dango :) says
13 years ago
this is after the flood has receded. ironic aye? https://images.plurk.com/4769362_b8232ad82a4df06d350fcf12b51ada43.jpg
latest #8
ε м z ナギ says
13 years ago
how is it ironic?
ε м z ナギ says
13 years ago
hahaha you added the "this is after the flood has receded"!!
dango :) says
13 years ago
lol yeahhh i was still editting it when you commentd!
ε м z ナギ says
13 years ago
hahaha XD no wonder! but yeah... that woman won't be able to sell it as quickly
raiinyday_ says
13 years ago
i know tht house =/....    (PS. this isn't the only house..)
omnomnomnom says
13 years ago
lol all those houses are goner
dango :) says
13 years ago
raiinyday_: you know that house? HOW?
raiinyday_ says
13 years ago
iono. looks familiar XD
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