huiyee says
13 years ago
annangel may be 2moro i will go segamat..hehe..
latest #10
annangel says
13 years ago
tml? with yr mom?
huiyee says
13 years ago
yaya..may be only
annangel says
13 years ago
i wan tk calculator to u..
huiyee says
13 years ago
i will go to take v u..
Kenttze says
13 years ago
me too...
huiyee says
13 years ago
cum cum cum...welcome..
annangel says
13 years ago
hyee1106 ok thx ya :-)
Kenttze says
13 years ago
okok.. then where can find a hotel in cheaper price in segamat??
huiyee says
13 years ago
haha...ask lihong..mayb get free..wakaka
Kenttze says
13 years ago
oo.. okok.. :-))
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