yenwong shares
15 years ago
The moon is so so close.. to the island.. It's pretty :-D
latest #8
yenwong says
15 years ago
It's sambu island...
15 years ago
ooooh prettttty :-)) i wanna touch it!
Muppy says
15 years ago
o iya semalam bulan nya gede bgt, di toapekong banyak yang sembayang juga
"Juice" says
15 years ago
kmrin imlek tgl 15 kali
yenwong says
15 years ago
oOo... tapi, bulannya gede lhoo...
yenwong says
15 years ago
Well, for real, i could see the moon was real big and so close to the island.. i just shocked then, took this pic and went home :-D
"Juice" says
15 years ago
kalo tgl segitu emank gede toh?
yenwong says
15 years ago
Hmm... perasaan ga tiap bulan... :-D
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