so good ler.. how much??..
less than less year rm 150 lor...around 3000 ++ lor

walao weh.. 3k ler.. quite alot ler for me.. 0.0
me?.. im not sure i got or not.. mayb dont have? or jz half month.. coz i jz started working here last year nia..
dylanTsk: haha...i thk still ok la...jz a rewards for me doing many in a year....somemore co earn a lot...so should gv lor..
n i m the one who get most less oso ...so i thk is ok la...
yalar.. that's a must ma!! lol..
so good....me need 29 th lor
ok oso la.. jz one day nia..
still ok la.. one day oni ma..
oso same la.. but i got work on 27th, jz half day nia..
lol.. u see.. suan ok oso la.. lol
yala.. must happy also ma.. lol
haiz ...tm got work??? my 38 co got leh
ok ok la.. actually my boss duwan holiday ler, then end up got lo..
dylanTsk: y like tat de...boss so good lor
sophiasoo: no la, actually my boss also lazy to work n wanna acc their child.. lol
maybe la.. that's my thinking.. lol.. if gt work kena pay double ler rather off lo.. haha
ha u co only will pay u doublr...my co work oso din pay double...
no lo.. man man tang.. ot on weekend will pou back holiday nia didnt pay money geh
yesh!.. i got half month.. hehe
wah so good ur half mths is 3000 izzi...lolz
huh?.. no ar, jz 1k oni la.. lol.. where gt so much wo, if so much i sure happy til cant slp lo.. hahaha
haha...u salary 2000 o...lolz more then me la
oppss.. shh.. secret.. lol.. more than u meh? i dont think so lo coz u work long than me ler
but my salary vy low ma...where got u so high...lolz
i mean my salary low then u la...
ya meh? i dont think so lo..
sure bo??..

i tot u more than me tim..
no la...tat y i bonus high u bonus low...then add up ma same lor

no la, u still more than me lit bit.. lol.. coz my half month so less nia..
haha got meh...dun kn o...lolz...
aiya, not important oso la, most important is gt bonus.. lol..
yalor...if work soo hard then no bonus i will crazy lor
hahaha.. of coz la.. work so hard oso coz bonus ma..
wakaka today boss gv another cek as bonus for another co which i helping lolz...
actually the co n boss is good, jz my head not good only....hole co she is the most hard to communicate de ppl...
ooo.. overall also good la, gt 2 bonus wo.. so jealous.. lol
haha...no nd jealous lor...coz i do two co thg ma so ma got 2 la...jz bonus no salary...lolz
ooo.. also suan good la, better than dont have right.. at least gt few cash to spend on ma..
yalar... at least got ma...
yalor.. lol.. mz appreciate it!

die lor i jz now drink so many tmr dun kn can wake up o not...
red wine + martie + charberg

walao weh! so geng!!.. geng lor u.. if me sure faint jor.. kakaka.. drink with who.. so enjoy ar
haha...won la... coz i got drink since i was kid so still ok la...my dad co annual dinner ma..
so drink v supplier customer n worker lor
fuyoo.. since kid wo! geng jor lo.. me 21 baru start drink but not really good.. hahaha..
good like dat! cz no guys can kacau u with alcohols n u wont gt drunk easily.. lol
haha...coz my dad say must learn if not future easy let ppl tipu to dink then drink some ord mabuk...training for future...lolz
lol.. good!.. but its not good for health.. my dad didnt teach me, is me sendiri train myself.. lol..
haha...see how much u drink lor...forget wish u happy chinese new year ...lolz
how much ar.. hmm.. 1 bottle ok geh.. lol.. yea lor.. happy CNY ler.. ^_^
haha...guy must train more la...need entertaiment leh...lolz
huh? i dont think so.. train for wgt wo, coz its not good for health..
haha for u future wedding dinner...wakaka
hahaha.. dont want.. i wan a happy wedding dinner & duwan drunk dinner.. so shame & spoil the environment..
hahaha.. when start work?
ord start lor tuesday...u leh?
i started work on wed.. lol..
hahaha.. jz more one day oni ma.. got la.. no more holidays lu.. sienz...
my co more geng....all holidays jz acc jz me alone...n sales jz my collegue alone...
why geh? u mean today ar?..
imean chu jiu la...coz all chu ba bai tian gong till so late tat y all din come...
ooo.. then u gt bai tin gong?.. u should take leave also ma.. lol..
haiz..ppl dun let me take lor...ppl say if all take leave then no ppl how....some more me is inform 2 mth ago..other b4 cny can i cant sienz
walao weh, bai meng hap u la.. cis them.. u should take leave also ma n pretend sick, let them die la n x ppl in the office.. lol
haha...nvr mindla...me alone oso good ma do wat oso can...lolz
ya also geh.. so freedom.. lol..