Seychelles is
13 years ago
looking for Arthur.
latest #83
Adelita will
13 years ago
refer her to a panda puppet. Arthur cannot speak to her right now.
Seychelles thinks
13 years ago
he's weird. Why couldn't he talk?
13 years ago
holds up a panda puppet in front of her face and makes it wave it arms. He tilts his head and sighs. "Mr. England is busy taking care of
13 years ago
some personal and private problems."
13 years ago
blinks at this, thinking he was extra weird. "Well, then I would like to see him even more."
13 years ago
makes the panda puppet swat at her forehead lightly. "You do know what private means, right?"
13 years ago
doesn't have time for this! She tries to get around him.
13 years ago
stands in her way his arms stretched out and he flaps them around. "Please come back another time. Honestly it is not a good time to see Mr.
13 years ago
13 years ago
goes a bit red in her anger. "Listen you! I bet that stupid eyebrow jerk just sent you to tell me some lie! But I am not going away!" In_
13 years ago
her fuss, she reached out and picked up the slender boy and slung him over her shoulder. She was used to lifting heavy things so this was_
13 years ago
pretty easy for her.
Adelita is
13 years ago
not sure what to think. This was the strangest thing to ever happen to him. Should he cry right now he wonders because for such a petite
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girl she was pretty strong. Not only that but this was beyond embarrassing. "I swear to you he should not be seen. He is having lady issues.
13 years ago
Or at least I think that's what they may be called."
13 years ago
slams the door behind her, huffing at his words. "I'll give him lady problems! As I stuff those shit scones down his throat for turning me_
13 years ago
away!" She rants, storming up the stairs with Hong Kong in tow.
Adelita wants
13 years ago
to get on his feet but somehow he figures that may be a dangerous idea. "What's eating you anyway?" Okay, maybe saying something was a bad
13 years ago
idea as well but he kind of wanted to know. What could make her so desperate to see Arthur anyway.
13 years ago
hears the ruckus and doesn't dare peak from her bedroom, she had no clue what was going on but didn't want to be involved.
13 years ago
shoves him on his ass once they were at the top of the stairs pointing a finger at him threateningly. "Shush you! Don't get in my way!" She_
13 years ago
tells him, before marching over to throw the door to Arthur's room open. "Some gentleman! Turning away a lady at the door!"
13 years ago
gets up rubbing his ass. Seychelles was no lady. She was some kind of freakish thing that only had the appearance of a woman really. He kind
13 years ago
steps closer to the door but he keeps some distance between himself as her. "Ah. Well as you can see Mr. England is very busy."
13 years ago
stares at the door completely shocked. "V-Victoria..!" She wanted to hide, but it was too late now. "What's going on?" She looked to HK.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
waving her fist at him, then pauses...........and loses it in a fit of laughter when Hk's earlier words came back to her. 'Lady' problems, -
13 years ago
13 years ago
just watches Seychelles laugh and shrugs at England. He really could not do much to prevent her entry. Perhaps they should hire security or
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something. He pokes Seychelles despite the danger in doing so.
13 years ago
flushes horribly. "Victoria! That is rude!" She felt embarrassed from the laughter.
13 years ago
swats at Hk's hand before pointing at him, tears forming in her eyes. "W-....What happened to you! Hahahaha!"
13 years ago
pulls his hand away before she can actually swat at it. "Whatever it is. Well it is highly contagious." He walks behind her then places a
13 years ago
foot on her ass and shoves her inside the room.
13 years ago
frowns at her. "Victoria. You are being very impolite right now! Don't point, and stop laughing!"
13 years ago
wiped at her eyes before she is pushed inside, falling onto her knees. She can't even bring herself to glare at the other, too busy_
13 years ago
laughing. "I-I can't help it..."
Arthur is
13 years ago
appalled by her behaviour. "You should be able to..!"
13 years ago
stands over her crossing his arms. Well that did not stop her from laughing. "Would you like me to escort her out?"
13 years ago
shakes her head. "No, she would only hurt you anyways." She said flatly.
13 years ago
scoffs. What was he a girl. He could show her out. "She most certainly will not."
13 years ago
quirks an eyebrow. "She carried you up here didn't she?" He knew how strong she was.
13 years ago
stands back up, jabbing an elbow in Hong's ribs. "So Artie..." She felt like being extra mean to him today.
Arthur gives
13 years ago
her a scolding look. "Victoria. Be nice!" He didn't know what she wanted.
Adelita was
13 years ago
carried by her here but then a lot of people could probably manage that. It was not so special of course the jab on his side made him
13 years ago
ignore those thoughts. He kneels down by Seychelles and grabs her ankles and pulls.
Seychelles is
13 years ago
tripped, landing on her stomach with a yelp.
13 years ago
pinches the bridge of her nose standing and walking to stand between them. "That is enough you two! Stop acting like children!"
13 years ago
rolls over, glaring at the asian....she was ready to tackle him and start throwing punches!
Arthur is
13 years ago
in the way of that.
13 years ago
hears Arthur but will not pay too much attention to him at the moment. Seychelles looked like she wanted to kill him so it was best to keep
13 years ago
his eyes on her.
13 years ago
stands back up, dusting herself off. "I came to talk to you Arthur, though I suppose you probably...have some explaining to do."
13 years ago
frowns a bit. "I really don't have anything to explain, what did you come here for..?"
Adelita will
13 years ago
step aside now. Seychelles was already inside and had already seen England.
13 years ago
pokes Alice's boob. "Why are you like this?"
13 years ago
flushes and covers her chest. "I-I..." She knew why she just didn't want to say. "I don't know." She looked away.
Adelita wants
13 years ago
to yank one of Seychelles' pigtails. "Will you just get to the point of your visit and stop with the interrogation."
Arthur gives
13 years ago
him a look. "Daniel. It's fine. She is allowed to visit if she wants, you don't need to get irritated."
13 years ago
sticks her tongue out at him. "Actually I want to talk in private."
13 years ago
frowns at the both of them, such childish behaviour. "Alright. Daniel.. Could you excuse us?" He motioned to the door for Victoria. "Shall_
13 years ago
we talk in the kitchen?"
13 years ago
was not irritated. Perhaps slightly annoyed at Seychelles. "I suppose she is allowed but..." He isn't planning on leaving.
13 years ago
nods a bit and starts downstairs.
13 years ago
waits till she leaves the room and kisses Daniel's cheek lightly. "I'll make it up to you love, promise." She smiled at him and headed_
13 years ago
after her down to the kitchen.
13 years ago
turns away trying to avoid her kiss but she manages to plant a peck on his cheek anyway. "Sure, sure. I am not upset now hurry along."
13 years ago
enters the kitchen, waiting for him-- her.
13 years ago
enters the kitchen not too long after her. "What do you need to talk about..?"
13 years ago
goes a bit red. "I just wanted to tell you I have a lover now...I wanted you to come meet them."
13 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Re-really now? And who is he?"
Adelita is
13 years ago
totally not listening in. This was not interesting. Maybe he should watch some television.
13 years ago
smiles a bit and blushes. "Ah...Her name is Monaco..."
13 years ago
just... stares. "M-Monaco?" She actually didn't expect her to date a woman, but she smiled. "That's wonderful.. Is she nice?"
Seychelles is
13 years ago
surprised he didn't mention anything about her being French, despite Seychelles herself being part. "She is so wonderful! I want you to meet
13 years ago
13 years ago
tries to keep away from the 'French' topic, she knew Victoria was part French so she thought that may have been a good match.
13 years ago
"Alright.. When..?"
Seychelles thinks
13 years ago
. "Tomorrow."
13 years ago
looks at her, she nodded slowly. "Ah.. Alright.." She didn't want to when she was a woman...
13 years ago
hugs him-- her. "Thank you!"
13 years ago
hugs her back. "You're welcome, Victoria."
13 years ago
grins now. "I suppose I shall leave you then."
13 years ago
nods slightly. "I guess you could if you wished."
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