Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
draped across the couch, watching anime.
latest #92
13 years ago
sees a somewhat familiar house and approaches it. He really needs to stop getting lost, it's pathetic.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
hears someone up the walk and goes to see who it is. Probably one of Yong Soo's friends? She pulls open the door and looks.... down. "Oh.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
Hi. Yong is around if you want me to find him." O~O Small child?
13 years ago
looks up at the vaguely familiar woman. She really looked a lot like Korea... "Oh, I was j-just k-k-k-kind of l-lost again."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at this and smiles. "Oh you're like a little lost lamb I see~" She drags Latvia inside and ruffles his hair. "I'll take care of you!"
Latvia has
13 years ago
found that he gets dragged places quite often. "Um.. Th-Thank you? Y-You're the g-girl v-v-version of K-Korea, r-r-right?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and arches a brow, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "And you're the boy version of Latvia, I'd say."
13 years ago
squeaks in surprise at the lip-to-forehead contact. It wasn't exactly something he is accustomed to. "Y-Y-Yes I a-am."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and gives him a hug. "And oh aren't you cute, all stuttery and nervous~~?" She giggles.
13 years ago
returns the hug in a very awkward manner. "Th-Thanks?" He wasn't sure if he should take that as a compliment or as something else.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles brightly. "Now where were you trying to get to, lil guy?"
13 years ago
smiles in return, happy to finally get on topic. "I was t-t-trying to get t-to Finland's house s-s-so I c-could play with S-Sealand."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
"Oh you have a play date." She giggles and pinches his cheek gently. "Oh you're adorable."
13 years ago
blushes slightly, looking at the wall in embarassment. "I'm n-n-not a l-little k-k-kid..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
arches a brow. "Oh you're not? But you look so little and small and cute~!"
13 years ago
pouts in annoyance. "I've b-been independent s-since 1991."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and tilts her head. "Same as Belarus right? He brought his ballet and his circus to Korea to show me. Where you living with the big
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
mean scary Russian then?" She taps his nose.
13 years ago
flinches unconsciously at the mention of Russia. "Y-Yeah I w-w-was." He didn't sound too happy with it, either.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts with him. "Awwwww I don't like the scary Russian much either..." She still blamed Russia for the Korean War since that was easier to
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
deal with than her sisters wanting to invade her.
Latvia feels
13 years ago
uncomfortable with the current topic of conversation. "C-Could we p-p-please t-talk about s-something else?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles. "What do you wanna talk about then?"
13 years ago
shrugs, shaking uncomfortable. "I d-d-don't know. J-Just n-not Him."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
cuddles him. "... You're shaking more than a vibrator. Don't be so scared silly."
13 years ago
blushes at the mention of something like that. "P-Please n-n-not the v-vibrator. P-People g-g-give me enough g-grief about it already."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly and kisses his cheek. "Awww I think it's cute though!" She cuddles him against her and smiles. "So cute."
13 years ago
pats the other's head shyly. "Th-Thank you, I g-g-guess." This really was embarassing, though.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and starts tugging him to the couch. "Watch anime with me. Come on silly. Play date time."
13 years ago
sits down on the couch, pretty tense at the moment. Wow. This was random.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
settles down on the couch next to him, cuddled close, and starts explaining the plot.
13 years ago
listens closely, finding the plot very interesting. Book fiend, remember?
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles when she gets him caught up and squirms happily in her seat. "Isn't it great?!"
13 years ago
nods excitedly, smiling for once. "It i-i-is. W-What is it c-called again?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
cuddles against him. "To Aru Majutsu no Index. Which I think must be Japanese for Awesome." (( We're going with that since that's the last
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
thing I watched XD ))
13 years ago
starts cuddling back, feeling much more comfortable now. "I'll h-h-have to l-look it up w-when I g-g-get home."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and arches a brow, playing with his hair. "You should! The second season is airing and you could come over and watch it with me."
13 years ago
nods, kind of paying more attention to the tv than to her. "S-Sounds f-f-fun."
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
cooing over him a little maybe and is glad he's distracted. She fiddles with his hair and smiles. "Mhmm."
13 years ago
looks up at his new buddy, surprised that she hasn't made any remarks about his hair. People tend to do that a lot.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles down at him. "... I wanna dress you in fashionable clothing and fix your hair like a music video."
13 years ago
blinks in surprise. "W-What?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiiiiles. "Wanna play make over with me~?"
13 years ago
seems to be a little freaked out at this. "Y-You won't p-put me in a d-d-dress, will y-you?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at this. "... Not unless you want to try one out~"
13 years ago
nods hesitantly. "I'll p-play if there are n-no d-d-dresses."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this. "Okay~" He didn't say anything about skirts though right? Just dresses? She's already tugging him off regardless.
13 years ago
lets himself get tugged off, feeling somewhat worried about this even though she promised no dresses.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smile and pulls him into her room and pushes him down onto the bed. "Here! Lemme find something."
13 years ago
sits on the bed patiently, watching Soo dig around curiously.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
produces a men's outfit first, grinning. "Here! Put these pretty clothes on for me."
13 years ago
looks at the outfit, having the oddest feeling that it will be too big for him. "S-Sure."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins at this and plays with his hair. "Good! I'll wait for you here~"
13 years ago
takes the clothes and scampers in to the bathroom, quickly changing in to the provided clothing. He was right, by the way, about it being
13 years ago
too big for him. It all ended up pretty baggy.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
waits for him, excited.
13 years ago
walks out of the bathroom, hitching his pants up frequently. "I th-think it's a l-little b-b-big."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles at this and claps. "Oh that's so cute. >w<
Latvia feels
13 years ago
uncomfortable in his ill-fitting clothing. "D-Did you have anything else f-f-for me to w-wear?" He hitches up the pants. Again.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and thinks about it. "I have some smaller clothes~" ... but they were girl's clothes >w>
13 years ago
looks at Soo in relief. Pulling his pants up constantly was getting to be very annoying. "Th-That'd b-b-be wonderful."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and gets him another outfit >w>
13 years ago
stares at it. Just. Stares.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at him. "Put it on!
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I d-d-don't want to w-wear g-g-girls c-clothes."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly. "JUst cause it's pink doens't make it girl's clothes!
Latvia gives
13 years ago
her an incredulous look. "It sh-shows m-m-midriff."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiiiiles. "That's a good thing!"
13 years ago
shakes his head once more. "I'd r-r-really r-rather n-n-n-not."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at him and nods. "Change change!"
13 years ago
takes a couple steps away, wanting to create some distance between them. "N-N-No thank you."
13 years ago
pouts a little, sniffling like she's going to cry. "You don't like playing with K-Korea?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
(( ... That should be Korea actually. __
13 years ago
stares at the cry-face. He curses himself and his weakness to anything with a cry-face. "F-F-Fine. J-Just d-d-don't l-laugh at m-me please."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
sniffles again and waits until he's gone to grin. Easy as pie.
13 years ago
changes in to the skimpy girl outfit, blushing the entire time. This was so embarassing.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiiiiles. "Are you done changing?"
13 years ago
pokes out of the bathroom, face covered in a bright blush. "D-Do I have t-to come out? I l-l-l-look s-stupid."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods. "Yes! You have to show me! Or there's no point.
13 years ago
sighs, stepping out of the bathroom and in to his host's full view. He was red as a tomato and very, very embarassed.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and claps delightedly. "You look great."
13 years ago
refuses to look directly at Yeon. His blush is also still raging, even managing to go to the tips of his ears. "Th-This is w-w-weird."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and claps. "It's fabulous!"
13 years ago
fidgets uncomfortable. "I s-still d-don't l-l-l-like it."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly. "You can change now."
13 years ago
bolts for the bathroom, relieved that he can finally get out of that embarassing outfit. He then decided that he would never play dress up
13 years ago
with this verson on Korea again.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles when he comes back and holds out her arms. "Hug time!"
13 years ago
slowly makes his way over and hugs her, wondering why he's even doing this.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles and hugs him. "You're so tiny~"
13 years ago
lets go, feeling embarassed. "You c-can b-b-blame R-Russia for th-that..."
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