Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
strolling along, humming to herself.
latest #91
Yong Soo
13 years ago
sees her and wonders if he should approach her...
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
looks a bit daydream-y.
Yong Soo thinks
13 years ago
that may be good...but also thinks she may walk into things, so he gently taps her shoulder.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
jumps a bit and turns to look up at him. "Oh!" She laughs softly. "Sorry...Hi! How have you been?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins. "I've been doing pretty well! Just working...what about you?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and leans up to kiss his cheek. "I've been well love. It's good to see you."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiiiles. "It's nice to see you too!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and nuzzles his cheek before pulling away. "I'm glad that you're well then. Where are you headed?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
shrugs. "I have a bit of time off right now, so I'm just out for a walk! You?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and shrugs. "... about the same. It's a good day today."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, good! How has, gone?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks at this and pushes her hair over her shoulder. "... At the new restaurant you mean?" She pauses and laughs. "Oh! Or the other...? I'm
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
... retired, you could say."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at that. "Oh, really? What made you change your mind?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blushes a little and rubs her cheek. "... A Japanese woman, if you could believe that."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
blinks. "Eh? Really? IS t love?"
Soo Yeon thinks
13 years ago
about it and shrugs, blushing a bit darker. "... I dunno. BUt she's living with me."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. "Well, I hope you get to feel it!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at this. "Love or not, she makes me happy. And she's very gentle with me."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs a bit. "Well, I'm sure that's nice!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles a little. "She's beautiful. Lonely. She brought me a rose."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles in return. "Well, that's very nice of her! Sad that she's lonely, but nice!"
Soo Yeon thinks
13 years ago
about it, eyes showing that her mind is somewhere else. "... I'll keep her from being lonely..." she murmurs.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. "Of course...I'm sure she'll be happy about it too!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
blinks and looks up at him. "Oh but um. I'm rambling I suppose."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
shakes his head. "That's fine!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at him and takes his arm.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pats her hand.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nuzzles into the patting. "... what have you been doing~?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles. "Working...there was a very nice admiral that I met!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
arches a brow. "... Oh? A romantic meeting?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
shrugs. "He's a very nice man...!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly. "Oh I see. That's exciting right?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods, smiling. "Yes, it is!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and leans against him. "I'm glad you're doing well!"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. "It sounds like you're doing well too!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at him and nods. "I suppose so yeah!"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins. "Well, that's great for both of us!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and rubs his arm. "I think so. You'll have to meet my cute Japanese woman."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. "Oh, I'd like to! I'm sure she's very nice!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and tugs on his arm. "... Maybe if you come teach me how to cook breakfast."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at that. "Well, if you really want me to!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
pouts up at him. "I can't cook breakfast... So I need help I wanna be able to cook breakfast for her so." >3<
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles fondly. " is love, isn't it?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
furrows her brow. "I didn't say that. I'm talking omelets not feelings."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. " you want to take care of her?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
shrugs. "She just got kicked off of her own ship. She needs someone to help her. I've taken her into my home." >3>
Yong Soo
13 years ago
taps his chin. "But she is special to you, isn't she?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
makes a face at him and gently punches his ribs. "She's special. But is she special to me? I dunno. Now hush. I'll figure out what I feel."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
rubs his ribs, still laughing. "I'm sure you will!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at him and nods. "So you'll show me??"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. "Fine, I will!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this. "Hurray!" >w<
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins to her. "When do you want me to teach you?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and shrugs. "Whatever you think best."
Yi Ling
13 years ago
shrugs. "Well, I'll teach you whenever you want!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and kisses his cheek. "Thank you!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
(( ... not Korea -w- ))
Yong Soo
13 years ago
((Shhhh >w<))
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles brightly to her.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles back, liking how happy he is. >w<
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
very happy! He likes that she seems to put him in a good mood.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
leans her face against his arm as they walk.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pats her head. "What do you want to do?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and shrugs. "Whatever you're up to I guess."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
shrugs. He doesn't really know what to do. "Uhh..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly and watches his face. >w>
Yong Soo
13 years ago
rubs the back of his head. "I guess I don't know either!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and kisses his cheek. "You're so cute." >u<
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs a bit. "I'm cute?" He asks.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "yeah! You are!"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles. "Well, you're cute too!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs and nods. "Well I am~ What can I say~"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
ruffles her hair a bit, laughing.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
ruffles her hair a bit, laughing.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
ruffles her hair, laughing a bit.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
(( didn't....say it sent it....x|))
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and kisses his cheek. "Awwww~"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
(( It's being strange right now. ))
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles, and plays with her hair. "I really like this time with such a cute girl~"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "Oh don't you now? How could you dislike it~"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
shrugs. "I dunno~ I'm sure there would be someone who wouldn't like it!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs at this and shrugs. "Well you're too smart for that.~"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods. "Of course, of course~!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at him and giggles a little. "You flatter me too much."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I flatter you because you deserve to be flattered!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and kisses his cheek. "How sweet~'
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs a bit at that!
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at him and leans against his arm.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pats her head, not minding the leaning at all.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this too, giggling.
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