Tibet has
13 years ago
no idea where he is... He just knows he's nowhere near his house.
latest #46
13 years ago
peeks out her window, watching the man wander around ... was he a mongol?
13 years ago
tugs at his robes nervously. The people weren't speaking any language he knew... Oh where oh were was he? ;u;
13 years ago
13 years ago
shivers. Wherever he was, it was cold.
13 years ago
looks at the strange clothes, doesn't remember mongols wearing that. Cautiously opens her door and peeks out at him.
13 years ago
hears the sound of a door opening and turns. Sees Chibi!Belarus staring out at him. "...Tashi- Uh, hello...?"
13 years ago
stares at him. "M M M Mongol?!"
13 years ago
blinks, breaking out into a wide grin at her reaction. "No! I'm a monk~"
13 years ago
opens the door and looks at him closer, has a very large knife in her little hands. "What's a monk? That sounds like Mongol."
13 years ago
stares at the knife. "A monk is a religious man, sort of like a priest."
13 years ago
"priest? A church father?" still holding the knife. He could be a Mongol in disguise!
13 years ago
nods. "Yes... B-Besides, brother Mongolia lives on top of China... I live on the bottom."
13 years ago
's face gets a look of horror. "Y-your brother?" backs away, holding the knife in front of her with both hands.
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, I-I'm Tibet... We're related."
13 years ago
makes a face of horror. "Don't kill me!"
13 years ago
looks horrified at the suggestion. "Kill- Why would I- No! Never! I wouldn't ever kill someone!" Shakes his head in a violent no.
13 years ago
jabs the knife in his direction. "Not even if your brother tells you to?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. "No! Never! Killing is bad!" Shivers as a gust of wind picks up. "B-Besides, we haven't talked in... Years...."
13 years ago
"Why are you shivering, and why are you dressed like that outside? You should go home."
13 years ago
shivers again. "I'm cold, a-and I would go home, only I don't know where I am..."
13 years ago
points at the front door behind her. "This is my house." As if that will help him at all.
13 years ago
smiles and tries to stop his teeth from chattering. "Y-you have a ver-very nice house."
13 years ago
"Dziakuj." notices his chattering teeth. "Are you cold?"
13 years ago
nods. "Y-Yes, I'm a little chilly..."
13 years ago
"Oh, come inside." turns and walks into her house, still holding the knife. The house is a bit cluttered from a pre-schooler living in_
13 years ago
it alone for the past two days.
13 years ago
walks inside gratefully. "Th-Thank you..."
13 years ago
closes the door and looks at him. Takes off her coat and tosses it on the floor next to the door. walks over to the picture she's drawing _
13 years ago
and gets back to work on it.
13 years ago
curiously looks over her shoulder to see what's she's drawing.
Belarus is
13 years ago
drawing a picture of herself picking mushrooms in a forest. hums to herself and kicks her feet in the air while she draws.
13 years ago
sits down close by her, but not next to her in case that startles her. He has no intention of getting stabbed. "You draw very well!"
13 years ago
"Dziakuj." colors another lopsided mushroom. "You can draw a picture if you want."
13 years ago
hums in thought. "Mm, that would be nice..." Looks around for a piece of paper.
13 years ago
takes a sheet from the pile next to her. "Here." slides it over to him.
13 years ago
nods his thanks. He produces a pencil from his sleeve and begins to draw a design for a mandala.
13 years ago
looks up from her picture and watches Tibet, curious at what he's drawing.
Tibet has
13 years ago
a smile on his face as he watches the drawing look more and more like a mandala and less and less like a random series of pencil marks.
13 years ago
furrows her brow, trying to figure out what it is a picture of. "What is that?"
13 years ago
| "Hm? This is a mandala! It's a design that means things. This one's for peace."
13 years ago
can't make out any 'picture', but does notice patterns. "Why is it about peace?"
13 years ago
draws a few more lines here and there. "I don't know. Somebody a long time ago decided it was."
13 years ago
not sure how drawing a picture can make peace, but likes the patterns. returns to her picture, drawing a few more mushrooms.
Tibet will
13 years ago
give it to her if she likes.
Belarus likes
13 years ago
the picture, because the patterns are pretty.
Tibet will
13 years ago
give it to her then!
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