My landlord hasn't shoveled our sidewalk yet.
my sidewalk is shoveled jus not anyone elses
Everyone else's is shoveled. Just not ours.
D: uh... i am so glad the snow from yesterday didn't stay...
lmfao, I just looked out the window. The piles of snow are taller than me.
there is stilll snow from like 3 weeks ago
uuuh... luckily all the snow melted like two weeks ago.. and it didn't snow enough since then...
Everything keeps melting and then refreezing.
i totally busted my ass in that shit this morning -_-
i made the mistake of wearing tractionless boots and now i hurt all over
needless to say i went back inside and put on my ~fly kicks~ instead
i don't have to go outside
i had to go to class. and by had to i mean im in it right now >>
i didn't go to class at all
i missed beating you in life
dthhdcncjfjff. so mean to me x_x
it has been a long time let me have this
...missed you too, joonbug~ <3
i miss having the time and energy to be social ):
i'm the only one on plurk all day
nuhuh. if my internet works, i'm there too. but more lurking than actually doing stuff... hurrr
hahaha, awww. hopefully things should settle down soon. my boss went out of town for a bit so i was working 6days a week ,overseeing
i didn't see you as a creeper lyza
both stores + school+ being sick, so knda fell off the face of the earth
everyone fell off the face of the earth
well. let me try to change that tomorrow~ but.. my times are so off.. is sleep from 4am-1pm... .__. so yeah. lol long as you're sleeping
ive barely even gotten to talk to Q lately, i miss her ;~;
i am... wae... oh kristin! D: you two gotta talk more~ aaah~ how is q doing anyways? i miss her too..
i don't talk to her at all
I'm totally codependent when it comes to her negl ._. and shes been doing good! shes busy too though, training at her new job
awwww but that is good to hear! hope she's having fun. <3 and getting enough rest. O___O
get yourself busy then, joon~ like.. idk.. learn how to sing some songs~ or play the guitar~
you guys can be busy for me
you should come work for me on Monday nights so i can pick up a campus radio spot
nah that's ok i have things to do on weekdays
boooo. i really want that spot too.
nahhh. i need the hours rn and Monday is a guaranteed day since boss has meetings
i'll just wait and grab one next semester or something