Oh goodness, I'm so glad my dad changed channel before that came on. I don't think I could have handled it gracefully.
Yesss. My Dad changed channel as soon as the couple started speaking! That really made it better! :/
He'd just had a wonderful time commenting on the extremely camp Weakest Link contestant, I don't think I could have taken any more tonight.
/holds you against my bosom :[
On a personal level, I'm bothered by the implication that I can't think homosexuality is okay and have 'strong Christian beliefs'.
I'm sure Jesus would be pleased with that assessment, I really would. God knows he hated people like that.
I think I'm just going to sit down in a corner and boil about 'Christian people being discriminated against'.
I'm just going to keep holding you against my boobies. It is an act both of rebellion and comfort. also sexy. it is an act of sexy.
(But really, nngh. This isn't really something to look forward to, but we will inevitably discuss this on saturday or such.
You know sexy rebellion is my favourite kind~ <3
It will be immediately followed by good times and ravishing. You must take heart ♥)
I must, I must. And what I also must do is start writing my essay. (Has definitely not been saying this for two weeks already.)

Far too easily distracted.
You are a terrific Christians. People like that aren't :/
I'm reminded of the Ghandi quote: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
I don't think bigots like that have Christian values at all, they claim they do but they're just lying to themselves.
Ah, Jez! You're still around! I'm not the best and most Christian person, I'm sure. But I don't think they're being Christian at all.
And the way the journalists are acting like their opinions are typical of all Christian people really irks me...
You are the very best Christian I know - I mean that.
And yeah, nowadays apparently you're only allowed to be a conservative fundamentalist Christian or you don't exist...
Journalists should know people are more complicated than that!
But you've encountered so many charming fundamentalists in your life.
oh goodness, as much as I dislike fundies, I dislike even more the rampant stereotyping that goes on.
I really, really need to do this essay. D: I'm already on an extension. But! I have my computer back now. You'll be online tomorrow, right?
that's what the media does. that's why i try to defend groups of people it's not popular to defend. (caseinpoint)
almost every one of the devout christians I personally have met (which is a lot!) is rational, kind, caring, and most certainly *not*
Right, I am signing off and going to write right this second. Definitely doing it. Right now. <3
but my fellow progressives all tend to demonize 'em. *sigh*
you write that essay! DO IT!
we'll all be around.
yes, good luck! and I'll be sending you a Latin lesson as soon as you're done
Great! Like I said, signing off.

Bye everyone!
indecently - go them they got £1800 from it, and a lot of publicity. but boo to the people holding the sings outside the courthouse...
Ppl were talking about that in the library, only in a "I support them" Grrrrrrr