went to the holiday iron pour at GSU and brought home a slab.
latest #7
The Smelter sprung a leak and shot sparklies into the crowd. The crucible underneath was nearly derailed before the pour began.
after casting all the sandblocks, they poured into ice blocks. Very interesting sight to say the least.
There was the theory that it would explode, but it just melted and boiled the ice and slid over the surface like oil.
The result did not remotely resemble the mold, just chaotic bubbles with bronzy splotches from rapid cooling.
met a classmate I hadn't seen in 2 years. She was almost done w/ her ceramics at GSU. I missed the chance to ask for a folio url.
there was a concert at eyedrum last night, but they had to change their headliner a day before, so I lost interest.
and I've got slaggy sandy grit all over me.
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