suEannE hates
13 years ago
to do sejarah essays and her mountains of homework lol :'-(
latest #7
Yung Yew says
13 years ago
(gym) jiayou jiayou!!
suEannE says
13 years ago
hehe thx thx. lol i still dunno how to use leh =(
Yung Yew says
13 years ago
haha ^^ man man lai~ :-) more friends then wil fun geh~
Yung Yew says
13 years ago
always check up there the "alerts" whether u have friends follow u or added u :-)
Yung Yew says
13 years ago
gah yao on ur school work hehe
suEannE says
13 years ago
hehe ok ok =) but i invited many freind liao woR. invite doesnot mean added them right?
Yung Yew says
13 years ago
when u invite, u jus send requests for them to come to plurk, they wil automatically be ur fans :-D then u have to add them as ur friend :-D
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