Germany is
13 years ago
waiting patiently by the kitchen entrance for Feliciano.
latest #126
13 years ago
rushes out so quickly he bumps into Lud's chest and falls back with a small yelp.
13 years ago
bends down and picks him up setting him back down on his two feet. "Ready?"
Feliciano is
13 years ago
grateful for the help, rubbing his sore butt. That had hurt... "Si~! Lead the way~"
13 years ago
turns on his heel and leads the out of the prison and to his house not wasting any time at all. He rummages through his pocket for his key
13 years ago
before finding it and opening the door for Feliciano.
13 years ago
had a bit of trouble keeping up with his long strides, so he was more than happy to be at Lud's, trotting in and throwing himself on the_
13 years ago
13 years ago
slips off his shoes and hangs his jacket before going over to Feliciano and kneeling down before him and silently pulling of the others
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shoes and placing them at the door.
13 years ago
smiles at this, wiggling his toes. "So what did you have in mind for dinner, Lud?"
13 years ago
stands up and dusts his pants. "I was going to make a pasta dish that is quite famous in Bavaria. It's calle Gnocchi although I am quite
13 years ago
sure you are familiar with it as well." He knew that Feliciano really liked pasta and so after long hours of thinking had decided on this.
13 years ago
sits up, eyes wide. His stomach rumbled at the thought. Y-Yum. "O-Oooh...T-That is delicious!" He gets up once he had caught his breath,_
13 years ago
moving over to take his hand and entwine their fingers together. "Grazie, Luddy~"
13 years ago
stares at their hands, liking the way Feliciano's smaller one fit in his. "Bitte..."
13 years ago
takes his other hand too staring up at him adoringly. "Can I kiss you now?"
13 years ago
13 years ago
stands on his tippy toes waiting for him to lean down.
13 years ago
leans down.
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happily gives him a quick kiss.
13 years ago
smiles down at him before gently petting his head. "I'll go get dinner ready."
13 years ago
hums happily. "I'll set the table~"
Germany is
13 years ago
completely fine with that. He goes off to the kitchen to prepare the meal. He would try his best to make it as good as if Feliciano was
13 years ago
cooking it.
13 years ago
gets to work on the table, making it look quite romantic. He even managed to find candles to place in the middle and he folded all the_
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napkins nicely. Hopefully Lud would like it~
13 years ago
had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when he comes out with two plates full of the gnocchi. He's eyes fall on the table and he's
13 years ago
actually impressed by the way it is set up. Feliciano really put some effort in it. He places the plates in their appropriate location
13 years ago
before grabbing the bottle of red wine he had been saving for a special occasion. "Would you like some wine with your meal?"
13 years ago
takes his seat when Ludwig returns, nodding to his question. "Si, I would, thank you~ The food looks delicious as well!"
13 years ago
smiles and pours him a cup and one for himself as well. "Thank me after you try the food." He takes a seat and picks up his fork digging in.
Feliciano is
13 years ago
eager to try it, quickly picking up the fork and shoving some of the pasta into his mouth. "M-Mm! Luddy, you cook really good~ I'm so_
13 years ago
lucky~" He chirps, definitely pleased with this turn out.
Germany is
13 years ago
relieved. He was scared that it would not meet the Italians standards. "I'm glad you like it." He was liking it.
Feliciano thinks
13 years ago
he worries too much. He takes a sip of his wine, eyeing Ludwig for a moment, before smiling at him. "It made me happy that you invited me!"
13 years ago
glances into his wine glass detachedly but looks up when he hears Feliciano speak. "Really?"
13 years ago
sets the glass down and nods! "Si~ It's the first time~" He won't forget it.
13 years ago
...well now that he thought about it Feliciano had been the one always asking. He felt a little bad about that but at least he had made
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the effort this time. "I guess it is..."
13 years ago
finishes up his food, stomach quite content now. "It's a good day~" He chirps, happy to be back at Lud's. "Delicious food and good company_
Feliciano is
13 years ago
the best~"
13 years ago
nods in agreement. "Ja, I agree." He starts clearing the table.
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stops him. "Allow me tonight~"
13 years ago
stops, the host in him doesn't want to let him but the way Feliciano had asked made him want to give in to the others wishes. "Are you
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, beginning to take the dishes. "You go relax! You had a long day~"
Germany is
13 years ago
very grateful for this and places the dishes he has already piled up on the table before leaning down and gently kissing the top of
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Feliciano's head. "Danke~"
13 years ago
's eyes light up at that, wanting to hurry up and finish so he could sit with him. "Be right back!" He tells him, scurrying into the_
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kitchen to begin the clean up.
13 years ago
smiles as he heads over to his sofa and takes a seat picking up a book as he waited for Feliciano to finish up. Of course, he'd probably go
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make one last swipe when the Italian wasn't looking.
Feliciano is
13 years ago
back to singing lightly as he worked, efficiently making his way through the dishes. While it wasn't his favorite thing to do, he was good_
13 years ago
at cleaning. But if you saw one saw his house, they would be left to wonder. After a short while of tidying up, he makes his way back to _
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plop down next to the german. "All done~"
13 years ago
smiles. "That was quick." Well, not really, since he got through a good twenty pages of his book before the Italian arrived beside
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him. "Relax now."
13 years ago
obeys and lays on his lap happily, wishing to be close since it was a little chilly in the house. "It's really getting cold outside, think_
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it will snow?"
13 years ago
glances out his window. "Probably, the weather forecast has predicted snow in the next week or so." He murmurs as he gently plays with
13 years ago
Feliciano's hair.
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nuzzles into the hand. "We should play in the snow when it does~"
13 years ago
had never really done that...except for when he was a kid but he barely remembers that. "What would you play in the snow?"
13 years ago
stretches out, making himself more comfortable. "We can build snow men! Or make snow angels! Snow forts for snow ball fights~ It's fun!"
13 years ago
prods the curl on Feliciano's head curiously. "I'm going to assume that you play in the snow often in which case you'll have to teach me how
13 years ago
to make these things."
13 years ago
shuts up immediately, going briiiiiight red. A-A-Ahhh...
13 years ago
isn't at all paying too much attention as he continues to poke the curl completely unfazed that the Italian hadn't answered his question.
13 years ago
shivers a bit, squeezing his eyes shut. "L-Lud!" His voice betrayed him, coming out in mixture of a moan and a whine.
13 years ago
freezes...He slowly pulls his hand away. "J-ja?" He hoped that didn't sound like what he thought it did.
13 years ago
squirms a little, sitting up. His face was all flushed as he looked at him. "T-that..."
13 years ago
looks completely lost. "That?"
13 years ago
can't bring himself to say it. It was embarrassing. "V-Ve...Nothing..."
13 years ago
stares at him for a bit before shrugging. "You never answered by question."
13 years ago
looks as embarrassed as he feels. "E-E-Ero..." That's all he could get out.
13 years ago
frowns. "Ero? Feliciano...what are you trying to say?" He can tell the other is blushing but doesn't see why nor does he understand why.
13 years ago
finally manages to get it out. "E-Erog-genous...z-zone..."
13 years ago
....face goes beat red and he freezes. That was unexpected.
Feliciano is
13 years ago
just as red. He hadn't expected Ludwig to touch it. He was trying to calm down and wasn't sure what Ludwig was thinking.
13 years ago
had not idea that curl was an erogenous was that even possible!? He averts his gaze from that of Feliciano's. "Ahh, sorry."
Feliciano was
13 years ago
a strange creature through and through. "No it's okay~" Lud could touch it if he wanted to now.
13 years ago
doesn't know if he should...
13 years ago
tilts his head at him, wondering if he had anymore questions. "Is there anything you want to know about me Lud~?"
13 years ago
does actually. "Are there any other mysterious erogenous zones that I should know about?"
13 years ago
|"None that I am aware of!" He chirped.
13 years ago
- "Good...wouldn't want to make the same mistake twice."
13 years ago
giggles a bit at this, the curl in question bouncing a bit at the action. "Si~ I hope next time you know~!
13 years ago
would have been horrified if someone had touched his erogenous zone by mistake not giggling about it. "I'll definitely know."
Feliciano has
13 years ago
people grab it a lot. He grew used to it, even though it was always awkward at first. "Anything else?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. He couldn't think of anything at the moment. "Do you have any questions for me?"
Feliciano thinks
13 years ago
for a moment before innocently asking. "Does Lud have an erogenous zone~?"
13 years ago
- "Nein. Or at least none that I am aware of."
13 years ago
seems disappointed. Oh well. "Better this way, you don't have people constantly tugging it!"
13 years ago
- "Very true...hmmm, Feliciano do you mind if I quickly go take a shower. I should be back very soon. I can put a movie on for you?"
13 years ago
nods to him. "Okay~ You can do that~"
13 years ago
pats him on the head before putting on a German movie and then heading upstairs to the bathroom. He would be quick...ish.
13 years ago
stares at the movie a while, he didn't get it...and it was starting to skip. Eventually he made his way upstairs and let himself into the _
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bathroom. "Luddy, are there any other movies~?"
13 years ago
thought he had locked the bathroom door... "Did you check in the cabinets under the TV." He says trying hard to restrain the tone of
13 years ago
embarassment out of his voice.
Feliciano is
13 years ago
unfazed. "I did but those were even weirder!" A pause, and he adds. "I didn't know you were into that sort of thing."
13 years ago
nearly bashes his head against the wall. "...I-i-i...."He stutters before groaning in complete embarassment. "Can you give me a few seconds
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods again. "Okay~ Waiting!" He didn't move.
13 years ago
pokes his head out. "Out there." He frowns.
13 years ago
shuffles out of the bathroom, not closing the door. He waits.
13 years ago
- "Feliciano! Close the door!"
13 years ago
blinks at this, still not understanding what the problem is. He finally closes it though.
13 years ago
let's out a sigh....did Feliciano not know what the meaning of privacy is?! He finishes washing up and grabs a towel drying himself off as
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best as he can before wrapping it around his waist. He really hoped Feliciano had gone downstairs to wait. He opens the door getting ready
13 years ago
to make a run for his room.
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had no concept of the word! He ran outside naked in spring sometimes. He forgot to put on pants... He takes a seat, waiting for the other to
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finish. He didn't understand what the big deal was.
13 years ago
, seeing no Italian let out a sigh of relief before going to his room, changing and soon enough descending the stairs to find Feliciano. "So
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what movie did you want to watch?"
13 years ago
clings to the now clean Lus, thinking he smelled quite nice. "Something I can understand!"
13 years ago
drags the attached Italian to the American movie section. It wasn't a very big selection but enough to satisfy. "Take your pick."
13 years ago
stared at the choices before picking quite a romantic movie. "This~"
13 years ago
stares at it. He didn't even know he had that but won't deny Feliciano and goes to set the movie up.
13 years ago
follows him around like a puppy. "You are going to watch it too, si?"
13 years ago
didn't have anything else planned. "Ja, I'll watch it with you." He says as he settles down on his couch.
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snuggles up to him excitedly. "Yay~" He would probably end up falling asleep.
13 years ago
presses play and lets the movie start.
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didn't last long at all, dozing off somewhere near the middle.
13 years ago
turns of the film, gently picks him up and carries him upstairs tucking him in bed before planting a kiss and heading back downstairs.
13 years ago
sleeps for a little while, before waking up again and looking around sleepily for Lud.
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