Belarus is
13 years ago
alone skating on the ice. She liked it when she had the arena to herself.
latest #97
13 years ago
hums quietly as he walked into the room. He saw the other and smiled a bit, walking over towards the ice. "Hej."
13 years ago
hears someone speak, looks over and sees Søren. "Hi," skates closer to the wall. "You're the guy who sleeps through earth science."
13 years ago
nods. "Yep. That'd be me. And I asuume ye're the one who liked to wear rolling skates in class, ja?"
13 years ago
looks down at the ice. "That was me." still very sore about her skates being taken away.
13 years ago
frowns a bit and leans against the wall. "So, ye like the ice just like Berwald I guess."
13 years ago
"Just like Berwald? Try I love the ice." does a tight figure 8.
13 years ago
chuckles a bit, watching her. "Ja, I was actually expecting to find him here... but he must be asleep somewhere. Or in class."
13 years ago
"I've never seen him here around this time. Place is usually empty right now." taps the puck back forth with her stick a little. skating_
13 years ago
backwards slowly.
13 years ago
nods. "Oh. Ah well, doesn't matter. Ye're here, so I can at least watch."
13 years ago
looks at him. "I'm just skating around by myself." looks down at the ice. "Did you report that prof for throwing an egg at you?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej. He's just playin' around. Besides, I shouldn't have been sleeping."
13 years ago
"He has a weird way of playing around." would have clobbered the jerk if he threw a raw egg at her.
13 years ago
shrugs. "Each teach their own I guess. I'm not bothered by it really, stuff like that happens normally to me."
13 years ago
"I guess you could try to stay awake in class, unless you like that sort of attention."
13 years ago
sighs. "I try to get enough sleep. But it's my damn dormmates fault."
13 years ago
"What are your dormmates doing? Have you complained to the RA?"
13 years ago
sighs again. "They're just asses. Drinking and drugs almost everyday, making it impossible for me to study." Shakes his head a
13 years ago
bit. "Ah, nej... I don't want to bother anyone about this."
13 years ago
"If they are doing something illegal, they should be reported. Call the police."
13 years ago
shrugs. "I don't want to be a kill joy. It's their lives they're ruining anyways."
13 years ago
stops skating and looks at them. "And yours. You're paying to stay in that dorm aren't you? If you can't use it what's the point of even_
13 years ago
saying you live there?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I don't really care... besides, Berwald said if I really need to I can use his room to study and stuff."
13 years ago
"What dorm do you live in?" dribbles the puck and skates in a circle.
13 years ago
watches her. "North dorm. Why?"
13 years ago
"Why don't you request a transfer to a quieter dorm. North dorm is full of partiers. Everyone knows that."
13 years ago
chuckles and scratches the back of his head. "Ja, I know... but I do like to party too. It's just my room I don't like..."
13 years ago
"Then get a different room." slaps the puck from center ice and puts it into the net.
13 years ago
claps a little. "Maybe."
13 years ago
"What do you have against sleep?" spins around on her skates a few times before skating over to the goal.
13 years ago
sighs. "A few things... but that doesn't matter. I'll just chill with Berwald on nights where I gotta be up early."
13 years ago
skates back dribbling the puck with her stick. "I would still complain about the partying in your dorm."
13 years ago
nods. "I might..." Shrugs. "Ye enjoying the ice?"
13 years ago
"Always." skates backwards dribbling the puck.
13 years ago
smiles a little. "Yeah... it's pretty fun. I enjoyed myself when Berwald and I played a game."
13 years ago
"I don't know what I would do if I couldn't play hockey."
13 years ago
chuckles a bit. "Why do ye like it so much?"
13 years ago
"When I'm skating, I feel free. Also, the game ... I like the competition, always working to improve. Be the best hockey player I can be."
13 years ago
nods. "Seems like a good reason. It's cool that ye have a goal in life."
13 years ago
"I want to go pro." skates up to the wall. "What are your plans after college?"
13 years ago
shrugs and looks at her. "Get some kind of medical job in the big city. Ye know, save some lives and what not."
13 years ago
"A doctor. Good luck staying unmarried." chuckles.
13 years ago
raises his brow a bit. "What do ye mean by that?"
13 years ago
"Gold diggers love marrying doctors." smiles at him. "Just when you finish off paying for med school and get your own practice ... they'll_
13 years ago
be all over you."
13 years ago
laughs. "I dunno. Maybe. I don't plan on getting married for a while though."
13 years ago
"Just saying. You're not bad looking ... when you don't have bags under your eyes." skates around the circle on center ice.
13 years ago
blushes slightly and scratches the back of his head. "Really? Guess I should take better care of myself, ja?" Chuckles agetr.
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Ja, you and Berwald say that word a lot." skates over to the puck, takes to the goal and slams it into the net just as she turns away.
13 years ago
smirks. "I bet..." He leans more on the wall. "Do ye want a buddy to play with, or do ye enjoy doin' that alone?"
13 years ago
skates back, looks at him. "You want to take me on? Provided you can stay awake."
13 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I'm awake now. I won't fall asleep. And I know I'm not nearly as good as ye, but I do enjoy playing."
13 years ago
"Fine, get suited up, I'll be waiting." winks at him, then sprints away with the puck across the ice.
13 years ago
smirks and goes to where Berwald took him last time and put on some spare equipment. Once he got everything he put his helmet on
13 years ago
and grabbed his stick, walking out and onto the ice.
13 years ago
skates over to where she left her helmet, putting it on her head. "Need time to warm up?" looks at him as he comes on the ice.
13 years ago
shakes his head. "Nej, I doubt that'll make me any better." He laughs, skating around a bit before going to the middle.
13 years ago
shrugs. "Okay." skates to the center ice, gets down to take the puck, looking him in the eye. "Ready?"
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ready." Gets his stick ready and waits.
13 years ago
quickly drops the puck on the ice and easily takes it first, skating toward her goal.
13 years ago
smirks and dashes after her, easily catching up beside. He tried to steal the puck from her.
13 years ago
knows with his longer legs he can probably outskate her, uses her sticking to keep the puck away as she moves closer to her goal.
13 years ago
skates a bit ahead and knocks the puck away from her, quickly turning around and heads to his goal.
13 years ago
turns quickly and catches up with him, working to steal the puck back and block him from his goal.
13 years ago
quickly turns and skates a bit to the side, taking a shot at the goal.
13 years ago
moves to match his movements, blocks the goal and takes control of the puck, skating away with it as fast as she can.
13 years ago
chuckles a little and turns to catch up with her. He tried to pass her and towards the goal, planning on blocking it.
13 years ago
waits for the right moment, then slaps the puck between his legs, skates around him and catches it again, giving it a powerful hit toward_
13 years ago
her goal.
13 years ago
tries to skate after her but finds it too late and laughs as it gets in.
13 years ago
grins when it easily slides into the net, skates around the net and comes back again. "You're not bad, have you played before?"
13 years ago
nods, getting the puck out of the net. "Ja, I use to play back where I live."
13 years ago
"How come you don't play now?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "I had to stop... focus on my studies to get into University..." Sighs a bit as he plays a little with the puck.
13 years ago
" You stopped? How awful!" Would rather die then not play hockey.
13 years ago
chuckles a little. "Only because I had to. I really enjoyed it." Starts skating again, passing the puck back and forth between him.
13 years ago
easily steals the puck from him, skating away. "I can't imagine *having* to stop playing hockey!"
13 years ago
laughs, quickly catching up to her. "Did yer parents mind ye playing?" Tries to take the puck back.
13 years ago
keeps it away. "My dad played. Mom didn't like it at first ... but she gave up when she realized I was hooked." smacks it past him, skating
13 years ago
to catch up with it.
13 years ago
pushes himself to match her at first, then surpass her. "Ah, so ye learned how to play from yer dad I assume?" Hits the puck away from
13 years ago
her and taps it towards himself.
13 years ago
"Oh yes!" turns sharply and intercepts the puck. "He didn't go easy on me either, just because I'm a girl."
13 years ago
smiles at her, going after the puck again. "That's good then. Means he taught ye how it would be in real life. No special treatment
13 years ago
or anything."
13 years ago
"That's right! No quarter taken ..." slaps the puck toward her goal. "Or given!"
13 years ago
curses a bit, and barely manages to get it away in time. He skates around the net with the puck then quickly skates down to the other end.
13 years ago
easily catches up with him, using her stick to try and take the puck away. takes the opportunity to check Soren and get the puck away.
13 years ago
hisses a bit as he's checked, and skates up beside her. He watches the puck, trying to find the best time to take it from her.
Belarus is
13 years ago
not about to let him take it from her so easily. Uses her skills with her stick to keep it away from him as she skates toward her goal.
13 years ago
huffs a bit and skates up to his goal, defending it. He wasn't going to let her get another goal just yet.
13 years ago
smiles as she skates to one side of the net, then quickly turns and chips the puck to go over his shoulder and hit high inside the net on _
13 years ago
the opposite side.
Søren was
13 years ago
almost tricked by her, but barely manages to hit it away. He sighed that he diverted it and stole the puck, going to the opposite
13 years ago
end of the ice.
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