13 years ago
sits by a frozen pond and pulls on his ice skates, a hockey stick resting on his shoulder.
latest #45
Monaco has
13 years ago
come out to the frozen pond, bundled up in an elegant fashion. Ice skating is definitely one of her favorite winter sports- it reminds her
13 years ago
of ballet in its grace. But she sees that this particular pond is taken- by Matthew. She gives a small wave to Francis's former charge.
13 years ago
blinks at her and then turns to look behind him as if she was waving to someone else. Seeing no one, he glanced back at her and waved. "Hey"
Monaco is
13 years ago
slightly confused as to why Matthew looks so shock that she's waving to him. "Bonjour Matheiu," she replies, "It's been too long since
13 years ago
I've seen you."
13 years ago
isn't used to people noticing him so was caught off guard. "Yeah, it has been." He finishes tying up his shoes and skates over to her.
13 years ago
It's one of those rare moments where Louise recognizes Matthew for who he is- and not Alfred. But there's something about seeing Matthew
13 years ago
here in the snow and ice that triggers the memory in remembering the usually invisible nation. "I see your going to practice your hockey..."
13 years ago
nods a little and scratches the back of his head. "I forgot my puck, though.. So I was just going to use a pinecone or something like that."
13 years ago
She frowns a bit. "That doesn't sound entirely too safe to be using a pine cone..." Louise would offer to help him out, but alas she has no
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks at the ice and kicks up a bit with his skate. "It was a stupid idea, huh..."
13 years ago
He looks a bit dejected, so Louise decides to opt for diplomacy. "It's probably not one of your better ideas," she says gently.
13 years ago
frowns and sighs. "I guess I could run home and grab one but then Kumapito might get confused."
13 years ago
can't help but feel a bit confused. Kumapito? Who on earth was /that/? "That would probably be a good idea... or buy a new one if you're
13 years ago
really worried about ah... uh... Kumapito."
13 years ago
nods faintly and brushes some snow off the ice with his stick. "So, what are you doing around here?"
13 years ago
couldn't help but shrug gracefully. "I felt like ice skating... It's perfect weather for it." She pauses a moment, "I must say, I've never
13 years ago
played hockey before."
13 years ago
's eyes widen. "You've never played hockey? You're missing out."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Non, I have not." It's too violent for Monaco really- not enough grace or beauty. But it's also good to keep an open mind
13 years ago
about these sorts of things. "Perhaps I should rectify this..."
13 years ago
tilts his head. "Maybe I could teach you?"
13 years ago
she smiles. "Perhaps. You are the world's best at hockey are you not?" If she was going to play hockey... why not learn from the best?
13 years ago
blushes and blinks quickly. "N-no, not the best, but I'm decent."
13 years ago
"But didn't you win gold at last year's Olympics?" she tilts her head in curiosity.
13 years ago
pauses before nodding. "My team did, yeah..."
13 years ago
"I suppose there is a distinction between the two..." says Louise quite thoughtfully, "But nonetheless I think perhaps you are selling
13 years ago
yourself short."
13 years ago
looks away. "I'll go get an extra stick and puck then." He sits at the edge of the ice and starts undoing his skates.
13 years ago
walks over to the man and holds out a gloved hand to him. "I'll come with you then." She's actually somewhat exciting- if anything Monaco
Monaco is
13 years ago
a natural born student. She does love learning new things!
13 years ago
takes her hand and stands up, glad that she's actually interested. "My house isn't too far so we can just run there." He lets go of her_
13 years ago
hand and starts off, glad that he wouldn't be playing by himself.
13 years ago
helps the country up and begins following him. "That's good that it isn't too far." She pauses for a bit, "Sorry to inconvenience you by
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randomly dropping by." But then again, he needed to return to the house anyway to get a puck. So perhaps it wasn't much of an inconvenience
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anyways. But it's the polite thing to do- and Monaco is all about manners. She's a lady after all.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it's not a problem at all." He points to a house up ahead of them. "And that's where we're going."
13 years ago
glances over at the house- it's fairly nice. "I see. You have a lovely house, Mathieu." She continues trekking after him.
13 years ago
blushes. "Ah, thanks. It's not much but I like it." He pulls out his keys and walks up to the door, swinging it open and holding it for her.
13 years ago
"Sometimes simplicity is the best policy on these sorts of things," says Monaco. She finds beauty in both- simplicity and complexity. She
13 years ago
enters the house and smiles politely at him. Raised by both England and France, of course he would have impeccable manners. She approves.
13 years ago
"Where is the puck and hockey stick?" she inquires, because she feels like helping.
13 years ago
glances around. "Ah, you can sit while I go get them, it shouldn't be long." Truthfully, he couldn't quite remember and he didn't want her_
13 years ago
to see the mess in his garage.
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