14 years ago
listens to Tchaikovsky while doing her work. The man was just truly brilliant.
latest #56
14 years ago
cannot help but agree that Tchaikovsky was a brilliant man. Simply the best.
Anya is
14 years ago
extremely pleased to hear that from her. She always hated when critics dismiss his pieces as vulgar and judged harshly. He was a man blessed
14 years ago
with the gift of music.
Monaco is
14 years ago
shocked that anybody would even consider Tchaikovsky vulgar. He was a classic in the ballet world- The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Sleeping
14 years ago
Beauty. Dancing to Tchaikovsky is always a pure delight. Monaco would gladly give these critics a piece of her mind.
14 years ago
does not know why others would think of that. Perhaps they need to clean their ears thoroughly then. His pieces are powerful and filled_
14 years ago
with emotion, not at all boring. It never fails to get her emotionally uplifted whenever hearing his music. She would gladly join her in her
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talk with these critics.
14 years ago
Perhaps their taste of beauty needs to be reevaluated. How could he be dull- anything but that really! Monaco can't help but agree with
14 years ago
Anya. Tchaikovsky never fails in making Monaco want to dance. She's glad to find another person who agrees with her on the wonders of
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classical music.
14 years ago
does not think she has met anyone who got riled up along with her at the thought of others insulting her wonderful composers. Ballet would_
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not be the same as it is now if it were not for Tchaikovsky. She too is ecstatic to have met someone who appreciates fine classical music.
14 years ago
But of course she would defend these wonderful composers! They are the definition of beauty- and Monaco does indeed love beautiful things.
14 years ago
Oui, Tchaikovsky left his mark on the ballet world. Although she cannot help but feel slightly confused on who she is talking to...
14 years ago
This can't be Russia, now can it?
14 years ago
also did wonder who she was striking this conversation with. She did remember her mentioning 'Monaco'. It has been a while since she saw the
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man though. Perhaps it was... It could be possible. "Da, I am Russia. Privyet~"
14 years ago
Monaco cannot help but frown a bit. "Not possible. Russia is a man... unless you've had some sort of sex change?" She peers closer- they
14 years ago
do look quite similar. That could possibly be Ivan... although the man didn't strike Louise as wanting to change his gender.
14 years ago
giggles a bit at her thought of Ivan having a sex change. With this, she already knows this was Monaco's female counterpart. Suppose she can
14 years ago
tease the lady for a bit before revealing her identity. "I assure you I am no man, comrade. After all, I am Mother Russia." She smiles.
14 years ago
She stares at the woman in pure confusion. What is going on here? The woman certainly looks like Russia, but she knows Russia would never
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deny that he was a man. Although he had certainly used that nickname in the past. "I'm afraid I don't understand," and she says it with a
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frown. Because if there is anything Monaco hates it's /not/ understanding.
14 years ago
finds a little bit of enjoyment seeing the others confusion. She smiles sweetly at her as she spoke, "What is there to not understand? I am_
14 years ago
the biggest nation in the world. I am the Russian Federation." Soon, perhaps, she will tell.
Monaco is
14 years ago
not amused at all at this turn of events. Not at all. "Because you're not Ivan Bragrinski, that is what I do not understand. And I do not
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think he would appreciate someone around pretending to be him. He strikes me as rather territorial about the matter."
14 years ago
giggles and smiles, pressing a finger against her lips to hush her. "Da, you are correct about everything except for one important thing. My
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name is not Ivan Braginski. That would be my male counterpart's name. My name is Anastasiya Braginskaya, Miss Monaco.. or you may call me_
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Anya if you wish."
14 years ago
The tiniest bit of a flush illuminates Monaco's face at the touch. Male counterparts? What on earth? But takes a moment to be silent- to
14 years ago
just think about the matter. Despite the attitude of an old lady stuck in a young girl's body, Monaco is surprisingly open minded. Although
14 years ago
she supposes that's a consequence of being raised by France. She's never come across a "counterpart" before, although Monaco does indeed
14 years ago
subscribe to the theory that parallel worlds exists. The events of Christmas most certainly proved that. "Then I suppose that means
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the dimensions have crossed over then..." she says thoughtfully. "You are Russia in your world then. A woman. That explains why you look so
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similar to him. A pleasure to meet you Mademoiselle Anya. I suppose we'll get along quite well. I enjoy discussing the merits of ballet
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with your male counterpart." [OOC: Holy shoot. Why so long Mona.]
14 years ago
smiles at the way the other flushed. She knows she just blushed, after all she is very keen with observation and details. She is, however,_
14 years ago
mildly surprise at how how quick and easy she took on the idea of having a version of oneself in the opposite gender. The others, who she_
Anya has
14 years ago
spoken to, took the idea with confusion and disbelief, having the need for them to see it, to believe it. "Ah the pleasure is mine, Miss_
14 years ago
Monaco. Or do you possess a name, in which I can call you as instead of your nation name? Oh? You have spoken with Ivan about this? I wonder
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why he never told me of such thin." [OOC: Hehe~ Here you go, I answered long too ^ J^ ]
14 years ago
thing* ( >w> )
14 years ago
should be used to touchy nations- another consequence of having close relationships with Francis- but she is not. It can be embarrassing.
14 years ago
She sees she's caught Anya off guard with how fast she's adapted to the concept. Yes, it's a tad bit outlandish... not something she would
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expect now. But why not? "I also go by the name of Louise Canella. Feel free to call me Louise if you like." She pauses for a moment,
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"Oui, we have. Some of his ballet troupes perform have come to visit me- they've always been remarkable dancers. i've always had the
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greatest respect for Russian ballet. I suppose he's never mentioned it, because it didn't come up." A rather self deprecating smile,
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"I'm not exactly the most important of nations, after all."
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smiles and pulls her finger away. "Ah well privyet, Louise. It is nice to meet Monaco's counterpart. Somehow I am meeting more of my world's
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counterparts nowadays. I do not mind it though. I am fairly intrigued and interested in meeting nations from a different dimension." She_
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blinks in surprise. "I know you very well, Louise... Well not exactly you, but your counterpart. He and I also have talked about my ballet_
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troupes too. I am very pleased to hear of how you appreciate my dancers." She thinks for a moment. "I suppose maybe that is why I thought_
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speaking with you had a very familiar feeling to it, and it is a pleasant feeling." She smiles.
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