MuiPeng says
14 years ago
my phone had seriously gone crazy. For normal phone, the battery is supposed to go up when charged. But for my phone, it drop. Whatthfcuk :x
latest #32
AlexTeo says
14 years ago
14 years ago
WOW, nice one.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
-Alex ‎_|_
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
-JianCh3nq Where got nice, sucks lor. :x Haha.
AlexTeo says
14 years ago
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
14 years ago
I mean, EPIC, never ever heard of such thing before.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
I know, I was shock too when I take out my phone from the charger and realise tt my phone charge the opposite way.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Now I can only charge my phone by using the comp. It is the only way my batt will go up. Chargin it normally won't work :/
14 years ago
WAH, don't know if it's charger problem or phone problem sia.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
I think is charger prob lehs. If not why use comp jiu can lehs? Lol. [:
14 years ago
LOL, then won't charge by com be more troublesome? I mean, you can only charge when the com is on.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Haha, Yeah lahs. Quite troublesome. So whenever I on my comp, I will also charge my phone at the same time. Then bo on jiu cant charge lor.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Planning to go repair when I got the time. :x Seriously, sick of my phone sia. Spoil in less then a month.
14 years ago
LOL, EPIC SIA. Yeah, better send for repair la, since still under warrenty.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Haha, My warranty still got one more yr lehs! Can slowly wait. Lol [:
14 years ago
Yeah, but need faster go repair la, to prevent any further damage.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Haha, Yeah. Planning to repair after CNY. I need my phone for entertainment purpose during CNY ar. To prevent myself from getting into
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
stupid common convers of the adults. Like "Waa, You grow up alr" "Faster find boyfrr" "give lecture on how hard my mum works" -.- Lame shit.
14 years ago
LOL, seriously, some phrases are too common already la. We grow up? Uh duh, unless we shrink or some sort. Faster find BF? LOL, SG so easy
14 years ago
find meh?
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Exactly ar. Like duh, if not I grow down mehs? Haha. How I know them ar. Keep call me bring one home. ><
14 years ago
they despo ma, more despo than you. so that they can die in peace.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Haha, Yeah ar. I shall tell them my boyfrr is Key and is Korea now! LOL. [:
14 years ago
Aw... and then they must be dying to see him la, which is impossible.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Can de la, call them go google it jiu okay liao! Hahaha. [:
14 years ago
This kind of thing I doubt goggle can even answer it. Even so, all inaccurate result.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Haha, Lol. Go google image type Key ar. This way there will be able to see him le mahs, Lol [:
14 years ago
I mean in real life. You think you're gonna print him in a life model meh?
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
Haha, See him as in see his photo. But I don't mind trying to make a life model. Worth a try. Hah : p
14 years ago
HAHAHA, I'll be anticipating it if you're gonna try it.
MuiPeng says
14 years ago
HAHA, Yeah. I shall make a clone of KEY. OMG! Singapore version of key, I shall be famous for creating this! LOL
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