Turkey is
13 years ago
smoking shisha at a cafe not to far from his flat.
latest #268
Elizabeta is
13 years ago
out for a walk, she was quite bored and lacked much else to do when she spotted someone she recognized in a cafe.
13 years ago
spots her too and beckons her to join him.
13 years ago
blinks a few times, she hadn't expected that, but she went into the cafe to join him anyway.
13 years ago
smiles. "Princess, nice of you to join me." He offers her a seat. "What brings you over here?"
13 years ago
smiles at that and shrugs a bit as she sat down. "Hmm... Boredom mostly, isn't that what drives anyone to a cafe?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "I guess your right. But why one in Istanbul? Did you miss me that much?" He teases.
13 years ago
brushes a lock of hair out of her face as she thought about that. "Maybe I did, I needed to get away from my boss for a bit... from a
13 years ago
certain other person."
13 years ago
passes her the shisha pipe. "A certain person? Care to share?"
13 years ago
looks at it curiously for a moment before taking it with a quiet thanks and take a drag. "Hmm... The usual, Prussia."
13 years ago
"Ahh, he getting on your nerves again, princess?"
13 years ago
nods and sighs as she handed the pipe back to him. "More so than usual. Why the princess today, hm?"
13 years ago
takes the pipe back. "Just re-living the past. You were always my princess." He winks.
13 years ago
smiles at that as she watched him. "One part of my past I actually love." She glanced around the place with that. "I do love this city."
13 years ago
inhales and blows out the smoke. "You know you're more than welcome to come to the city all you want. It can really calm you."
13 years ago
closes her eyes a moment at that as she nodded. "Yeah... I think I might just take you up on that offer, you might be seeing a lot more of
13 years ago
13 years ago
doesn't mind at all. "I can take you out to see the city. I'm sure it's been a while since you've roamed the streets."
13 years ago
brightens up a bit at that as she nodded. "Oh that would be nice... I'll admit, I was kind of lost."
13 years ago
chuckles. "I could kind of tell." He passes her the pipe once again. "Did you want to eat something?"
13 years ago
takes it and considers the thought of food. "I think I'm good without..." She nodded, inhaling before she slowly exhaled and passed it back
13 years ago
to him. "Oh, that reminds me, how are you and Greece doing?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "Take a guess and I'll tell you if you're right or wrong."
13 years ago
takes on a thoughtful look for a moment. "Hmm... love hate, you have hot sex but you're not quite on loving terms?"
13 years ago
's smile doesn't fade. "I would have agreed with that a month ago but things have taken an interesting turn." He admits.
13 years ago
blinks at that and leans forward a bit, wanting to know more now. "Oh really? I just can't picture the two of you being lovey dovey."
13 years ago
frowns at the choice of word. They weren't love dovey but they weren't at each others throat all the time. "Lovey dovey is not the word I
13 years ago
would ever use to describe the relationship I have with Greece." He pauses to think. "It's more ...'amicable'?"
13 years ago
wasn't even sure if that was the right word either.
13 years ago
nods a bit at that. "Well you'll have to let me sneak some pictures next time and maybe I'll be able to come up with a better word for it."
13 years ago
could actually do that. Although, they were quite spontaneous so he would really have to plan it ahead of time so he could let her
13 years ago
know. "I'll try but you it's hard to predict."
13 years ago
smirks at that as she nodded a bit. "I know, I'll just make sure I come around at the right time." She was pretty good at guessing.
13 years ago
laughs. "I'm sure it won't be to hard."
13 years ago
nods and smiles with that. "Nope."
Turkey is
13 years ago
glad that she had come to visit. It had been much to long.
Elizabeta has
13 years ago
to agree with that she was enjoying this. "So how about that tour?"
13 years ago
smiles. "Want to take it now?"
13 years ago
nods as she sat up a bit. "If you're up to it."
Turkey is
13 years ago
always up for it. He puts some money down on the table before getting up and offering her his arm.
13 years ago
got up as he did and happily took his arm. "So does this mean you're in a solid relationship for once?"
13 years ago
chuckles. "A solid relationship? You make me sound like a polygamous."
13 years ago
gave him a serious stare at that. "And you're saying you're not?"
13 years ago
doesn't really say anything....okay, maybe he was a little bit of one.
13 years ago
smiles at that and leans up to kiss him lightly on the cheek. "I'm joking... sort of..."
13 years ago
laughs. "Sort of? I'm getting better."
13 years ago
nods as she looked up at him. "I know, if you're serious about Greece then I can't bug you about that anymore."
13 years ago
smiles. "I am serious about him." He admits as he guides her down some semi busy roads.
Tino is
13 years ago
a little shocked by that as she watched him for a moment. "That's good to hear, for both of you."
13 years ago
notices her shock. "You seem shock? Why?"
13 years ago
shrugs a bit at that. "I don't know... Just never figured you for the type that would... settle, but with you and Greece... should have seen
13 years ago
it coming." ((Sorry, pretend Tino was one ><;; ))
13 years ago
(( Haha, that's what I did. xD ))
13 years ago
((Sorry about that again >< ))
13 years ago
quirks a brow as he leads them closer to the blue mosque. "Oh? Seen it coming?" Was he that oblivious?
13 years ago
smiles at that as she looked up at him again. "Yeah... It was kind of obvious. There was always some kind of sexual tension between the two
13 years ago
of you."
13 years ago
can't help but flush lightly. Maybe it had been that obvious for someone who wasn't being ruled by their emotions like the both of
13 years ago
them. "Good to know." He laughs.
13 years ago
leaned into him a bit as she smirked upon noticing the flush. "Well, obvious for those of us on the outside of it."
Turkey was
13 years ago
curious about something. "How long did you know...in that case?"
13 years ago
smiles as she shook her head. "Oh no I'm not telling you that."
13 years ago
almost pouts. "What if I threaten to tickle it out of you?"
Elizabeta gives
13 years ago
him a bit of a warning look. "You wouldn't tickle a lady."
13 years ago
smirks. "Oh, I would."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "You wouldn't..."
13 years ago
nods. "No, no, I would."
13 years ago
smiles happily with this as she looked around. "You wouldn't because I would be more than happy to hit you with this."
13 years ago
chuckles as he pulls her closer so she's pressed against his side. "Princess look over there!" He exclaims as he points in a certain
13 years ago
13 years ago
frowns with that, not sure she should look where he's pointing. She sighed and looked where he was pointing anyway.
13 years ago
grabs whatever object she had in her hand and chucks it away. "I guess I have nothing to be scared of anymore since your weapon is gone." He
13 years ago
13 years ago
looks up at him with a disappointed look. "Oh... I think..." she reached up and grabbed for his mask, she had always been curious.
13 years ago
grabs her hand before she can take it off. "What are you doing?"
13 years ago
watches him curiously. "That should be obvious, you took away my frying pan, I want to take away your mask."
13 years ago
can see her logic but this was different. "Why the mask though....there were other things you could have taken from me." He says seriously.
13 years ago
frowns now. "I've always been curious. Can I just have a peek?" She smiled a bit. "I wont tell."
13 years ago
runs his hand through his hair unconciously before letting go of her hand with a small sigh. "Go for it."
Elizabeta was
13 years ago
shocked he was willing to let her take it off. She blinked a few times before she carefully leaned up and pulled the mask off.
13 years ago
blinks a bit and glances down at her waiting for her reaction.
13 years ago
grins at this as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "You're hot, no wonder you wear the mask."
13 years ago
laughs. "It's to keep me safe." He winks jokingly. His reasons to wearing the mask were much deeper than looks.
13 years ago
figured as much, she'd always wanted to ask but she wasn't sure asking was a good idea. "I'm sure you need to be 'safe' so tell me, why you
13 years ago
wear it."
Turkey is
13 years ago
a little taken back by her question. "Princess you're very curious today aren't you."
13 years ago
nods as she watches him. "Call me a kitty then, just don't kill me for being curious."
Turkey gives
13 years ago
her a smile. "There are several reasons why I wear this. The first reason because someone important gave it to me as a present. The first
13 years ago
gift I've ever recieved since my birth. The second reason is that this mask reminds me of everything I've been through and everything I
Turkey will
13 years ago
go through as long as I exist." There were a few other reasons but he was sure this would satisfy her for now.
13 years ago
nods a bit in understanding before she carefully put the mask back on for him. "I think that's a plenty good reason."
13 years ago
readjusts the mask on his face. "So now answer me this. Why do you carry that frying pan?"
13 years ago
thought about that question for a moment. "I would love to answer you that, but it's a long boring story I know you wouldn't be interested
13 years ago
13 years ago
"Try me."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "You wouldn't like it, which reminds me, I want to go grab said frying pan."
13 years ago
laughs. "Right." He stops and turns them around to go fetch it.
13 years ago
rolls her eyes a bit as she walked with him. "Maybe I'll tell you, if you beg me enough."
13 years ago
chuckles and smirks as he gets an idea. He waits till she's far enough ahead so he can sneak up behind her and wrap his arms around her
13 years ago
waist pulling her against him as he rests his chin on her shoulder. "Please."
13 years ago
blinks several times as she frowns a bit at that. She folded her arms over her chest. "You're not letting me go till I tell you?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No, definitely not."
13 years ago
sighs as she considered what to tell him. "It was a gift... now can I do?"
13 years ago
doesn't release her. "A gift from who?" He was very nosy.
13 years ago
looked over at him with that. "Wouldn't you like to know?" she didn't like to talk about that person.
13 years ago
"I would actually." He is suspecting to someone but isn't sure if it's right.
13 years ago
would like to know who he suspects. "If you can guess then I'll tell you if you're right."
Turkey was
13 years ago
shit at guessing. "I have two suspects...no three. The first being Austira, the second being Prussia and the third being Poland."
13 years ago
raised a brow at that before she lightly shook her head. "Why would Prussia give me something I hit him with religious?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "You used to be on very good terms before I took you away from him." For all he knew Prussia could have given it to her to beat the
13 years ago
shit out of him.
13 years ago
blinks and shakes her head before laughing. "Hardly, he's always made fun of me. I've always hated him. I used to dislike you too you know
13 years ago
, you were almost on the level of that Romanian."
13 years ago
quirks a brow and laughs. "You don't think I was able to tell. You were as much of a brat sa Greece was."
13 years ago
grins at that. "I like to think I was worse."
13 years ago
shakes his head at her. "I would like to think that you helped him start a lot of unnecessary shit in my palace like the fire in the court
13 years ago
13 years ago
laughs at that, yes she remembered that. "Oh that was fun, you know I almost MISS doing that stuff. Seeing you all pissed off was fun."
13 years ago
snorts. "I hear that a lot from people actually."
13 years ago
smiles as she nods. "Not surprised there, now can I go get it?"
13 years ago
releases her. "Sure."
Elizabeta is
13 years ago
thankful for that as she moved away from him went to go look for it.
13 years ago
waits for her patiently by a random gift shop.
13 years ago
found it and quickly found him again, glancing around as she held it at her side.
13 years ago
chuckles. "I can't believe you walk around everywhere with that thing."
13 years ago
blinks a few time as she looked up at him before she shrugged. "I like it."
13 years ago
"Don't you get annoyed of holding it all the time?"
13 years ago
stares at him. "Don't you get annoyed of wearing the mask all the time?"
13 years ago
touche. "No, not really."
13 years ago
pokes him in the nose. "There's your answer. So where are you taking me?"
13 years ago
glances at the offending finger. "Topaki Palace."
13 years ago
raises a brow at that. "Alright."
13 years ago
continues to lead her in said direction. "I figured it would be nice to remember old times."
13 years ago
nods a bit. "Maybe..." she hadn't been terribly keen on remembering her past lately, though it wasn't like she wasn't amazing or anything.
13 years ago
usually feels like that but today seemed like a good day to visit the palace no matter what kind of memories it brings up. He leads her
13 years ago
through the gates and is a little put out that there are so many tourist around today.
13 years ago
looked around as she slipped her other arm around his. "You think they'd clear out if they knew who we were?"
13 years ago
doubts it. "Probably not but I'm sure we can get into sections of the palace that these tourists can't." He says.
13 years ago
sighs a bit. "You're right, they wouldn't believe us and I would hope we can."
Turkey is
13 years ago
sure he can pull some strings. "Come, let's go to the gardens."
13 years ago
smiles and nods, she liked the gardens. "Alright."
13 years ago
leads them through corridors that he knows like the back of his hand, avoiding most of the tourists as they come out to the gardens. They
13 years ago
weren't as beautiful as they once were but they were still breath taking. "Remember when you first came into these gardens." He smiles.
13 years ago
walked with him quietly till they got out to them. She paused for a moment as she took them in before she nodded and looked up at him. "Yeah
13 years ago
13 years ago
laughs. "That was when I still thought you were a boy."
13 years ago
smirks at that. "Who didn't think I was a boy, I even thought so."
13 years ago
nods, that was true. However, he didn't see why Greece and Egypt helped her keep a secret when they found out.
Elizabeta thinks
13 years ago
there's very good reason for them having helped keep it a secret. "Come on, let's walk."
Turkey thinks
13 years ago
not. He wasn't going to rape anyone....
13 years ago
wasn't worried about that at all. She moved to grab his hand before she pulled him further into the garden.
13 years ago
let's her guide him through the gardens enjoying the scenery. "So princess, wanna live with me again." He winks teasingly.
13 years ago
laughs at that as she looked up at him and shook her head. "Only if you're still living here."
13 years ago
laughs. "To bad for me in that case."
13 years ago
nods and smiles as she let go of his hand and went to a patch of tulips. "Far to bad for you, besides you wouldn't want me anyway."
13 years ago
watches her head to the tulips and quirks a brow. "What makes you think that?"
13 years ago
knelt in front of the flowers, letting her fingers trace over the red petals. "Hmm... Many many reasons."
13 years ago
stands back and crosses his arms. "Give me at least one."
13 years ago
looked away from the flower and up to him. "Greece."
13 years ago
doesn't say anything at first. "...What do you mean?"
13 years ago
smirked a bit. "You've finally got him... you couldn't possibly want anyone else."
13 years ago
chuckles. He wouldn't want someone in the same way as Greece but he still liked company. "I would want someone else to be a roommate."
13 years ago
knew that, but she still doubted it. "I'm terrible to live with." She waved her hand dismissively with that.
13 years ago
knows that too. "Yes, I'm aware. I did have you living in my household for quite a bit of time."
13 years ago
laughs a bit to herself with that as she turned her attention back to the flowers. "So you're feeling lonely lately?" Who wasn't looking for
13 years ago
a bit of company these days, things were getting harder... scarier almost.
13 years ago
glances around the garden. "Who isn't a bit lonely lately, hmmm?"
13 years ago
shrugged a bit as she reached into the back of the flower bed and picked a tulip. She stood and went back over to him, tucking it into his
13 years ago
hands. "Me."
13 years ago
glances down at the Tulip sadly. "I don't think that's true." He speaks up finally. "You are very lonely. I can see it in your eyes."
13 years ago
frowned at that, sometimes she hated how much he could see. She shook her head as she looked down at the flower. "I'm perfectly fine."
13 years ago
steps forward and lifts her chin up to look into her eyes. "Why are you lying Princess. I can read you like a book."
13 years ago
stares up at him without much other choice. "Because lying makes me feel better."
13 years ago
- "That's very sad to hear."
13 years ago
shrugs a bit. "Well what can I do about it?"
Turkey gives
13 years ago
her a look. "Open up."
13 years ago
folds her arms over her chest. "To who exactly?"
13 years ago
shrugs. "That's up to you entirely."
13 years ago
shakes her head gently, pulling away a bit. "There is no one to open up to Turkey."
13 years ago
grabs her and pulls her into a hug. "Then open up to me. I'll listen."
Elizabeta was
13 years ago
startled by that as she was hugged. She really didn't know how to react to that. "It's fine."
Turkey gives
13 years ago
her two strong pats to the back...maybe a little too strong. He shakes his head at her reply. "Right. I'll believe that when cows grow wings
13 years ago
and fly."
13 years ago
winces a bit at the pats and frowns up at him, still not quite hugging him back. "Why the sudden interest, hmm?"
13 years ago
"Am I not allowed to care for my former charges?"
13 years ago
shrugs a bit. "It's just a bit... weird."
13 years ago
releases her. "Oh yeah?"
13 years ago
nods a bit at that. "Kinda..." she watched him for a moment before she sighed and hugged him back.
13 years ago
chuckles and hugs her back.
13 years ago
doesn't like him laughing like that. She looked up at him and frowned a bit still. "There is nothing to share with you though."
Turkey is
13 years ago
getting a bit tired of this. "If there's nothing there's nothing. I'm not going to force it out of you."
13 years ago
smiles at that. "Thank you," she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Come one let's see something more than the garden."
Turkey gives
13 years ago
her a small smile. "Yes, let's head to the harem or something."
13 years ago
stared at him for a long moment. "You're serious about that aren't you?"
13 years ago
laughs. "What? You don't want to go check it out?"
13 years ago
considers it for a moment before shrugging. "Alright... you never did let us go there..."
13 years ago
had good reason not to let them go there and they didn't have business there anyway. "That's why I'm surprised your not curious to see
13 years ago
what it's like."
13 years ago
laughs a bit. "Hey, I said you didn't let us go there... that doesn't mean we didn't."
13 years ago
doesn't see how they could have gotten in since the place was very well guarded. "I'd be impressed if you actually did get in."
13 years ago
smirked a bit at that, she had managed a peek once, it had taken a lot of sneaking. "Let's just go check it out."
13 years ago
would have been livid if he had found out. "Yes, lets." He leads her to the harem.
13 years ago
knows that, she was still debating telling him about it... "Ever wonder where my obsession started?"
Turkey gives
13 years ago
her a look. "Where did it start?" Would like to hear it from her now that she's peaked his interest.
13 years ago
smiles at that. "When I was living with you, I managed a peek." She shrugged a bit. "Weird huh?"
13 years ago
isn't sure how to react to that right now. He bites his tongue. "Oh yeah...?" It comes out like a supressed angered squeek.
13 years ago
grins a bit now. "Em hm... never told you about it though... till now anyway."
13 years ago
's lips form a thin straight line. "What did you see?"
13 years ago
watches him for a long moment. "Oh I'm not going to tell you that."
13 years ago
twitches. "No, please do tell."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "It was pretty sexy."
13 years ago
scowls. "What was?"
13 years ago
smiles even more now. "You were..." she turned away from him with that and started walking.
13 years ago
growls as he follows after her catching up with ease. "I was WHAT?!"
13 years ago
looks over at him as she continued to walk. "I don't know why you're so angry about it... I thought it was pretty hot... Besides I turned
13 years ago
out just fine."
Turkey thinks
13 years ago
some people would disagree with that but he thought she did. "I'm not angry...What did you see?!"
13 years ago
stops and turns to face him now. "You are angry..."
13 years ago
crosses his arms. "No, I'm not." He was. "Just tell me what you saw."
13 years ago
shook her head as she took on a defiant stance. "Give me a good reason as to why I should tell you?"
13 years ago
- "It has something to do with me. That's why."
13 years ago
sighs a bit. "It was a long time ago, I don't remember all of what I saw."
Turkey is
13 years ago
irritated. Now he'll always wonder what it was she saw. "You are a horrible person Princess."
13 years ago
looks as if she's about to cry with that, ouch... "I'm hardly a horrible person..."
Turkey hopes
13 years ago
she's just faking that look. "Now I'll always wonder....I'll never get a goodnights sleep ever again." He dramatizes.
Elizabeta was
13 years ago
faking it... to some extent. She let a few tears slip at that. "I'm sorry..."
13 years ago
now feels bad. "Allah...Princess...I was just playin with ya." He gives her a one armed hug. "You know what. We'll just forget this ever
13 years ago
13 years ago
smirked to herself as she moved to bury her face his chest. "A-Alright..." oh she was enjoying this.
13 years ago
pats her back comfortingly. "I didn't think you'd get upset over it..." He has not count on that she was just messing with him.
13 years ago
nods a bit as she tried not to laugh now. "I-I'm not upset..." he was just to easy to pull this on.
13 years ago
...dammit! He lets her go. "You are horrible."
13 years ago
laughs at that before she looked up at him for a moment. "Ah... sorry sorry. It was to easy."
13 years ago
frowns. "Yeah, laugh it up now. Be careful I'll get you back for that." He warns as they finally enter the harem that is overflowing with
13 years ago
Elizabeta gives
13 years ago
him a bit of a fake worried look. "I'm sure you will." She took in the room and the annoying people that filled it.
13 years ago
snuck them through the crowd so they were standing at a good spot to see one of the main rooms of the Harem. "Look familiar?"
13 years ago
blinks a few times as she looked around it. "Should it?"
Turkey gives
13 years ago
her a look. "Well you said you saw inside so I would have assumed it was this room."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Not this room...."
13 years ago
...now he was even more curious. "Do you remember what the room looked like?" He really hoped it wasn't the room he was thinking about.
13 years ago
nods a bit, she looked up at him studying his face for a moment. "Yep."
13 years ago
quirks a brow. "What did it look like?"
13 years ago
shrugs a bit. "Lots of gorgeous tile work... baths... It was pretty."
13 years ago
sounds like the one he was hoping she wouldn't have seen. "Care to take me over there. The room escapes me." He was lying obviously...he
13 years ago
just needed to see if she was playing with him again or if maybe she was telling the truth.
13 years ago
nodded a bit as she took him back to the entrance of the harem. She lead him towards the entrance on the left. "Curiosity killed the cat."
13 years ago
tries really hard not to reveal anything in his expression. Curiosity did kill the cat. "Nice room, hmmm?" NOOOO!
13 years ago
nods and grins a bit. "Oh it was very nice back then."
13 years ago
....this was horrible. "Yes, and comfortable...I could only imagine." He could have bashed his head in the wall beside him he was horrified.
13 years ago
laughs a bit at that as she watched him. "Em you looked pretty comfortable." Okay so she didn't remember that day pretty well.
Turkey has
13 years ago
to turn around. "I've never been in this room." LIE. "Maybe someone who looked like me did...." LIEEEE.
13 years ago
shook her head as she watched him. "Oh no, it was you. Mask and everything." She moved over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
13 years ago
can't look at her. "Are you sure? Cause I remember other people wearing masks in the palace." He wasn't sure if he was embarassed or not.
13 years ago
gently hugged him. "Positive, we always knew though so it's nothing to be embarrassed about." She laughed a bit.
13 years ago
didn't really care if they knew he came it was more the fact that being caught in action by children that disturbed him. "Do you remember
13 years ago
which Harem girl it was?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Oh hell no, I don't remember that much." She honestly didn't.
Turkey is
13 years ago
glad in that case. There had been times he was not proud with what occured in this room. "Good."
13 years ago
sighed a bit and nodded. "Sure..."
13 years ago
turns back around. "Anything else you want to see or should we just go?"
13 years ago
shrugs a bit and lets go of him. "We can go."
Turkey is
13 years ago
completely fine with that option. "Sounds good." He says as he leads her out.
13 years ago
follows him out quietly, she'd done enough to get him worked up for one day.
Turkey has
13 years ago
been worked up much worse before.
13 years ago
knows that, she was content with this though.
13 years ago
doesn't see why she would be content with something like that.
13 years ago
just is, it didn't take much really. She walked next to him as they left.
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