(....8wonders if he can reply. still new to this*)
( Ah da, you can reply~ You can make your own so others can rp with you, or you reply to their plurks ^ J^ )
(thanks. *blushes* I will be awkward for a bit till i get used to it,da? ^J^)
walking down the hall when he caught the scent of what seemed to be a bubble bath. It smelled very good and he couldnt help following the
*hopes thats not oo bad* ><
( XD It's fine~ I'll help you out if you need any c: and pfff don't worry, those smileys attack me too XD )
(thank you. >< *is going to attempt to make his first plurk*)
hums while gently scrubbing her body with the bubbles, feeling very relaxed at the moment.
gets to the bathroom, smelling the bath oils and scents. He couldnt help thinking that he would have chosen the same ones.
plays with the bubbles while she was at it. It is not as if she had any places to go to, so she can stay here longer.
knocks on the door, curious about who is in there.
jumps a bit hearing the knock and points her attention at the door. "Who is there?"
( Pff and by the way.. I love Ivan having reading glasses =u= ))
*blushes*....I..I kinda always thought he would secretly have them to read. but hide it from everyone,da? >///>
recognizes the voice. "It is me. Russia,da?"
( That's a cute headcanon =u= I just really like him wearing glasses for some reason xD )
(*is the same, hence the glasses* ^^)
blinks and also recognizing his voice. "Ah! Ivan, you scared me! Ah do you need to use the bathroom?"
almost shakes head before relizing she cant see it. "Oh nyet. I was just wondering where those good smells were coming from/
rest her arms by the edge of the tub while leaning her head on it. "Ah is that so? The door is open if you want to come in." She has no_
problem with him coming in. After all, they are both Russia.
nods before opening the door, easily slipping in. "Privet~ I am sorry for bothering you. The smells are just so soothing and alluring,da?"
smiles. "Privyet, Ivan. Ah nyet, you did not bother me at all." She nods. "Mmm, da. It is.. I found these essential oils and I just felt_
smiles. "I cannot blame you. They smell heavenly." he said,walking over to sit near the tub, just enjoying the smells.
him a closed-eyes smile as she watches him sit close to her. "You may join me if you wish. I am sure you are tired too, da?"
about, not helping a tiny blush before finally nodding. "Alright. It does sound relaxing,da?"
smiles as she pulls her legs closer to hug it as she waits, giving him some room inside the tub. It was big enough for the both of them.
got undressed fairly quickly, setting his scarf in a safe place before climbing in the bath with her, his body relaxing in the warm scented-
smiles and leans back on the tub while watching him relax. "Good, da?"
leans back as well. "Da. it feels realy nice. You chose good scents,da?" he said as he closed his eyes, sighing.
nods while putting her wet hair up. "Well I had help. The saleslady helped me in picking which was best for fatigue and stress." She hums_
watching the other sighing blissfully.
ran a hand through his own hair, sighing again. " It feels nice. I will need to get myself some,da?" He opened his eyes and smiled at her.
giggles and splashes some water at him. "Da, get your own. I am not giving mine to you." Her eye watches and analyzes his body.
chuckled and splashed her back. "Do not worry~ I do not like to share either~" he said cheerfully. He in turn was analyzing her as well.
notices him gazing his eyes on her. She teases for a bit as she covers her chest. "What are you looking at?"
eyes widened then he giggled. "I was thinking that you had a nice build,da? Very pretty."
blinks and smiles bashfully at him with a soft flush. "Ah, spasibo. To you as well. You are handsome, you know that, da?"
blushed, looking away in an attempt to hide it. "T-thank you. That is not something O have often heard though." he replied, -
blinks and smiles, leaning forward to him to see the blush. "Well I do not lie with my words. You should know that, da?"
blush gets just a little redder, looks at her and smiles. "Da. i know that very well. As should you. So you will believe me when i say you
thins her lips into a line as it was her turn to blush. She giggles shyly as she returns to her side of the tub. "... Spasibo, Ivan..."
smiled, happy to have made her blush as well. "You look cute like that~" he said.
blinks and blushes a bit brighter, covering her face with her hands. "Ah, stop looking at me now~!"
chuckles and slides closer, makes her move her hands. " But I like looking,da?"
looks back at him, pouting a little as her hands was pulled away. "Da, I know that too... I like to stare too..."
giggles and kisses her cheek. " I believe we both do~"
blinks in surprise and giggles along, kissing his nose instead. "We have a few similarities it seems, da?
wrinkles nose a bit and giggles as well. "Da~ But I am not complaining. It is nice~"
smiles at the way he wrinkled his nose. She pokes the tip of his nose. "Da, it is nice. It is almost as if we are just looking at a_
mirror, da? Well disregarding the different gender." She giggles. "Your nose is cute, by the way."
wrinkles his nose more at he poke before poking hers back. "As is yours~" he replied, fighting down a blush.
giggles and pokes his more, smiling as she speaks. "Nyet, I think you have a cuter nose, Ivan~"
blush finally beats his willpower and spreads over his nose and cheeks. He tried to hide is face with his hair, not wanting her to see.
a little bit accomplished to make Ivan blush like that and leans down to look up at his hidden blushing face. Just curious as to how he_
would react, she kisses him lightly on the corner of his lips..
makes a sound that will forever deny was a squeak and scoots back, even though there isnt any room to scoot back into. Face is bright red.
(my version of Russia is innocent. If he does something it doesnt bother him but when others show affection he gets embarressed cause he
isnt used to it. since most people prefer to run from him,da? ^J^)
(( ... we are the same then XDD That's pretty much my headcanon you described! XD I just see Fem!Russia more bolder to try these things^ J^)
smiles brightly at the reaction she got. Her lilac eyes starts to gaze upon her counterpart even more. "That blush suits you well, Vanya~"
keeps blushing. he shakes his head. "N-nyet...I..I don't..." he replied, flustered, and feeling exposed now, feeling silly for feeling
like that as he curled up a bit, to block himself from the other as much as possible while naked.
finds it rather fun to tease her own counterpart. She never realized until now that they do have so much similarities. She leans by his_
knees and wraps her arms around it. "Do not worry, Vanya~ It is just me. You do not have to be afraid of me, da?"
shivered, and leaned back, still bright red. "D-da....I know b-but...e-embarressing...f-feels strange,da?" he replied, the last part
about this while resting her chin by his knee. "Da, it is strange... but at least now we are not alone, da? I have you and you have me?" She
spoke with a soft happy tone.
smiles, nodding. "Da...I am glad for that." he replied with a giggle.
smiles in return and pokes his nose again. "But I still say your nose is cute, Vanya~" She giggles.
blushes again but giggles as well. Pokes her nose back. "As is yours~" he said, before then running a few fingers along her hair.
"Your hair is pretty,da?" ^J^
blinks and smiles, watching his fingers brush her hair. "You think so? Spasibo~ I have been growing it for quite a while now."
keeps running his fingers through it. "I believe that is a good choice for your hair is beautiful,da?"
(*imagines if a France walked in*.....Oh mai,da? xD)
( ... PFFF you wanna get Marianne here!? XD )
(....tht would end up awkward for the innocent Russia,da?...Oh gosh...if she found out how innocent I make my Russia sometimes she would
love teasing him wouldnt she?)
flutters her eyelashes as she blushes. She unconsciously plays with a strand of her hair. "A-ah... spasibo."
(... Pretty much! ^ J^ She will~ Definitely. I like need to know your headcanon now to see how innocent he is XD)
(well. he hasnt ever had a lover in my mind. as in someone who he can date, kiss, be lovey dovey with and they love him bak and such.)
(and he has a good child mentality. he knows pervy things but to actually discuss them makes him turn red and such,da? ^J^)
(he hasnt had a proper lover cause most are scared and/or run away from him,da?)
(Hooo~ I see! That's how your Russia rolls ^L ^ I understand your headcanon perfectly. =u= *As I said, it is similar to mine* XD)
(Ah.. so he's not a rapetruck however, da? Just curious~)
(pfftt. Well...I am using my proper headcannon for the plurk Russia. i am Russia at another place. Dollarz, and Skype. the same
people are in both places. THERE is where Russia is a rape truck. although he is also a bit innocent as well. )
(Gotcha~ I was just wondering =u= I used to rp him as a rapetruck psycho, but I stopped that because I am really picky with pairings for
(side-note....i kinda like my Russia as an uke...-shotshotshotpipe'd-)
(..... ILU... because I approve of Uke!Russia too >u> *hugs*)
*is hugged* >///<
( ^ J^ And there goes that smiley again~ Hmm... Now I am interested in hearing your pairings now~ =u= *interrogation time*)
( I know you said you like SwedenxRussia and Denmark!Russia, da?)
(Da. I also like EnglandRussia, and GermanyRussia, and prussiaRussia. OH and AmerikaRussia. But other than that I havent tried. *lied* srry.
forgot Russia Latvia and RussiaItaly.)
(*has never tried a Russia France thing ever* >< havent got to.)
( ...Holy Vodka! Are we carbon copy or something?! I have rped with the France from here. Kinda scared him though pfff cuz I said I will
murder him if he tries to do anything with Fem!America here =w= *is paired up with her here*)
(ah. xD Do we have a amle amerika?)
( ;A; Sadly no~ The last Amerika left the group~ so we are Amerika-less ;w; *loves the Cold War pair like WOAH* )
(random. but have you ever seen Durarara?)
( Pfff I have~ why? =u= )
(you know Shizuo from that? on Dollars in our Hetalia rp thread. xD My lover is Shizzy-chan who rps shizuo....da Russia and Shizuo FTW.
Shizzy is a very jealous lover,da? ^J^)
( .... That pairing. Ohmai~ That is an interesting pairing you got there~ ^L ^ )
(pfftt. I thought you would enjoy that...the more interesting thing is that the person you rps shizzy is a boy~)
( ... No way really!? And he rps Shizuo as a very jealous lover!? Nice!! )
(^J^ Da. I love my Shizzy. we have even PM rp'd....as in the thread is only allowed to be PG-13 so we had to move it to Private~)
( Haha~ Nice =u= Uke are always so fun~ )
( And pfff~ See? I told you. Marianne will definitely take interest in how innocent your Russia is =u= *was lurking at that plurk*)
(*wonders if he should be scared for his innocence*)
(*would not stop you if you are curious*)
( =w= If you want to be deflowered by the Frenchie =u= Go for it! pff )
(*doesnt think she would let him go now knowing that he CAN be deflowered*)
( pff =w= Good luck with that then, Vanya~ *salutes* )
(xD you cant tell me a france would give up the oppertunity to deflower a big shy nation can you? *doesnt see it happening in this or ANY
( =v= Well We'll see what Marianne will do to you then XD )
( Pff this just ended into a OOC convo now XD; )
(*noticed* Da it did. xD woops.)
( Haha~ lol it's fine =u= )
( Pfff now go off and cause havoc, da? ^ J^ )