Anya is
14 years ago
fighting with a bear... for fun. ^ J^
latest #61
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
this is quite a feat. oAo
Anya thinks
14 years ago
this is very fun!! She wonders if Gilbert would like to fight with one too?
14 years ago
declines this offer. He'd much rather just watch.
14 years ago
does not take nyet for an answer and pulls him close. ^ J^
14 years ago
flails under her grip and wishes he hadn't found her fighting a bear in the first place.
Anya will
14 years ago
probably not mention that he can ask for a compensation for this bear fight, being that this was a risky business. "Here, you are to be_
14 years ago
armed with a cold steel when you fight with the bear. Do not worry~ I am here to stop the bear if it does something dangerous!"
14 years ago
blinks at her. "I will be armed? Well that's a relief..." He mumbles.
14 years ago
smiles at him, hearing the last part as just a unintelligible mumble. "Hmm? You do not want to be armed? Well I am sure you can take it,
14 years ago
da? You are awesome after all?"
14 years ago
stares at her, mouth open. "I'm more awesome with a weapon..." He looks warily at the bear.
14 years ago
taps a finger on her lips. "Hmmm I think you would be more awesome *without* it!" She smiles widely at him.
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
a nervous smile. He has no idea how to fight a bear... bare handed.
14 years ago
watches them, amused.
14 years ago
looks over to her side and smiles. "Oh! See? You have an audience now! No weapon for you now!" She takes the steel away from the Prussian.
14 years ago
glances at the Nordic before realising his weapon was gone. "H-hey! I really don't know about fighting that!" He turns to stare at the bear.
14 years ago
smirks. "It's just as afraid of you as you are of it." At least... maybe he was.
14 years ago
hold the steel like a cane and giggles. "Da~ Do not be afraid, Gilbert! I can handle fighting with a bear, so can you!"
14 years ago
That made sense in her mind. ^ J^
Gilbert wonders
14 years ago
if he'd get compensation if he was mauled by the bear. He stares at it as it starts approaching him.
14 years ago
would send him flowers.
14 years ago
probably should have told him that there were specially trained animals around the area, ready to attack if the bear causes trouble. Naah...
14 years ago
thought it was more fun to watch the Prussian not having a clue about this ^ J^
14 years ago
stands his ground, watching the bear approach him. He scans the area, wondering what he could use against it.
14 years ago
( Pff should I act as the bear? =u= )
14 years ago
[[if you like c:]]
14 years ago
watches Gilbert amusingly while taking note of the possible attacks he could do. She would just do a hand to paw combat, one-on-one though.
14 years ago
doesn't think he has the strength to wrestle a bear, so when he spots a branch he starts moving toward it, eyes still on the bear.
14 years ago
had found them. briefly wonders why Anya is fighting a bear but decides that it looks like fun so doesnt care. Watches prussia. ^J^
14 years ago
The bear watches the white haired man with his predator eyes. It could sense fear as the other tries to move towards the branch. It growled.
14 years ago
frowns at the Russian's entrance and looks back to the bear. He is nearing the fallen branch, which seems pretty sturdy.
14 years ago
blinks and smiles at Ivan. "Look! Prussia is doing one of our old traditions!" The bear moves towards the Prussian, growling louder.
14 years ago
watched, feeling that the prussian needed motivation. "Go at it Prussia~ Do not worry. We nations do not die from light mauling. Even if
14 years ago
he rips your throat out you will still live. So go at him,da?" he called encouragingly. ^J^
14 years ago
laughs at little at his words, whispering at him. "But Prussia is no longer a nation though, da? Would he still live after that?"
14 years ago
pauses and thinks this over. "Da that is true....maybe he wont that case. RUN PRUSSIA. YOUR FIGHTING IS TERRIBLE,DA?"
14 years ago
laughs at this and returns her eyes to the Prussian. "I suppose I should help him then, da?"
14 years ago
nods. "Da~"
14 years ago
(I'll wait for Prupru to come back tonight to reply to this ^ J^)
14 years ago
twitches a little at the two Russians, though he has managed to grab the branch now, holding it in front of him like a longsword.
14 years ago
[[ughh timezones suck |D]]
14 years ago
[[ *hugshugs* It's fine XD At least we still get to rp xD ]]
14 years ago
|The bear now very close to the Prussian, stood on two legs as it towers over the Prussian. It let out a loud growl to the man standing.
14 years ago
doesn't hesitate as he runs over to the bear with a war cry and swings the branch at its stomach area.
14 years ago
[[I find it hilarious that Prussia is fighting a bear with a branch xD]]
14 years ago
[[xD well I've rped with a Swe who did the same thing c:]]
14 years ago
[[ Oh really? XDD ]]
14 years ago
[[yep, though it was Pru's fault the bear came c:]]
14 years ago
|The bear fumbles at the assault, roaring out an angry growl from it. It attacks and swings its paws at the Prussian, scratching him by_
14 years ago
the shoulder.
14 years ago
[[ LOL XDD Oh you! XD ]]
14 years ago
hisses in pain at the scratch and moves away from the bear, looking for another opening for him to attack the bear.
14 years ago
just watches the Prussian and the bear battle it off, clearly amused and enjoying the feat. "I will just help him later when needed."
Russia is
14 years ago
watching. "I still say run,da?" ^J^
14 years ago
grins while humming. "Just give him a few more hits, he will start running."
14 years ago
attacks the bear again, trying to aim for its head.
14 years ago
The bear stopped his attack as it pushed and tackled the Prussian to the ground, growling right at his face.
14 years ago
yelps a little as he was tackled to the ground by the bear. The stick flew out of his hand and he flailed under it, trying to kick it off.
Russia thinks
14 years ago
he might need to step in.
14 years ago
giggles. "I think this is enough now." She whistles the trained animals to attack the bear. "Run, Gilbert!"
14 years ago
gets up and runs away for his life. Anything to get away from these crazy animals and people.
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