Marianne is
13 years ago
curious about the male Russia and knocks on his door for a visit; she wonders if he's anything like Anya.
latest #253
13 years ago
heard a knock on his door and quickly hid his reading glasses, having been doing some paperwork. The nation stood and went over to the door-
13 years ago
opening it to see the female France. He smiled his signature childish grin. " Privet. And what brings you here?" he asked.
13 years ago
looks up in surprise, she hadn't expected him to be quite so tall. "Ah, bonjour! I'm France's counterpart, Marianne~ I just heard of you and
13 years ago
wanted to greet you," she says with a smile.
13 years ago
tilted his head in a curious way before moving to let her in. "Well come in then,da? I have never known France had a female counter-part
13 years ago
as well. It is good to meet you. I hope you dont mind it being a little messy. I have been busy with my work." he said, still smiling.
13 years ago
shakes her head, "Non, I shouldn't have dropped by without calling... But I didn't have your number," she looks at him apologetically. "Ah,_
13 years ago
the work of a country never ends, oui?"
13 years ago
nodded, leading her over to a soft leather couch. "It is fine. I like company. And da it is true. We nations have alot on our plates." he
13 years ago
replied before sighing. "I feel like i can never relax or have fun anymore. I wish it was not so,da?" he then said sadly.
13 years ago
sits down and nods, agreeing with his words. "Well, now that we have counterparts, there's half the workload, non?" She helped France with_
13 years ago
the paperwork, seeing as she was still part of the country. "We can still have time for fun~"
13 years ago
tilted his head. "Fun?" he asked. He was not one for fun and games. Most people didnt want to play with him anyway.
13 years ago
blinks, "Oui, fun. Or perhaps for a hobby? Gardening or cooking~" She particularly enjoyed one other activity, but she thought she shouldn't
13 years ago
mention it.
13 years ago
frowned, heading towards the kitchen to get them something to drink. "Hmm...nyet I would have to say I do not. Aside from reading
13 years ago
occasionally I do not have hobbies. I tend to be unable to have the time to find new things to try. Most avoid me anyway so I would be
13 years ago
unable to fully enjoy a hobby without someone to talk to about it,da?" he replied over his shoulder from the cabinet. "What would
13 years ago
you like to drink? I have various things. Tea,coffee, hot cocoa, water, wine. Anything you would like?" he asked, it was always good to be
13 years ago
curteous to guests.
13 years ago
didn't think it would be good to drink so early. "Coffee, thank you. Well, I can't see why anyone would avoid you, you're quite friendly and
13 years ago
nice," she smiles up at him. Perhaps she could teach him how to garden.
13 years ago
started to fix two cups of coffee, smiling to himself. "You are a rare one then. Most think that I am big and intimidating, or cruel. But as
13 years ago
a nation I believe that comes with the territory,da? Any cream or sugar?"
Marianne says
13 years ago
"Cream, please." She hums as she thinks of what he said. "Oui, you are a large country~ I suppose most people are intimidated by that. But_
13 years ago
you seem like a good person to me."
13 years ago
blushed a bit while walking back to hand her her cup. "Ah...T-thank you,da? I do not often hear such things." he replied, trying to
13 years ago
beat down his blush by taking a sip of his own coffee.
13 years ago
smiles at the blush, he looked so cute~ "Mm, they just don't understand you, oui?" She sips her cup of coffee.
13 years ago
nodded a bit, setting his cup down. "I have only been talking on myself,da? I want to know about you."
13 years ago
sets her cup down as well and taps her chin thoughtfully. "I don't mind hearing about you~ What would you like to know about me though?
13 years ago
smiled at her. "Your interests. About you personally,da? How similar you are to Francis as well. If that is not prying to much." ^J^
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
on it before replying, "Well.. I suppose we both like cooking and fine cuisine? As well as wine, of course. Besides that... We also share a_
13 years ago
love for... well, love." She chuckles.
13 years ago
tilted his head, confused by that, "A love"
13 years ago
"Amour! Love, sex, whatever you call it around here." She winks and sips her coffee again.
13 years ago
jolted, turning bright red. He wondered how she could say something like that so easily. He sputtered to try to respond but was too shocked
13 years ago
and embarressed.
Marianne is
13 years ago
surprised by the bright blush on Russia. She'd thought that he was familiar with such things as well, being one of the older Nations. "Ah, _
13 years ago
have you not experienced such things?"
13 years ago
seemed to turn even redder, although he had some experience he hadnt much. And he had never had a lover either. The Russian looked away and
13 years ago
mumbled a small nyet.
13 years ago
blinks and thinks he's too cute like this. A big Nation like him being so shy... She smiles gently at him, "It is fine~ Not everyone has to_
13 years ago
gain that much experience. Though it is fun, hmm?"
Russia was
13 years ago
still red. He glanced at the other before basically hiding his face in his scarf. Voice is muffled.
13 years ago
"I do not..have anyone to be with anyways so I would not...know.."
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
he looks rather sad so she sits next to him and gives him a hug. "It's alright~ You'll find someone to be with one day, oui?"
13 years ago
blushes at the sudden hug bug shyly gives her one on return. "T..thank you,da?" he replied, now out of his scarf.
13 years ago
grins, "If you ever get too curious, you can always come to me, oui?" She cheekily presses a kiss to his lips and winks.
13 years ago
acually jumped back, flailing a little and sputtering. He almost fell of the couch, having been caught of gaurd and blushing like mad.
13 years ago
Marianne is
13 years ago
startled and tries to keep him from falling off the couch by grabbing him around the waist. "Ah, be careful!" She waits until he's not in_
13 years ago
danger of falling off before replying, "Oui~ My doors are open to you, hmm?" She winks at him and keeps the hold on him so he doesn't fall.
13 years ago
feeling the heat radiating from his face as he shivers, not really used to being touched by anyone. Thinks her body heat is nice. "Ah..
13 years ago
....thank you f-for catching me...But I have to say i have nyet idea what your really talking about."
13 years ago
guesses that she has to put it in a more blunt manner. "If you want someone to bed, I am always free, oui?" She finds that she likes hugging
13 years ago
the Russian, he was quite large and soft.
13 years ago
sputters again, trembling and resembling a scared puppy or kitten. "I..I have..never touched..a woman at all s-so.." feels like spazzing and
13 years ago
curling in a ball to hide.
13 years ago
blinks in surprise. "Never..? How rare... Oh! Did I... just steal your first kiss?" She puts a hand to her lips, she hadn't meant to do that
13 years ago
, she had only wanted to tease him a little.
13 years ago
makes a small whimper/meep at the memory and nods. he had been given a few kisses on the cheek or head from his sisters but he didnt think
13 years ago
13 years ago
widens her eyes and apologises, "Desole! I hadn't meant to-- Ahhh... How do I make this up to you?"
13 years ago
shocked by her reaction. " is alright,da? I am unhurt by it. I doubt I would ever have given it away anyway."
13 years ago
places a lot of importance in first kisses. It should be taken by someone you love, she thinks. "Still..." She sighs, "If you're sure...?"
13 years ago
nods. "Da I am sure. I have never felt love or given it, asides from my sisters. So I would not know how it goes anyway,da? Do not worry."
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
that's a pity. "Mmm, is there no one you like...? Perhaps I could help~"
13 years ago
blushes slightly again. "N-nyet...I do not get to spend much time with others. Or they avoid me. SO I have yet to find someone I like.
13 years ago
I do however hope they are similar to you. You are nice and do not run. I like that,da?"
13 years ago
smiles, "You are welcome to visit me if you'd like, cher~ Perhaps I will hold a welcome party and you will get to meet more people, oui? I_
13 years ago
like you too, you really are nice~"
13 years ago
smiles. "A party would be nice,da?" he replied, hugging her out of happiness and he liked her warmth anyway.
13 years ago
returns the hug, liking this side of him. "Ahhh, it really is a pity that no one else sees this side of you. You're adorable like this~"
13 years ago
blushes and hides face in her shoulder and hair. " it?"
13 years ago
smiles and wraps her arms around his broad shoulders. "Oui~ It is!" She nuzzles against him.
13 years ago
shivers from the contact but kinda likes it, hugs her closer to him. "S..should I b-be glad?" he asked shyly, face still hidden.
13 years ago
"You should, cher. I am glad that I came to see you as well~" She doesn't mind all this hugging, she enjoys it.
13 years ago
smiles and nuzzles her, liking this feeling. "Marianne is warm,da?"
13 years ago
chuckles, "You are warm too, Russie~" She realises that she's sitting in his lap somehow, after all the hugging.
13 years ago
hasnt noticed the position but likes it, trying to keep her close. "Well you are warmer~" he said, giggling a bit while nuzzling her neck.
Marianne likes
13 years ago
all this cuddling though her arms are getting a little tired. "Mm, we can lay down and cuddle~?"
13 years ago
nods, not wanting to stop with the cuddling. "D-da...if you or I have a real soft bed as well."
13 years ago
smiles, "Perhaps the bed then~? I can stay over." She chuckles, this might be the first time that she would spend a night in someone's bed..
13 years ago
Innocently, that is.
13 years ago
smiles, nodding before standing, picking her up in the process and carrying her princess style towards the bedroom,
13 years ago
thinking it was faster this way.
13 years ago
lets out a startled laugh when she's carried to the bedroom. It was a pleasant surprise. She wraps her arms around his neck and smiles.
13 years ago
trying to keep self from blushing. Is failing miserably. Gets her to the bedroom and sets her down gently on the bed while he discards
13 years ago
his coat and gloves.
13 years ago
watches him pull off his coat with curiosity. She supposed it was too warm with those on? "Ah~ You look like a blushing bride, cher~" she_
13 years ago
13 years ago
ends up just blushing more, hiding eyes under his bangs. He walked over to the bed and sat next to her, kicking his big boots off as well.
13 years ago
(Russie! I thought you'd be asleep~ O: )
13 years ago
(pfftt. xD srry. I was making coffee. I slept to much yesterday so i have to get my schedule back for monday. *is staying up all day
13 years ago
going to bed early tonight*)
13 years ago
wraps her arms around him from behind. She liked hugging him a lot, he was much bigger than the men she was used to. That just meant more of
13 years ago
him to love and hug, she thought.
Russia feels
13 years ago
like his face wants to stay permenatly red. Moves them both back on the bed so their heads are on the pillows.
13 years ago
smiles and closes her eyes as she cuddles with him, enjoying the warmth that practically radiated from him. How he remained so warm when it_
Marianne was
13 years ago
so cold outside, she would never know.
13 years ago
(*was getting coffee and a douhnut* 8U)
13 years ago
smiled and hugged her close, liking the feeling of holding another. It wasnt long before he drifted off, breathe evening out as he fell into
13 years ago
a peaceful slumber.
13 years ago
(Pfft~ What time is it where you are?)
13 years ago
opens her eyes after a while and realises that he's fallen asleep. She giggles softly and strokes the top of his head. She just watches him_
13 years ago
as he sleeps, enjoying this peaceful moment as it was.
13 years ago
(it is now 8:45 am. ^J^)
13 years ago
mumbles and leans into the petting, face relaxed and makes him look so much younger.
13 years ago
(...did you stay up the whole night? oAo)
13 years ago
examines his face and realises that he's very handsome. His features were quite strong, which could scare some people away, she supposed.
13 years ago
13 years ago
(this. ignore it. i have nyet effing clue how it transfered from the other convo)
13 years ago
(and da I stayed up. I am used to it. *is a college student*)
13 years ago
smiles softly and mumbles the word sunflower before snuggling against her.
13 years ago
(Oh goodness. Doing work? You should sleep if you can though OTL -is doing homework herself-)
13 years ago
resists the urge to squeal at his cuteness. She closes her eyes and holds him even closer, starting to drift off to sleep.
13 years ago
clings to her and ends up sleeping for hours, having a nice nightmareless and peaceful sleep for once, which didnt happen often.
13 years ago
falls asleep with him, enjoying the innocence of just cuddling in bed.
13 years ago
moves around a bit in his sleep, at one point a hand ends up on her breast, will probably freak out when wakes up. Squeezes hand a bit.
13 years ago
(*had to* xDD *is terrible*)
13 years ago
(Pfft you!)
13 years ago
moans unconsciously when her breast is squeezed. She's having a particularly enjoyable dream now and doesn't seem likely to wake up soon.
Russia is
13 years ago
having a strange dream involving soft clouds, ends uo squeezing more.
13 years ago
(You love me~ 8D)
13 years ago
(Of course I do~ xDD <3)
13 years ago
moves about until her leg is somehow between Russia's. It's a very active dream, so her leg starts moving against him and she moans again.
13 years ago
shifts, feeling strange from the movements, moves so both hands are on her chest and squeezes. Is dreaming about catching wiggling bunnies
13 years ago
in a sunflower field now.
13 years ago
(*loves his dreams* 8D)
13 years ago
Marianne is
13 years ago
startled awake by the squeeze this time and blinks sleepily at the face in front of hers. It's a man, which doesn't surprise her, but it's_
13 years ago
Russia, which does. Did anything happen last night, she wonders, but then she realises that his hands are squeezing her breasts. She's not_
13 years ago
quite sure whether she should laugh or not so she tries to wriggle out of his hold.
13 years ago
makes a face and pulls her close, one hand still squeezing her chest. Wants to catch the bunnies.
13 years ago
gasps and moans. She couldn't help that she liked the squeezing... She accidentally pushes her leg against his groin and freezes. This was a
13 years ago
bad position to be caught in, she thinks in passing.
13 years ago
shivers from the feeling and reflexivly squeezes her chest and the other hand on her thigh, making a small whimper/moan sound.
13 years ago
(*loves awkward situations so much* <3)
13 years ago
(...this is amusing, because Mari hasn't been in this before xD)
13 years ago
carefully moves her leg away while trying to pry his hand from her breast. She didn't want him to wake up in this position, it would be so_
13 years ago
awkward, especially considering the warm note that their conversation had ended in yesterday.
13 years ago
isnt letting go, moves so is snuggling head against one side of her chest while still squeezing the other, mumbles about slippery bunnies.
13 years ago
(pfftt....your new nickname from me will be bunny 8'D *couger'd*)
13 years ago
(...pshhht. xD And when the others ask why~?)
13 years ago
resists the urge to laugh at his mumbling. She reaaaally didn't want him to wake up. She sighs and runs a hand down his side, maybe if she_
13 years ago
tickled him, he would let go.
13 years ago
(*will act like he doesnt know what they are talking about* 8;D)
13 years ago
(Ohyou. <3)
13 years ago
isnt ticklish in the normal sense, makes a mewl sound and nuzzles her chest.
13 years ago
sighs at the non-progress and tries nudging him. If all failed, she would wake him up and deal with it, she supposed.
13 years ago
mumbles and shifts, starting to wake up but still clinging to her.
13 years ago
nudges him again, whispering in his ear, "Wake up, cher~"
13 years ago
opens his eyes slowly. Blinks and stares at the chest in front of him, part of which he still is squeezing with one hand. he stared,confused
13 years ago
13 years ago
waits for the Russian to realise what he's doing, patient. She doesn't want to startle him, he looks so sleepy and vulnerable like this.
13 years ago
eyes slowly clear and a blush starts to make its way over his cheeks and nose to his ears. He jerks away from her apologizing and trembling.
Marianne is
13 years ago
startled by his reaction and holds her hands out. "Calm down, cher! It's alright, you were sleeping, you didn't know..."
13 years ago
still bright red. "B-b-but..." he sputtered before looking at his hand that had been on her chest, mumbles the word soft, is kinda in a daze
13 years ago
13 years ago
chuckles when she hears the mumble. He sounded so innocent... "It's fine~ You didn't do it on purpose, oui?" She pets his head.
13 years ago
closes his eyes and shakes. "B..but I still..."he whimpered. He normally felt awkward around women and here he had apparently grabbed
13 years ago
someone's breast. he also couldnt get the feel of it out of his head.
Marianne is
13 years ago
worried about his shaking. She really hadn't expected that he would have such an adverse reaction to it... "Really, cher, it's alright."
13 years ago
frowned, still shivering. He looked at her with teary eyes. "B..but I am awful,da?....Doing something like that...a..and..e-enjoying it.."
13 years ago
he said the last part quietly, more to himself.
13 years ago
tries to hide her smile but thinks she fails to do so. "Cher.. it's perfectly normal to enjoy it. I would wonder if you were even a man_
13 years ago
if you did not," she says with a chuckle. "You didn't do it on purpose, and that's all that matters."
13 years ago
looks up at her, now confused. "Its natural it?" he aske shyly, biting his lip.
13 years ago
nods and smiles at him. "Oui, it is~ Even I like it when I touch other women..."
13 years ago
sputters at that, not believing she said that out loud. "I..I have never f-felt it I didnt know,da?"
13 years ago
he said while looking away, hiding his face with his arm, embarressed.
13 years ago
chuckles, she found his innocence rather adorable. "Really, it's normal, cher~ I would have been offended if you didn't enjoy it." She winks
13 years ago
, hoping she has reassured him.
13 years ago
confused by that. "But I thought girls didnt like it when someone suddenly touched their chests...." confused puppy look is confused.
13 years ago
(*fell asleep for an hour then was forced to clean* Ugh..)
13 years ago
(Aww >w< -pets- I just woke up /o/ )
13 years ago
"Well, it was accidental. Girls mind if you do it on purpose and pretend it was an accident, oui?" She feels like she's teaching her child_
13 years ago
all over again.
13 years ago
(*passed out earlier* Now its almost 4 am...WHY AM I AWAKE!)
13 years ago
blushes. "So...girls dont mind at other times?"
13 years ago
(Oh goodness, why are you awake? D: )
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
for a moment and chuckles. "Well, girls that aren't like me... would mind, I suppose. I am too used to it to mind."
13 years ago
frowned, more confused. "You do not mind? Why?"
13 years ago
grins, "There are much more... perverted things than just simply touching a woman's breast."
Russia feels
13 years ago
like red is his new skin color. "O-other things?" he asked, voice alot higher than normal. He normally didnt think of such things.
13 years ago
blinks at his reaction, he really was innocent... "Oui, other things~ I could teach you if you want, but it seems like you would faint_
13 years ago
from embarrassement first, cher~"
Russia thinks
13 years ago
about it for a moment, still red. " would you t-teach me? it okay for me t-to learn?" he asked.
13 years ago
hadn't expected him to say that, she blinks at him for a few moments before replying, "Ah, the best way to learn... would be by experience._
13 years ago
But that would be too much, you should really save it for the one you love..."
13 years ago
suddenly felt a strange fear. "But If I do not know how to do it how will the one I love be happy?" he asked, feeling foolish though.
13 years ago
tilts her head, "You'll just have to experiment with that person then. Don't waste it on me~"
13 years ago
looks at her in shock. "It wouldnt be a waste. You are a very nice and pretty person,da?"
Marianne is
13 years ago
flattered. "Well, it's still better to do it with the one you love, non? Though I can give you some advice all the same~"
13 years ago
jumped on her, pulling her into a hug. "Advice please!" He cried. the main reason he hugged her though was because he liked hugging her.
13 years ago
giggles when she's jumped, hugging back tightly. "Oui, oui! Well, first... do you think you like males or females more?"
13 years ago
frowns again, blushing. "I..I think I like both...but I feel less nervous around males."
13 years ago
hums as she thinks, "Well, let's prepare you for both then~ Do you know what to do when you get naked~?"
13 years ago
blushing and feeling embarressed/awkward. "S-something good?"
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
she has a lot to teach. "That too, but you have to do something first. Oh, one rule! Use lots of lube!"
13 years ago
storing this away for later. "Okay...lots of lube.." he repeated, hugging her tighter as his face got redder.
13 years ago
(*knows you love teaching an innocent Russia* =w=~)
13 years ago
(Hurr. |D )
13 years ago
"You have to make sure your partner knows what's happening too and consents~ Else it's rape, understand?"
13 years ago
nodding but pauses for a second. "Why would I rape someone?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
shakes her head, "Perhaps by mistaking their intentions... Anyway, always ask for consent, oui?"
13 years ago
nods. "Always ask for consent." he repeated again, laying his head against her shoulder.
13 years ago
pets his head, finding his hair smooth to the touch as she continues on, "Now on to the technical part~ Do you know how to use what's in_
13 years ago
your pants?"
13 years ago
stiffened and made a meep sound at that question, nodding a bit. "I..I am pretty c-certain,da?...B..but wont I hurt them?" he asked, sitting
13 years ago
up to look down at her.
Marianne feels
13 years ago
him stiffen and continues petting his head to calm him down. "That's what the lube is for~ Just make sure to stretch whichever hole you're_
13 years ago
entering, and you should be fine."
13 years ago
frowns, although leaning into the soft petting. " will it fit?...I am too big,da?"
13 years ago
blinks, she hadn't anticipated that question. "That's what the stretching is for, oui? Although... are you really that big?" She asks_
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks away, eyes hidden under bangs although ears are red. "I...I think so...Amerika once asked me for condoms but we normally never even
13 years ago
made them that small...and when he found out how big I was in the shower he has made all kinds of jokes and things,da? Although he thinks
13 years ago
I do not get them." he replied, voice small.
13 years ago
widens her eyes in surprise. Bigger than America...? She's very curious now, but she still resists asking to see. "Well... Be careful then?_
13 years ago
Ignore Amerique, he's quite the idiot at times." She kisses his cheek to reassure him.
13 years ago
still looks uncertain. "But...he has made the joke about me ripping someone apart...what if I really did that?....Am I really that big?"
13 years ago
the last part said more of himself that to her.
13 years ago
hugs him, "I'm sure you'll be careful, oui? Just stretch your partner with lots of lube and take it slow, nothing bad will happen~"
13 years ago
nods, still looking upset and worried though.
13 years ago
doesn't know how she can comfort him apart from using her body to teach him. She just hugs him tight and nuzzles against him.
13 years ago
hugs her back, still looking a little upset but better.
13 years ago
"As an experienced expert, I can tell you that being bigger is actually better~" She lets go a little to face him and wink.
13 years ago
blushes. "I-is it?" he asked, not actually certain why she winked.
13 years ago
nods, she would know really. "It is~ Being filled up is a marvelous sensation..." She closes her eyes with a little smile in remembrance.
13 years ago
watching her. "But...what if it is too big? I mean...I do not want to hurt someone...although who would want to be wit me anyway,da?
13 years ago
frowns a little. "Now, now. Don't think that way. I would be with you if you were less of an innocent~ And if you're thinking so much about_
13 years ago
it, you definitely won't hurt your partner."
13 years ago
smiling. "Thank you." then kisses her cheek shyly like she had dont. Although he still had doubts about him ever finding a lover. He had a
13 years ago
tendency to snap and hurt people without meaning to.
13 years ago
smiles at him, she'd only seen the sweet innocent side of him thus far, so she didn't know why others avoided him. "You are welcome. If you_
13 years ago
find yourself in love one day, call me and I'll see what I can do for you, cher~"
13 years ago
nods, hugging her tighter, "Thank you~ I will,da?"
13 years ago
hugs him back, she really liked how his hugs were big and warm. "I'll wait for your call then!"
13 years ago
doubts they will be any time in the future but just nods. "What else should I know?"
13 years ago
hums as she thinks. "...I can't think of anything else important for the moment. I think you should experiment to find the rest~"
13 years ago
pulls her back to just lay on the bed, snuggling her. "Alright...thank you for the advice,da?"
13 years ago
takes that as the cue to sleep again and lies back with him. "You're welcome~ Now return to sleep, cher."
13 years ago
nods while snuggling against her, getting warm and comfotable.
13 years ago
yawns softly and closes her eyes... it had been a long day.
13 years ago
soon dozes off.
13 years ago
(End plurk? xD)
13 years ago
(da.....xD wow. u shared a bed with somone and did npthing... xD)
13 years ago
(Ikr? I'm amazed. xD)
13 years ago
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