13 years ago
am in a listening room if anyone cares to join me for a bit! listeningroom.fettig.net...
latest #15
13 years ago
well now its not workin right anyways
13 years ago
heyas Davy! bit too afk at the moment to even try right now :-D
13 years ago
:-D thassa okay Sally its gummified atm
13 years ago
s'back online if anyone else wants to play dj with me!
yardbird says
13 years ago
I'm there, davy. But I haven't used it before --what do I need to do?
13 years ago
well its buggy, but you can add songs to the playlist on the left, and anybody can remove a song if they dont like it, and
13 years ago
once its played its gone
13 years ago
if you dont hear the music or if it gets stuck a refresh might help, I have had more luck with chrome than firefox
yardbird says
13 years ago
hmmm, no playlist on left. I'll try Chrome.
13 years ago
do you see me in the room? as hammerpants? I didnt see you
yardbird says
13 years ago
Nope--all I see is a turntable and a coupla name boxes on the left. www.artharry.com/emotico...
13 years ago
hrrm. maybe try to start a room and I will join yours?
13 years ago
I have shut mine, I didnt even see myself listed in there maybe thats why
yardbird says
13 years ago
now my computer is having "low working memory" problems...gonna go afk and sort things out. Hope we can do the Listening Room another time.
13 years ago
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