No matter how high degree you get, there is some Racial Discrimination in you mind.
Motivationc.4au04ru8 5k42j04cl31j4cl3
我想說這樣會不會跟後面有點撞到 research question
But, with the promotion of education, if Racial Discrimination will
But, with the promotion of education, whether Racial Discrimination will slow down by it?
But, with the promotion od education,therefore,whether Racial Discrimination will slow down?
這樣2個連接詞可以嘛 有but therefore
But will Racial Discrimination slow down with the promotion odeducation ?
那research question是不是要再重寫阿
明天考試就輕輕鬆鬆去嘛!高手如雲我就等著看他們滑鐵盧XDD 沒啦我就去考運氣的吧