13 years ago
practises her ballroom dancing in the ballroom in her house.
latest #81
13 years ago
hesitantly knocks on her door.
13 years ago
pauses her twirling, skirts swirling about her ankles. She walks to the front of her house, calling out, "Just a moment~" She finally_
13 years ago
reaches the door and opens it, pleasantly surprised to find Analiese there. "Liese~ Bonjour!"
Analiese was
13 years ago
fiddling with a piece of hair when Marianne opened the door and stopped. "Hallo Marianne... may I come in?"
13 years ago
smiles and pulls her in. "D'accord! Bienvenue! How are you, cherie?" She leads her to the sitting room.
13 years ago
follows her to the sitting room, trying to work in her mind how she was going to ask her question. "Good good... better than I have been_
13 years ago
even, and you?"
13 years ago
sits down opposite her. "Ah, I'm good as well. I was just practising my dancing. So what has brought you here, cherie?"
13 years ago
didn't know that Marianne practiced dancing. "Well you see... Vincze and I had a question for you... I mean, it was my idea so maybe it is_
13 years ago
I who has a question then."
13 years ago
tilts her head, she was getting confused. "Eh? What is the question then?"
13 years ago
fidgeted in her seat before replying. "Well.... would you be interested in a threesome with us sometime?"
13 years ago
widens her eyes in surprise. Of all things, she hadn't expected that. "Ah? Vincze approves of this?"
13 years ago
nods shyly, folding her hands in her lap. "Yes, he does. In fact, he seemed rather excited about it. There was something he wanted me to er_
13 years ago
, try on you as well..."
13 years ago
"But before I go into that, I was under the impression that you were... better than you were last time we were together."
13 years ago
guessed that this was something that Vincze had initiated. He had a thing for women together, didn't he? The next remark stunned her though,
13 years ago
she'd thought that the Austrian had left satisfied. "...quoi? It wasn't enough for you..? I'd thought you enjoyed it.."
13 years ago
had actually thought of the idea alongside him oddly enough. "I... well the thing is, I never, how do you say it nicely without sounding_
13 years ago
cold... I never climaxed during it, not once."
Marianne is
13 years ago
even more stunned. "You mean... you faked it?" She feels bad for not noticing, she would have made sure the Austrian reached her real climax
13 years ago
otherwise. "Ah, then... Why ask me again...?" She was sure her reputation would be ruined.
13 years ago
nods. "Ja, I faked it... I just didn't... feel any of the passion you were known for. I know that I was reluctant at first, but by the end_
13 years ago
I was willing to try anything with you. And by the time it got to be my turn to finally climax the other two were cuddling and you seemed_
13 years ago
done so it just felt awkward... but I asked you because out of all the girls we know, I'm most comfortable doing these things with you."
13 years ago
shakes her head. "I... didn't know... Ahh, I would have continued if I had known, cherie. Desole!" She never liked it when one person wasn't
13 years ago
satisfied by the end of their activities. She supposed she should agree to this thing with Vincze to make up for it. "I see... I will do it_
13 years ago
then, don't worry~ But what is this that Vincze wants to do...? And what do you want me to do with you?"
13 years ago
blushes before looking away. "... you don't have to agree because of what I told you. I would rather you agree because you wanted to. If_
13 years ago
don't you should decline...Anyways... at one point in time, when I was drunk, I came into possession of a... well, a strap-on. And he had_
13 years ago
the idea that I use it on you."
Marianne has
13 years ago
to laugh at the story. It seemed so adorable that she would somehow find a strap-on when she was drunk. "I am willing, hmm? Amongst those_
13 years ago
stories of my prowess in bed, there are also stories of my being loose, aren't there? I like having sex, don't worry too much about consent.
13 years ago
Because that... definitely turns me on." She grins and hooks her arm around Analiese's. "So when do we start~?"
13 years ago
finds that her blush deepens and her body is more interested in the when being now. "I-I... um... I'm not quite sure. Vincze and I_
13 years ago
haven't spoken about when but... I'd like it as soon as possible." She admitted.
13 years ago
checks her schedule and finds that she's free for the rest of the day. " about you call him over now and we can get started, hmm?"
13 years ago
hesitantly nods before excusing herself to call him. She dialed the number and waited for him to answer.
13 years ago
felt his phone vibrate. Oh? Someone's calling.. who? ... Analiese? Hmm? Strange. She usually doesn't call him at this time. "Hello?"
13 years ago
"Hello Vincze... are you busy? If not, you should come over here to Marianne's... and bring that 'thing' under the pile of dresses with you.
13 years ago
13 years ago
good thing he was not eating or drinking at the moment. But somehow, he still manages to choke on nothing."A-ah, you're already there? And_
13 years ago
she said yes? ... O-okay I'll go get it then. I'll be there in a few." Oh dear god it will happen now!
13 years ago
"Yes, I came over to ask and she suggested that we could do it now. I was rather... taken with the idea so I called. I'll see you soon then.
13 years ago
13 years ago
listens in on Analiese's side of the phone call unashamedly. She smirks and tugs the phone from Analiese when she says that she'll see_
13 years ago
Vincze soon. "Oui, Vincze, you'd better hurry down here before we start without you, hmm?" She captures Analiese's lips in a deep kiss, _
13 years ago
with a loud smack that can surely be heard over the phone. With a "See you soon, cher~", she hangs up the phone and continues with the kiss.
Analiese is
13 years ago
surprised when Marianne tugs the phone away and wonders just what she means before she's kissed. The kiss makes her completely forget that_
13 years ago
thought and all she can focus on is kissing her back the second time, a bit more open than she was the last time they tried this.
13 years ago
wraps her arms around her waist and focuses on the kiss, pushing her tongue past those soft lips and ravishing her mouth.
Analiese gives
13 years ago
a soft, high pitched moan and sucks gently on the tongue, slowly moving them until she was leaning against a wall.
13 years ago
traps her against the wall, still kissing her thoroughly. One of her hands moves up to cup Analiese's chin while the other moves down to_
13 years ago
grope her bottom.
13 years ago
wraps one of her arms around her waist and the other rests on her hip, using the leverage to help slide a knee inbetween her legs. She_
13 years ago
broke the kiss to speak. "He best hurry or we really might start without him..."
13 years ago
grins at the words. "D'accord, that is what I told him, non?" She bucks into the knee between her legs, enjoying the friction.
13 years ago
licks and nips at her neck, making a few small red marks. Her knee presses harder against Marianne. "I suppose there's no harm in warming up
13 years ago
13 years ago
chuckles breathily in her ear, "Of course not~ We'll save ourselves for the main event, hmm?" She licks at the shell of her ear and bites_
13 years ago
down gently.
13 years ago
[ gimme a few days, okay? I really can't get my Mangary muse to wake up ;w; *haven't forgotten about this* ]
13 years ago
(D'aww, it's alright! xD *actually did forget about this* >w>;;-)
13 years ago
( o3o *didn't forget* Aw... *huggles your Mangary muse* >w< )
13 years ago
( Lol MamaRose XD )
13 years ago
moans softly and pulls herself closer to the other woman. "I-I wonder how this will all turn out..."
13 years ago
hums before answering, "We'll see later, non? I'll make sure you have nothing to regret this time~"
13 years ago
"Oh will you? I hope there will be nothing to regret. I wonder have to tell some of my friends...~" She was teasing, in her own little way.
13 years ago
tilts her head, "You would tell them that you went to bed with three other women and wasn't satisfied?"
13 years ago
pauses for a moment, thinking about those words. "... No, I believe I'd just say I went to bed with you and wasn't satisfied. After it, that
13 years ago
didn't really feel like a foursome... it was more two couples who happened to be in the same room."
Marianne thinks
13 years ago
on it and realises that was true. More's the pity, it would have been fun to really have a foursome with those two spitfires. "Ahh~ I really
13 years ago
can't have my reputation ruined, can I? I'll be your faithful attendant for tonight then, I'll make sure your every need is tended to~" She_
13 years ago
lifts Analiese's hand to her lips and places a kiss there.
13 years ago
blinks owlishly for a few moments at the gesture before she starts to giggle softly, drawing the other closer and kissing her cheek. "You're
13 years ago
all too kind, fraulein."
13 years ago
smirks, "My intentions are all but pure though, mademoiselle~" She steals another kiss from Analiese's lips, enjoying the sweet taste.
13 years ago
kisses back, pressing against her and twirling a piece of Marianne's hair around her finger.
Marianne wonders
13 years ago
where Vincze is now, it had been quite a while. They would probably tire themselves out before he got here. "Perhaps you should call him_
13 years ago
again, cherie."
13 years ago
nods. "That would probably be for the best. I wonder where he is..."
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