's f-locked, since I don't feel like owning up to most of that publicly. So if you aren't on my list, lemme know and I'll hook you up.
...also it's 5:30 in the morning and I haven't slept and that is pure unedited stream of consciousness babbling
So unless you are SUPER CURIOUS for some reason? It's so not worth your time to read it.
(I nearly never post to it, so fair warning)
Leeeeemmme add you but dude. YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ THAT ENTRY JUST FYI
you will fall asleep in your keyts
like when I was all "dude I should add you!" I meant so you could see the pics of my shower frog that are going up later and junk
MAN I GOT NOTHIN ELSE TO DO I don't have to be at church for a few hours so yeah
...well uh. be kind. my fail is pretty fail okay.
I swear I used to write stuff that wasn't depressing I just kinda had to delete that journal long story
but yeah the next one will be funny I swear
...wow. you ACTUALLY never write in it. hahaha
Well I do, but to myself. You know, like a journal.
Ah yeah. I do that with mine when I feel like whining. /snort
I'm probably gonna start using it for rp/fandom related musings though.
Like the post I'm typing up now.
sweet! /gets ready to spring
But yeah, IRL stuff is generally private unless it's majorly life-changing
In which case, I'll plurk it.
I have friends who don't use plurk (okay like one lol) but yeah...I basically update the lj for her
and she for some reason likes hearing all this junk anyway. /shrug
...also that would have made a horrible plurk haha
/crawls under the couch and hidea like a grown up
I imagine for the same reason as the e-hug
I normally wouldn't write/link that I swear but two people asked and I didn't want to explain it twice
I.....can't even. D: /smashes into from the internet lovingly?
I totally only thought like 2 people were gonna read this
well 3 cos Tricky always does, she's a bro
but okay yeah.../embarrassed forever
Just...yeah. In the process of Being a Better Person and Fixing the Broke Stuff ....
idk what is with those random caps but yeah w/e
(Jenx and Litha I blame you for this horrifying internet self embarrassment moment)
it's okay, everyone has to have a few horrifying sappy internet moments in their lives
I tried to make it funny I was just sleep deprived
I am totally gonna re-write it full of funny
so people stop hugging me
no no I meant this plurk was sappy haha.
pffft...no it is cool. I am leaving that up until Jenx reads it and then PRIVATING THE HELL OUTTA IT
and then re-writing it as a fairytale or something fun
Read the new version it will be way bettah
when I say fairytale think Monty Python. :| with less dead parrot of course....probably.
Man. I've said this before but it bears repeating: you are fucking amazing. I don't even. Yeah. I really hope somebody give you a break on
the whole school thing cause you deserve it. (cosy) And thanks for telling us, sorry if I internet-embarassed you.
...amazingly fail, man, yeah. haha...and I hate the word "deserve" like you don't even know, but I feel the sentiment.
and I know you were just asking cos you care and junk so I am embarrassed but like...just of myself, not annoyed at you
and stop hugging me guys hahaha I feel like SUCH A LOSER right now
Fuck I did the wrong cozy again. And there is nothing to be embarassed about? Like I said, you're amazing. I didn't mean that in a fail way.
I mean. You don't fucking give up. You do so much.
I have no idea how you do it.
So you've had a shitty situation to work with, but I mean. Yeah. You're amazing. :|bb
...well giving up would suck. And you do what you gotta do. Or at least you should. If I had like...oh I dunno GONE TO MY FUCKING CLASSES?
this wouldn't have happened anyway
Well it's not like you were skipping them because you were a lazy ass or anything. :|
Hahaha...sure I was, sometimes. On some days I totally thought that sleep outweighed school. Which is like throwing
$50 away every skipped class. I totally earned the humble pie I'm homfing right now man.
Just. Trying to get my groove back.
B| You talk about sleep like it's not important.
Give yourself credit where credit is due. Seriously.
And in the long run? I could have done without it on the better number of those days. I just let being tired and stressed and depressed
about junk get to me and fuck up my academics
Bad move. Now, I counter myself.
I'm a fucking lazy asshole who needed to try and force SOME kind of structure and discipline into my life. It's a very different situation.
BUT YEAH you're only human, etc etc. You couldn't expect to keep on like that constantly.
Annnnnnnnd I have to go be productive now but SERIOUSLY YOU'RE AMAZING STOP DISCREDITING YOURSELF bye
Hahaha, ofourse I am amazing, I am PETER PAN bitches. But ngl, I failed here and I'm owning up to it.
/waits by mailbox for home baked love anyway
/because food is too love okay