13 years ago
still feels poor. He had hoped his money issues would have gotten better by now. No such luck.
latest #77
13 years ago
knows from experience that it will take some time.
13 years ago
considers himself a patient nation in most aspects, but this money thing was taking a long time-even for him. He wonders how long Turkey
13 years ago
took to get back on track when he had these troubles.
13 years ago
a fair amount of time. He used to be called the sick man of Europe for a good hundred years or so. He's period of great decline.
13 years ago
's face falls. A hundred years? He isn't sure he could control a decline like that. He feels guilty for buying that archaeology brush.
13 years ago
shrugs. It won't be as bad as his since France, England and Russia had occupied Istanbul for quite as while on top of that. At least Greece
Turkey was
13 years ago
being left relatively alone.
Greece thinks
13 years ago
he is being left alone for a reason. No-one wanted to give him money to help his situation, and after many were forced to they have been
13 years ago
avoiding him. Not that he thinks foreign occupation would be preferred, of course. He doesn't envy that.
13 years ago
...can kind of understand why they would avoid him....he would. ;-)
13 years ago
narrows his eyes at him, poking him roughly in response. Turkey couldn't avoid him even if he tried.
13 years ago
grunts at the poke. That wasn't entirely true. He could avoid him if he tried really hard...he just never really did.
Greece thinks
13 years ago
it's cute Turkey thinks that. Truth is Greece wouldn't let him avoid him. He knows where he lives.
13 years ago
would move in that case.
13 years ago
would hide in his suitcase.
13 years ago
would go live in the wilderness with no suitcase.
13 years ago
would dress up in his old Ottoman clothes and crawl up in Turkey's old bed and make crying noises until the Turk came back out of guilt.
13 years ago
would probably come back out of guilt and then rape him.
13 years ago
...doesn't have a problem with that. After all, he still instigated it, and he couldn't think of a better way to celebrate his return.
13 years ago
should actually consider leaving in that case if the end result was so appetizing.
Greece thinks
13 years ago
if the Turk liked the idea so much, he doesn't need to go through the trouble of leaving then returning. Although if he wants it to be
13 years ago
authentic then Greece would play along.
13 years ago
may actually take Greece on that offer. It would be a good challenge.
13 years ago
nods...then looks immediately upset at the prospect of Turkey leaving, even though he knows he's coming back.
13 years ago
won't be leaving...he was just joking.
13 years ago
still has the idea in his head, and abandons Turkey there on the spot so he can go to the Turk's house and curl up into his bed.
13 years ago
frowns and follows him to his house and watches him curl on his bed. "You do realize I was joking...right?"
13 years ago
hugs a pillow to his chest and actually looks surprised at Turkey being there with him. 'You're home? You came home?' He winks, and crawls
13 years ago
to the edge of the bed with his arms outstretched.
Turkey has
13 years ago
to stop and take in the situation...was he suppose to play along? Probably. He walks up the the edge of the bed and into the outstretched
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arms hugging him back. "Yes, I'm back." He was having a hard time playing along he found this so strangley amusing.
13 years ago
kisses him on the lips, a small smirk at the side of his mouth. 'Good, because that pillow didn't do a good job in replacing you.'
13 years ago
kisses him back missing the smirk all-together. "Oh? Was it not as comforting as me?"
13 years ago
shrugs and, without looking behind him, nudges the 'offending' pillow off the bed. 'No, and it didn't make me laugh either. Just...silence.'
13 years ago
chuckles. "How boring. I'm very sorry you only had the pillow as company but I'm back and can definitly make it up to you."
13 years ago
nods, hand stroking Turkey's chin. 'I'd like that. But how will you ever do that?' He grins, pulling Turkey down to sit on the bed with him.
13 years ago
doesn't complain as he takes a seat beside Greece on his bed. "Depends on what you want exactly." He replies smirking. "I'm at your
13 years ago
13 years ago
's eyes flash. 'Hmm, well if that's the case...' He slowly takes Turkey's chin in his hands and places an innocent kiss on his lips. 'Lets
13 years ago
play a truth game.'
13 years ago
hums as he kisses him back. "Truth game? Go on."
13 years ago
hovers near his lips. 'I ask a question. You must answer truthfully. I'm allowed to react to your answers.'
13 years ago
tilts his head up to try and reach the Greeks lips. "Okay, shoot."
13 years ago
stays just out of his reach. 'Easy one first. What is your favourite colour?'
13 years ago
chuckles. "Red."
13 years ago
hums and then nods, kissing his nose. 'Fair enough. What would be your weapon of choice?'
13 years ago
quirks a brow but answers it anyway. " A Kilij."
13 years ago
arches a brow but strokes his cheek in response. 'How many people in the world would you fight for?'
13 years ago many would he... "Three."
13 years ago
looks very interested in finding out who they were, but he doesn't want to sound too eager. He kisses both cheeks, then once on the lips. He
13 years ago
did like that answer. 'Do you follow your head or heart?'
13 years ago
wasn't pleased with the curt kiss but at least it as better than nothing. He could tell the Greek was curious and surprised that he hadn't
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asked just yet. However, the next question was a hard one. "I would have to say both. Sometimes I will only listen to my heart and other
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times I will listen to my head and sometimse I listen to both."
13 years ago
pauses, and then nods. He leans in closer to him, hands cupping behind Turkey's head. 'And which do you normally use for me?'
13 years ago
stares into the Greeks eyes. "My heart." He answers without hesitation. That explained why he could always get so furious at the Greek .
13 years ago
would have smacked him hard if he had answered 'head'. He beams and gives him a slow, quiet-moanful kiss. 'Good.' He says.
13 years ago
kisses him back just as slow and sensual as he. "I'm glad you approve."
13 years ago
strokes his neck with both hands. 'Who were the three you mentioned before?' He leans their foreheads together.
13 years ago
let's his hand cup the Greeks cheek as he captures Heracles lips in a quick kiss. "Yong Soo." He kisses him again. "Kiku" and this time he
13 years ago
kisses him much more passionately. "You."
13 years ago
's hands grab onto his back and pulls him to continue the passionate kiss. His tongue, now happily familiar with the other's mouth, flicks
13 years ago
inside and finds Turkey's. That answer made him feel a little emotional. They have the same special friends, and they have each other.
Turkey is
13 years ago
more than happy to continue said kiss. He let's his tongue roam over the familiar contours of the inside of Greece's mouth. His tongue
13 years ago
twirls around the Greeks as he lets out a small moan. They do have the same special friends but was that really a surprise?
13 years ago
's fingers roam to Turkey's mask and they light stroke under the bottom. He chases the other's tongue around, savouring every taste and
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enjoying the gentle but needy movements. He tended to form his friendships separately from Turkey, and although he did know they were close
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he hadn't known they were as special to him also. Not to mention that he was included at the end, that was a bonus.
13 years ago
brings a hand to his face pulling the mask off and discarding it to the side. He lets the Greek give chase to his tongue before he pulls
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away to inhale a breath of air. "I'd give up my life for you." He murmurs against the others lips.
13 years ago
always feels happy when the mask is removed. It serves as a reminder that Turkey will remove his metaphorical 'mask' for him. His fingers
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trace where the mask had been and he gives a watery smile. 'You *are* my life.' He murmurs back. 'I..I don't know what I'd do without you.'
13 years ago
kisses him again. "Marry me."
13 years ago
at first things he heard wrong, but then it sinks in that it wasn't his imagination. He freezes in Turkey's arms and then slowly turns his
13 years ago
head to look at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. 'M-mar...? Did you just say marry?'
13 years ago had taken a lot to ask him but he really couldn't live without the Greek. "I did..." He was a little afraid to what Greece would
13 years ago
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