tisjewel says
14 years ago
did you all know about this? free amazon prime for moms :-) so I was able to switch over and am going to get a prorated refund, which should
latest #6
tisjewel says
14 years ago
be almost all of the $79 fee. Oh the link: www.amazon.com/mom
HappyZGal says
14 years ago
Knit1Eat2 says
14 years ago
Some of us nonmoms might like something like that too
tisjewel says
14 years ago
they have one for students also, so they might have other programs that we're not aware of
Xrystabelle says
14 years ago
or moms of 8 year olds who have to constantly buy new pants. lol
tisjewel says
14 years ago
Xrystabelle, any moms can, my son is 10! :-)
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