so so so torturing that life without lappie, handphone and isentuh agggrh~~ i want it back~~ give me back plssss
latest #15
urm...bring tamagochi sure entertain kao kao, or nitendo ds, or iTouch worr cousss....sure can tahan de~
my lappie kena virus, my i touch send to jail break and my phone sot sot jor =(
isentuh shud wait til u get ur lappie/phone back lo, now u so NAKED haha
isentuh very fast jB day can kao tim actually~
wat to do i sent to that person only weekend available to do everything for me then i ma have to wait lo
hey guys wanna ask you, my i sentuh is 4.2.1 geh, now dun have program and download meh??
what naked...
and what you means downloads and programs
hahahahahahaha naked without technology
soli is program for jail break de
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