I am suddenly wide awake and emailing people about jobs. I...really need to write a real resume sometime.
Eck my man, getting a fucking job is hardcore when you do not know the whole damned town
But I am sending you "hired like a mofo" vibes, 'kay babe?
You and me are gettin PAID
...man I fail at watching TV
fuck yar I can make sushi...I guess
1-books: mail, store, sell and read the stuff that needs to be blah blah
(ps if anyone wants the list of ones I'm giving out again hit me up and I'll repost)
...cos those are heavy for moving urgh and space takey and not so good at being outdoors
2-futon...sell or give away because OW NOT GOOD FOR SLEEPING ON and really fucking heavy/awkward
(I suggest selling if at all possible)
3-dishes and clothes hangers, either sell or give away the extras, take the ones I'm keeping to Bill's
4-get forms from Y, turn in papers at school...
...okay that is good enough for the next 2 days
Sorry guys, done now, just wanted to write it somewhere before I forgot
lol and yeah sorry for random ranting and listing in my plurks but I didn't ever get that dayplanner yet
and I remember to check plurk every day. :|
No worries, it's your plurk, you should do what you want with it!
hahaha...I wouldn't be this annoying if people were still awake, but yeah when it is STUPID LATE I feel like I can babble
and people can just hit the "read" button once in the morning and it's all good
...man do I ever fail at sleep tonight
This always happens on days I have a ton to do the next day for some reason...probably cos I'm so easy to wind up
I can fix this with pudding, maybe...
/applies for jobs that are majorly out of her league lol