England is
13 years ago
taking a stroll through the park.
latest #145
Marianne is
13 years ago
sitting on a bench in the park and enjoying the cool weather. She spots a familiar-looking man and the eyebrows she'd heard about. _
13 years ago
"Angleterre..?" She decides to follow him secretly.
13 years ago
doesn't notice her, and continues walking at a leisurely pace. Occasionally, he murmurs to the air, as if in conversation with someone.
13 years ago
hears him talking to himself and thinks that it's definitely England's male counterpart. Who else would talk to the air like that? She taps_
13 years ago
his shoulder from behind.
13 years ago
blinks, pausing his conversation with his fae and turning around. "Yes?" he asks, examining her curiously. She looks... familiar, and he
13 years ago
doesn't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
Marianne says
13 years ago
"Excusez-moi, but... are you by any chance, Angleterre?" She's quite sure though, looking at his familiar face.
13 years ago
hesitates before nodding. "Yes, I am. And you are, miss...?" He thinks he knows who she is, though, if her calling him 'Angleterre' is any
13 years ago
13 years ago
claps her hands in delight, she was right! "Ah, bonjour! It's nice to finally meet you~ I'm Marianne, the counterpart of your France."
13 years ago
offers a polite smile; just because he dislikes France doesn't mean he has to dislike her... right? "I figured. It's a pleasure, Marianne."
13 years ago
smiles back, he was more polite than Ann was to her. "Ah, do you mind if I walk with you? I'd just like to chat."
13 years ago
nods, continuing his leisure pace. "Oh, of course. How are you?"
13 years ago
follows without much trouble. "I've been well, spending a lot of time with Francis~" She chuckles, remembering the fun times they had. "Ah,_
13 years ago
have you met Ann?"
13 years ago
frowns a bit at the mention of Francis, but replies, "No, I'm afraid I haven't had the honor. Have you seen her around?"
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
for a bit, "Mmm, non, now that you mention it... Perhaps we should visit her at her house. She's probably in there, doing embroidery or some
13 years ago
England wonders
13 years ago
if Marianne and Ann have a rocky relationship, like him and France. Just in case... "Ah... I'll visit her later, at a different time."
13 years ago
actually has a rather cordial relationship with Ann, considering their pasts. "Bien~ Who were you talking to just now? I heard you talking_
13 years ago
when I was walking up to you."
13 years ago
replies, "Just the fae. They're rather chatty today."
13 years ago
blinks in surprise. The fae? "...are you... sure? If you were just talking about covert business, you can just tell me not to ask further,"_
13 years ago
she says, amused.
13 years ago
frowns a bit. "I assure you, I've no business to hide. I really was talking to them." Though, he shouldn't be surprised; not many can see.
13 years ago
shrugs, she guesses that it was just an English quirk. "Oui, oui~ I will ask no further. Ann is the same way sometimes," she smiles.
England is
13 years ago
a bit displeased, but lets it go. "Are you close to her?"
13 years ago
tilts her head, "I suppose. She comes over for dinner sometimes, and we chat~ Though we still argue sometimes," she admits with a chuckle.
England is
13 years ago
admittedly slightly surprised. "I see... well, that sounds much more pleasant than what France and I do. We argue more than anything."
13 years ago
isn't very surprised by that, men had different relationships compared to women. "I think it's a sign of unresolved sexual tension between_
13 years ago
you two," she winks at him.
13 years ago
blanches, disgusted by the mere thought. "Absolutely not!" He shakes his head vehemently. "There isn't even a chance of that!"
13 years ago
chuckles at his reaction, "Oui, oui, that's what you say now.. When you wake up in bed next to Francis, I'll say I told you so~"
13 years ago
looks horrified. "No! No, bloody hell, no! That would never-- I would never! I've no idea what kinds of... of activities you and Ann_
13 years ago
engage in, but I most certainly do not have any such relationship with France!"
13 years ago
tilts her head, "Well, Ann and I don't have any activities, she's too much of a prude for that~ But I find Francis most agreeable. Why not,_
13 years ago
really? You two might stop arguing so much after that~"
13 years ago
shakes his head, but is slightly relieved to hear that. "I'd... really rather not. Arguing is preferable to doing... -that- sort of thing_
13 years ago
with him."
13 years ago
chuckles, "Really? I find that doing such activities with him is quite... refreshing. You really should try it sometime~" She smirks.
13 years ago
grimaces, horrified. "You-- I... But that's practically yourself! I'd... really rather not do anything with an alternate version of me...!"
13 years ago
shakes her head, "We are rather similar, but it seems like we're still seperate people really. I'm not asking you to bed Ann, I'm advising_
13 years ago
you to bed Francis to resolve all that tension," she says with a grin.
13 years ago
reddens a bit at the suggestion, speeding up a bit as he replies, "That's not any better! In fact, that's even worse!"
13 years ago
giggles, she was really only teasing him. She adjusts to his speed easily and continues, "Well, it would be much more enjoyable than arguing
13 years ago
I can assure you~ Why are you being so shy about this, cher?"
13 years ago
scowls slightly. "It would not be! Absolutely not! Anything would be more enjoyable than... than -that-! I'm not being shy, this is just..._
13 years ago
Just... no!"
13 years ago
hides a smile, "Ahh, perhaps you're not into men? Then what about me then? On behalf of Francis~" He was so fun to tease.
England is
13 years ago
just more embarrassed by that. "That's not-- that... sort of thing stops mattering after a few years, but that's besides the point! I hold_
13 years ago
no such interest in France, or any version of France!" He pauses, then, and quickly adds, "No... offense to you, of course..."
13 years ago
chuckles, knowing of his distaste of Francis, she wasn't offended at all. She pouts though, "Am I not good enough for you then~?"
13 years ago
pauses, reddening slightly. "I-- a-ah... I didn't mean that. You're fine - truly, I mean it. You're far more pleasant than your male_
13 years ago
counterpart, at the very least."
13 years ago
smiles and decides to let him off the hook. "I was just teasing, cher~ You're adorable when you blush, oui?" She plants a kiss on one of_
13 years ago
those red cheeks.
13 years ago
just reddens more at that and inches away, flustered. "N... No, I most certainly am not. Perhaps you aren't too different from France..."
13 years ago
grins and moves even closer to him. "But of course~ We are still similar~ Especially in these aspects."
13 years ago
mutters, "Unfortunately. Where is that frog, anyway? I'm sure he's looking for you."
13 years ago
tilts her head, "I wouldn't know, we don't keep track of each other at all times. Mm, and how would you know that?" She asks with a chuckle.
13 years ago
frowns, unamused. "That's assuming he has a speck of responsibility!"
13 years ago
didn't know that their counterparts were responsible for them. "Ah~ but I'm not a child, he doesn't have to watch me all the time..."
13 years ago
frowns. "Well... yes, but isn't it... difficult to adjust here? Not to mention that it's rude to leave a lady unattended."
13 years ago
smiles at his gentleman's attitude. "Well, I'm not unattended now, am I? I have you here after all~" She links her arm with his as they walk
13 years ago
pauses before hesitantly continuing the walk. "...I suppose..." A pause, "How are you finding this... dimension?"
13 years ago
hums as she thinks of an answer. "It is... very similar to mine. It doesn't feel like another dimension even, apart from the counterparts."
13 years ago
nods, replying, "That's a relief. I'm sorry you... all of you, actually, have to go through this. It must be very confusing."
13 years ago
shakes her head, "It hasn't been very taxing, though I wonder what happened to our world with all of us missing... Do you know_
13 years ago
of a way for us to go back though?"
13 years ago
frowns a bit. "No, I'm afraid not. I've been looking into it, but... as I don't know what brought you all here in the first place, I can't_
13 years ago
figure out a counterspell. It'll be too dangerous to try random ones, so I'm afraid for now, you're stuck here." He smiles apologetically.
13 years ago
sighs, disappointed. "Well, it's really no hardship to stay here.. I am just worried about the people back home." She shrugs, "There is_
13 years ago
nothing to be done for that though, I suppose."
13 years ago
nods. "I'm sure they'll be fine, Marianne." He pauses when they pass a small ice cream parlour, and hesitates before asking, "Would you_
13 years ago
like some ice cream...?"
13 years ago
(I just finished a bowl of ice cream... ARE YOU IN MY MIND? XD)
13 years ago
"Ah, that would be nice," she smiles up at him. "Perhaps a vanilla cone..."
13 years ago
[ YES, OF COURSE ||B-) <3 ]
13 years ago
approaches the parlour, then, and gets a vanilla cone for them both before handing it to her. "Here you go."
13 years ago
thanks him, "Merci~" before taking a lick at her cone. The cold sent a shiver down her spine before she got used to it and happily ate it.
13 years ago
smiles slightly despite himself as they continue their stroll. "Perhaps you're not so like France after all."
13 years ago
tilts her head, "Hmm? In what manner~? I thought we shared quite similar thoughts..."
England thinks
13 years ago
a moment. "You're far more pleasant company, for one. You seem to know how to enjoy a good conversation without ruining it with a grope."
13 years ago
chuckles, "Ah~ I do know when the time for a good grope is, I suppose." She winks at him and continues licking at her cone.
13 years ago
sighs, though he does smile a bit still. "You ought to teach him that. It'll save him a lot of trouble."
13 years ago
hums, "I don't think he'll learn~ Francis is just like that, after all. "
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Unfortunately. Lord knows that he'll end up losing a limb or two, with the amount of tact that he has now."
13 years ago
laughs despite herself. "Well, Francis just has a different sort of tact~ Perhaps you should teach him a thing or two then."
13 years ago
frowns, and licks his ice cream. "I've been trying to teach him manners for centuries. He's hopeless."
13 years ago
grins, "There's only one way that things will get through to him, hmm?" She winks so he can't mistake her meaning.
13 years ago
reddens, almost spitting out his ice cream. "N-- No! Bloody hell, no! I'd rather die in a trench!"
Marianne is
13 years ago
still amused by the red blush on him. "Ah~ That blush is very becoming on you, I couldn't resist teasing you again."
England is
13 years ago
embarrassed even more by that, and distracts himself with the ice cream. "It is not...!"
13 years ago
"Oui, it is!" She giggles and finishes her ice cream. "You just make me want to tease you more~"
13 years ago
shakes his head vehemently, and finishes his own cone as well. "No, I don't! No one would like that!"
13 years ago
"Well, I do~" She shows a bemused expression at his denial. "Ah~ You don't want the world knowing you're so cute?"
13 years ago
frowns, unamused. "I'm not cute. And the world doesn't need to know -anything- relating to how you view me."
13 years ago
grins, "Really~? I think the world needs to know! If I tell Francis, he'd surely pass on the news, hmmm?"
13 years ago
huffs. "No, absolutely not. He'll spread some falsified version of the information and make it perverted, just for his own amusement."
13 years ago
shakes her head, "I suppose they wouldn't believe him anyway. I suppose I shall be the one to pass the information then!"
13 years ago
looks appalled. "Why would-- that would be absolutely pointless! There are other ways to entertain yourself, Marianne."
13 years ago
smiles and taps her cheek with a finger. "Non, non, there isn't. Besides, the world should know of your cuteness~"
13 years ago
frowns. "They should not. And, for the final time, I am not cute, and would appreciate it if you stopped referring to me as such."
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
that he's probably had enough of her teasing and lets him off. "Well~ I will keep it to myself then~ Then I'll be the only one who can put a
13 years ago
blush on your cheeks." She winks at him.
13 years ago
reddens slightly despite his attempts not to, and looks away. "...Don't be ridiculous!"
13 years ago
chuckles, "I am not~ I'm being perfectly serious here!" She skips ahead a little, then looks back at him over his shoulder.
13 years ago
her shoulder*
13 years ago
blinks, then looks away, unwilling to acknowledge that she looks pretty. "B... Bollocks."
13 years ago
only grins and skips ahead further, pausing at the pond to look for ducks.
13 years ago
follows, looking around before spotting a few. He points, saying, "There." A pause, "If, uh, you were looking for them."
13 years ago
lets out an 'oh' and watches the ducks. She wanted to see if there were any ducklings. Probably not though. "Oh, look at that one! It looks_
13 years ago
just like you~"
13 years ago
blinks, looking at the duck and frowning a bit. "I look nothing like that one... or any duck, for that matter."
13 years ago
grins and shakes her head, "It does look like you, it has these little dark patches above its eyes..."
13 years ago
crosses his arms. "Then the one not too far behind is like you - the one paying more attention to preening rather than looking ahead."
13 years ago
giggles, not offended in the least. "Oui~ But that duck is looking at her while she preens, non?"
13 years ago
resists throwing a rock at the duck to distract it. "O... Only because he doesn't want her bumping into him!"
13 years ago
just smiles at him, then continues watching the ducks. They were really adorable.
13 years ago
pauses, hesitating before asking, "Is there anything I can get you, Marianne? A drink, or..."
13 years ago
shakes her head, "Non, it is fine~ You're quite the gentleman though, cher." She hadn't expected such treatment from him.
13 years ago
smiles slightly. "I always have been. And you're surprisingly pleasant company, so I've no reason not to be."
13 years ago
"Well, you're pleasant company yourself, so don't mind if I pop in for a visit or two sometime, oui~?"
13 years ago
nods, actually finding himself to be okay with that. "So long as you leave your counterpart at home, you may come by any time."
13 years ago
chuckles, "But we could have such fun together~ Why not?" She's serious about it though, she would like them to mend their burned bridges.
13 years ago
shakes his head, frowning. "If by fun, you mean migraines, perhaps. He isn't nearly as bearable as you are."
13 years ago
tilts her head. "He is good company to me though? He can be civil when he wants to, really."
13 years ago
disagrees. "I've known him for centuries now, Marianne; the few moments we were civil to each other were still tedious."
13 years ago
"You're not completely opposed to all things French though, you're talking to me, non? Give it a try!"
13 years ago
frowns. "It's not the French culture I have issues with, it's the man himself. He's unbearable, no matter what either of us do."
13 years ago
pouts at him and gives a pleading look. "I'll be there to mediate~ If you two would just settle down and have a civil talk... we could have_
13 years ago
better relations. Do it for me?"
13 years ago
reddens slightly and looks away. "We've had plenty of civil talks in the past, and none of it has led to anything but biting arguments. I
13 years ago
appreciate your concern - and hopefully, the frog does too -, but... we just can't work together."
13 years ago
clings to his arm and continues giving him puppy eyes. "I can persuade him to be nice~ As a gentleman, you should set an example for him to_
13 years ago
follow, non?"
13 years ago
frowns, hesitating. "...Fine," he says, finally giving in with a sigh. "But I'll only try once. I'm not sure I can handle multiple migraines
13 years ago
in one day."
13 years ago
hugs him in delight. "Good! Let's go over to his house now~ I'm sure he's in~"
13 years ago
stiffens, looking uncertain. "Right now?" he repeats, "To his house? But that's-- how about next week, instead...?"
13 years ago
shakes her head, "It's best to go now, oui? The sooner the better~ You are free, oui?"
13 years ago
hesitates. "Well, yes, but... it's a pleasant day out, and I assure you, all we'll end up doing is argue."
13 years ago
just looks up at him and pouts, she'd really like it if he did go with her to France's house right now.
13 years ago
sighs, giving in. "Fine," he grumbles, looking every bit displeased. "Are you sure he's even home right now?"
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