jvedman asks
16 years ago
Do you listen to mp3s on your phone? Is it your primary media device?
jellyrobot says
16 years ago
My phone doesn't even play mp3s. It does what a phone is supposed to do, and that's it. (LOL)
16 years ago
Mine could, but why? I have a 30Gb iPod for that, why would I eat up my phone's battery doing something it doesn't do very well?
jellyrobot says
16 years ago
Indeed, what if you needed to dial emergency but couldn't because you were listening to Duran Duran all day? Simon Le Bon won't save you!
jvedman says
16 years ago
no, but he can sing to you about the reflex, or a careless memory. Are you a durannie?
jellyrobot thinks
16 years ago
they are quite rad, yes. Notorious for being so, those wild boys.