arm and shivered, still fearful.
13 years ago
tightened his hold on Russia slightly, trying to reassure him. "I don't think it to be embarrassing. It's... It's nice. I feel like I'm
13 years ago
friends with Ivan Braginski rather than just Russia."
Russia is
13 years ago
calmer than before, although he would keep shivering until they got to the ground again. He felt his face heat up at the other nation's
13 years ago
words. "I....I feel like I am friends with Arthur Kirkland instead of just England as is a nice feeling,da?" he giggled, unable
13 years ago
to help hugging the Englishman for a second.
England is
13 years ago
slightly used to the impromptu hugs, by now, and only stiffens fractionally when it happens. "Well... once we get down, Arthur Kirkland will
13 years ago
treat you to London's best bakery as an apology."
13 years ago
eyes widened. He secretly loved sweets and pastries. It excited him to find they were going to a bakery. He tried to hide it but it was
13 years ago
obvious he was happy about this. Really happy. "Thank you Arthur. It sounds great." he said aloud, although inside he was rolling around and
13 years ago
yelling happy things in Russian like an idiot. ^J^
13 years ago
nods, content to watch their descent before the doors open. He steps out first, and offers a hand to help Russia out. "Careful."
13 years ago
blushed when he took the hand, mumbling a thank you. But he was to excited about the bakery to really pay attention.
13 years ago
nods, releasing Russia's hand and leading the way to the bakery. "It's actually owned by an Austrian, which explains its fame and taste.
13 years ago
I think you'll like it."
13 years ago
followed close behind, resembling a baby chick a bit as he barely contained his excitement. He hoped they had some strawberry stuff.
13 years ago
soon reaches the bakery, and opens the door for Russia. "Choose whatever you'd like. It's all delicious."
13 years ago
thanked him while walking in, before staring. Everything looked delicious and he didnt think he could decide easily. He thought he died and
13 years ago
went to heaven when he noticed the strawberry centered section. He went over and looked at the items under the glass, resembling a littl
13 years ago
e kid in a toy store.
13 years ago
chuckles, following. "I'm presuming you really like strawberries?"
13 years ago
flushed and fidgeted, looking away. "I....da...I like strawberries...anything strawberry flavored as well...." Russia replied, embarressed.
13 years ago
hums, looking at the assortment of pastries. "Feel free to get as many as you like."
13 years ago
would not get too many. he glanced through the assortment before deciding on a cute strawberry shortcake along with a chocolate mouse that
13 years ago
had strawberry glaze. He hadnt seen something that looked so cute and delicious at the same time before.
13 years ago
purchases it for him, as well as something small for himself. "Do they have these over in Russia?"
13 years ago
tilted his head, thinking. "We have pastries...but not so much fanciful like this. And the really good stuff is expensive or hard to find.
13 years ago
Although the pies and things are good. I have also not had the luxury of sweets in a long time....busy with work and things,da?" ^J^
13 years ago
nods, leading Russia to a table before sitting down. "You ought to visit Austria, then. He has the best pastries." France too, but...
13 years ago
sat and glanced around, noticing soe strange looks they were getting and wondering why. That is until he relized a few of them were just out
13 years ago
of fear. Russia sighed, how was it he could make people afraid by just being there? He never understood it.
13 years ago
frowns, giving a quick, reprimanding glare to those who are staring. They quickly turn, leaving the two in peace. "Sorry; they're not
13 years ago
usually like this."
13 years ago
smiled sadly at England. "Nyet....I am used to it. Things like this follow me is normal,da? If you let everything bother
13 years ago
you, you cannot progress in life.~" he giggled, although the truth was it always hurt him a bit. Being feared was good for a nation but.
13 years ago
.....being feared by EVERYONE...and all the time could get pretty taxing.
13 years ago
hummed, thinking. It was understandably different from being feared when you -wanted- to be feared, as he was back during his imperial_
13 years ago
days. Unable to help but feel sorry for Russia, he says, "If it helps any - and I'm sure it won't, at least not very much -, I don't think_
13 years ago
you're frightening at all."
13 years ago
(>< *had passed out on keyboard*)
13 years ago
eyes widened. England wasnt afraid of him? "R-really?...but I am so big and dangerous....and sometimes I can be cruel,da?" he argued. He
Russia was
13 years ago
incredibly happy England wasnt afraid of him, but he also knew that he COULD be dangerous so England should be wary on some level.
13 years ago
chuckles, looking quite amused by that. "You forget who you're talking with, Ivan. I was once the British Empire - there is probably no
13 years ago
level of cruelty that I -haven't- reached. But, as nations, I do believe we're all dangerous, at least to some extent." He begins eating
13 years ago
his pastry, continuing, "I'm well aware of how powerful and cruel you can be, but you're not the only one who's been at that height."
13 years ago
had never personal never personally seen England back then but he had heard many stories. Ivan guessed they had been true. He picked up his
13 years ago
chocolate mouse and bit into it, only to moan in delight, it was SOO good.
13 years ago
(forgot to put in my dialogue...will do that next post then...*headdesk*)
13 years ago
smiles slightly, taking a bite out of his own pastry. "Do you like it?"
13 years ago
nods enthusiastically, too caught up in eating and the taste to reply.
13 years ago
chuckles, watching the other nation for a moment before turning his eyes to his citizens. "Feel free to get seconds, then."
13 years ago
finished his mouse, having long forgotten the fearful glances from those around. " is so tasty,da? I am jealous of England for
13 years ago
having such a great place so close. I do not need seconds though...i am already accused of being fat. I would rather not make those
13 years ago
accusations true by eating to many sweets."
13 years ago
Finishes his pastry as well. "Feel free to visit whenever you have time. We'll frequent this place."
13 years ago
smiled happily. "I would like that. Thank you Arthur." Ivan soon finished his other pastry before glancing around, once again noticing
13 years ago
the strange looks he was getting.
13 years ago
Wipes his fingers on a napkin before staring back at the people, making them turn away. "Don't mind them."
13 years ago
shrugged. "It is fine. What are we doing now Arthur?" he asked, wanting to change the subjext.
13 years ago
13 years ago
Thinks. "Well... The night is still young. Is there anything in particular you'd like to do or go see?"
13 years ago
tilted his head and thought about it. "Hmm...not in particular...anywhere you want to go is fine with me. I am just glad to spend time with
13 years ago
Arthur~" ^J^
13 years ago
Reddens slightly, not used to hearing much things. "W-well... I suppose we can stop by Buckingham Palace. Have you ever gone in?"
13 years ago
shook his head. "Nyet. My boss has but I have not."
13 years ago
Stands up. "Then let's go. I don't mean to boast, but it's one of the most gorgeous palaces in the world. You'll like it, I hope."
13 years ago
stood as well, following the other. "I am sure I will love it." he replied sincerly.
13 years ago
Nods, weaving through the London night crowd and leading the way. "Do they still have palaces in Russia?"
13 years ago
nodded. "Da. Although we nyet longer have royalty. They are bueatiful, although the design differs greatly from that of your homelands."
13 years ago
Nods. "I'd like to see them one day. I don't remember much about your architecture, but I do know that some are quite beautiful."
13 years ago
smiled at the compliment. "Da...I am quite proud of alot of things my people have done. They work hard."
13 years ago
slows down a bit so he doesn't lose Russia in the crowd. "They do. You ought to be proud of them."
13 years ago
sticks close to England, not wanting to get lost. "You should be proud also. Your people have done many amazing things.
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, smiling. "I'm know. I am, every day; I couldn't have wished for better citizens."
13 years ago
chuckled, suprised by how similar the two seemed and he had never noticed.
13 years ago
finally arrives at Buckingham Palace, leading the way in with little trouble. The doors are opened for them, and he steps inside, turning
13 years ago
around to face Russia. "Welcome to Buckingham Palace, Ivan."
13 years ago
looked around as they entered, amazed by the structure. "It is beautiful Arthur."
13 years ago
nods, eagerly leading Russia deeper into the palace. "Her Majesty should be around somewhere, but I doubt we'll run into her."
13 years ago
tailed him close behind, curiously looking at everything they passed. "That is fine...I would probably scare her." ^J^
13 years ago
chuckles. "I doubt that; Her Majesty isn't easily intimidated."
13 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Well i suppose that makes sense...being a leader and everything."
13 years ago
hums in agreement. "No one knows that you're Russia right now, either. You're just Ivan Braginski, my guest. there isn't any need for fear."
13 years ago
smiled big at that, liking the sound of it. "Da....but wouldnt that just make you Arthur host."
England thinks
13 years ago
, then nods. "I suppose so, yes. It's more comfortable, isn't it?"
13 years ago
nodded in agreement. "It is...not worrying about national ties or things while just talking as is nice,da?"
13 years ago
agrees, stepping out into the patio, which overlooked a vast rose garden. "It... makes me wish I were human, sometimes."
13 years ago
stepped out with him, admiring the beautiful flowers. He paused at the other's words before nodding again. "....There are many times in
13 years ago
which i wished to be human....but I suppose all nations have moments where they feel that way,da?"
13 years ago
nods, sitting down to rest on a chair. "I suppose. It's a shame, too; humans wish for immortality, while we wish for mortality."
13 years ago
chuckled while taking a chair next to him. "I believe that it is because we always want what we cannot have. We nations wish to be human...
13 years ago
to be true to only ourselves while living our lives...while humans wish for immortality. For the chance to make a big difference in the
13 years ago
world, be it good OR bad. It is just something that has always been,da?"
13 years ago
blinks, allowing the words to sink in before offering a small smile. "You're right. No one could've phrased it any better."
13 years ago
looked sadly at the flowers. "I have spent many a hour pondering over it...I have truly wished to be make friends...sometimes
13 years ago
even to die....It gets very lonely being a nation...but a nation without ones to love or someone to love them I think is even more lonely...
13 years ago
...a loneliness like a drowning ocean...or a snowy tundra...swallowing you up to where you cant breathe..." Russia's eyes were kinda distant
13 years ago
as if he was lost in memories he tried to forget.
13 years ago
hesitates before reaching out to place a hand on Russia's shoulder. He offers a small, almost melancholy smile as he says, "I know how you
13 years ago
feel. That's how I felt, just a few centuries ago. But, seeing you now... I think you've dealt with it wonderfully."
Russia was
13 years ago
shocked out of his thoughts by the hand on his shoulder. Ivan looked over at England then, feeling closer to the man than before. "Thank you
13 years ago
....I have to say that I am envious of you Arthur."
13 years ago
blinks, surprised. "For what? The last time I checked, I didn't have any envy-worthy qualities."
13 years ago
looked at him seriously. "You have many friends and people who care for you...people who would be sad if you were to vanish...America...
13 years ago
Canada...even France would be upset if you were gone, even if he denies it...I am jealous of that....although I guess you probably think
13 years ago
that is me being creepy..."
13 years ago
scoffs, shaking his head. "You're mistaken. Alfred..." He pauses, frowning, "Alfred... would be glad if I were gone, I think. There would
13 years ago
be one less person to nag him about everything. Canada wouldn't notice, and France... would throw a party, I'd imagine. We've been trying
13 years ago
to get rid of each other for years. It's silly to delude myself into thinking that I'd be missed, honestly."
13 years ago
shook his head. "You are lying to yourself and you know it. Alfred cares for you as does Canada...dont try to deny it. And France would
13 years ago
never truely be happy to see you gone..I can tell that you both just like arguing and fighting for the thrill and sake of it. I have been
13 years ago
watching everyone for so learn to read people...and I have to say you are quite the book."
13 years ago
chuckles wryly. "No, it's the truth. I drove Alfred away from me, and... I won't fool myself into thinking that he'll ever come back. Not
13 years ago
without me begging. Canada finds more delight in France, and... no, you misunderstand. France -would- be happy." He leans back into his
13 years ago
seat, sighing. "There's always pages and pages more, Ivan. A layer underneath another layer."
13 years ago
smiled at him. "Afred is like a bird...he would have flown away from whomever had him. He got out on his own but that doesnt mean he
13 years ago
doesnt like you. Have you ever noticed that in the meetings he ALWAYS says something that he knows you will notice? Or that he always sits
13 years ago
by you and makes sure to anger you somehow? He is like a child trying to get a parents is rather cute. And France is just a
13 years ago
bit of a simpleton...but trust me...he would miss you if you were gone. If anything just to have you to argue with."
13 years ago
disagrees completely. "He says whatever tickles his fancy. Whether or not I notice has nothing to do with it." A pause, then a sad smile,
13 years ago
"Alfred's... not a child anymore. He's grown up, and I'm not longer his brother, or his caretaker of any sort. He's just... another nation.
13 years ago
He'll be relieved with me off his back, trust me."
13 years ago
sighed. "You can tell yourself that all you want...but tell me this. Who was the first one to your side each time you got sick? Who, even
13 years ago
though he played it off and acted like it didnt matter, stayed there till you got better?"
13 years ago
pauses, pursing his lips. "...It's a mixture of his hero complex and for the sake of international relations. He'd do that for anyone."
13 years ago
frowns. "Nyet he wouldnt...if it was me he would laugh and throw a communist is dead party. He worries about you and tries to get your
13 years ago
attention...I just wish you would see that before it is too late...I would give anything to have someone like that for me....I have my
13 years ago
sisters....but Ukraine has been forbidden to see me...and Belarus has an unhealthy obsession with me even though we are siblings...and even
13 years ago
her boss doesnt want her around me too much..."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Perhaps a century ago, but not today. He'd sooner care for you than trouble himself with me. But... I suppose I deserve it.
13 years ago
I've been too selfish with him, in the past. And even today, I want to keep him to myself." He closes his eyes, sighing. "I'd like to hold
13 years ago
him one more time, at least..." Pauses, embarrassed at having said that, "But, that aside, you've plenty of people who care for you too.
13 years ago
I, for one, do."
13 years ago
didnt know how to get the Englishman to understand. The man was notoriously stubborn so it made sense. But when he said the last bit Ivan
13 years ago
knew his eyes must have been big as saucers. " you Arthur...I care for you too." he replied softly, guessing they could both
13 years ago
be stubborn fools together.
13 years ago
smiles a bit, finally, at that. "You're welcome, Ivan. And thank you, too."
13 years ago
suddenly giggled, but the giggle soon turned to laughter. he didnt know why but this situation seemed funny to him.
13 years ago
doesn't know why Russia's laughing, or why he's tempted to laugh along. "I suppose we've much more in common that we thought."
Russia was
13 years ago
still chuckling. "D-da...I wonder what took us so long to become friends?"
13 years ago
nods, agreeing. "It feels like too much time was wasted."
13 years ago
takes a breath to calm himself again. "If there is one thing we nations have to much is time."
13 years ago
chuckles. "I cannot agree any more than that, Ivan."
13 years ago
leaned back in his chair, sad that he was leaving to go back home the next day. He hoped he could come and visit more often after this.
13 years ago
would gladly welcome Russia any time!
13 years ago
stand after a minute and stretche, taking one last look at the garden before turning to England. "What else to see?"
England thinks
13 years ago
, also standing up. "Well... there's the rest of the palace, but I've already shown you the best parts. We can either tour
13 years ago
London a bit more, or go back home. Which do you prefer?"
13 years ago
thought about it before choosing the second. "Let us go home after...I want to spend time with just Arthur rather than England."
13 years ago
nods, smiling a bit and leading the way out of the palace. "That's fine. Is there anything you want me to get, on the way back?"
13 years ago
shook his head. "Nyet. I am fine like this."
13 years ago
again walks slowly, so as not to lose Russia in the crowd. "If you ever get a bit hungry, I'll make some scones."
13 years ago
nodded thanks for the offer. "I will, thank you for taking care of me Arthur."
13 years ago
glances back. "I'm not taking care of you; I'm just being a good host. And besides, I... you're a friend, now; I wouldn't treat you in
13 years ago
any other manner."
13 years ago
smiled softly, walking a little closer to England, partly to not get lost but partly beasue he wanted to. "I can still thank you though." he
13 years ago
said teasingly, enjoying this light talk.
13 years ago
hums, not at all minding. "Then I can thank you in return, for being such lovely company."
13 years ago
smiled. "It is my pleasure~."
13 years ago
reaches his home, unlocking the door and opening it for Russia. "After you."
13 years ago
walked in with a bow, pleased by Englands good manners."
13 years ago
walks in after him and closes the door. "I'll go prepare the guest bedroom really quickly. You can watch the telly, or browse the cabinet
13 years ago
beside it to see if there's a film that you want to watch."
13 years ago
nodded before going to sit on the couch and look through the Tv. He wondered what kind of shows or films were on.
13 years ago
comes back a few minutes later, and sits down a respectable distance from him. "Have you found anything interesting, yet?"
13 years ago
shook his head, sweatdropping a little. "Nyet...I have some trouble understanding some of these shows."
13 years ago
hums, thinking. "Well... it's an American cartoon, but... we could watch Anastasia...?"
13 years ago
stiffened, his eyes going wide while his stomach lurched. He hadnt heard that name in so long....
13 years ago
(nice. way to bring up shitty past England. )
13 years ago
13 years ago
[ L-LMAO oh I am terrible ]
13 years ago
immediately realizes his mistake, and immediately feels guilty. "Ah-- I-I'm sorry, I meant... something else..."
13 years ago
held up a hand, he was shaking and trying to hide it. "N..nyet...I..I just..
13 years ago
" he gasped out, feeling like he had been hit in the gut.
13 years ago
frowns, trying to think of a way to remedy this. He was never too good at comforting people, though, and could do nothing but
13 years ago
hesitantly hug Russia. "I'm sorry, Ivan, I really didn't mean to..."
13 years ago
closed his eyes and forced himself to relax into the hug, ending up clinging to the other. His thoughts and memories flashing past his eyes
13 years ago
as he remembered a beautiful girl who he loved playing with.
England thinks
13 years ago
, allowing this clinging. "I'm sorry. I... It was a stupid mistake, I shouldn't have suggested it..."
13 years ago
leaned his head on England's shoulder, not able to stop a few of the tears that fell. He took a shaky breath and tried to calm down. He
13 years ago
normally forced himself not to think about it, locking the memories up. Ivan continued to cling to England, trying to forget what he had
13 years ago
been forced to remember. " is alright...I..I should not get so emotional...we outlive humans all the time...such a thing shouldnt
13 years ago
bother me anymore..."
13 years ago
frowns, stroking Ivan's hair. "...She wouldn't want you to be crying, I'd imagine. Though, you're not completely alone in your grief. I
13 years ago
miss Elizabeth all the time. Elizabeth, and Victoria, and Churchill... all great men and women that I'm honored to have met."
13 years ago
felt more tears prickle at his eyes. "But you never betrayed them..." he spoke softly, almost barely in hearing range.
13 years ago
hums. "You're right. The worst I've probably done was... to Catherine of Aragon. But I'm certain that she isn't angry at you, Ivan."
Russia was
13 years ago
shaking badly, how could he be forgiven for what he had done to her? Even if it had been at the whim of his people...he had essentially done
13 years ago
it himself. The big nation felt like the monster he was always said to be.
13 years ago
sighs, trying to think of a way to make Russia feel better. He continued stroking the other's hair, saying, "She understands. You didn't
13 years ago
do it because you wanted to. We're slaves to our people; if they want something, we have to do it."
13 years ago
(*is having an innder debate on who Russia should fall in love with. England or Amerika.* DDx so hard!)
13 years ago
knew what England said was true. The tall nation sighed, leaning into the petting. It felt nice and soothing.
13 years ago
[ Pfff xD ]
13 years ago
(help me deciiiideee. D8 whoever he is with i have to know if you guys are ok with the pairing. Dx)
13 years ago
[ I... I don't know, LOL xD My OTP is USUK but I kinda joined with no pairing I want to pursue in mind, so xD Ask America...? /no opinion ]
13 years ago
draws Russia a bit closer, offering him whatever comfort he could. "You know, if you want to cry, you shouldn't hold yourself back. If I
13 years ago
were Anastasia, I'd want you to smile when you think of me."
13 years ago
took a breath and forced himself to calm down. " are right...I..I need to smile not cry." he repeated, sitting up and wiping his
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles slightly, reaching out to wipe a stray tear. "Of course I'm right. Chin up, Ivan. Make her proud to have been Russian."
13 years ago
(*feels terrible for the drama this will bring but chooses America*)
13 years ago
[ Haha, don't feel bad~ ]
13 years ago
sniffs and shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. "D..Da..I will...Thank you England." he smiled, although it still hurt a bit.
13 years ago
nods, drawing his hand back. "You'll learn to get over it, soon. It'll be alright."
13 years ago
nods back. "Da...I will. For her sake and mine,da?....You really know how to make me feel better Arthur...I think it is a gift."
13 years ago
blinks, slightly taken aback. "Ah-- n-no, it's not. I usually make people feel worse."
13 years ago
shook his head. "nyet. You have only made me feel better since I have gotten here."
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I've made you feel your worst, too. I think that balances out whatever good thing I've done."
13 years ago
gave England an unreadable look. "You have actually made me FEEL emotions...until now i was beginning to think I had lost all emotions and
Russia was
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
frowns a bit at that. "...I'm glad, then. You're much too pleasant of a person to be left in that state..."
13 years ago
smiles sadly. "I believe there are many that would beg to differ...but I am glad. To feel pain means i can feel happiness as well." ^J^
England is
13 years ago
content with that answer. "I hope you can become happier in the future, then. You've lots of people that care for you, Ivan, whether
13 years ago
you know it or not."
13 years ago
wondered if that was really true, and finding himself hoping that it was. "Thank you...and da I will. but you need to know there are many
13 years ago
that care for you as well."
13 years ago
hums, refusing to answer that. "Would some fresh scones help cheer you up?"
13 years ago
smiled sleepily. "I think what I need is rest...I feel like falling over now,da?"
13 years ago
chuckles, standing up. "Alright. Let me show you to your room, then."
13 years ago
(ment to have 'like a sack of bricks,' between now and da)
13 years ago
(damn you plurk)
13 years ago
[ Pff xD It's okay, I got the basic meaning =u= ]
13 years ago
got up to follow him, feeling exaushted.
13 years ago
leads Russia to his room, a nice, beautifully decorated guest room directly across the hall from his. "Here you go. There's
13 years ago
a bathroom in there, and I'm in the room right in front of you, so call me if you need anything."
13 years ago
smiled and hugged him sleepily before tottering towards the bed, suddenly so tired he could hardly stand. "Thank you England...I will."
13 years ago
smiles slightly. "Goodnight," he says, gently closing the door before moving to go to sleep himself.
13 years ago
barely fell on the bed before he passed out, feeling so so tired all the sudden.
13 years ago
stays up for a few more hours, before going to sleep himself.
13 years ago
(england. 8U time skip a bit. me and mari are about to go to ur place and discuss somthin.)
13 years ago
[ Okay. ]
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