Marianne is
13 years ago
reading the newspaper at a cafe in town.
latest #52
13 years ago
passed by the cafe on her walk, she was only here because she was looking for a good deal on groceries and she was bored out of her mind.
13 years ago
happens to look up from the paper and notices someone familiar. "Isn't that..." she murmurs to herself. "Ah, excusez-moi?"
13 years ago
blinks a few times at that, she hadn't expected anyone to stop her. She looked over and froze when she saw France. "Ah... Pardon..."
13 years ago
"Suisse! Bonjour! I didn't expect to see you here~" Marianne moves forward to kiss her cheeks in greeting. "I haven't seen you in a while, _
13 years ago
are you well?"
Mitzi was
13 years ago
pretty unresponsive to the kisses for a moment before she rubbed her hand on her cheek a bit. "I'm pretty well, how are you?"
13 years ago
groans and rubs her head achingly as she enters the cafe. She had partied /way/ too hard last night. At least most of the drinking had
13 years ago
happened after the gambling. Monaco could only assume how much she would have lost- an unacceptable concept to her. While looking around
13 years ago
for a spot to sit, she can't help but see two familiar-looking girls. And yet... that wasn't right? It must be the hangover.
13 years ago
smiles, "I have been very well~ Come, sit down, let's catch up. What's been happening for you?"
Mitzi is
13 years ago
extremely hesitant about sitting down but she doesn't think she has much of a choice. "A fair bit I suppose... How about you?"
13 years ago
(Sit down too, Mona~ xD)
13 years ago
"A fair bit? Mmm, nothing much really... though everyone's making a fuss about the alliance with Allemagne." She shakes her head and sips_
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her coffee. She didn't think that it was such a big deal to have better relations with the German.
13 years ago
nods a bit as she listened to this. She couldn't say much on that matter. "I've been negotiating with China over trades and such, dealing
13 years ago
with the banks and the drop in the Euro..."
13 years ago
sighs, "Oui, the euro..." She shakes her head, it was best not to talk about touchy matters like that. "Mmm, China? More imports?"
13 years ago
agreed on that, she would rather not talk about it. "Exports and imports. Mostly machines, chemicals and so on..." She waved a hand
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods as she listens. "I see. China's been growing rather strong lately, hmm?"
13 years ago
sighs a bit and nods. "Yes... China has been... Not sure if that's a good thing though."
13 years ago
hums in agreement. "Nothing we can do for it though.. We need her about."
13 years ago
nods again. "Agreed..." she'd not really spoken much to another nation in a while... this was weird.
13 years ago
sits down to join the two ladies and listens politely to their conversation about politics. Although feeling a tad bit confused on *who*
13 years ago
exactly they are. But they remind her of France and Switzerland... (Eeep sorry guys! I didn't see the OOC note!)
Marianne is
13 years ago
surprised by the woman who suddenly joins them. "Ah, you... look familiar... Monaco...?"
13 years ago
She frowns a bit. Of course she's Monaco. Who else would she be? "Oui, I am.But you look a lot like France... but you're obviously a woman..
13 years ago
She pauses a moment. "Unless that's you in drag?" Maybe that was Francis's and Vash's secret kink.
13 years ago
frowns a bit at the new comer. She looked to Marianne for a moment before she looked back at the other. "Unless Francis can grow boobs over
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night she's not Francis in drag."
13 years ago
bursts into laughter at the thought of Francis in drag or growing boobs. "Non, non! I am Marianne, his counterpart." She's still chuckling,_
13 years ago
but she manages to gasp out a greeting, "You must be Monaco's counterpart then, nice to meet you~"
13 years ago
"... Counterpart?" she inquires. She takes a pause for a moment ignoring the other woman's laughter. "I see, as in other dimensions then?"
13 years ago
"I suppose that makes more sense than growing boobs over night or going out about in drag... although with Francis I wouldn't be too
13 years ago
surprised. A pleasure to meet you Marianne. I'm Monaco as you guessed... or Louise. Am i a man in your world?" Another pause, "I cannot
13 years ago
imagine myself as a man..."
Marianne is
13 years ago
surprised that Monaco has not heard of the counterparts. "Oui, it is very strange, but we come from another dimension.. where all of us are_
13 years ago
of the opposite gender of yours." She chuckles again at Monaco's non-surprise of Francis in drag. "Perhaps I should make him do that someday
13 years ago
then~ Louise, what a lovely name!" She smiles at her. "Oui, the Monaco we know is male."
13 years ago
nods a bit with that, she held her silence for the moment as she watched the other.
13 years ago
can't help but twinkle at the mischief of seeing Francis in drag. "Perhaps you should~ I'm assuming the two of you have met then?"
13 years ago
Mon dieu. She could only imagine how that went. Mon dieu, what would she do if she ever met her counterpart? "Ah, thank you. Marianne is a
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lovely name as well." She turns her attention to Mitzi, "And you're Switzerland, non? What is your name?"
13 years ago
blinks at the sudden question, pushing a hand through her hair she frowned a bit. "Mitzi... and yes I'm Switzerland's counterpart..."
13 years ago
"A pleasure to meet you then Mitzi. It sounds like things aren't much different in your guy's world than the world I'm in... just different
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genders." A thoughtful look comes over the girl. "How very strange... yet fascinating."
13 years ago
shakes her head a bit. "It's slightly more different than just that..." she pointed out. "We're not exactly the same personality wise."
13 years ago
nods at Mitzi's words. "It would be too strange if my counterpart liked makeup or wearing heels~"
13 years ago
The thoughtful expression deepens. "I see, that does make sense. Men and women are different after all besides the physical differences."
13 years ago
"I wonder what my counterpart is like then..."
13 years ago
smiles, "You'll find out eventually, oui? We seem to arrive at different times..."
13 years ago
nods with that. She'd not actually met her counterpart yet.
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